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    15 Celebrities Who Support Trump

    At only 250 years old, The USA is not only one of the most powerful countries in the entire world but also the most prominent. Exceptionally good at knowing how to 'make a scene', this years race for the White House is by far the most eventful in the country's history, and that includes you Lincoln! With both options somewhat undesirable for a number of people, it is one candidate in particular who has generated the most discussion. That's right, with business mogul and non-politician Donald Trump making his way to the top of the republican party, the once 'what if' scenario, is now nearing on becoming a likely event. In fact, Trump is doing so well, that the number of his supporters are growing more and more everyday, despite a variety of controversial and offensive comments that seemingly spew from his mouth. And, with his followers also including that of famous celebrities, it has seen a divide among the Hollywood elite that has become wider than ever before. So, just who are these people? Here are 15 celebrities that support Donald Trump.

    15 Aaron Carter

    Somehow still relevant, Aaron Carter is usually known for being Nick Carter's annoying younger brother. Shooting into the spotlight on the coat tails of his much more famous Back Street Boy elder brother, Carter seemingly disappeared along with a number of other late nineties child musicians. Explaining his decision to support Trump, Carter has often put his foot in it, even accusing the general public of not understanding politics. Because he clearly does obviously. Announcing his endorsement, Carter later asserted that he didn't agree with certain Trump policies such as attacking the LGBT community and building a wall to keep the Mexicans out. However, with that not stopping him from voting for Mr Trump, Carter claims that other people won't let that stop them too, declaring, 'guess what, people are gonna go vote for him, they're just not gonna tell you about it'. He actually might have a point there.

    14 Gary Busey

    Star of Lethal Weapon and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Gary Busey was once a respectable actor, even harboring an Oscar nomination under his belt. However, after he was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident in 1988, Busey began acting impulsively, with both his speech and actions later becoming an issue. Going to make a number of controversial statements, Busey suffered an overdose in 1995, attributing his bump on the head to his concerning and strange behavior. Probably one of the biggest supporters of Trump along the celebrity circuit, Busey has endorsed Trump publicly a number of times. That's right, Busey and Trump are actually the best of friends with Busey claiming, 'I know him personally, I know him professionally. He's a great guy. He's sharp. He's fast. He can change the country after the last eight years'. In fact, Busey is so in ore of old Trumpy that he starred in not one but two editions of Celebrity Apprentice.

    13 Dennis Rodman

    Retired basketball player and all round basket case, Dennis Rodman was once one of the best B-ball players in the world. However, since retiring Rodman has done a number of controversial things, with endorsing Trump the least problematic. Attracting attention world wide due to his numerous visits to North Korea, yes you read that correctly, Rodman and notorious dictator Kim Jong-un are actually pretty tight. That's right, with Rodman somewhat of a major star out there, he later claimed that Kim was a 'friend for a life'. Giving his new pal thousands of dollars during his latest trip to North Korea, the act of kindness caused the U.S Department of the Treasury to investigate whether or not Rodman had broken the law by handing cash to a man on par with Adolf Hitler. Nevertheless, discussing his decision to support Trump, Rodman recently tweeted, 'we don't need another politician, we need a businessman like Mr. Trump! Trump 2016.' Oh and guess what, just like fellow Trumpette Gary Busey, Rodman has also starred on the Celebrity Apprentice twice. What's with these guys?

    12 Mike Tyson

    Now here is a guy who looks like he knows what he's doing. Famed boxer, with a number of prestigious and distinguished awards and records under his belt, Mike Tyson is really only famous for one thing, and that's biting Evander Holyfield's ear off. Often lauded as the scariest boxer to have ever graced the ring, Tyson has also starred in a number movies, with the recent box office hit, The Hangover, being one of them. Holding a friendship with Trump for a number of years, Tyson's matches were often held in a number of Trump hotels, with Mr Trump himself likely to have made a mint on the back of Tyson's success. In fact, the two were said to be so tight, that it was rumored that Trump himself had tried to successfully get Tyson acquitted, after he was accused of rape. Failing, Tyson served three years, however on returning to the limelight Tyson has often publicly supported Trump, often claiming how similar they are. Nice…

    11 Tila Tequila 

    Famed for a number of sickening and grotesque things, Tila Tequila has unfortunately been on our TV screens a lot longer than she actually should have. Originally shooting to fame due to the number of Myspace friends she had, (remember MySpace?) Tequila spent the rest of her life desperately clinging on to that five minutes of fame. Never far from controversy, Tequila announced her engagement to heiress Casey Johnson in 2009, however, just over a month later Johnson was found dead, with the cause of death attributed to diabetes. Sometime later, Tequila was photographed donning a Nazi costume, calling herself 'Hit-tila' and drawing a mustache on her new born daughter. Claiming to be a Hitler sympathizer on a number of occasions, the revelations caused her to be removed from a UK reality TV show, and a subsequent conversion to Judaism, no seriously. Publicly endorsing Trump, the man in question has yet to respond, causing many to believe that she may just be too controversial even for Trump.

