Laman » Hiburan » 15 Brand Logo Secret Messages You Didn't Even Know About

    15 Brand Logo Secret Messages You Didn't Even Know About

    These are all brands we know and love, and many are staples in our everyday lives. But did you know that their logos have clever underlying messages? These household brands are much more clever than you think! Did you expect anything else from multi-million (and sometimes billion) companies? They have the best creative brains in the game, and it takes an advertising genius to come up with these! Once you find out what it is that these brands are hiding in their logos, it almost becomes impossible to unsee, and we bet we will have you going "OMG" once you discover their secrets! Some of these companies created these logos with intentions of increasing brand recognition, to affect us subconsciously, or for just plain fun! Read on to learn more about some famous logos and their underlying meanings!

    15 Fed Ex

    Fed Ex is the shipping and delivery service that every person in America has probably used at some point in their lives. If you need something to get somewhere fast, you FedEx it. If you want something delivered overnight, you pay Fedex to get it there for you. Starting in 1971, Fedex changed the way mail is exchanged back and forth across the country and the world. It is incredible indeed that you can overnight a package pretty much anywhere you desire. Their logo is just as incredible - it has won over 40 design awards! It also has gained recognition as one of the best logos in the past 35 years! If you look very closely in between the negative space of the second “E” and X” you will notice an arrow forms. The clever placement was to represent the speed and efficiency that Fedex is known for. What an innovative logo for an even more innovative, classic company. You will probably never be able to stop seeing it now! Mind blown.

    14 Baskin Robbins

    Baskin Robbins is one of the most popular ice cream chains in the world. Who doesn't love a Baskin Robbins cone filled with their famous mint chocolate chip ice cream? If mint chocolate chip isn't your forte, they have a flavor for almost every craving in the book. Whether you are a chocolate addict or a caramel junkie, Baskin Robbins can satisfy your sweet tooth. There is no bounds for the love of ice cream, it is a classic dessert which all ages, genders, and races enjoy. There is truly nothing like it on a hot summer day, or after a good meal. Baskin Robbins prides itself in its wide variety of flavors to fit the huge demographic of ice cream lovers. The company revamped their logo in 2007 and unveiled it as two large capital B and Rs, but they didn't stop there. They made sure to advertise the fact that they had a wide variety of 31 flavors in between the two letters

    13 Tostitos

    Tostitos is a go-to snack for any kind of social event, whether it be a birthday or Super bowl party. It would be quite difficult to think of a time that you went to either of these kinds of gatherings and a bag (or two) of Tostitos weren't present, and for good reason! The chips can be paired with pretty much any toping under the sun. There is such a good selection of what kind of toppings to use with these classic chips as well… our personal favorite being Queso! It is hard to imagine coming across someone who doesn't love a good combo of chips and salsa, and the company displays this in their logo! The secret message in their logo is not so subtle - although we can bet that you probably never noticed it! The letters “TIT” in the middle of the name are two individuals eating Mexican food at a table… sounds like a perfect situation to us!

    12 Amazon

    In recent years, Amazon has become a necessity in most Americans' lives. It now has a company net worth of over 430 billion dollars, which is twice the worth of Walmart! They have everything and anything that you need, and their logo is an ode to that fact. We all recognize the logo, but have you ever noticed this? Displayed is an arrow that points from the A to Z in the name, implying the wide range of products that Amazon offers. This couldn't be more true, if you wanted to - you wouldn't have to ever shop anywhere else ever again. The awesome logo also represents the smile that will be guaranteed to come to your face when you shop on their website. Absolutely genius, hats off to Amazon (as usual).

    11 Beats

    If you are lucky, you get to listen to your music with a pair of these. And if you don't own them, you want them. They are a force to be reckoned with, and Apple agrees. They recently bought the company from Dr. Dre for billions, which in turn made him the richest rapper alive! Between the sound quality and the awesome aesthetics of the Beats, it is not hard to see why they are worth so much, and have a hefty price tag to go along with it. However, you absolutely get what you pay for with these! Beats took the tech industry by storm and now hold much of the market share for headphones. Not only that, they made headphones a chic fashion statement. With such an awesome product comes an even cooler logo. If you look close enough, the “b” is designed to resemble a person wearing headphones, freaking awesome! Creating these just gave Dr. Dre thousands of more points on the legend scale… not that he needed it!

    10 BMW

    As one of the leading car companies in the world, BMW has is a globally recognized brand. You can find them all over the world, and for good reason. BMWs have incredible engines, sound systems, and design. With that, the cars are on the expensive side… to put it lightly. If you own a BMW, you are doing well for yourself. A BMW is a status symbol of prestige and class. However, BMW began in a peculiar way. Did you know that this luxury car company got their start making products in the aviation industry? They originated as an aircraft engine manufacturer! BMW did not forget this and they attribute this historical fact within their logo. The white portion represents a propeller and the blue portion is meant to resemble the sky, and all this time we thought that it was just a cool two toned design! How innovative

    9 Pinterest

    Who isn't obsessed with Pinterest today? Chances are if you are a young millennial girl, you have spent way too much free time on this app (and their website). That isn't safe to say that Pinterest has something for everyone of all ages! Pinterest encompasses all different avenues such as recipes, makeup tutorials, wedding ideas, hair style trends, outfit ideas, and any image you can possibly need! You can also decorate your entire apartment based on Pinterest ideas and posts! On Pinterest, you literally “pin” ideas and pages to boards, so it is no surprise that the company incorporated a literal image of a pin into the “P” of their logo. Not only is their logo extremely cute and clever, but can we talk about the actual name itself? Pin your interests = Pinterest. Pinterest is one of those ideas that you wish you could have made up yourself. It is so simple, yet so clever.

