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    13 Times Celebs Got Caught Trying To Fake A Picture

    With all the layers of high-end makeup, endless airbrushing, and hours of “glam squad” attention many famous celebrities get on the regular, seeing a real, unedited photo of themselves can have the potential to seriously freak them out. An honest, unretouched photo can reveal the lack of the coveted “thigh gap,” chunky and dimply cellulite, unsightly acne-blemished skin, dreaded “bra fat,” you name it.

    That is why a number of well-known celebs have been caught trying to fake their perfection by Photoshopping and editing their own pictures before posting them for their throngs of adoring fans on their social media pages. No pic is Instagram-worthy unless the star is “on fleek.” But unless these stars do the editing job with total precision and OCD-level perfection, the nasty online trolls and out-from-under-a-rock haters will call them out on their obvious blunders for the whole world to know and poke fun at.

    These celebs below were trying to post flawless photos of themselves but wound up looking totally flawed in the narcissistic department. Don't they have “people” who can do this type of stuff for them? Where the heck is the social media intern when you need her the very most?

    Take a look at these 13 embarrassing fake photo fails and try to notice what's wrong. Hey, celebs, we know you are not really picture perfect in real life, so show us the true you and leave the “perfection” to the glossy magazines hocking the unattainable image.

    13 Pies and Thighs

    Mariah Carey looks as good as that homemade pie in this pic, but haters were calling her out once it was posted online. That's because the pictures looks like she fixed her leg area so it would look thinner. If you can see the kitchen cabinet behind her legs, you will see a slight warping - a clear sign that the photo has been altered. With the looks of her shirt (or what's left of it), it seems Mariah is not all that shy about letting it all hang out, so what's an extra inch or two on her inner thigh? Plus, if she is so concerned about a few extra pounds, then perhaps she ought to trade in that fattening pie for a fruit cup. But if you think about it, this mistake is tame compared to the fiasco she experienced during her New Year's performance. Compared to that debacle, you could say that the diva could stomach this photo mishap much better.

    12 Perked Up with Photoshop

    Here is another unfortunate entry from Mrs. Kanye West. Kim has yet again posted an altered pic of herself when it was clear to those who saw her in person that the online version was made better by an editing job. In the real pic, her bust and bottom don't look quite as perky as they do in the retouched version, the gap between her legs was widened, and her waist was cinched in. Had she not been spotted in public, then these edits would have gone unnoticed. Most would argue that Kim looked A-OK in her natural (or as natural as she is) state, and that the Photoshopping was totally uncalled for. But Kim always wants to show off her best self, so a few digital nips and tucks are OK in her book. Considering this is not the first time she's fixed her photos, then it won't be surprising if she edits them again.

    11 Beyoncé Thigh Gap Gaffe

    Doesn't Queen Bey know that her buzzing “beehive” members pay close attention to anything and everything she posts and does? While Beyoncé looks amazing in this sexy bikini with gold tones and jewels, and her hair looks fresh and fun, that Photoshopping blunder is all anyone could talk about. If you look between her legs towards the top, you will see that one stair looks off-center, making people believe that Bey edited the pic so that her legs would look more shapely and fit. Oh, Mrs. Jay Z… you have a beyond fabulous life and an enviable body. Leave the editing for a real issue, not an extra ounce of perceived thigh fat on your lovely legs. Or at least do the Photoshopping work more carefully the next time around! Besides, you already have an enviable enough body. Isn't that enough?

    10 Golfing Goof Up

    Again, it looks like Beyoncé wanted to change the shape of her upper legs and create a noticeable gap that would be more impressive than a hole in one. Her legs look perfectly fine without an obviously touched-up space between them, and while being photographed playing sports, it's evident that Bey likes to try to stay in shape. With or without the edit, it's quite clear how hard she works to maintain her body. Of course, it is possible that the awkward gap was formed by the position the singer is standing in. But online “experts” weighed in and came to the conclusion that Bey hacked this pic in order to look thinner. If she would pay more attention to golfing rather than Photoshopping, perhaps her swing would improve and she'd get naturally slimmer. Plus, a pair of golf shoes wouldn't hurt.

    9 Belly Up

    Pop singer and performer Britney Spears is no stranger to being picked apart relentlessly by the media. But sometimes she does kind of sets up the scene herself. For instance, in this concert performance pic, it seems like her abs were seriously and not-so-believably enhanced either by editing after the pic was taken or by a heavy-handed and terrible makeup job that doesn't look even remotely real. Brit is back in darn good shape and looks great naturally, so why the need for this faux six-pack is beyond our wildest imaginations. While Brit may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, even she knows that a good editing job is the key to a great Instagram post. Next time, she should let her natural abs shine through and leave the makeup for her face. Fortunately, she's posted more than enough good photos for her followers.

    8 Waist Whittler

    Kim Kardashian is no stranger to taking selfies (in fact, she published an entire book full of them), and she has always embraced her ample curves. But in this pic, it doesn't seem like she is embracing her waist as much. It seems like she nipped it in a bit because if you look at the door behind her, there's a curvature to it. Unless she took this pic in a mirrored fun house, it's a clear indication that Kim did a little editing work and got caught. Kim loves the spotlight, so any attention is good attention. But she probably wishes nobody noticed that she whittled her waist in so she would look like the perfect hourglass. “Momager” Kris couldn't even get this one off the internet before it went viral. What's worse is this isn't the first time the reality TV star doctored her photos.

