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    15 Celeb/Fan Moments SO Awks They'll Make You Shudder

    Everyone's got a favourite celebrity, and almost everyone dreams of meeting their favourite celebrities one day. While some never get the chance, a lot of people actually go out of their way - often paying a lot of hard-earned money - for the opportunity to meet their idols. Because people go through great lengths just so they can meet famous celebrities, they often have a romanticized idea of how the scenario will go. Perhaps their idol will be so cool that they'll become life-long friends, or maybe they'll woo their favourite celebrity who will instantly fall in love with them, and they can live happily ever after.

    Unfortunately, a lot of the time, these encounters, whether they be planned or by chance, do not always pan out the way that they'd imagined. Many celebrity meet-and-greets with fans are usually rushed, or come with a set of very detailed rules. Also, you never really know what someone is going to be like in real life until you meet them, which can also lead to some disappointing results. We're taking a look at some of those less-that-ideal encounters which probably left fans feeling a little bummed out about meeting their celebrity idol in the first place.

    15 When Avril Lavigne Wouldn't Allow Fans To Get Close To Her

    Fans reportedly paid upwards of $400 in order to meet singer Avril Lavigne in 2014, but were sorely disappointed when her security told them they weren't permitted to touch or hug her. Now, make no mistake, meeting a celebrity doesn't give you the right to touch or hug them if they don't want you to. However, during a meet and greet, it's usually implied that you'll get the VIP experience with a celebrity, which may include a photo with them, and usually a hug. that's got some form of physical contact, so photos don't turn out awkward.

    It's as if fans were also told to maintain a certain distance between themselves and the singer. $400 was a lot of money to pay to look like you'd done a poor job photoshopping a photo of yourself next to one of Avril Lavigne.

    14 Miley Cyrus Let Fans Get A Little Too Handsy

    On the opposite end of the celebrity meet and greet extremes, Miley Cyrus' fans seemed to have no concept of personal space. The “Wrecking Ball” singer allowed fans to do more than just hug her, as there are images of fans who are grabbing her chest, her butt, and even giving her a bit kiss on the lips. Talk about a VIP experience!

    During her Bangerz tour, Cyrus basically held a no-holds-barred meet and greet with her fans and took photos with them in some outrageous poses. Of course, the backdrop of the photo-op was also complete with props like a topless blow up doll and inflatable palm tree, to really emphasize the fun and R rated nature of her Cyrus' music at the time. It's likely that her next tour is going to look a lot different now that she's gone back to her folk music roots.

    13 When This Fan Thought She'd Met Matt Damon

    Imagine the excitement you feel when you think that you've spotted a celebrity, and it turns out it's actually a famous actor that you recognize! You call their name, get their attention, and not only do they stop to interact with you, but they're cool enough to take a couple of pictures with you as well. For this woman, this was the exact scenario she experienced when she met Matt Damon - or at least she thought she did.

    This woman called out to “Matt,” stopped him, chatted and took some photos with him to share on social media and share with friends. Unfortunately for her, she didn't actually take a photo with Damon, but instead, she met actor Mark Wahlberg. Fortunately for her, Wahlberg took this case of mistaken identity ins stride.

    12 When Jerry Seinfeld Rejected Kesha's Hug

    Celebrities are people, too, and so just like us, they also have idols and people that make them starstruck. This was the case for singer Kesha, when she finally met comedian Jerry Seinfeld on the red carpet at an event. Unfortunately for Kesha, cameras would be rolling as she got the embarrassingly rejected by Seinfeld who didn't know who she was.

    Perhaps it's difficult to think that there may be people out there who don't know you, especially if you're as famous as Kesha, which is probably why she felt pretty confident approaching Seinfeld to ask for a hug in front of reporters. Let's assume that had Seinfeld known who she was, that he may have given her a hug, but he didn't seem to recognize her at all, and likely mistook her for a random fan, so he politely declined to hug her when she asked multiple times. Yikes.

