Laman » Hiburan » 14 Times Cara Delevingne Shocked Us

    14 Times Cara Delevingne Shocked Us

    A lot of people hate Cara Delevingne. That is a fact. Just like how it is a fact that a lot of people hate the Kardashians and Taylor Swift. Say hello to the world of Hollywood. One super common reason that people hate Cara Delevingne is because she does not fit the cookie-cutter model/actress mold. She is quirky and fun. And she does not care about what people think about her. Which is highly unlikely when you are in the world of modeling, where people are all about body shape and weight and all that crap. And don't we all hate anything that does not fit the cookie-cutter standards? Well, we love Cara Delevingne and we love everything about her because she never fails to shock us. She is amazing. Here are our favorite shocking Delevingne moments. Brace yourselves people, it is going to be fun! You probably have forgotten about these moment so enjoy!

    14 When She (Or Her Sister) Tamed A Pelican

    Do you think you can tame a pelican? Or any humungous bird for that matter? You can try taming lovebirds or a parrot because, well, they don't really need taming in the first place. They just need to get used to being in a cage and see your face every day. But Cara here has a thing for birds. Or at least that's what it seems. In this photo she posted on her Instagram, she shows us her sister's taming skills. It appears Poppy thought this is going to be an easy feat, showing us her gorgeous smile and all. But of course, no pelican would make training sessions easy. They like to make it rough, and Cara caught it on camera. This photo is just priceless, people. Even if it's not Cara herself taming the pelican. Aside from the fact that hanging out with pelicans is priceless, trying to tame it a totally different level. And it is more priceless, thanks to the adorable and at the same time, scary looks of these flying creatures.

    13 When She Slept On A Tree

    Only Cara Delevingne can sleep on a tree with no treehouse or hammock or whatever. Just her and the tree. Is that shocking? Honestly, it's not. We know Cara is a talented person and this is obviously a talent. What's shocking about this is how it's possible to really sleep comfortably on a tree without anything to, uhm, make it comfortable. She has said in interviews that she really enjoys sleeping outside and we bet (although we can't imagine doing such a thing). We need to try this, ladies. Seriously. Someone call a meeting and we should discuss when we'll have our tree sleepover. Because admit it or not, this is something worthy of trying, and your inner self knows that. Don't try to hide it. This makes you ridiculously excited. If you think climbing trees is only for kids, think again. Kids climb trees and then come down after a short time. But adults? We climb trees and actually sleep there. Thanks to Cara for enlightening us.

    12 When She Showed Us Her Cute Younger Self

    Now this is just precious. Nothing here is really shocking, aside from the fact that she looks exactly like Cara Delevingne! See, some of us have photos of our younger selves that our friends won't find familiar. They won't get to pinpoint you easily because so much has changed. And that's normal, you know. That's life. Puberty happens. And many other things in between. But Cara? Well she obviously went through puberty but it didn't change a thing. She's still the cute Cara she used to be when she's a kid. Just look at that huge, genuine smile. Her eyebrows might not be as prominent as it is today but hey, sometimes they take a long time to grow. That's probably what happened here. And this photo also shows us she was born with that “I'm gonna get you” playful look on her face. Something we secretly wish we have too. Wait, maybe we do. Mirror check, ladies…

    11 When She Let Kendall Jenner Lick Her Forehead

    If Cara would approach a random stranger and tell them that she wants to lick their forehead, this stranger would probably say yes. And then they would realize it's just gross. See, this photo is gross, but it is less gross knowing that Cara Delevingne is here. Because she has that magic of turning something gross into something fun. Which is why a lot of people want to be friends with her. Including Kendall. And not only that, she also licked Kendall's shoulder. How's that for friend goals?! CaKe is definitely missed. Seriously though, would you let your bestest friend lick your forehead or your shoulder? Will you let her tongue touch any part of you? Probably not. Because your bestie is not Delevingne. Only Delevingne can put her tongue on other people and not get scolded. That's how she rolls, people. And no doubt, this is a great example of being your authentic self.

    10 When She Wore Plastic

    Only Cara Delevingne can wear plastic and still look gorgeous. This photo was taken at Glastonbury and it's definitely one of her most shocking photos ever. Why? Well, simply because she wore plastic in the first place. Being the great model that she is, Delevingne would probably wear plastic if it's for the runway. But terrible plastic like this one? Now that's new. And take note, she's not alone. Which means she's so good at this she even convinced someone to do it with her. And it's Sophia Kerrison, no less, a holistic lifestyle manager and nutritionist. She got a nutritionist wear plastic. What can you say about that? Seriously though, if Delevingne's life goal is to shock us and amaze us, she is succeeding and she's succeeding with colors. It may be Glastonbury festival but fact is, she wore plastic and that's something not all of us can do and still flaunt it like a designer dress!

    9 When She Revealed Her True Self

    This sure is the best throwback Thursday photo ever! If we find a #tbt photo close to this, we'd be lucky. Seriously, this just shows Cara has been true to herself since Day 1. We all know the child in us never lies. It never fakes and it sure never reveals something not true to ourselves. And this photo shows Cara has been her child self ever since. We're not saying childish or immature, we're saying she keeps that amazing aura and attitude she developed in her childhood and she lets it flourish. Every single day. Definitely the best thing to do in life! Now if you feel lost or if you feel like your life sucks, you know exactly what to do. Go back to your childhood and tell that precious child it's totally and completely her time to shine. And then go shine with her. This sounds silly but this is worth it.

