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    15 Celeb Duos Who Are Crazy Catty To Each Other

    In the world of pop culture, there is definitely no shortage of drama, gossip, or fights. It's definitely both confusing and entertaining to see celebrities act in a somewhat immature way, which makes us all wonder if they're really feuding or if it's one big PR stunt. Whatever it is that gets their blood boiling, it's pretty wild to see these celebs hurl petty insults and catty remarks at each other over social media…  to the point that makes everyone fear getting on certain celebrity's bad sides. Some of these burns must haunt the poor people that received them. It's easy to guess who might be on this list, but do you really know every juicy snippet and every detail? If you need to catch up on celebrity beef, get ready to be blown away with how rude these people can truly be to each other. It's bad karma to be that nasty to each other! Here are 15 celebrity duos who are crazy catty to each other. Are you ready to be shocked?!

    15 Mariah Carey And Nicki Minaj

    There's a rumor going around that Mariah Carey felt like each day that she worked on American Idol was hell because she felt like she was working with Satan. Who's the devil in disguise? Apparently, Nicki Minaj. The world witnessed the cattiness between the two superstars on American Idol with a season filled with petty jabs and fiery hatred that burned between these two women that could only truly agree on shoes. Nothing was off limits for these two and even Mean Girls was something they could fight about. Duelling over Mean Girls is totally logical, right? No love will ever be lost between the singers, and who knows if a few lingering catty jabs might be part of their future songs. There were countless moments where the onscreen tension drove the show more than, you know, the actual contest that was American Idol, but what's more entertaining than some divas with bad blood?

    14 Miley Cyrus And Taylor Swift

    Wild child Miley Cyrus always speaks what is on her mind, and this was definitely no exception. The pop star said that she doesn not need a celebrity squad and she has no interest in being part of Taylor's famous one because she would rather be friends with real, normal people who inspire her. This shade was thrown in wake of Taylor's "Bad Blood" music video, and Miley said that she can't understand why she is labeled a bad role model thanks to her being naked all the time when Taylor is creating music that pits women against women and even supports violence. Does she have a point? Probably, and while Taylor stayed strangely silent on this topic, Miley was not shy when it came to speaking her mind about why she is just not Taylor's biggest fans. Sorry Taylor, guess you can't win them all… As for Miley, there are a few other celebs who have some beef with her too.

    13 Blac Chyna And Kylie Jenner

    This famous feud definitely shocked the world, and Tyga was at the forefront of this drama. Baby mama versus new girlfriend that's still in high school? It's a wild scenario bathed in rage from two sassy women that use social media way too frequently as a form of valid communication. If Kylie and Tyga's on again off again relationship isn't confusing enough, following the shade tossed between Kylie and Blac is crazy messed up, too. Their exchanges can often be passive aggressive, like when Kylie posted a photo on social media of herself wearing an Audemars Piguet watch… which was identical to the gift that Tyga originally gave Blac. Is no one going to talk about the fact that Tyga recycles gift ideas, gives them to his new girlfriend and gets away with it? It doesn't stop there, though. Right after this, Blac posted a throwback picture of her and Tyga, flaunting her version of the watch to the paparazzi. Two wild women who had their hearts stolen by the same man surely spells trouble.

    12 Kanye West And Wiz Khalifa

    Is anyone better at starting beef than Kayne West? Probably not. And it's usually completely random, unwarranted, and uncalled for. His Twitter arguments are always feisty and his battle with fellow rapper Wiz Khalifa was no exception… even if it wasn't even Kayne who ignited the feud. When Kanye named his album "The Wave", Wiz let everyone know that he was unimpressed and tweeted some examples of what a 'wavy' sound is. Although Wiz never mentioned him by name or in particular, Kanye was quick to get angry, tweeting that he's “the best that's ever made music” and then berating Wiz's style and genre of music. He went so far as to make a seventeen point list of all the things that makes Wiz suck, such as his pants, even stating “your first single was corny as f***” and “no one has ever listened to one of your albums all the way through.” Is Kanye the king of cattiness? It's a safe bet to say yes.

