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    15 Break Up Lessons From Your Fave Sitcoms

    Break ups suck. No truer words were ever spoken, right? One minute you're crazy in love and can't believe your luck, because you are totally convinced you are going to be with this guy forever. Even longer than forever. You're made for each other, he's perfect, and life is awesome. Then, boom, it all comes crashing down and you can't even believe you thought that way about him. Soon you hate him, and you kind of hate yourself, too, because you know deep down he's a good guy, he's just not your guy anymore. It's pretty confusing and you're definitely full of tons of emotions, but it's still possible to learn from your mistakes, even if you can't see that right now.

    15 Never Break Up At A Party

    This piece of advice comes straight from the oldie-but-a-goodie Dawson's Creek. Joey and Pacey were super in love… until they had a massive fight on Prom night and broke up. Ouch. Thanks to that tragic evening, we know now that you should never break up with someone at a party or big event. It's just way too messy and makes things much more complicated than they need to be. Keep your break up speeches private, people. You'll never regret it.

    14 Wallowing Is Necessary

    Remember when Lorelai kept telling Rory to let her emotions out when Dean dumped her in season one of Gilmore Girls? Rory went insane and made a to-do list and started running crazy errands all day long. Finally, she crashed at the end of the episode, said "I think I'm ready to wallow now" and face-planted into some junk food. Her mom was right by her side, obviously (where else would Lorelai be?). Thanks to Rory, you've known ever since that when you get dumped, or even if you do the dumping, you wallow. Plain and simple. It's a rule. Plus, you'll never complain about having a legit reason to eat potato chips and chocolate and watch girly TV shows.

    13 You Can't Be Strong All The Time

    When Mr. Big broke Carrie's heart (the first time), Miranda got super pissed because she thought Carrie should have been acting like a strong woman. They didn't speak for a while, which was probably even worse than the break up for Carrie, since we all know that friendships are forever. Eventually, Miranda apologized and told Carrie that of course you have to let all your feelings out and get over the break up in your own time, and it's not a crime to stop being so strong all the time.

    12 Some Break Ups Make Zero Sense

    We learned this valuable and super sad lesson thanks to Ms. Lorelai Gilmore. She has so much wisdom and we bow down to her. When she and Luke broke up because she didn't want to wait to get married, yeah, we got it and we knew that was a legit reason. But about five seconds later, we wanted to throw something at her. Because how could you give up Luke, the handsome man of few words and backwards baseball cap and sloppy plaid shirt who was obsessed with healthy food? You can't give him up. She realized that since she always missed him and, of course, they seem to be together again in Netflix Revival Land.

    11 It Sucks To Work With Your Ex

    This gem comes from Grey's Anatomy. It sucks to watch Callie and Arizona be apart, since it's pretty obvious that we all wish they would just give this stupidity up and get back together already. Why are they even broken up? We've actually forgotten. But it probably sucks for them even more, because they have to work with each other and see each other every single day. Plus, now Arizona has to see Callie with her new girlfriend who's a fellow doctor, and that has got to be terrible.

    10 Love Triangles Are The Worst

    It seems like love triangles only happen on TV, but sometimes you fall for someone else while you already have an awesome boyfriend. Oops. What can a girl do? The best love triangles were definitely on Beverly Hills 90210 and The Good Wife. On the legal drama, Alicia was totally in love with Will while technically still married to Peter, and it was super confusing. We all wanted her to be with Will, of course, and we could never understand why she stuck by Peter so long. At least now she's divorcing him. Well, we think she is. We hope, at least.

    9 Friends Should Never Date

    It was a total disaster when Elaine and Jerry tried to date on Seinfeld. They eventually realized their crazy big mistake and went back to being besties who ate salad at their favorite diner and made jokes about everything and anything in life. If you've ever wondered about what it would be like to be with your best guy friend, just think of Jerry and Elaine and you'll get over it fast.

    8 You Never Forget Your First Love

    Even if he's a vampire. Actually, especially if he's a vampire. When Buffy and Angel broke up because of really complicated, supernatural reasons, it was terrible. She was already totally in love with him and she knew that she would never really get over him. Of course, that wasn't the end of their love story, which just proves this valuable lesson: you never forget the first guy that you really and truly loved.

    7 Be Careful Of Jealous Girls

    Dan and Serena were the cutest couple on Gossip Girl…  unless you're more of a Blair and Chuck fan. We all have our opinions. But Dan broke up with Serena in the first season because he was totally taken over by the evil Georgina. Ugh. Just reading her name makes our blood boil. The lesson here is that you should always be careful of girls who are jealous of what you and your boyfriend have. They're never worth breaking up over… which the lovebirds figured out since they eventually got back together.

    6 You Have To Tell Someone You're Dumping Them

    What was more painful than when Henry dumped Jen on Dawson's Creek but didn't break up with her in person, or even over the phone? Instead, he told her BFF Jack. Uncool, Henry. You're a total loser.

    5 You Will Find Someone Better

    You might not even remember Casey, Mindy's boyfriend, on The Mindy Project, because of course now she's finally with Danny and he's just the best. When Mindy and Casey broke up, it showed us that no matter how much it hurts, it's all good because you will definitely find someone better. You'll find your own Danny, don't worry.

    4 Your Friend Shouldn't Date Your Ex

    When Hanna told Spencer that it was totally cool that she date Caleb on Pretty Little Liars, it was cute and all. But no one really believed her. How could we? We know that Hanna and Caleb are completely meant to be together. It's really nuts for your friend to date your ex-boyfriend. Really, really nuts. There are so many fish in the sea, why would she have to pick your own?

    3 Don't Lie To Yourself

    One of the most frustrating TV-watching experiences ever has been pretending that Gunnar and Scarlett don't truly belong together on Nashville. Now, of course, they seem to be realizing their crazy chemistry and true love, but it sure took long enough. Geez. They taught us that you should never lie to yourself about who you really want to be with. There's no arguing with fate.

    2 Think Of Your Friends

    The hilarious show Happy Endings started with a friend group having to come to terms with two of them deciding not to get married. Of course you don't want to stay with someone who's all wrong with you just so it doesn't make things super awkward for your friends. That would be crazy. But this sitcom taught us that, yeah, it's best to think about how bad it's going to be for your friends so at least give them a heads up or something.

    1 You're Never On A Break

    OMG. Ross and Rachel were not on a break. Of course you agree, because that's the only logical and realistic position that you could possibly take on the matter. It doesn't matter that Ross thought they were on a break, because you're not on his side. Sorry, Ross. You're on Rachel's side. You just have to be. This is one break up lesson that you will never forget, thanks to your all-time favorite sitcom. Whether or not you've ever found yourself in a similar situation, you know that if you ever are, you'll claim there's no such thing as taking a break. You either break up completely or stay together. And you have Friends to thank for that.