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    15 Celebrities Who Were Kicked Out Of School

    If you're still in school, you might be scrolling through this post right now when you should really be doing your math homework, studying for your Spanish test or working on that English Lit book report. Don't worry, we're not your mom. Keep scrolling! Your homework will be there for you when you're done. Because it's not all about the book smarts. In fact, some of the most talented people in Hollywood were the absolute worst students. We're talking A-list celebrities who couldn't even make it through elementary school. Below we've found 15 famous stars who were kicked out of school as kids. And we don't mean they just failed a grade or had to repeat a class. And we're not talking about kids who got detention or were suspended one time. These are the truly awful students who were straight up expelled from their schools. That's how bad these celebs were at school. So don't feel too bad about that late assignment you handed in or that time you had to meet with the principal in sixth grade. These stars did way worse and look how well their lives turned out!

    15 Robert Pattinson

    You know R Pattz as everyone's favorite pale faced teen vampire, Edward Cullen, from the Twilight series. But before he was romancing Kristen Stewart (sorry that didn't work out for you two) Robert Pattinson was a very bad student. So bad, that he was expelled for not doing his homework. Now that has got to be a lot of missed assignments to get kicked out of school, right? We don't even want to think about how much homework you'd have to miss for the school to give up on you entirely. His parents were probably really worried. But they didn't have to be! R Pattz was going to be just fine. Besides the very profitable Twilight series, Robert has also starred in Water for Elephants, the Harry Potter series and has a new movie, Damsel, coming out this year. Rob has also rebounded from his very public break up with K Stew after the cheating scandal. He is currently engaged to songstress FKA Twiggs.

    14 Adele

    That's right! The British singer with the golden voice was kicked out of school. And why was she kicked out? For fighting! Adele! That is no way for you to behave. As much as we love Adele, we have a hard time picturing her getting scrappy on the playground or throwing punches behind the bleachers. But apparently Adele got physical when an argument with a fellow classmate escalated. The classmate had the audacity to insult a reality show contestant that Adele had a crush on. So she wasn't exactly involved in a middle school fight club. Someone just said the wrong thing about her favorite house member on Big Brother or dream castaway on Survivor. Oh Adele, you shouldn't let your love for your TV crushes get you kicked out of school. Turns out Adele's school record didn't have much of an impact on her later life. She's one of the most successful musical artists today and probably can't even remember which reality star she used to have a giant crush on.

    13 Salma Hayek

    When we heard why Salma Hayek was kicked out of school, we were pretty shocked. It just doesn't seem like her! She just seems like she would be such a good student. But turns out, the nuns at The Academy of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans did not thnk so. They kicked her out of the school for, get this, pulling too many pranks. And who was she pulling pranks on? The nuns! Little Salma was running around her religious school in NoLa pulling pranks on nuns. We can't believe it! We just can't see Salma booby trapping a bucket over the doorway or putting cellophane wrap over the toilet seat. But it looks like she did and the nuns were having none of it. Nonetheless, Salma went on to an amazing career in Hollywood. It's too bad we don't get to see her in more comedic roles since she clearly has an aptitude for funny.

    12 Amy Winehouse

    First of all, can we pour one out for our homegirl Amy Winehouse? We miss you, Amy! RIP. While Amy's troubles with drugs and alcohol are well documented, it seems her wild days started way before then. It probably isn't too hard to imagine Amy getting kicked out of school. With her reputation, you might assume that she was kicked out for smoking something illegal on school grounds or showing up under the influence for class. But nope! Amy was expelled for something much more tame. She was kicked out of her high school for showing up with a nose piercing. Seriously? How uptight is this place? Did she go to the same school as Salma with the nuns who can't take a joke? Amy's school had a strict policy against facial piercings but Amy decided to rock up one day with a big old stud in her nose anyway. The girl wanted to express herself!

    11 Charlie Sheen

    If we had to pick someone in Hollywood who got kicked out of school, we would probably have Charlie Sheen on our top ten list. The guy doesn't exactly scream A+ student. We have a hard time picturing him making the honor roll or handing in all his homework on time. And while getting kicked out of school didn't stop Charlie from becoming a celebrity, maybe it was an omen for how stardom would treat him. So Charlie Sheen was kicked out of his high school for skipping too many classes and having really bad grades. Nothing extraordinary. In fact, we're a little disappointed. We were expecting the tiger blood man to get kicked out in a blaze of glory. We were hoping for some epic school prank or something else crazy and absurd. Guess it took Charlie a few more years of wild partying to work up to his bigger stunts. High school was just something he was too lazy to commit to.

    10 Owen Wilson

    Owen Wilson, what happened? Your brother Luke managed to not get kicked out of school. He couldn't keep you on the straight and narrow? But if we had to put money on an Owen brother who was kicked out of school, we would bet on Owen everytime. The Wedding Crasher just sort of has that look. He looks like he could get up to some serious shenanigans. Unfortunately, Owen didn't pull a Salma Hayek and prank his way to expulsion. Owen went a more traditional route. He was kicked out of high school when he got caught cheating on a test. Owen! C'mon now. You know that cheaters never win. His parents seemed to feel the same way. They enrolled Owen in a military school where he was made to finish out the rest of his high school years. It looked like the harsh discipline of military school worked its magic because Owen's school record was squeaky clean after that!