    10 Scott Baio

    No! Not Chachi! Once a teenage heartthrob, donning the walls of many a teenager girls and boys, Scott Baio was televisions hottest property. However, with the curse of the Hollywood child star striking once more, Baio never really made the transition from successful teeny bopper to bonafide celeb. Harboring somewhat of a checkered past when it comes to commenting on politicians, Baio once posted an unflattering picture of Michelle Obama, designed to insult both Michelle and her husband President Barack Obama. Bombarded with racist accusations, Baio then responded in the worst way possible by claiming 'some of my wife's best friends are black'. Huh? Going on to later refer to President Barack Obama as 'either dumb, a Muslim, or a Muslim sympathizer', Baio has also publicly denied Global Warming. Endorsing Trump, Baio recently tweeted a photograph of a Starbucks cup donning the name Trump scrawled across it. Clever…

    9 Azealia Banks

    Never far from trouble, Azealia Banks has often been the topic of discussion with regards to her foul mouth and verbal diarrhea. Seemingly not happy unless she is extremely angry, Banks first hit headlines during a twitter spat with the also vile and moronic Perez Hilton. Taking it that step too far, Banks unleashed a torrent of abuse with regards to Hilton's sexuality, making a number of homophobic and offensive comments. From encouraging people to commit suicide to spitting in the face of a French passenger on board a flight to Los Angeles, it was her recent argument with ex One Directioner Zayn Malik that really took things to the next level. Accusing him of plagiarism, Malik then responded, however choosing not to name her, with the tweet alluding to its context. Angry, Banks went full on psycho, tweeting a number of racial slurs with regards to Malik's race. Seemingly getting away with it, just as she had done before, Banks recently tweeted her support for Donald Trump stating, 'Trump is an a-hole but he's not been groomed and programmed on some mkultra tip to DO & SAY what the establishment wants him to'.

    8 Loretta Lynn

    Originally hailing from southern Kentucky, coal miner's daughter Loretta Lynn is one of the most famous American country singers of all time. Winning a number of awards throughout her life, Lynn has been working nonstop for over 60 years. Marrying at only 15 years of age, Lynn had six children overall, with three of them being born all before her twentieth birthday. Publicly supporting Donald Trump over the last year or so, Lynn often discusses the man in question at the end of her live shows. Claiming that her audiences usually respond by clapping whenever she mentions Mr Trump, she later declared, 'when you get up there and try to say you want to see Hillary Clinton win, that wouldn't go over so big'. Hmmmm. Admitting that she would like to help campaign for him, Lynn doesn't seem so keen on making the first move, stating, 'I'm going to let him call me'.

    7 Tom Brady

    Another sports star to grace the list of Trump supporters, Tom Brady and so called 'Mr Cheat', has often voiced his support for Donald Trump, along with typical accompanying backtracking. Quarterback for the New England Patriots, Brady has had an extremely successful career, with four super bowls under his tightly fitted football pants. However, with his game tarnished due to rumors of football tampering, now known as 'deflategate', Brady was suspended for his role in what turned out to be one of the biggest scandals in NFL history. Referring to Trump as a 'good friend', Brady has tried to distance himself as of late, despite being pictured in a 'let's make America great again' hat. However, with Trump seemingly unable to let go, the business mogul often name drops Brady in a number of his speeches, citing the sports star as the reason why he won the Massachusetts Republican Presidential primary back in May.

    6 Hulk Hogan

    Regarded as one of the best pro wrestlers to have ever entered the ring, Hulk Hogan is probably the most famous wrestler in the entire world. You can recognize his name from anywhere. Reaching audiences worldwide during the eighties and nineties, Hogan was incredibly well received, often headlining a number of wrestling events and raking in the big bucks. Famously extremely supportive of Mitt Romney in 2012, republican Hogan has now moved his allegiance to Donald Trump, claiming that he actually wants to be his running mate. Yup you aren't dreaming, when asked about the president earlier this year, Hogan replied, 'If Donald Trump were to ask me to be his running mate, I would give it very serious consideration because anything to break up the status quo of this country'. Sacked by the WWE after a racist outburst was caught on tape, Hogan surely seems like he would be the ideal candidate.

