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    15 Celebrities Who Now Have Basic Jobs

    Bagging a Hollywood job is probably what most people dream of. And by Hollywood job, we mean the one where you get to walk on red carpets and get paid for doing just that. If you ask 10 people what they think of actors and actresses, aside from ranting about those they hate, these people would probably say that these famous figures are all generally lucky individuals. They'd say these people have the best jobs in the world and in more ways than one, they're right. Which is why millions of people out there would do anything to be in front of the camera and be given the chance to show their acting skills. However, not all those given the chance to do it are happy with their careers. That's a fact. Some people decided to leave the limelight and chase another dream. Then there are those who didn't get too lucky and just vanished. Just like that, they never had any other projects. These 15 celebrities now have typical jobs and it's quite an interesting list.

    15 Brittany Ashton Holmes (The Little Rascals)

    If you're still in your twenties, chances are that The Little Rascals is still fresh in your mind. Okay, maybe not as fresh as the latest episode of Scandal, but you get it. The Little Rascals is one of the best movies of all time, let's admit that. And partly, it's because of the super cute creature named Darla, who was played by Brittany Ashton Holmes. She did a really great job in that movie and while she's not as proud as we thought she is (because she said so on her MySpace account), this child star will always be a child star in the eyes of many people. But today, Brittany doesn't work as an actress anymore. She's living a simpler life away from the camera and in front of coffee maker machines. Yep, Brittany Ashton Holmes is now working at Starbucks. But if you think that's all, wait for it… she's also reportedly pursuing a political science degree.

    14 Peter Ostrum (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

    Another best movie of all time is the fantasy musical Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. If you're not familiar with this film then we have to say, you missed a lot during your childhood. But don't worry, it's not too late. We're sure you can still find a copy of this movie somewhere. One of the stars of this movie is Peter Ostrum who played the role of Charlie. Although many people thought that he would make it through the complex world of Hollywood, he didn't. He chose not to continue his career in Hollywood and he left the limelight and cheering audience, just like that. Today, Ostrum works as a vet in upstate New York. We don't know, maybe this is his true passion - caring for animals. And if he's not happy with Hollywood life then let's let him be, okay? Just go and look for the clinic where he's working and take your fluffy friend there.

    13 Tom Selleck (Magnum, P.I.)

    To make it clear, Tom Selleck still acts from time to time but he only takes on small roles. Because this man now owns a 60-acre farm, 20 of which are filled with avocado. Who the heck would choose acting in movies over avocados? Nobody. We all love avocados. It's the best food there is and we can't stop eating it. We should all grow avocado trees in our backyards. Seriously though, Selleck is known for starring in TV shows like Magnum, P.I. where he played a Hawaii-based private investigator. He also played Jess Stone in that series and was Ivan Tiggs on Boston Legal. In fact, Selleck has a few projects already announced for this year. But if you ask him, he'll still say working in his farm is the first thing on his list, and of course being a family man. Unlike others, Selleck chose to follow his passion first, even if it's away from the camera.

    12 Chris Owen (American Pie)

    What would you say if you got an offer to be part of the movie American Pie? Would you say yes? Would you say no? Well, Chris Owen did everything in his power to get the gig, auditioned like a pro, and showed people his great acting skills. And he did succeed. If you don't remember, go watch the film to refresh your brains. But yes, this man is actually part of that great film. But today, he's living a simple life as a waiter in a sushi restaurant. As mentioned, not everybody who gets a chance to work in front of the cameras is given the chance to stay there for good. Some people make it and some don't. That's life. And in the case of Chris Owen, sadly, he didn't make it. Well, at least he got to be in American Pie along with some other films. He's now probably happy these days and is definitely munching on some sushi.