    11 Jimmy Kimmel And Kanye West

    Yup, no one is shocked that Kanye is back at it again with the beef. When Jimmy Kimmel spoofed a Kayne interview, Kanye was quick to get frustrated. When Kanye was reportedly expressing irritation over getting knocked down in the world of fashion and announced that he is the biggest rock star in the world, it was fuel for the fodder of late night television. “Does Kanye West know he's not supposed to be his own hype man?” Jimmy joked in the episode that sparked the rapper's ire. Can anyone guess what platform Kanye chose to perform his tirade on? That's right, Twitter. We'd like to know if anyone is actually offended by Kanye's choice of insults because they're way too funny to take seriously. Kanye reasonably asked Jimmy to put himself in his shoes… until it took a weird turn and the rapper conceded, “oh no that means you would have gotten too much good p**** in your life.” According to Kanye, Jimmy's face “looks crazy” as well. Although this was more a case of Kanye being catty and Jimmy being confused, but this is still one for the ages.

    10 Snoop Dogg And Iggy Azalea

    It might be surprising, but there are other celebs who fight and they're not both named Kayne West. Unfortunately, this particular feud began with Snoop Dogg being rather distasteful: mocking Iggy Azalea's appearance without makeup via a rude meme on Instagram. No one was surprised when this upset Iggy and a new famous feud was born. She touched based on everything from his bodyguards to her bodyguards, and a firetruck in Canada, before she deleted her tweets after saying, “every time I've ever spoken to you, you've always been nice as hell, I'm disappointed you'd be such an a** for no reason.” Snoop Dogg posted another photo insinuating that Iggy needs to calm down but proceeded to create a barrage of pictures dissing the Australian rapper, which eventually ended in him calling her a b****. While we can all imagine this was Snoop just trying to joke around and have a bit of fun, Iggy was immediately offended which only egged on the rapper more.

    9 Kanye West And Amber Rose

    We took a quick detour, but we're right back at it with the Kanye festivities. Is there anything quite as ablaze as a fight between two ex-lovers? When it involves Kanye West, Amber Rose, and even Wiz Khalifa, we all know how lit twitter is going to get. This time, it even got a little raunchy. Kanye and Amber have been bashing each other ever since they split up in 2010, such as when Kanye claimed he took thirty showers after him and Amber split before him and Kim Kardashian got together. When Kanye claimed that Wiz got “trapped by a stripper”, Amber quickly came to her ex-husband's defense, firing, “Awww, are you mad I'm not around to play in your a**hole anymore?” Um, what did we just read? What dirty little secret did you just overshare, Amber? We're not sure we wanted to know that, and neither did Kanye, as he quickly backpedaled and told all of twitter that he isn't into that kind of stuff. This catty duo can also be crazy raunchy, but what else can you expect from exes?

    8 Drake And Meek Mill

    The majority of fights these days seem to stem from a single tweet, and this war was no exception as it still rages on even today. Meek tweeted his fans to “stop comparing Drake to me too… he don't write his own raps!” Naturally, it would make too much sense to simply overlook this and let it slide by, and in response Drake released two diss tracks against Meek Mill. Many twitter fans pointed to Nicki Minaj, wondering how the wife of Meek Mill would respond to the war when she can be seen twerking on Drake in a certain music video, but she took the classy and not catty route by staying silent. Drake even performed the diss tracks live with a backdrop featuring memes about the twitter war. Is it fair to say Drake won this battle? Yup, we think that we can definitely argue that point. And we can say this isn't the end.

    7 Britney Spears And Christina Aguilera

    It is a shame these two powerful pop divas have been pitted against each other, but their confusing frenemy relationship over the years have had some sweet highs and petty lows. The backhanded compliments are the worst as the undercurrents of cattiness can make sparks fly, which is exactly what Christina delivered when she stated, “I know Britney. She is not trailer trash, but she sure acts that way.” That is a lot of shade. Christina also claimed that Britney was “a lost little girl” when practicing for their MTV Video Music Awards with Madonna. Britney ripped her friend/foe for the comment, sniping that “I think it's probably the other way around. When someone has been rude to you so many times, it's like, I'm really not about the fake anymore.” Where their friendship currently stands is pretty murky, but only time will tell if they'll singe each other anytime soon.

    6 Lindsay Lohan And Hilary Duff

    It's time for a throwback because we bet some 90s babies remember when these two ruled the pop culture world… until a boy came between them. A classic story, right? Aaron Carter started dating Hilary Duff, got bored and went to Lindsay Lohan, but then went back to Hilary. It didn't matter because then Aaron dumped Hilary after he cheated on her. Moral of the story is that Aaron Carter is a horrible person. The girls could never truly get over it, stirring the pot with beef via Saturday Night Live skits, showing up to each other's red carpet premieres, and stealing each other's boyfriends. They were an iconic catty duo, as their hatred began when they were merely seventeen and sixteen years old. It's easy to understand how while they were growing up too fast due to Hollywood, they were still experiencing the teenage drama of boys. While there was no Twitter for them to fight on, the red carpet was the only battlegrounds they needed to shock the media.