    11 When Justin Bieber Was A Bit Creepy With His Fans

    Justin Bieber is a huge pop star with crowds of screaming girls running after him wherever he goes. A lot of these girls openly speak about what a crush they have on Bieber, and some even claim that they're going to marry him one day. Usually, Bieber's got a pretty playful rapport with his female fans, but this photo that was taken at a meet and greet is just plain creepy.

    Both Bieber and the female fan look pretty young in this photo, so it's pretty awkward to consider that her parents and his team of PR and management allowed a photo like this to be taken. While the kiss on the cheek seems totally fine, the hand on her chest probably shouldn't be there at all. It just looks awkward, and frankly, a little icky.

    10 Hugh Grant Looks Really Uncomfortable

    This photo is certainly one for the awkward history books. It appears that this photo was taken at some sort of convention centre, so perhaps Hugh Grant was just trying to have a walk around in private. However, he seemed to have been spotted by an eager fan who wanted a photo. By the looks of it, Grant wasn't really excited about this particular photo-op, and it really shows in the photo.

    Perhaps fans should analyze the situation before asking celebrities for photos. While it can be very exciting to document a chance encounter with a famous celebrity, you should also consider that they're people too, and even though they live their lives in the public eye, they may not always enjoy being bombarded by over-enthusiastic fans.

    9 One Fan Got Too Close For Comfort For Will Smith

    Red carpet events always seem like a chaotic scene. With so much security, celebrities, media, and fans, it can probably overwhelming and confusing to be there - whether you're press or one of the celebrities in attendance. However, celebrities are usually professionals when it comes to red carpet events, so it's likely that not much can phase them

    Every now and again, fans are able to walk the red carpet and have an opportunity to meet the Hollywood elite, which proved to be not-so-good for actor Will Smith. A self-proclaimed prankster named Vitalii Sediuk took it upon himself to try and get really acquainted with Smith, with an unwanted kiss on the lips. Caught off-guard, Smith slapped Sediuk away, and justifiably so. Just goes to show that you should never just try to get physical with someone you don't know, and without their permission.

    8 This Meet and Greet With Britney Spears Looks Awkward AF

    Pop star Britney Spears has been a staple in the music for decades, so she's no stranger to the backstage meet and greet after a concert. However, perhaps Spears was having an off day, by the looks of this awkward AF photo. By looking at her body language, and that priceless facial expression, it looks like Spears is just terribly uncomfortable.

    Though it's uncertain why Spears looks this way, one can assume that perhaps she's just tired after a show, based on the backdrop of this photograph, as well as her outfit. This photo reminds us a bit of the one with Avril Lavigne and her fans, which is probably why it's making us cringe. Hopefully this particular fan didn't pay $400 for the chance to meet Spears, just to come away with this photo.

    7 When Kim Kardashian Kept Her Fans At A Distance

    Certain meet and greets aren't necessarily geared towards being able to get up-close and personal with your favourite celebrities. In this photo, reality television megastar, Kim Kardashian, looks like she's sitting down for an autograph signing with fans. Unfortunately, even when fans are told that there may not be a chance to take photos, they don't always listen.

    The enthusiastic and determined fan in the photo looks like she was just not willing to let the opportunity to get a selfie with the selfie queen herself, pass her by. From a distance. she's lifted her phone, just to get the shot, and while it looks like Kardashian is trying to be accommodating by looking into the camera and smiling, she looks absolutely uncomfortable doing so. Hopefully this fan's selfie turned out well, at least.

    6 This Girl Used Some Shady Tactics To Get Peter Facinelli's Attention

    This photo brings up a lot of cringe-worthy questions. First, if you know that your pet is dying, wouldn't you want to be there with them, as opposed to trying to get a photo with a celebrity crush? This fan had her priorities a little bit mixed up. Fortunately for her, the sign she created, talking about her recently deceased pet caught the attention of Twilight actor Peter Facinelli, and she got a hug and a photo.

