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    15 Celeb Tweets That Prove They Should Have Stayed In School

    Let's face it, celebrities aren't exactly famous for being smart. From idiotic statements to mispronouncing words, the Hollywood elite are often blasted and ridiculed for being a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket. But why? Why do so many rich and beautiful superstars get it so wrong with regards to how they present themselves? With social media now able to make and break a celeb within seconds, websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be a dangerous game when dealing with a celebrities image. Take Twitter, for example, a forum with over 305 million monthly users, an internet wasteland with nowhere to hide. That's right, in only 140 characters a famous person can set off a huge gigantic bomb. Causing an explosion seen all over the world, resulting in career suicide or even worse. So, to highlight such celebrity atrocities, here are 15 celeb tweets that prove they should have stayed in school.

    15 Mary J. Blige

    Singer, songwriter, model, actress, and record producer, jack of all trades Mary J. Blige seemingly has it all, or does she? Yes, she may be extremely talented with regards to her career, but it appears her spelling skills are somewhat lacking. Exposing her weakest link during a tweet in 2012, in which she made one howler of a mistake, Blige instantly became a laughing stock. Angry at people attacking her state of mind, Blige posted an angry message in which she implied that her intelligence was being mocked. However, backfiring massively, the tweet not only contained an extremely terrible spelling mistake but also displayed some serious grammatical errors. In fact, the tweet barely made any sense at all, making the whole concept of what she was trying to say in the first place even funnier. Now regarded as the ultimate twitter fail poor Blige was severely embarrassed. But, that's OK, though, as long as there is No More Drama to come, we could never Be Without You…

    14 Lindsay Lohan

    What is a list without Lindsay Lohan popping up somewhere? Suddenly turning into a political expert during the Brexit campaign earlier this year, Lohan decided to share her worldwide views with a number of her followers. Live tweeting the whole event, Lohan managed to embarrass rather than educate, proving that she should really stick to her day job. Among her insightful views, Lohan commented on the rise of Margaret Thatcher, the remain camp, and strangely kept referring to Sarah Palin( who you will see managed to make our list too) throughout. Obviously having no idea what she was talking about, Lohan was called out a number of times, especially with regards to her British followers. Plus, with this, not the first time that Lohan has spammed twitter with nonsense, it seems it also won't be the last, with Lohan here to tweet another day. And the next day. And the next day.

    13 Dr. Phil

    The man, the myth, the moron. Dr. Phil, real name Phillip McGraw, is an American reality TV doctor, yes that's apparently a thing. Presenter of well known and surprisingly popular television show Dr.Phil, Mr. McGraw has often landed himself in hot water due to some rather inappropriate comments and statements that you really wouldn't want to hear from a Doctor. Tweeting, “if a girl is drunk, is it okay to have engaged in certain acts with her? Reply yes or no to @drphil #teenaccused.”, a number of people worldwide were immediately outraged. Quickly realizing his mistake, the tweet was rapidly deleted, leaving Dr. Phil to face the consequences. However, obviously afraid to do his own groveling, Dr. Phil had his representatives do the dirty work for him, stating, “this tweet was intended to evoke discussion leading into a very serious show topic based upon a recent news story, hence the #teensaccused label.” Idiot.

    12 Chris Brown

    Known for being a singer/rapper and somewhat ridiculously unstable, Chris Brown is mostly famous for being arrested after beating his girlfriend to a pulp. Often displaying a unique sense of idiocy online, the man in question is not only a total loser but also an illiterate one. In fact, Chris Brown is such a waste of space, that he actively encourages more people to hate him, especially with regards to his moronic tweets that he dishes out on a regular basis. From attacking stores who won't sell his music, to telling his own fans to f-off, Brown's tweets just get more and more disgusting by the day. However, with it not just Brown delivering such nonsense, his fans are also partial to making fools of themselves on a regular basis. That's right, tweeting a number of disturbing comments such as 'i'd let Chris Brown beat me up anytime", and "he can beat me up all he wants", Brown fans are obviously just as ridiculous as he is.