    7 Middle Mess

    The beyond beautiful supermodel, Miranda Kerr, is as close to picture perfect as one could get, so realizing that she posted an edited pic of herself is quite the shocker. Her middle was slimmed down from what is already a super-tiny waist and she claimed that she didn't realize the pic was altered since she found it on a fan site and just reposted it. Didn't she realize that her toned tummy looked way smaller than usual, or did she think her fellow models were just a bit thicker 'round the middle? Or perhaps she didn't bother with taking a closer look at edited photo. If Photoshopping your pictures is Victoria's Secret, then the jig is up thanks to Ms. Kerr. With all the photos she's seen of herself over the years, you'd think she'd be able to recognize her own shape!

    6 Skirting the Issue

    The Victoria's Secret angel strikes again! This shot was taken before the celebration that unveiled her cover photo for Elle Japan. In this photo, model Miranda Kerr is looking as amazing as ever, but it seems like she took to photoshopping once again. If you look carefully, you will see that as her long and lean legs taper in, the carpet beneath is also a bit warped. It looks like Miranda wanted to further enhance her already awesome body by slenderizing her frame to look impeccable. Little did she realize the rug below would get the editing treatment as well. With a gorgeous gown like the one she's got on and a perfect face and hairdo to match, the need for any touching up seems completely crazy. It goes to show you that even models are hung up on their bodies just like many of us regular folks are.

    5 Lopsided Lady

    Lady Gaga is always an open book and loves to show off her sense of style (who could forget the meat dress at the Video Music Awards?) and her fabulous body. After all, she's not afraid to flaunt her well-toned physique in her music videos. But in this photo, the diva seems to have edited her shape as made evident by the warping of the mirror in the background. Her fitness is obvious, so it was not necessary for her to make a slight correction to the pic in order for her to be more perfect. We all know that Gaga is fit and flexible since she kills it in every cardio-busting performance. Her fans love her no matter how she looks, and they were probably disappointed to see that even she has fallen victim to the Photoshopping craze. Next time, we'd love to see a pic of Gaga looking gorgeous au natural.

    4 O'Day, No Way

    Aubrey O'Day loves to step out in super sexy clothing that leaves little to the imagination. But if she's going to be seen out in public one way and post a pic looking totally different, people are going to talk out about it. Her body looks pretty good naturally, but her edited pic looks far too much like a Barbie doll to be even slightly believable. Waist cinchers may do the trick, but unless she got a few ribs removed before posting her pic online, then this Photoshop job is far too unrealistic for anyone to take her seriously. If Aubrey is so concerned about the size of her middle, then perhaps she shouldn't step out on the town in such form-fitting clothing. Even a jacket would solve her problem. Nevertheless, Miss Aubry O'Day won't let this mishap stop her from flaunting her curves for all to see.

    3 Sit Up Screw Up

    Leave it to actress Lindsay Lohan to post a pic of herself trying to look fit and healthy only for everyone to notice that she doctored the photo so that her belly would look slimmer. Just look at the floor and mat to her side, which is warped since she cinched in her middle a few inches. It seems that as hard as she tries, Lindsay is always making the news for some type of slip up, and one like this could have been easily avoided. Surely her belly looked just fine in the position she was in anyway, so why edit it just to look a smidge better? If she spent more time exercising and less time editing, her belly would look good enough to post as is. However, this little screw up is minor compared to all the other scandals the actress has gone through. One could only hope that people would forget about this eventually.

    2 Leg Lie

    No one can deny that Khloe Kardashian has totally transformed her body, so why she felt the need to edit her pic is entirely questionable. See, if you look at the side of her leg, you'll notice that the door is warped. This most likely means that she nipped in her leg by Photoshopping for some added (and unnecessary) definition. It seems like she was trying to show off her washboard abs anyway, so why she needed to take a pinch off her leg is a mystery. Khloe is fitter and more fab than ever before, and no one would have noticed if her thigh was a centimeter larger. But now, all anyone can focus on is her editing blunder rather than the svelte and muscular body she's worked so hard to achieve. It seems as if the Kardashians will go the extra mile to look perfect.

    1 Curtain Call

    And the reigning Photoshop queen is none other than Beyoncé! Bey has a serious Photoshopping addiction. In this pic, it is obvious that she tried to whittle her middle. You can see the warped curtains behind her as proof that she tried to edit her shape. If you're going to take pics in a skin-tight bathing suit, why bother to edit the photo? She may have 99 problems, as her suit says, and evidently, retouching all of her photos seems to be a big one. Beyoncé is so pretty and fit, so why does she feel the need to make these tweaks all the time? Surely her fans adore her completely, and this editing only distracts from her true beauty. If she is so concerned about her waistline, then why not cover up with a sarong? We can only hope that she stops this editing nonsense in the future.