    Speaking of that sign, it says that her cat passed away while she was in line to meet her favourite celeb, so does that mean she brought a blank sign, markers, and waited until her pet passed away to create the sign? Could she have created the sign in advance, knowing that maybe her cat was going to pass away soon? Either way, using a pet's death to meet a celeb is kind of terrible.

    5 When Nicolas Cage Was Just Trying To Fly In Peace

    Traveling can be very tiring and stressful for anyone. You have to get through security, wait in long lines, then sit, sometimes uncomfortably, for a number of hours before finally reaching your destination. Unfortunately, if you're a celebrity, there's also always the chance that a fan will spot you and want to take photos with you.

    This photo looks like this woman was in the right place at the right time, when she found herself now only on the same flight as actor Nicolas Cage, but sitting right next to him for the entire duration of the flight! Whether or not she was a fan, she certainly took this opportunity to get a photo with a famous actor. Unfortunately for Cage, it looks like he wasn't necessarily photo-ready (how many of us are, during a flight, no less), but didn't really have a choice but to humour this woman.

    4 When This Fan And Russell Brand Got Their Signals Mixed Up

    Here's a meet and greet that went awry in the best way possible. It appears that actor and comedian Russell Brand was signing books and meeting his fans. By the looks of it, this fan got a lot more than an autograph. Perhaps she was going in for a hug, we will never know, but in a split second, this hilarious image was captured with Brand, seemingly being friendly and wanting to give this woman a peck on the cheek, accidentally and very nearly had a full-on make out session with a fan. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but no matter what the situation was, it definitely made for a very memorable photo. At least this fan can say that she had a very memorable experience with one of her favourite celebrities.

    3 This Fan Got A Unique Experience During A Miguel Performance

    It must be a great experience to attend an award show. There are usually many celebrities in attendance, and there are often many performances to be seen. At the 2013 Billboard Music Awards, one fan was in the middle of enjoying said experience, when singer Miguel's performance cut her star-studded evening short. Maybe sometimes the best seats in the house aren't the safest.

    During Miguel's dynamic performance, he decided to leap from one stage to another, jumping over a group of the audience while doing it. Unfortunately for Miguel and one really unlucky fan, he didn't quite stick the landing, and basically got a flying kick to the face! Ouch. Like a true entertainer, Miguel continued his performance, despite the slight mishap, and the fan wasn't seriously injured, so it all worked out in the end. I wonder who the televised mishap was more embarrassing for: Miguel, or the fan?

    2 Robin Thicke Got Too Close To This Fan

    This photo got singer Robin Thicke in a lot of hot water with fans, as well as his now ex-wife, Paula Patton. The photo, taken at the MTV VMAs after party in 2013 looks innocent enough. Thicke is posing with a female fan with his arm around her - nothing suspicious going on there. Unfortunately for Thicke, they were standing in front of a mirror, which revealed a lot more than he perhaps was willing to.

    The reflection of the mirror shows Thicke's hand on the fan, socialite Lana Scolaro's behind, seemingly grabbing it. Not exactly appropriate behaviour for a married man. The worst part about this photo was that it was then tweeted to his wife, with the caption, 'Look at the reflection girl.' Talk about cringe-worthy.

    1 When Kanye West Meets Any Of His Fans

    Rapper Kanye West has built up a reputation over the years for his sometimes erratic behaviour, as well as his temper, at least where the paparazzi is concerned. While he's undoubtedly musically gifted, his attitude leave something to be desired. Of course, celebrities aren't required to be saints, but sometimes, West just likes to exhibit bad behaviour. Here, he seems justified in his actions.

    This photo is really awkward, because it looks like fans spotted West at some sort of sporting event and tried to take a selfie. Perhaps West just wasn't feeling it at the time, and he certainly didn't try to hide his feelings. No matter how famous a person is, if you ask for a photo, you should be respectful of their wishes if they decline. Moreover, you should ALWAYS ask permission, and not just take a photo without a celebrity's consent.