    11 Ryan Lochte

    Not the sharpest tool in the shed, Ryan Lochte has often treated his followers to a number of tweets that are either pure and utter nonsense, or words you'd be forgiven for thinking a 5-year-old had written. In other words, Twitter gold. From messages such as, "ur talent is God's gift to u. What u do with it is ur gift back to God… LB", "sometimes all u can say is jea jea jeah!!!!!!" and "just watched "How to train your Dragon 2" amazing. No matter what obstacle is in ur way, ur family, ur friends, ur love will be there for u, Lochte's tweets are amazing with regards to how insanely ridiculous he sounds. Plus, if he's not delighting us with his senseless tweets, he's making up stories about people robbing him, with #Lochtegate becoming one of the biggest news stories of 2016. After accusing a Brazilian garage owner of putting a gun to his head when stopping for gas, it was later revealed that Lochte had made the whole thing up, adding another thick layer of stupidity to his already damaged reputation.

    10 Khloe Kardashian

    Well at least one Kardashian was bound to show up at some point or another, and why not let it be Khloe K herself? Famed for being embroiled in a number of twitter spats over the last few years, Khloe K has waged words with a bunch of high profile celebrities. That's right, from Chloe Moretz to Amber Rose, Khloe seemingly loves a good fight, claiming family loyalty as her reason to cause havoc. However, when she's not creating a stir with other famous people, Khloe is all about sending messages to her followers, with Twitter, again, her preferred use of communication. Garnering a reputation for her ill-timed tweets and ridiculous context, Kardashian recently got into hot water for seemingly copying the Yahoo homepage answers. That's right, posting daily brain teasers on her Twitter, the posts were direct copies from the Yahoo answers page in which people typed in random questions in the hope of a perfect answer.

    9 Alec Baldwin

    Oh Alec, sometimes you are so incredibly awesome, exceptionally funny, and in fact quite a reasonable actor, yet why are you so obsessed with ruining your reputation? That's right, the master of destroying a career within minutes, Alec Baldwin has had more successful comebacks than President elect Donald Trump. Again, using Twitter as his preferred use of aggression, Baldwin has unfortunately been at the center of a number of Twitter meltdowns. From calling out a Starbucks employee with homophobic slurs to defending his daughter's abhorrent use of the N word online, Baldwin is no stranger to embarrassing himself. However, it was his breakdown over the reports that his wife had been tweeting during the funeral of pal James Gandolfini that really sent Baldwin over the edge, resulting in a very public breakdown, again drenched in severe homophobia. Going on to quit Twitter and return a number of times, Baldwin has been recently stable of late, preferring to constantly irritate Donald Trump instead.

    8 Jaden Smith

    Growing up in the public eye would make anyone act a little crazy, especially if your parents were two of the most famous actors in the world. Known for being somewhat 'deep', with regards to how he views life, Jaden uses Twitter as his own personal air vent of expression. Fancying himself as quite the philosopher, Jaden's tweets detail anything from the nutrition of fruit, fortune telling and lying to the mirror. In fact, Jaden's philosophical nightmares are now so popular, that he even has whole websites dedicated to them, with a number of fans living their days through his pearls of wisdom. Plus, along with providing his audience with profound nonsense, Jaden also likes to dabble in the magic arts, joining a cult with equally strange sister Willow and pal Kylie Jenner. That's right, becoming obsessed with crystals, no seriously, the threesome began following cult leader Osho, a known bioterrorist. Whatever that is.

    7 Jose Canseco

    Originally born in Havana, Cuba, Jose Canseco grew up in Miami, USA, later becoming one of the most famous baseball players in the world. However, later admitting to using performance enhancing drugs throughout his career, the public began to view him extremely negatively, an opinion not helped with regards to his online presence. Never far from controversy, Canseco has been arrested a number of times, with aggravated assault a common theme. After being accused of  assault, Canseco embarked on a huge twitter meltdown, revealing the allegation live on Twitter, as well as posting pictures of the alleged victim. Like what? How can anyone think doing something like this is even a little okay. But even after he was cleared of all charges, Canseco continued to write abusive tweets, along with anything else he could think of. Now regarded as one of the dumbest celebrities on Twitter, Canseco openly admits his stupidity, well for a 'genius' anyway.

    6 Sarah Palin

    I know we said celebrities, but Sarah Palin is too easy to pass up. Known for her ridiculous tweets, Palin has often amused the world a variety of times with her nonsensical views. Mostly looked at as hilarious, Palin can actually be extremely shocking and sometimes even scary. In fact, it's surprising that Palin has managed to get this far at all, often coming across as uninformed and unlikable. Embarrassing herself on a regular basis, Palin's tweets are the most inarticulate, usually seen to be jam packed with lies and useless information. However, it's her strange obsession with Barack Obama that has generated the most interesting tweets, with the majority of attacks personally aimed at the President himself. That's right, once tweeting, "Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke." Palin opened herself to public ridicule, with this just the tip of the iceberg with regards to her twitter history and insane lunacy.

