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    14 Times Lady Gaga Tore the Internet Apart

    Okay little monsters, it's your time to shine! We're all Lady Gaga fans here because it's totally impossible not to be. Every woman loves at least one of her awesome pop songs. Her tunes are definitely not typical and that's exactly what makes her special. She knows how to make people remember her thanks to her beautiful voice, awesome fashion sense, and her well-crafted lyrics. Mother Monster sure is one of the best singer-songwriters out there. That's non-debatable. She is definitely a pop icon at this point. And now, about 14 years after her singing career started, Lady Gaga keeps us on our toes. There are a lot of things that Lady Gaga is really serious about, like her advocacy, fashion sense, and everything in between. Read on to find out 15 times that the pop singer totally tore the Internet apart.

    14 When She Wore A Meat Dress

    Lady Gaga is known as one of the best-dressed celebs every day of her life. We don't know how she does it but her brain never seems to run out of ideas when it comes to clothing, whether it's red carpet attire or something she's wearing in a music video or an outfit for running errands. Gaga is the number one inspiration for tons of women who aspire to make a real statement through their clothes… or maybe the people who just don't think they fit into society's box and they don't want to wear typical clothes. In 2010, Mother Monster showed us she is definitely not going to fit in that box when she attended the MTV Music Awards and wore a meat dress. Yes, we're talking about a dress that looks like raw meat was literally sewn together. Well, that's because that's exactly what this dress is. Needless to say, it definitely got people talking.

    13 When She Sang With Queen Bey

    If there's one star that most people know works alone, that would be Beyoncé. This girl sure knew how to make a career for herself and while she didn't start her career as a solo artist (remember Destiny's Child?), Queen Bey has been working on her own since forever. She doesn't usually collaborate with anyone. Since no one can say no to the one and only Mother Monster, Beyonce and Lady Gaga worked together. Lady Gaga wanted to include Beyonce in her music video for her song "Telephone" and that was that. Beyonce drove the car and stuffed a sandwich in her mouth as she stared at Lady Gaga. Beyonce didn't seem to have a problem with that because she said yes and it was really an epic and amazing music video. You would love to know how someone explained the role to Beyonce because that must have been an interesting conversation.

    12 When She Crowd Surfed While Wearing Almost Nothing

    During one Lollapalooza performance, Gaga probably got so carried away with the very energetic crowd that she decided to crowd surf, diving nose first into the sweaty hands of her screaming fans. Who wouldn't sweat on such a hot and fun-filled day? Or, you know, maybe Gaga already planned it because she loves her fans like that. What we do know is that when she did it. When she dove into the crowd of people, she was wearing almost nothing. Well, technically she was wearing an outfit made of net material. Yup. She was wearing a top made of torn net-like material and net leggings. If you were part of the crowd, you could literally touch Mother Monster's skin. But don't worry, you weren't offending her. This was just Lady Gaga doing one of her iconic stunts to break the internet because that's what she does for a living (well, besides being an amazing singer).

    11 When She Rode A Giant Egg

    Here's a trivia question, dear readers: who would arrive at an awards ceremony in a giant egg? Answer: anybody who can dare to ride that giant egg. The more accurate answer: Lady Gaga. If you remember, she made the evening news and all the other news and gossip shows that time when she slayed the red carpet at the Grammy's, arriving in an egg or a vessel or whatever you want to call it. To us, it looks more like an egg, so we'll go with that. Lady Gaga decided to sleep in the egg, staying comfy and warm as her naked dancers carried her in the egg across the red carpet. Honestly, nothing can beat this kind of grand entrance. And since people talked about her for days after this, many of her little monsters probably decided it was a bright idea to attend an event inside an egg. Who knows, maybe a loyal fan attended their prom in an egg.

    10 When She Wore Tons Of Kermit Heads

    We're not sure how Lady Gaga decides on her outfits but if someone out there understands how this part of her brain works, please let us know. It would be fun to make a statement entrance sometimes, you know. Even if it's not the Grammy's or any other awards night. Even if it's just a typical office meeting. Like this moment when Gaga was invited to be a guest on a German TV show and she decided to wear Kermit the Frog. Not an adult-sized Kermit costume. That wouldn't be her style. She wore a dress made of tons of Kermit heads. Beat that! She definitely tore the internet apart when she appeared on TV in full Kermit-head costume. And maybe she tore out the hearts of people who love Miss Piggy more than Kermit, hoping that she would wear Miss Piggy's head instead. Maybe that's a future idea?

    9 When She Won Best New Artist In 2009

    When people wear lace, it's usually a lace dress. Something fab and glamorous. But when Gaga wears lace, she's wearing lace everything. Yup. As in including her face because why the hell not?! She is Mother Monster, after all. This incident that trended for days (because Gaga always trends) happened way back in 2009 when she was named Best New Artist at the MTV Video Music Awards at Radio City Music Hall. And the award was given to her by Eminem, no less. You can probably just imagine Eminem's face when he saw a human lace walk up the stage and take the trophy from his hand, and then made some bad*ss speech to her lovers and haters and people who can't decide yet. Lady Gaga never fails to surprise us. She knows that every single minute of her life is a chance to amaze people and she makes sure she lives her life to the fullest. She even wore a lace crown to this awards night!

