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    15 Celeb Quotes That Will Change Your Life

    Celebrities have such a strong platform where they can express their thoughts, feelings, and creativity. This list of quotes aims to capture the inspirational and motivational expression celebrities have spoken about over the recent years, quotes that have stuck with us in a way no other has before. Strong individuals who have created something larger than life and have given us some key points of advice to apply to our own lives, you better bet that I take these quotes to heart. Focusing on success, love, relationships, self-care, and overall wellness within their lifestyle can be so relatable I just had to share! The next thing you'll know you will be quoting these as your own and you will have people asking you where you got the awesome saying from! These quotes will change your life for the better and you'll thank us later for this curated master list of the best 15 quotes celebrities have uttered!

    15 Ellen

    “I wanna say also it feels good to be chosen, but there was a time in my life that I was not chosen. I was the opposite of chosen because I was different, and I think I wanna make sure that everyone knows that what makes you different right now, makes you stand out later in life. So you should be proud of being different, you should be proud of who you are.” - Ellen Degeneres

    Ellen Degeneres is always full of amazing and inspiring thoughts, but this one always stood out not only to me but to those who watch her show. This has been one of her most famous quotes for good reason, it reminds us to believe in what makes us different, seeing our differences not as flaws but instead as powerful aspects of what makes us extremely unique. It's important to remember that standing out in life is okay, we don't always have to blend into the same boring things around us, we have one life to live and we need to make the most of it! Exactly what Ellen said, be proud of being different!

    14 Emma Stone 

    “'Am I taking care of myself in a healthy way?"Am I respecting myself and being responsible?' And over and over, I answer yes to that question. Then I remind myself to be kind to myself, and as slightly ridiculous as it may sound, to treat myself in the same gentle way I'd want to treat a daughter of mine. It really helps.” - Emma Stone

    It really does help to imagine your decisions like this. We can be our own harshest critic, it's a difficult life lesson to learn, that we can't always be so hard on ourselves and our work. Imagining that if what we say in your head towards yourself was told to your daughter, would you be okay with that? If your future daughter doesn't deserve the treatment you're giving to yourself, what makes you think you really deserve it either? We really have to learn to be more kind to ourselves and in what we do, it's what we deserve. We should never have to deal with negative thoughts, but they're there, so we have to instead learn how to overcome and keep going without much hesitation!

    13 Taylor Schilling

    “It takes a lot of bravery to be authentic and honest and to take that social mask off in order to connect with another human being. So much of what makes us who we are is smoothed away online. And what truly connects us is the wrinkles, not the smoothness.” - Taylor Schilling

    It really does take quite a bit to be honest and authentic, it is one of the hardest roads to go down in life when everyone else is not following the same set of guidelines you follow when people rather be cheap and backstabbing. But that is one thing you can always hold onto in your life, knowing that you did the right thing, you did what was right and I am sure you have been able to see that when you do good things, you get good things in return, it just might take some time.

    12 Gigi

    "Your mean comments don't make me want to change my body, they don't make me want to say no to the designers that ask me to be in their shows, and they definitely don't change the designers' opinions of me." - Gigi Hadid

    Even though Gigi Hadid is a model and her body is always in the public eye, no one in this world deserves to have their body criticized, it's not fair and most importantly it's not anyone else's place to judge what you choose to do with your own body, because it's your body and that's final! Don't listen to all those mean comments that are thrown out in spite and hatred, because those people are just voicing their wrongful opinion because they're insecure and angry with themselves, we can only hope they realize that too. People see us for who we are on the outside, sometimes their hate towards their own self is projected on you and that's not your fault, ever. It's something they have to live with and it shouldn't bother you for longer than a second, just brush it off and be as strong as you can possibly be in the life.

    11 Maya Angelou

    “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.” - Maya Angelou

    A huge role model in the eyes of millions, the first woman that comes to mind is Maya Angelou, her artistic influence on creative communities and the communities of women have shone brightly throughout history. She said it perfectly, to make sure that whatever you pursue in life, whatever you make your career and your goals, to do it for the love. Do those things that make you happy, the things that fill you with passion and love, do them not for the money, but for the change you can cause and the love you have that's everlasting for those things in your life that no one can take away from you.

    10 Zendaya

    "I've had a lot of voices tell me what I should be making. Personally, I would much rather live and die by my own hand. If my stuff sucks, then at least I made it suck. I didn't allow some person, some old dude in a suit, to make it suck for me." - Zendaya

    One of the most important rising stars of this generation, I'm so thankful for the fact that Zendaya has already touched the hearts of so many kids and teens, giving them a role model that does good in the world, selfless good. No one should ever tell you what's right and wrong when it comes to your craft, creativity, and expression. We all express ourselves to put what we love out in the world, no one can take that away from us. This is probably one of the key things we should all remember when we set out on a new project, even when it comes to daily life.

    9 Michelle Obama

    “One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don't invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.” - Michelle Obama

    Staying true to yourself could simply be one of the most important things for everyone to remember, wherever they are and whoever they are. This quote is so near and dear to my heart because after all the stress Michelle Obama has dealt with, she never has wavered from her strong roots of knowing herself, staying true to what she believes in, and she has never let anyone get in her way from a moment of weakness. Knowing who you are is the strongest shield to have when you have to defend yourself. Such a role model. 