    11 Nikki Blonsky (Hairspray)

    Hairspray is one unforgettable musical. Again, if you don't know what we're talking about, Google and see for yourself that we're telling the truth. It's one of the best musicals ever. Nikki Blonsky starred in this musical. This role and project must have had a great impact on her life because after she left the stage, she decided to work as a hairstylist in New York. Which is super cool when you think about it. Last time we checked, she was working at Great Neck. See, people, this is what we mean when we say that nothing in this life is constant. Things change more often that you think. And one of the most painful changes is when you think it's going to be permanent until it doesn't. Until the universe shows you it is pretty powerful and it can make even the most unexpected changes. This is one of those. We wonder if Nikki has really left the world of musicals for good or if she will return to that world again one day.

    10 Tony Danza (Taxi)

    Just like Tom Selleck, Tony Danza still acts every now and then. In fact, he's part of the There's… Johnny! TV series and plays Freddie. He also takes on small projects as a guest in various TV shows and small roles in films. Why? Because while the cameras and screaming fans are all still part of his life, something else is more important than Hollywood. And for Danza, that is the beauty of teaching. His prime job today is working as an English teacher at Philadelphia Northeast High School. All his students probably know he's part of the long-running TV series Taxi and Who's The Boss. While acting is one of the best jobs a person could ever have, the Hollywood lifestyle is not for all. There are the gossips and the paparazzi and all those annoying stuff. So for Danza, a simpler life with a dash of Hollywood is the perfect thing for him.

    9 Liam Gallagher (Oasis)

    Born as William John Paul Gallagher, Liam (in case you're not familiar) is the front man of the British rock band Oasis. He's obviously really good at what he used to do because Oasis was one of the best bands back then. And for many, it's still one of the best rock bands today. Unfortunately, they broke up in 2009 and Liam decided to form a new band called Beady Eye. That band had two full albums but after that, they stopped making music together. In 2014, Beady Eye disbanded and Liam decided to take on a different path. As in, fashion, because why not?! Today, he runs Pretty Green, a fashion label in London. Liam Gallagher is a living proof that while you love something so much, that's not enough to succeed. Sometimes, you have to let the universe lead you to something better and something you also loved but just haven't realized it yet.

    8 Jessica Sierra (American Idol Finalist)

    From Tampa, Florida, Jessica Sierra is best known for being part of the reality show American Idol. She auditioned for the third season of the show and when that didn't work out, she waited for season 4 and tried again, and then she became one of the finalists. Unfortunately, singing didn't bring her much luck in general, at least not when it came to creating a career because after her American Idol journey was over, Jessica didn't end up staying in the music industry. And she, like any normal person, got bills to pay. This led her to her current job at Hooters. So you see people, just because you love something, that doesn't mean it loves you back. Sometimes, you need to be lost in order to find yourself. And don't expect finding yourself to happen overnight. Jessica is probably still finding herself right now… but she keeps pushing forward. Maybe American Idol is just not the answer to her prayers.

    7 Mike Maronna (Adventures of Pete and Pete)

    If you remember the character Big Pete on the TV show Adventures of Pete and Pete on Nickelodeon, then this is the man. Well, he wasn't a man back then, but he is now. Mike Maronna started his acting career back in 1990 but today, we rarely see him in front of the camera. Well, that's because he decided to do super few shows and focus on something else. Back in the day, we still see him in various shows but today, Maronna decided it's time for him to work behind the camera. Yes, dear readers, he is still working in the TV and film industry, but now he works as an electrician on film sets. In fact, he's worked as an electrician on the set of Sex and The City and Be Kind Rewind. Now that's something! Aside from this, he also hosts a podcast with Danny Tamberelli. While he may not be doing the usual work in Hollywood, aka acting, we can say Maronna is still, somehow, part of it.

    6 Vanilla Ice

    If you don't think Vanilla Ice is one of the best rappers then we can't talk. We can't be friends. Because we can all agree that Vanilla Ice is a great rapper. Seriously though, this man has been part of the music industry for a long time. And while many people wish that he would still make music today, that's not his thing anymore. In fact, a lot of things have changed in the life of Vanilla Ice. Today, he works as a real estate investor and from what we can tell, there's really nothing wrong with his choice. Just like being a rapper, being a real estate investor is also quite risky and shaky, but this man is doing pretty well so far. Besides, if this is his love then let him do it. Not all of us are happy with the limelight, you know… some people think it's what they want but after a taste of it, they quickly realize it's not the kind of life for them. Let's just respect that, shall we?