    5 Gene Simmons

    Bass guitarist and lead singer of the iconic rock band Kiss, Gene Simmons has become somewhat of a recognizable figure due to his black and white face paint and gigantic tongue. A huge supporter of ex President George Bush, Simmons publicly supported the Iraq war, resulting in a number of negative comments towards him. Originally voting for Barack Obama, Simmons later announced his regret, criticizing Obamacare and the numerous health care reforms that he had begun to implement. Endorsing Mitt Romney in 2012, Simmons stated that, 'America should be a business, and it should be run by a businessman'. Seemingly sticking with those values, Simmons has often voiced his opinion towards Donald Trump, citing him as 'good for the political system'. However, although claiming that, 'he is the truest political animal I've ever seen onstage', Simmons refuses to endorse him, with Trump's controversial and offensive comments to blame for his lack of support.

    4 Stacey Dash

    Incase you've forgotten, she is famed for her turn in the box office smash and cult classic Clueless, Stacey Dash is now regarded as a part-time actress specializing in reality TV. Never far from controversy, Dash has often put herself in the public eye, mainly for the wrong reasons. Publicly endorsing Barack Obama in 2008, Dash later joined the Republican party four years later, supporting candidate Mitt Romney. Often expressing her political views, Dash recently hit headlines due to her comments on gender specific bathrooms, stating that transgender rights 'infringe upon her own', whatever that means. Publicly supporting Donald Trump a number of times, Dash again came under fire due to her inappropriately timed tweets in which she used the Orlando nightclub tragedy as a means of endorsing the multi-millionaire, writing, 'my heart and prayers are with the LBGT community. This atrocity would not go unanswered under President Trump I promise!'. Disgusting.

    3 Kirstie Alley

    The leading IT girl of the eighties and nineties, Kirstie Alley is now mostly famed for playing every guy's fantasy, Rebecca Howe, in the popular TV series Cheers. Appearing in a number of reality TV shows with reference to her weight gain and subsequent weight loss, Alley went on to endorse a number of healthy eating products. A member of the Church of Scientology, Alley openly discusses her reasoning for joining the elusive religion. Claiming that it saved her from her cocaine addiction, Alley recently called out fellow Scientologist Leah Remini after she had left the church, referring to her as a 'repulsive bigot'. Often tweeting her admiration for Trump, Alley tweeted that she would not be supporting Hillary Clinton, declaring her support and ultimate endorsement of Trump himself. If all of her involvements isn't a sure sign that she seems like someone who would support Trump then we don't know what else there is to do.

    2 Stephen Baldwin

    As if we didn't see this coming? Renowned for his controversial views, Stephen Baldwin has often been criticized for his outlandish comments. Known for movies such as Born on the Fourth of July and The Usual Suspects, Baldwin's career was on the up. However, after a few choice decisions and a number of insensitive comments, Baldwin was back down with the Z-listers. Identifying as a born again Christian, Baldwin is extremely outspoken with regards to his faith, often heard quoting passages of the bible to anyone that will listen. A strict republican, Baldwin was extremely vocal with his support for McCain and Palin in 2008. Threatening to move to Canada if Barack Obama was elected, Baldwin unfortunately stayed, going on to publicly endorse Donald Trump. Appearing at the Republican convention earlier this year, Baldwin stated, 'I'm here because I think he's the right guy at this time, more so for anything else that he's not a politician'. 

    1 Clint Eastwood

    One of the most famous actors in the entire world, Clint Eastwood is also a prominent political figure among the acting elite. Famed for movies such as Dirty Harry and his portrayal of the Man with No Name, Eastwood is by far one of the biggest cultural icons the movie industry has ever produced. Identifying as a staunch Republican, Eastwood has been a registered member of the party since 1952. Disapproving of a number of political actions, on both sides, Eastwood has vocally disapproved of America's involvement in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and the Iraq war. Once referring to himself as 'too individualistic to be either right-wing or left-wing', Eastwood has seemingly become more conservative of late. Endorsing John McCain in the 2008 elections, Eastwood then famously went on to support Mitt Romney at the 2012 Republican National Convention, by making a speech to an empty chair. With the chair representing Barack Obama, the speech was both praised and criticized, with a number of reporters claiming that Eastwood had indeed lost the plot. When asked who he was going to vote for in the 2016 elections in November, Eastwood openly admitted his support of Donald Trump, stating, 'That's a tough one, isn't it? I'd have to go for Trump, you know, cause she's declared that she's gonna follow in Obama's footsteps. There's been just too much funny business on both sides of the aisle. She's made a lot of dough out of being a politician'.