    8 Le Tour De France

    Arguably the most vigorous bike cycle races on the planet, The Tour De France is for only the best of the best. Cyclists train for months at a time, and it is not for the faint hearted. It is also the oldest and most prestigious and it's quite an accomplishment for every rider to complete this difficult route. The first Tour De France was held in the early 1900s and has been an annual event ever since. The Tour goes on for three weeks, and the riders complete almost 3,500 km! The most well-known cyclist in the world is Lance Armstrong, who won the Tour De France for a staggering seven times! The long standing traditional race had to incorporate these incredible athletes into their logo of course! If you take a close look at the R and the yellow circle, you will see that it resembles a cyclist in a racing position. The yellow circle also signifies the sun because the race takes place all day. Pretty amaze.

    7 Apple

    Apple is undeniably the most innovative tech company in the world, and other tech companies always seem to follow their path when building new products of their own. The Macintosh invented by the infamous Steve Jobs in the 1980s changed the world and the way that modern civilization thinks about the computer - it made the device user-friendly. Apple encompasses the same ideals as when they started, we all adore our Apple products, and the company always seem to be catering to their customers! Did you know what the Apple logo that represents the company means? The logo represents their incredible, ingenious, revolutionary line of thought. It represents knowledge. What does an apple have to do with Knowledge? In the biblical creation story of Adam and Eve, the apple represents the forbidden fruit, from the Tree of Knowledge… . catching on yet? It is true what they say, you learn something new every day!

    6 Mercedes Benz

    Like the car company BMW that we previously mentioned, Mercedes Benz is top of the line when it comes to luxury. Whose head doesn't turn when they see a beautiful Maybach on the street or the classic G-Wagon passing by? Mercedes is for the most elite of our society… dozens of celebrities and one percenters own one (or five) of these grossly expensive machines. Mercedes is the true symbol of prestige. They seems to know their prominent status in society, because they implemented it into their logo. The three-pointed star design is said to represent their dominance in quality, innovation, and technology on land, sea, and air. This symbol has been representative of the company for decades, and we don't see them changing it anytime soon… it is timeless. But seriously… arrogant much? Nothing like believing in the product that you create. Nonetheless, we can't say that they are totally wrong

    5 London Orchestra Company

    Originally created by The Partners, the London Orchestra Company logo is yet another fascinating example of hidden meanings behind creative logo design. The first characteristic you may notice is the acronym for the company “L” “O” and “C” but there are two more extraordinary qualities of the symbol. If you look closely, you will see that it resembles a conductor instructing an orchestra with a baton in his hand. The overall graceful Sand script font of the logo is effervescent of the true elegance and class of the Orchestra. This is one of our favorites because not only is it representative of the company, but it also encompasses the true elegance and class of the Orchestra. Who can't admire and appreciate the true artistry of the Orchestra

    4 NBC

    Can you spot the hidden animal in NBCs logo? At first glance, it looks like a simple multicolored design. However, the white space creates a peacock, and the design happens to be its feathers! The history behind the inception of the logo is even more interesting. It was originally designed to convince people to buy colored TVs. When the company first conceptualized, colored TVs were just beginning to become popular with the consumer. The company wanted a way to show colored TVs were worth the extra money, and the only way for them to fully appreciate their logo is to buy one - and by owning a simple black and white set they were totally missing out. Talk about a marketing tactic. The lively peacock is also representative of NBC being a loud and proud broadcaster! NBC is now a multinational media conglomerate, and broadcast some pretty awesome shows such as: The Voice, Blacklist, This is Us, and others!

    3 Adidas

    Adidas is making an absolute killing in the sports apparel industry as of late with a comeback of epic proportions. From Kanye West's iconic Yeezy line release, to the awesome popular NMDS, and of course the revamping of the classic superstars; if you follow trends, you're wearing Adidas. They are known as the “three stripe brand” which is of course incorporated into their logo. Over the years, the company has tweaked the design - but made sure to keep the three stripes throughout. Did you notice the shape of the stripes above the name? The progressively longer stripe design is designed to resemble a mountain! The mountain is meant to be metaphorical of all the challenges and obstacles that athletes are met with and must overcome to be successful. Being an athlete is not easy, and Adidas recognizes it and pays tribute to all the hard work that goes into being in the industry with their inventive logo.

    2 Google

    How did society function before Google? We would all be so lost without it! The incredible tech company has changed the way that everyone uses the Internet. You can become an expert on any topic with the help of Google, which is what makes the younger generations so woke (as we would say). Without google, the age of information would never exist. It has become a way for anyone to become educated on topics that they normally would never have access to. The corporation has always operated outside of the box, that's how it became what it is today. At first glance, their logo just looks like an array of colors, but it was done purposefully. The designers wanted it to be playful and fun, while also having the world recognize that Google will never adhere to any kind of rules - including the correct orders of the color of the rainbow!

    1 The Bronx Zoo

    Growing up, we can guarantee that one of your favorite activities ever was going to the zoo. Who doesn't want to see wild animals up close? They are magnificent! It is an adventure like no other, and if you want the full experience- you head to the Bronx Zoo. The Bronx Zoo is known worldwide and has every creature you can imagine. It is also located in the greatest city in the world, NYC of course! What more can you ask for from a field trip or a day with the family? It is even a great first date. The Giraffe is one of the majestic creatures that you will find at the Bronx zoo, so it is no wonder that they incorporated it into their logo! With many of these other companies, they found a crafty way to use the negative white space in between the legs which is of course New York buildings!