Laman » Hiburan » 13 Times Celebs Shot Down Their Trolls On Twitter

    13 Times Celebs Shot Down Their Trolls On Twitter

    Celebrities are constantly in the spotlight, whether it's at The Grammy's, shopping in Hollywood or making a quick morning Starbucks run in their sweatpants and bedhead. It's simply not possible for celebrities to escape the public eye - especially not now, thanks to social media.

    Fans and non-fans alike have free reign to say what's on their mind when it comes to tweeting their favorite (and most hated) celebrities. Whether it's praise or criticism they're receiving, many celebrities have shown us that they simply won't take any flack online.

    The following celebrities have addressed the insulting, and often offensive tweets they've received with sharp tongued and witty comebacks - much to the trolls' surprise. And while their responses to rude comments are certainly entertaining (and unexpected), they've earned the respect of many for being quick enough to slam down their twitter trolls in a calm, cool and collected fashion.

    13 James Blunt

    Sure, James Blunt may be categorized as an acoustic soft-rock singer, but he's no softie when it comes to social media.

    His twitter account proves he has a long history of retweeting and replying to his trolls with sarcastic and clever responses. His candid comebacks are enough to make you wonder if the trolls are secretly fans - and are dishing out the hefty insults just for his reaction and a good laugh.

    One of his recent tweets shuts down a troll who says “I cannot stand James blunt.” His response: “Have a seat. I have that effect on people.”

    Even if you're not a fan of James Blunt's music, his tweets may convert you to being a fan of his twitter account, at the very least.

    12 Kim Kardashian

    No celebrity is better at breaking the Internet than the Queen of the Internet herself.

    Early in March 2016, Kim posted a nearly-nude selfie, where other celebrities, such as Bette Midler, took over for the trolls and offered up criticism to the controversial photograph, that was retweeted 15,000 times in just two hours.

    Bette Midler tweeted to Kim: “Kim Kardashian tweeted a nude selfie today. If Kim wants us to see a part of her we've never seen, she's going to have to swallow the camera.”

    In response, Kim shot back “hey Bette Midler, I know it's past your bedtime but if you're still up and reading this send nudes #justkidding.”

    Kim wasted no time with tweeting several other comebacks complete with cheeky hashtags, although the tweets were more “Yeezy” style, suggesting Kanye was actually the one behind the screen. The long, entertaining twitter thread went viral and Kim closed it with - you guessed it - another nude selfie.

    11 J.K. Rowling

    We certainly know Ms. Rowling has a way with words, but she also has a way with the trolls.

    A disgruntled “former” Harry Potter fan took to twitter to let J.K. Rowling know how angry he was that Dumbledore was revealed as homosexual. His tweet read “Once you revealed Dumbledore was homosexual I stopped being a fan. Nice how u blindsided us with that one. Enjoy your billion $.”

    To which Rowling responded “I advise you to start following Brian Souter at once. He's much more your kind of person.”

    Note: for anyone who doesn't know who Brian Souter is, he's an entrepreneur best known for funding a campaign to prevent gay marriage from becoming legal.

    10 Hugh Hefner

    According to his tweets, we can learn a thing or two about respect from the infamous playboy. The editor-in-chief of Playboy Magazine is best known for being surrounded by beautiful women, but he's no jerk about it.

    A fan took to twitter to ask Hugh how he has so many women around him all the time- erm, perhaps with a more colorful choice of words:

    “How do you have so many bitches?”

    To which Hugh's response was nothing short of classy:

    “I have a lot of girlfriends because I don't call them bitches, Jroe. A little respect will take you a long way.”

    Beautifully said, Hugh.

    9 Dean McDermott

    The reality TV star and husband of Tori Spelling responded to a tweet that was meant for his wife to see, while she was in the hospital recovering from an illness.

    On October 23, Tori Spelling tweeted: “This sick in the hospital I finally see how quickly life can take it all away from you… “ To which a troll responded: “LMAO! Fame whore @Tori_Spelling TRASHtagging her way thru life, incl DUMB decision to have kids w/ douche @imdeanmcdermott @ChoppedCanada @ew”.

    Suffice to say, Dean didn't take well to the berating of his recovering wife and responded: “Notice u didn't post a pic of urself on your profile there cupcake. Can you say coward? Sending u love anyway. No hate.”

    Although this tweet was the first in a sequence of nasty tweets between Dean and the trolls, Tori's original tweet was what tossed the trolls their bait in the first place.