    8 Beyoncé

    “Your self-worth is determined by you. You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” - Beyoncé

    We all know and love Beyonce, from her music to the in-depth interviews, her creative spirit that's one of the strongest female voices of this lifetime, she inspires all of those around her. Even if you don't love her music or listen to it regularly, there are so many reasons why we can all love Beyonce, from her charity work, to her love of feminism, everything is there. Beyonce is someone who wants to inspire people, especially women, and make sure that they know just how amazing they really are. Knowing that you are worth it, you are worth your hopes and dreams, your career, your love, it all falls into place, and it won't truly happen if you do not start working on self-love! Listen to Queen Bey and love yourself!

    7 Ariana Grande

    "You know what is NOT sexy? Misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing and body shaming!!! Talking about people's bodies as if they are on display ASKING for your approval/opinion. THEY ARE NOT!!!! CELEBRATE YOURSELF. CELEBRATE OTHERS." - Ariana Grande

    Misogyny, racism, objectifying, and overall judging is never a cool way to treat other people. Even when people have different opinions than your own, you need to be the bigger person and try to tell them why they are hurting others with what they believe. We need to take this step by step, we need to change the world for the better so we will not have to deal with all this negativity that seems to be simply tacked on and accepted because of existing within a female body! This has been something that's been all over the media and it is important that we stop this. We are all here together and we should all love each other equally. 

    6 Daniel Craig

    “I don't say: 'can't do that', 'won't do that'. I've never thought in that way about work. The genuine truth and I do think about this a lot, is that I'm one of the least competitive people you'll ever meet. Except with myself.” - Daniel Craig

    It's so important to remember that we should just assume we can't do something without even giving it a try first. You'll never know unless you believe in yourself enough to try. Because honestly, what's the worst thing that will happen? You'll learn from your mistakes, if you fail, you'll learn how to pick yourself back up and brush off negativity while you keep moving forward. Daniel Craig said it best, you can't give up and you can't give into negative thoughts that have been our worst critic! I think it's perfectly fine to be competitive with oneself, but if it gets to the point of flooding our minds with negativity, we have to learn what we can fix and what we can't, what's worth getting upset over and what's not.

    5 Rihanna

    "I just have a way of breaking the rules even when I don't intend to. You have to let people be who they are. You have to believe that that's going to be the best version of them." - Rihanna

    Rihanna always has been a huge inspiration when it comes to female creators, she knows who she is as a person, what she likes, and what she wants to do. She said it perfectly, hitting the nail on the head, you have to break rules to succeed. You have to take risks and take the jump if you ever want to be successful, things won't just be handed to you. Even if things are given to you, is that really a way to be proud of your work when it was given to you so you'd succeed? It's important to remember this quote because it's not just about you, it's about everyone you meet, you have to be mindful of what they're facing, and how they're feeling when it comes to where they are in their life.

    4 Mindy

    "So many girls who look up to me or are interested in me are young girls of color who have been told that they are ugly, and who feel that they are not normal… It is so important that women who look like me-or who look different than me-can find themselves beautiful and be objects of love, attention, and affection." - Mindy Kaling

    An amazing actress, Mindy Kaling never fails to impress us with her thoughts on feminism while being in the spotlight. It is one of the hardest things to do in life, to be able to love yourself completely. It takes years, and unfortunately it does not always happen right away. It takes time just like anything else good in life, keep trying and you will be able to really feel it one day if you have not reached a place in your life where you are happy with yourself.

    3 Laverne Cox

    "In life when horrible things happen, sometimes we have to laugh." - Laverne Cox

    Sometimes that is all we really can do, laugh. When things get too hard and too stressful, it is so easy to write everything off, to give up on anything. But sometimes instead of getting angry just laugh it off. It might seem like such a weird reaction but go ahead and try it! Things always seem to add up, when one thing goes wrong everything else does as well, it just continues to go downhill. When this happens it is known as a domino effect. I believe that the most important thing to remember is that when things happen out of our control when we seriously can't do anything about it, we just have to laugh, we have to accept it and continue to grow upwards. Continuing to go forward without hesitation, because we have to be strong.

    2 Kanye West

    “I refuse to accept other people's ideas of happiness for me. As if there's a one size fits all standard for happiness.” - Kanye West

    How great is this quote? I really do agree with this one. Some view Kanye West as overrated, or arrogant, and he might be sometimes, but he does offer some good advice we should all keep in mind. We can never conform to other's ideas of happiness, how can that truly make us happy forever? We are all different and not everything that makes one person happy makes someone else happy too. There's never a one size fits all standard that truly fits everyone correctly. If it was, it would still look different on everyone, there's never one way to go about things in life. We have to set out to create our own idea of happiness, we have to find the quirks in life that make us smile and no one else.

    1 Mae West

    "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West

    Yolo wasn't just a stupid saying in that one rap song a few years ago, it really is true. We only live once, we have to make the best of it, we have to make our lives work for us so when we're old and full of nostalgia, we can look back on our memories with a smile. We have to be able to look back and see more good than bad, we have to see all the obstacles we crossed with a strong sense of self. I know that when I'm older I want to be able to feel content with what I've done, to be able to know that I learned as much as I could and did all the things I wanted to do, not the things people tried to pressure me into doing that would have filled me with regret.

    Once is enough when we find who we really are and what makes us unique from everyone else, what makes us, us.