    5 Shia LaBeouf

    Love him or hate him, Shia LaBeouf is at least entertaining, in his own right. From claiming 'he is not famous anymore', to desperately wanting to be famous, (someone needs to make up their mind already) LaBeouf is never far from controversy. That's right, no stranger to Twitter meltdowns and lunatic behavior, LaBeouf's most famous rampage came in 2014 due to accusations that he had plagiarized somebody else's work. Responding to the allegations, LaBeouf made a number of apologies, which in turn were revealed to have also been plagiarized (did he not learn from his first mistake?) Seemingly poking fun at the seriousness of the allegations, LaBeouf made it exceptionally clear that he was not the least bit bothered, continuing to make a mockery of the supposed apologies. Obviously not satisfied enough, LaBeouf decided to quit being famous once more, claiming to 'retire' from public life. Well, at least until the next week anyway.

    4 Amanda Bynes

    Probably the most famous with regards to twitter breakdowns, Amanda Bynes has often flown straight off the handle, as well as obvious mental health issues. From calling Barack Obama 'ugly', to confessing that she wanted Drake to do some questionable things to her, Bynes really knows how to gain an audience. However, things really took a turn for the worst when she accused her own father of assaulting her, claiming that he had violated her as a child. Later retracting the statement, Bynes then admitted it was all a lie, but that her father had ordered a microchip to be placed inside of her brain, resulting in the mass accusations. Plus, no stranger to Twitter spats, Bynes has fought with everyone from Courtney Love to Jay Z. However, it was her bust up with Rihanna that garnered the most attention with Bynes tweeting, "Chris Brown beat you because you're not pretty enough'. Beating her at her own game, Rihanna calmly replied, "ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention?" Ouch.

    3 Perez Hilton

    Again, we did say celebrities, but this guy needs to be called out. Hollywood's very own Mr nasty, Perez Hilton is often labeled as one of the meanest men in Los Angeles. From trying to publicly shame Lady Gaga to ridiculing just about everyone that ever existed, Hilton isn't exactly teaming with friends. However, it was his shameful bullying of teen sensation Demi Lovato that really rubbed people up the wrong way, with his desperate attempt at goading hitting him right in the face. That's right, after threatening to 'expose' private messages that Lovato had sent him with regards to his snarky comments over her work, Twitter suddenly fell silent. Following through with his threats, the messages were revealed. However, with Lovato coming across as a normal person, upset with the bloggers constant bullying, Hilton's plan instantly backfired. Creating the hashtag #Perezexposeddemiparty, twitter erupted in amusement, failing to see what the exposure was or where it had come from. Nice try Perez, nice try.

    2 Kanye West

    I mean we all knew this was coming. Famed for outbursts not just on social media but in life too, Kayne West is the king of controversy. From recently voicing his support for Donald Trump to being one part of the best showbiz feud ever, along with Taylor Swift, West is a force to be reckoned with. Known for his Twitter rants, West has come a long way since he first joined the popular media site, with a number of people signing up to Twitter just to watch him work his magic. However, it was his Twitter beef with fellow musician Wiz Khalifa that really set the Twitter world alight, showcasing just how funny, if a little insane, Kanye West really can be. Erupting after Wiz Khalifa had commented on West's choice of album title, Kanye as Kanye does, went all in. Numbering his insults, West commented on everything from Khalifa's kid to his music. Yet, it was one tweet in particular that really blew things up with West stating, 'i went to look at your twitter and you were wearing cool pants, you have distracted from my creative process'. Oh Kanye.

    1 Donald Trump

    Proving that those in high places aren't necessarily the smartest of the bunch, President elect Donald Trump really knows how to shock with regards to his Twitter account. Seemingly a fan of burning the midnight oil, the majority of Trump's tweets appear in the middle of the night. Making efforts to just about offend everyone, Trump mostly specializes in homophobia, racism, sexism and good old fashioned misogyny. That's right, from personally attacking actress and comedian Rosie O' Donnell, to calling just about everyone in the world a 'loser', Trump certainly knows how to get under people's skin. However, it was during the election campaign that Trump really got bitter, displaying a huge amount of anger and insults throughout the affair. From claiming that global warming was invented by the Chinese to stating he will have Hillary Clinton arrested, Trump proved that not only is Twitter now a driving force with regards to how elections will now be decided but also in which direction this world is now headed.