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    14 Times Katy Perry Was The Worst

    When it comes to celebrities, you either love them or you hate them. It might sound like a cheesy cliche at this point but it's not really possible to feel totally lukewarm toward a famous figure, is it? Think about any celeb -- whether they're an actor, actress, or musician -- and you'll realize that you have some pretty strong feelings toward them. Of course, you might not want to actively hate a famous person since you don't know them, have never met them, and really have no idea what they're actually like. That's not going to stop you from throwing shade some celebrities' way, though, because sometimes that's just what has to happen. When it comes to Katy Perry, you could be the biggest fan and still admit that she has had some unfortunate incidents over the years. Here are 15 times when Katy Perry was the worst.

    14 When She Gave A Performance As A Geisha

    Back in 2013, Katy Perry performed at the American Music Awards… dressed like a geisha. With back-up dancers who were dressed like geishas, too. Since this was clearly an example of cultural appropriation, it wasn't a good idea and it brought the singer a whole lot of flak and criticism. It's safe to say that this is one time that she was definitely the worst. There's really nothing positive that can be said about this moment. What was she thinking? Did she really think this was a good idea? Did she not realize that there's this thing called the Internet and people don't enjoy when others dress up like people from another culture? Of course people are going to talk about this when a celebrity does something like this, and people definitely talked about this unfortunate performance. She might not have meant to offend, but that's exactly what happened.

    13 When She Was On The Cover Of Vogue

    Katy Perry recently graced the cover of Vogue and it's safe to say that most people just weren't happy about it. Why? Because she just doesn't look like herself. She's got super light blonde hair pulled back in a half-up, half-down type of deal and she looks very severe with that hairstyle. It's a shame not to see Katy Perry looking her very best. Sure, you don't look your best all the time of course because you're a regular human being, but you tend to put more pressure on celebrities to look good at all times. Super unfair. For sure. But… still a thing. You just can't help but want your idols to look amazing. You want to look up to them and know that it's possible to be that beautiful. You wish that Katy would always dye her hair blue because, really, that has to be her best look ever. Most people would probably agree. Not everyone can pull off blue hair and she totally can.

    12 When She Dated John Mayer

    Everyone knows that John Mayer may be a talented singer and songwriter but he's a ladies' man… and not in a good way. Not in a good way at all. Whenever he dates a celebrity, he seems to totally break their heart and it's not a pretty picture. You feel kind of bad for her because, yeah, she fell in love (well, probably, it's not like you can ask her personally… ) and then she obviously got her heart broken. It's never great to see someone date someone who is known to be a total player, whether they're famous or not. It's like this relationship was a recipe for disaster from the very beginning. Yeah, it's safe to say that you weren't a big fan of this romance, and that you just didn't think that they should be together. Do you really get a say, considering the fact that you're not friends with them and you don't even know them? Yeah. You do. Because they're famous and you think about famous people and that's the way that the world works.

    11 When She Said She's Not A Feminist

    It's weird when you're female and not a feminist. That's just a fact that most/all people would agree on. It's even weirder when you're a female singer who is known for being very bold and brave and you claim that you're just not down with feminism. Most specifically, Katy Perry was once interviewed by Billboard and she said, "I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the strength of women.” Yeah… that's definitely the exact same thing. It really is. If you want women to be strong, then you are absolutely a feminist and there is literally no reason why you would say that you're not. Didn't Katy realize that she would piss a lot of people off with this statement? She probably even offended a lot of people with this quote as well. Sure, she's not the only celebrity to say that she's not a feminist, but it just seems really confusing.

    10 When She Said She's Faking Her Image

    In an interview with Billboard, Katy Perry said the following thing: "Honestly, I'm just masquerading as a pop star." Does that mean that she's literally faking her pop star status? That she's only pretending when she steps onstage and when she sings? That "Katy Perry" is a persona, not a real person, and she's not being true to herself? You're so confused and you have a whole bunch of questions. Of course, you're never really going to get the answers to those questions, which is even more frustrating. Why would she say something like that? Yeah, you tend to ask yourself that question a whole lot when you read something that this singer said. There's definitely a trend happening here. You know that there's a certain amount of pretending that goes on when someone is wearing costumes onstage, but come on, this is a weird thing to say.

    9 When She Wore The Wrong Thing To The Met Gala

    No, this outfit wasn't the wrong thing because it's not stylish or fashionable or anything like that. This was the wrong thing to wear because Katy chose a dress by Galliano, aka the fashion designer who came under fire for his anti-semitic comments back in 2011. Yeah. Probably not something that you want to wear at any time, especially not to an important and high-profile event like the Met Gala. Seriously, what is going on here?! Did Katy not realize that this would backfire and that pole would be really upset and offensive? Yeah, you ask yourself that question about literally every offensive thing that she does and every strange comment that she makes. It's basically always a relevant question to ask. Sorry not sorry Katy, but this was the wrong move to make and definitely the wrong thing to wear here.

    8 When She Was On A Diet

    Look, being on a diet is the worst idea. It really is. You're going to be starving, you're not going to give your body the fuel and the nutrients that it needs, and you're pretty much going to mess things up. Seriously, don't diet. Eat real food. Unfortunately, stars are all about dieting because they are obsessed with looking a certain way and feel tons of pressure, and that's not something that is going to end sometime soon, if ever. So another time when Katy Perry was the worst? When she was on a diet and talked about it. She told Us Weekly that dieting "absolutely sucks". You can't even be glad that she admits that because you're too annoyed that she even agreed to go on a diet in the first place. Ugh. Celebs need to start eating and stop dieting. It's just not a good look on anyone and not a smart idea.