    8 When She Grabbed Karlie Kloss's Behind

    Butt-grabbing. We all find it inappropriate, right? We all think it is wrong. Because maybe it is. But when you are good friends with Cara, you know that grabbing behinds is part of a normal day. It is typical and it is not something inappropriate, especially if it is uhm, consensual. Seriously, people, only Delevingne is allowed to grab someone's behind and not get scolded. She will not get arrested for whatever grounds. In fact, she will gain more followers because she is being her true, silly self. That is something we should all try. Well, maybe not the behind-grabbing part. You get the point. Now if you think she is gay, who cares? Think however you want, we are pretty sure Cara doesn't care either. And if you think this is uncool, well, we are not sure what is cool for you. Because we are sure over 700,000 people find this cool.

    7 When She Kissed A Frog

    If you can kiss a frog, then we will treat you like a queen. Okay, maybe not. But we'll be sure to remind this universe of your awesomeness every single day. When we found this photo of Delevingne, we weren't really sure if she's serious about kissing that frog or just fooling around. But then again, Delevingne is known to do the extremes, and kissing a frog is definitely something extreme. But who cares if she really kissed that frog or not, she's holding it! It's on her hands. And it takes two hands to hold it, which means that is one big frog. And that's enough of an extreme act for us. We're good. Kissing is a totally different level. But in Delevingne's post, she said it's a real frog and she confirmed she kissed it. So, there you have it, friends. Stop asking because there's the answer. Cara is queen of everything bizarre.

    6 When She Ate Something

    If you can stuff food in your mouth like this, you're amazing. Yep, that's all. No reward and no shout-out of any kind. We'll just think you're amazing and then we'll move on. But see, if Cara stuffed a massive amount of food in her mouth, which she obviously did, she'll get shoutouts and reposts and regrams. And oh, over 1 million likes. Because she is Cara Delevingne. And it's not every day that you see a model and actress act this way. Oftentimes, they want to maintain an image that is too perfect it's next to fake. But Delevingne? Oh she is different. She is real. And when she's hungry, you know what will happen next. When she's bored, you also know what will happen next. She is unpredictable but we all know she's up for something ridiculous. And only Cara can make ridiculous look pretty. Only her can make pretty much anything look effortless and gorgeous. Like this one.

    5 When She Went All Prim And Proper

    Obviously, if you're at the White House, you will have to be at your best. There is no exception to this rule, including Cara Delevingne. But if you think she rebelled her way to the residence of the US President, you're wrong. And this one actually shocked us. She didn't pull any prank or went rogue or anything like that. In this photo she posted on Instagram a good 65 weeks ago, she was at her most prim and proper look. Tell us, have you ever seen Cara behave this way? No. Definitely not. She's always the wild one in the room, and the good kind of wild. But when she was at the White House, she thought it would be a great place to practice being prim and proper and as you can see, she's having a great practice session. She looks really great here. Now you know what to do if you know you're a wild queen and you want to be, well, less wild. Go to the White House and practice your prim and proper skills.

    4 When She Bought Herself A Kanye Doll

    Some toys are just limited edition, you know… and this one is totally customized. Only Cara can own something like this. Only she can own dolls that are almost doppelgängers of artists and other famous people. Now we're wondering how many other human-like dolls she have. We wonder if she has a Trump doll or a Kim Kardashian doll. Or maybe a Karl Lagerfeld? Do these people even know they have doll versions that look super creepy and so cool at the same time? If Kanye West knows this, would he freak out or would he think it's fun? Would he write a song about this the way Taylor Swift writes a song about her ex and past relationships. See people, sometimes, one photo of Cara raises tons of questions. Seriously though, nobody probably got mad about this, not even Kim K. Because it's Cara, for Pete's sake! Her photo-editing skills aren't the best but if she did it, it's totally fine.

    3 When She Made A Giant Bubblegum Balloon

    How are your gum balloon skills? If you've been following Cara on all her social media since Day 1, you'd know that she's a master of balloon making. Yes, we call it balloon making because it's practically that size. It's like she doesn't care that it's a gum, if she wants to make a giant balloon, she will. And she did. She still does, countless times. This is probably one of her humble hobbies when she's bored or when life in general becomes boring. But hey, there's nothing wrong here. It's not a crime to make giant bubblegum balloons. It would, however, be extra fun if she pops it over someone's head. Now that would be something. We're not trying to be a bully here, dear readers. We just think it's got to be fun and knowing Cara, it would be 100% more fun if she'd actually do it because she knows how to add humor to everything.

    2 When She Tried To Eat Pharrell Williams

    Why would anyone want to try to eat Pharrell Williams? We're not sure. But if Cara thinks it's cool or it's okay, then it is officially cool and okay. That's how this world works, people. Don't be trapped into what other people think or say is cool. Heck, they're not the boss of you! If you think it's fun or if you think it's going to be an awesome experience (or an awesome photo), go for it! Always remember Cara and how she doesn't give a d*mn about what other people would think. You can totally use her as your role model. She'd just do her thing because that's her. Even if it involves eating people like Pharrell. Besides, what could possibly go wrong? It looks like Pharrell's okay with it, anyway. Can you see his smile? It looks like he has no problem with what's going on. That just means Cara got her permission to eat him.

    1 When She Kissed A Rat

    Sometimes, when life gets super boring, it's your job to make it awesome. It's your job to share something awesome or at least something that is the opposite with total strangers. This is exactly what this photo is all about. And no, we don't know why we're shocked that Cara decided to kiss a rat. Heck, she kisses everything and probably even everyone she sees on the street, so why in the world would be we shocked by the fact that she kissed a rat? Probably because we're worried about the rabbis thing. Hey, we're all about safety here, you know. We just want everybody to be safe and whole after they did something ridiculous. Cara Delevingne included. But since she was able to post tons of photos after this, obviously, the rat didn't hurt her. That's a relief. Now we're just wondering if Joel Kinnaman was jealous.