    8 When She Was Bold With "Born This Way"

    One of her best music videos was for her song "Born This Way." Aside from the fact that the song speaks to and for millions of people out there, especially those who are questioned for the choices they have made in life, the video speaks to everyone who feels like they're not made for a cookie-cutter existence. This is probably why the video alone was a hit and yet was totally controversial at the same time. Not everybody understands the beauty of celebrating who you are, unfortunately. Not everybody understands the magic of knowing you are born this way and nobody can change that. So when Gaga released that song, she knew she needed a stunning video for it. And that's exactly what she did. Aside from the song being a strong statement, the video makes a real statement on its own.

    7 When She Met The Queen Of England

    When you're scheduled to perform at an event where royals will be in attendance, you better make sure that is one hell of a performance. But if you're Lady Gaga, where every single performance is one hell of a performance, what are you going to do? Well, she just leveled up. She did that back in 2009 when she performed at the Blackpool. When Lady Gaga performed at the Royal Variety Show, she didn't only wear the best costume she's ever worn but she also made the night unforgettable. Because the Royal Variety Show is a show dedicated to raise money for the Royal Charity, Gaga knew she needed to give the performance her all. And she did, naturally. As a result, Gaga was able to meet, shake hands with, and chitchat with Queen Elizabeth II. And it was one of the best moments Gaga shared with all of us. Period.

    6 When She Wore A Controversial Alexander McQueen Outfit

    The internet absolutely shattered when Lady Gaga appeared at the VMAs wearing a controversial McQueen dress with LGBT soldiers by her side. Yes, she brought LGBT service members to the red carpet. Like she was attending a birthday party and decided to bring a few more guests. It was the red carpet event of the VMAs. So why is this Alexander McQueen outfit controversial? Wait, aren't all the attire of Mother Monster considered controversial? Okay, seriously, there's really nothing special about this dress, aside from the fact that it's Victorian inspired and the Alexander McQueen tag attached to every inch of it. What makes this special is that it was worn during the time Gaga made a political statement about the US military's ban on LGBTQ+ service members declared by a Riverside, CA federal judge. Because for Mother Monster, banning anyone is unacceptable.

    5 When She Sings Classic Songs

    If you're not sure what we mean by this, well, we just want to highlight the moments where Gaga performs her classic songs in not-so-classic times like today. If you ask a typical millennial out there if she knows the song called "Telephone", chances are she won't have a clue about it. But if you say "Do you know that Lady Gaga song about a telephone?" she would probably sing her heart out. And this is why we love it when Lady Gaga performs at any event and belts out one or two of her classic songs. We all love her songs today, especially "Million Reasons", but nothing beats her earliest songs. Those are the best of the best. So whenever she sings those old songs, no matter how big or small the event, as long as someone captures it in a video, the internet will go totally and completely wild. The internet will reminisce those golden days and everybody will tweet about it. That's just how it works, people. Don't fight it.

    4 When She Bought $1000 Worth Of Pizza

    One of the most common things people think about Mother Monster is that she's weird and she hates people. She doesn't, okay? She also doesn't hate life. In fact, she celebrates life, regardless of what you say about her songs and music videos. If you want proof, this is it. During the release of her second album, "The Fame Monster", Gaga decided to throw her little monsters a pizza party. Because why the hell not? Just like any event where Gaga is the main star, a long line of fans were waiting to get an autograph. And she must have figured out that her fans were all tired and hungry and because she's not an octopus and can't sign eight albums at once, she just bought $1000 worth of pizza and fed all her little monsters as they wait for their turn to have an autograph and maybe a photo. This, people, is how much Lady Gaga loves her fans (and it's definitely yet another reason why they love her so much in return!).

    3 When She Bit Off Santa's Head

    What do you do when someone throws a Santa doll at your face? Well, Mother Monster bit his head off. Like she was eating a chicken leg or something. And of course, just like when it comes to anything that Lady Gaga does, the internet went wild over this. The biting off of heads happened back when she performed at London's O2 Arena for some Christmas show. When a fan threw her a Santa doll, probably thinking it was a more creative and interesting way to wish her a Merry Christmas, Lady G bit the Santa doll and yelled about how much she hates holidays. She added that she's alone and miserable and if you think she was yelling at her fans, no, that's not true. She was yelling at the stuffed toy. But why is she performing in a holiday show if she hates Christmas so much? Who knows. Just another Lady Gaga mystery.

    2 When She Taught The Real Housewives To Play Instruments

    If you're a fan of The Real Housewives franchise then you need to rewatch the show. Seriously. It's one of the best shows in the world and if you don't like it, something must be wrong with you. Okay, we're kidding. But we love the show, period. And it appears that Lady Gaga also loves it too because when she had the chance, she decided to teach the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills how to play some instruments. Now that is one big achievement, don't you think? We all know it's not easy to teach someone an instrument. But Gaga doesn't care, she just wants to play good music. This epic and special and amazing moment took place in 2014 when Lady Gaga was working on her "G.U.Y." music video. She just thought having the cast of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills playing some instruments would be rad.

    1 When She Wore A Hat Filled With Roaches

    Okay, so this was a rumor for so long that the internet couldn't contain itself. But how do you react when you hear that someone wore a hat that was literally filled with cockroaches? That's what the "Poker Face" singer was up to at some point in her life. She wasn't happy to wear tons of Kermit heads and raw beef. Nope. Rumor has it that the star told her designers to make a hat that was designed to be filled with cockroaches. Live ones too, in case you were wondering (you probably weren't but now you have this lovely image in your head, right?!). Why the heck would Gaga wear a hat of fake roaches? Was this hat a real one or was it one of the creepiest rumors ever? You be the judge. But there was a study by students in New York that roaches responded to Mother Monster's music way better than to music of other artists. So she decided to call the roaches her “real life monsters.” Just another Lady Gaga moment!