    7 When She Copied Kim K

    Recently, Katy Perry posted a photo of herself with her hair in cornrows. She called herself "Katy Kardashian" and was acting like Kim Kardashian was the one who came up with that hairstyle. Of course, cornrows have been a part of black culture for a long time and that's where it came from. It has nothing to do with the Kardashians, even though Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner wear their hair in this style sometimes. So once again, Katy is in trouble for cultural appropriation and not really understanding why she can't do these types of things. Are you shocked? At this point, you definitely can't be all that surprised because this seems to be a pretty regular occurrence. Here's one tweet from @AFRICAisMankind: "Surely u all aren't that ignorant. Cornrow braids ORIENTATED centuries ago in the Motherland of Africa." Yup. That's the truth. Honestly, this stuff shouldn't be happening.

    6 When She Collaborated And It Led To Controversy

    When Katy Perry's recent single "Bon Appetit" came out, people realized that the trio she collaborated with on the song has gotten into hot water for homophobic comments. Did she know that before she recorded the song with them? That's the main question here and it's not one that you will probably ever get an answer to since she probably wants to move on from this whole thing. But you're definitely not happy to learn this, that's for sure, and everyone feels the same way. The thing is that when you collaborate with someone, whether you're famous or not, you have to be super careful about it. You have to make sure that they have a positive, good reputation, and that nothing will reflect poorly on you. It's just a thing that you have to do. Unfortunately, that didn't happen here, and this is yet another controversy that the singer is involved in.

    5 When She Created A Hindu Goddess Meme

    current mood

    A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on Apr 18, 2017 at 6:57pm PDT

    Yup, Katy Perry has gotten into hot water yet again for some cultural appropriation. She created a meme with Hindu goddess Kali Maa and she wrote "current mood." She meant this to be funny (or at least that's what you can probably assume) but it didn't end up being funny. Not at all. She got a series of comments saying that she should take it down and that "a god can't be a mood" which you have to admit is totally true. That doesn't really work or make sense. She had a few supporters but the majority of people agree that this was a bad move. You have to wonder why Katy keeps saying these things and doing these things, considering the fact that she has gotten into a lot of trouble for mentioning other cultures. Maybe she should stop doing that? Just a thought. Never doing this might work in her favor.

    4 When She Says Silly Things

    Google Katy Perry and you will literally find so many quotes where people are calling her dumb or stupid. While you don't want to mean and insult her, you have to admit that she does say pretty silly things on a regular basis. Whether she's saying that Lady Gaga's lyrics have some meaning behind them when you think about it or she's been confused about what feminism means, it makes sense that people are not thrilled with what she's usually talking about. The problem with looking up to someone famous and thinking of them as one of your idols is that you can become kind of disappointed when you read an interview with them or see them on a talk show. You don't really know them so you think that they're going to be a certain way and then they make some silly comments that really upset you. That's what's happening here.

    3 When She Talked About The Japanese

    When she appeared on Jimmy Fallon's late night show once, Katy Perry said the following: "I am obsessed with Japanese people. I love everything about them and they are so wonderful as human beings… [Like,] I'm so obsessed, I want to skin you and wear you like Versace." Yes. She really said that. Why? Why would she say that? What does she even mean? She's definitely gotten into trouble more than once for talking about other cultures and people think that she is a pretty offensive person in that sense. You have to admit that you agree after hearing these comments. It's best not to say something like this, whether you're a famous person or not. Would you want a celebrity to talk about your own culture or background in this way? Definitely not. It would completely piss you off and freak you out.

    2 When She Mentioned Obama

    This is a super strange moment: at the beginning of May of this year, Katy Perry was doing an Instagram Live session and she mentioned Barack Obama in a really weird way. Someone commented and said that they miss when she had black hair. Instead of saying thank you or talking about how she enjoys her new blonde hair, she said (with sarcasm, as most people have noted), "Ohhh, really? Do you miss Barack Obama as well? Oh, OK. Times change. Bye! See you guys later.” Ouch. That's a super harsh thing to say. Let's be real here, everyone loves Obama and he is definitely missed. He was an amazing leader and he's a brilliant person and he needs to be respected. Why would a celebrity use a public platform like Instagram to mention a former President in such a manner? It's pretty negative and just not a good scene.

    1 When She Talks About Taylor Swift

    Sure, maybe you don't agree that T-Swift should have written a song called "Bad Blood" about her infamous feud with Katy Perry… but chances are, you're all about that song because you adore it. It's hard not to. That's a catchy tune. The truth is that whenever two famous figures feud, it's hard to know who to believe and whose side you should be on. Sometimes you have to realize that both parties are probably right and probably wrong and you don't really know the real story. In the case of this long-running argument, though, you kind of side with Taylor. Because Katy Perry just doesn't take very kindly to being asked about this fight. First of all, she has said that Taylor needs to say that she's sorry, and that's confusing to a lot of people because no one gets why. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Katy said, "One thing to note is: You can't mistake kindness for weakness and don't come for me. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone." Um, okay?!