    8 Ricky Gervais

    Naturally, you'd expect funny tweets from a comedian. But it's clear that Ricky Gervais became so fed up with the trolls (none to name in particular) that he took to twitter to express his annoyance, with a dash of profanity. His open letter to the trolls read:

    “Isn't it annoying that the really illiterate & rude people on twitter are so f***ing stupid that they forgot to kill themselves today?”

    Although the tweet disappeared from the interwebs shortly after, it was still up for a long enough time to be screenshot and publicly discussed.

    7 Olivia Wilde

    Leave it to Olivia to address anyone who wants to insult her appearance.

    After appearing at the Golden Globes, the actress heard that someone had compared her appearance to that of a "walking pickle". She took to Twitter to publicly respond to the anonymous insult, and tweeted:

    “Hahaaaa I just heard someone say I looked like a giant, walking pickle last night at the Globes. As a pickle enthusiast, I thank you.”

    Who'd agree that Olivia's response reminded the trolls of the good ol' Sticks 'n' Stones adage? There's no breaking this actresses bones - or her confidence.

    6 Kelly Clarkson

    The American pop singer, Kelly Clarkson, makes it clear that as a troll, you should never insult a celebrity unless you've done a grammar and spell-check first.

    In response to a tweet from a troll that read: “@kellyclarkson kelly your pathetic” , Kelly retweeted and replied:

    “Maybe, but at least I can spell “you're” when it's necessary.”

    She's also a children's book author, so grammatical errors aren't likely to pass her by. Nice try, trolls.

    5 Derren Brown

    Producer Derren Brown recently slammed down a homophobic tweet that received over 1,000 retweets from fans.

    An unimpressed, potentially-former-fan-turned troll-tweeted: “I feel f**king embarrassed that I followed a homosexual for a long duration I wish you see ma tweet to make you feel ashamed bastard.”

    Derren put the troll in his place with his cheeky response:

    “I'm very flattered you're attracted to me (if I read between the lines correctly) but I'm not looking for a bf right now. X”

    If the homophobic comment wasn't off-putting enough, the slang in the tweet sure is.

    4 Rihanna

    Even the stunning Barbadian singer/songwriter we know and love receives her fair share of tweets from the trolls.

    She's not always provocatively dressed, but when one of her racy outfits makes an appearance on the red carpet, in concert or in her music videos, the trolls are the first to take to social media and quickly express their distaste. Rihanna received a mildly condescending tweet from a troll that read:

    “Umm… Rihanna u do know ur boobs r hanging out in like all of ur videos… Right?”

    Rihanna's response was straight to the point: “Ur welcome”.

    3 Donald Trump

    Whether or not you'd consider Donald Trump a celebrity, he's easily become one of the most controversial Americans by running for president in 2016. And he seems to have just as many haters (if not more) than fans. The person trolling him in this tweet happens to be an American celebrity herself. The pop singer, Cher tweets her outrage against Donald Trump:

    “I'LL NEVER GO TO MACY'S AGAIN! I didn't know they sold Donald Trump's line! If they don't care that they sell products from a LOUDMOUTH!”

    Although he wasn't tagged in tweet, Donald Trump still saw it and responded:

    “Cher should spend more time focusing on her family and dying career!”

    Who wins the battle here? Is Cher really a troll?

    2 Gigi Hadid

    Gigi Hadid doesn't take twitter trolls lightly. So naturally, when a troll not only insulted how she walks, but also claimed that the new it-girl has a new boyfriend every two weeks, Gigi had a response:

    “I've dated 3 guys in 3 yrs, hun. My walk can always get better; I hope the unrelated bitterness in ur heart can too.”

    According to, the troll's tweet was triggered by Gigi posting glossy images of her new boyfriend, Zayn Malik, where she openly expressed her admiration.

    Apparently the tweet has since been removed from the socialite's twitter account, but it's unlikely that her response didn't leave a slight sting on the troll.

    1 Lady Gaga

    It's true - sometimes the biggest trolls of celebrities are celebrities themselves. That is, if you can consider celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton, a celebrity.

    Lady Gaga took to twitter to address a disturbing incident that one could consider being “trolled”. Perez Hilton had sent Lady Gaga a photo he'd created that depicted her in a wheelchair with Madonna pointing a gun at her, and the words “KARMA” written across the photo. Unfortunately, Perez Hilton has uncanny timing - and sent the photo to her on the day she got in a car accident, prior to the accident taking place.

    Lady Gaga tweeted “Still have the text Perez sent me of me in a wheelchair w the words KARMA written across + Madonna pointing a gun at me. Day of my accident.”