    5 Farrah Abraham And Nicki Minaj

    There is no love lost between these two, and Nicki Minaj wanted the world to know how she felt about Farrah Abraham on Twitter. The rapper used some NSFW language over social media, saying that “Farrah is a c*** to her mother.” She must have watched that week's episode of the hit MTV reality series Teen Mom OG, which of course Farrah stars in because that showed her being super nasty toward her mom. Nicki then insinuated that Farrah should be doing adult films instead of insulting her mother. Ouch! Nicki's fiery tweets didn't go unnoticed by Farrah, who snapped back, “cause you're a parent right? Your videos look like po**.” Nicki had no chill, as she continued to sling burns all over the reality TV star, stating that Farrah's mom wasn't the one opening her legs so Farrah should be grateful for the help. The cattiness is practically dripping off these two celebrities like the venom in their words, and we're wondering if we'll see more of it in the future.

    4 Katy Perry And Taylor Swift

    This catty duo started out as friends, always exchanging pleasantries via Twitter, and even making appearances at each other's shows. Then, all of a sudden, that totally changed. The kindness between the two pop superstars came to an end, and everyone slowly began to learn why. Taylor Swift admitted her hit song "Bad Blood" is about another female artist, and Taylor said “For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not. She would come up to me at awards shows and I would think, 'Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?'” Taylor said this secret celebrity attempted to sabotage her show, and just as people were really wondering who this could be, Katy Perry tweeted “watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing.” It turns out, the bad blood is between Taylor and Katy, as even the video to Taylor's song features a female antagonist. To this day, they're sworn enemies.

    3 Khloe Kardashian And Amber Rose

    Amber Rose has never held back her feelings on the Kardashian clan, and that is true of Tyga too, especially because she's such close friends with Blac Chyna, and this was no exception. “Kylie's a baby,” Amber can be quoted saying to New York's Power 105.1, adding, “Tyga should be ashamed of himself. That's how I feel, for sure. He has a beautiful woman and a baby that he left for a 16-year-old who just turned 17.” Khloe Kardashian was having none of it, taking to Twitter to point out that Amber has taken not the best carreer route since she was fifteen, and that her little sister is already more successful than her. “People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Please stop talking about us in interviews. None of us talk about you,” was Khloe's scathing message, slaying the catty insult game. Amber's feud with the Kardashians is due to her former relationship with Kanye West, and the clan has never loved the former entertainer. It definitely shows.

    2 Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber

    There was a time when break ups were classy and civilized, but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's have proved that's not the case in the pop culture world. The tumultuous young lovers have reached a few boiling points. When it was rumored that Justin had a new girlfriend, his fans went wild over Instagram, presumably because they're still shipping him and Selena. He sent a warning to his fans that if they don't chill out he'll make his account private, and Selena had some words for him about that. “If you can't handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend. It should be special between you two only. Don't be mad at your fans,” she commented on one of his photos, but she quickly deleted it after. Justin then implied that Selena used him for attention, a rude shot at his ex-girlfriend, but it quickly derailed into both of them accusing each other of cheating. It's always a little savage between exes, and these two wrote a catty chapter in their history.

    1 Taylor Swift And Kanye West

    Yup, this is pretty much the famous feud to end all feuds, and it just might be the cattiest of all. It's been a while since we've seen Kanye on the list, but we all knew he was going to return, and of course it was going to be alongside Taylor Swift considering all the drama she's allegedly stirred up. The clash between these two started when Kanye leapt on stage to interrupt Taylor's acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards, and it didn't end there either. When everyone heard the infamously negative remarks in Kanye's song “Famous”, which go, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have [it]. Why? I made that b**** famous,” the world was expecting a reaction from the pop singer. It was shocking to hear but not surprising to hear from Kanye West. He went further, featuring a nude replica of Taylor in the music video for the very song. Taylor denied giving permission to the rapper to use her name in that way in the song, but we all know how that story ends. Kim Kardashian released the video of Taylor approving the controversial lyrics. Who knows if more catty moves will be played out in this saga, but it was savage, to say the least.