    5 MC Hammer

    Another rapper on the list is Stanley Kirk Burrell, aka MC Hammer. He started his career way back in 1985 and has been part of various record companies including EMI Records, Death Row, Capitol Records, Full Blast Music, and Warner Bros Records. That being said, y'all can say this man is good at what he does. He's good at rapping and he sure is passionate about it. But because life happened and MC Hammer dealt with some serious stuff, including having an accumulated debt of 13 million dollars and filing for bankruptcy, he decided to change careers. And it's the type of career change you never thought would have happened. Now, the former rapper MC Hammer officiates weddings. Real weddings, people. Not only that, he also develops apps for Apple, specifically for the iPad. And he's also teaching.

    4 Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains)

    Kirk Cameron starred in various shows including ABC's Growing Pains. But because he wasn't going to stay in Hollywood forever, he decided on a big career shift and now he writes Christian books. Now that is something. We're not saying that writing Christian books is wrong or anything like that. It's just that it's not common for people in Hollywood to quit said Hollywood lifestyle and start writing some religious books. Well, perhaps we can say life is full of surprises and this is definitely one of them. Look, if this is what Cameron likes doing, then let's give him that. Finding that thing you're passionate about isn't always easy. And some people die without even finding it. If Cameron feels like this is his calling and his passion, then we're glad he found it and we're glad he's spending time doing it. After all, the limelight will always be there. He can go back if the universe would provide ways for him to go back.

    3 Tiffany

    We're assuming that many of you are still familiar with Tiffany Renee Darwish… who was commonly known as Tiffany. She's an American singer and songwriter who started her career back in the 1980s. Aside from singing a mix of pop, rock, and country music, Tiffany is also a well-known actress. In fact, she was once a teen icon and her songs quickly became teen anthems. That's how good she is. After she decided to leave her career as a singer and actress behind, Tiffany ventured on various career paths and she found the one she loved the most. She now runs Tiffany's Boutique, which is a vintage shop in Tennessee. She may not be doing all that singing and acting today but we're glad she's running a vintage shop. Because we all love how Tiffany looks, right? We all love her style and given the fact that she's running a boutique, shopping there is a must.

    2 Jeff Cohen (The Goonies)

    After starring in The Goonies, among other movies and some TV shows too, Jeff Cohen decided that he didn't want to be a celebrity in Hollywood anymore. Yes, we know, he is too good looking to say "no!" to acting and working in front of a camera, but he made a choice, people, and we have to respect that. The former child star is now a grown-up who is still super cute and works as an attorney. Yep, you read that right. Your handsome man here is now a lawyer. And not just any lawyer. He founded Cohen and Gardner, LLP. So yes, people, he is obviously passionate at working as an attorney, and that is something we must applaud. Working as a lawyer seems to be a lot harder than working as an actor but for this guy, it's not about the difficulty of the job. It's about whether or not he loves what he's doing. And from what we can tell, Cohen is loving life.

    1 Charlie Korsmo (Hook)

    Another lawyer in the house is Charlie Korsmo. He was also a child actor who grew up and decided to do the one thing he loved the most. Back in the day, Charlie Korsmo was in a movie with Robin Williams: Hook. Oh, he didn't just work with Robin Williams. He starred in that film with Mr. Robin Williams. How's that for a child actor?! However, when Hollywood didn't give Korsmo a chance to do more acting, the kid decided to go back to his normal life and live like a normal boy. Years after that, he decided to attend MIT and after, he worked as a lawyer for a few years. Korsmo decided to take a teaching job at Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland. Korsmo is now a law professor there so if you want to take up law, you may want to consider going to the University where a former child actor is now teaching.