    9 Lily Allen

    Lily Allen has always been a bit of a musical bad girl but in a cheeky sort of way. We'd never expect her to do anything truly bad. But we weren't exactly surprised when we learned she got kicked out of school. However, we were surprised to learn that Lily Allen wasn't kicked out just one time. She attended 13 schools and was expelled from most of them! How does that even happen? Lily says she was expelled for all sorts of things like drinking, smoking, fighting, and having bad grades. If it was an act that could get you kicked out, Lily was probably doing it. Lily explained that she was often, "doing things that [she] shouldn't have been doing with boys that [she] shouldn't have been doing at that young age" as well as "smoking cigarettes [and] drinking.” So by the tender age of 15, Ms. Allen had had enough of the school system and dropped out. That's right, she was done with school by the tenth grade. And she also managed to go to 13 different schools before the age of 15. Luckily, everything worked out for her in the end but we doubt she has plans to return to school ever again after all that.

    8 Snoop Dogg

    Of course Snoop Dogg got kicked out of school. We have no problem believing this one. But, he was not expelled for what you would think. Snoop was not indulging in his favorite green recreation activity in the back alley behind his high school when he got kicked out of school. Shocking right? Even crazier - Snoop was not even in high school when he got expelled. Snoop Dogg, who went by his birth name of Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. at the time, was expelled from elementary school. How do you even get expelled from elementary school? You would think he must have hit another kid or something but nope. Calvin Jr was expelled for indecent exposure. How crazy is that? We don't have the details on the matter but suffice to say we are pretty shocked. But actually, this kind of crazy sounds like something Snoop would get up to.

    7 Jon Bon Jovi

    Turns out getting expelled from elementary school is more common than we thought. Jon Bon Jovi joins his friend Snoop Dogg in the elementary school expulsion club. But Jon really messed up. He allegedly slapped a female classmate at his elementary school in New Jersey back in the day. Naturally, he was expelled immediately. C'mon John Francis Bongiovi, Jr.! Violence is never the answer. Maybe if his teachers had put him in music lessons he might have been able to channel his anger into the music. But Jon eventually found his way there. He formed his band, Bon Jovi, at the age of 20 and has been rocking out hard ever since. Besides his music career, Jon has been involved in lots of great philanthropic causes, he's politically active, he's starred in a few movies and TV shows over the years, and he has been happily married for almost thirty years. Jon is also a father of four. Let's hope all his kids got through school scot-free!

    6 Elizabeth Hurley

    Liz Hurley? We didn't see this one coming. The actress and former model seems like she would've been great in school. We can almost see a little Liz running up and asking for extra homework or going out for the debate team. But seems like her squeaky clean image in Hollywood (minus that relationship with Hugh Grant and the riske dress she wore with the gold safety pins), was something she cultivated after her school years. Elizabeth Hurley was expelled from her boarding school because her grades were so bad. So looks like Liz isn't all that book smart! Or maybe she just wasn't motivated. Who knows? But things have definitely worked out just fine for her since then. She has appeared in countless movies, television shows, and modeling ads. Liz can now be seen on E's The Royals and hanging out with all of Hollywood's elite. She is godmother to two of Victoria and David Beckham's children and Hugh Grant, her ex-boyfriend, is the godfather of her son.

    5 50 Cent

    After watching 50 Cent's autobiographical movie, Get Rich Or Die Tryin, we're not super surprised to learn he got kicked out of school. The guy had it pretty rough in his early years. So 50 Cent, then Curtis James Jackson III, was expelled from his high school for drug possession. This is hardly a surprise as 50 has said he started selling drugs at 12 years old. In fact, we're surprised he was only expelled for possession and not for trying to start some sort of underground drug ring at his school. But getting expelled would be the least of 50 Cent's problem. Soon after getting expelled he was arrested for drug selling and possession. And in 2000, he was shot 9 times and miraculously survived. Two years later, 50 Cent would release the rap album that got him discovered by Eminem. He would then go on to great fame and celebrity. So looks like even a rough start couldn't hold this rap legend down for too long. Plus, while he was serving time for his drug possession charges, 50 Cent managed to earn his GED.

    4 Keanu Reeves

    It seems like some celebrities just aren't built well to handle school. Keanu Reeves is one of those celebrities. He attended four different high schools and was eventually expelled from the last one. Keanu explained, "I was just a little too rambunctious and shot my mouth off once too often. I was not generally the most well-oiled machine in the school." Fair enough. High school can be hard. But getting kicked out really didn't hold Keanu back. He went on to star in major movies like Speed, the Matrix series, and the John Wick series. Keanu has also branched out to other artistic endeavors such as playing bass guitar in a band, writing a children's book, producing a documentary, and acting in Shakespeare plays on stage. So looks like Keanu just needed to channel his creative energies. We bet if he had been allowed to enroll in all the arts classes in high school, he wouldn't have done so poorly.

    3 Ryan Gosling

    That's right! One of the sexiest men in Hollywood and most bankable actors of the moment was once kicked out of school. Now, full disclosure, Ryan was not expelled. But he was suspended from his elementary school. And why did they suspend little Ryan Gosling? Because he brought steak knives to school and was throwing them at the other kids! What? Ryan, how is this real? You seem so calm and dreamy. We can't even imagine you getting violent and throwing knives. Apparently, he explained to teachers and his parents that he had been inspired after watching the movie Film Blood. Guess this is why we don't let little kids see R-rated movies. But it looks like this was the beginning of Ryan's interest in film and being an actor. He just had to learn the difference between special effects and stage combat versus throwing knives at your terrified classmates.

    2 Kevin Spacey

    Remember when Owen Wilson was expelled for cheating on his test so his parents sent him to a military school? Well, Kevin Spacey is next level. He got expelled from a military school! Kevin couldn't keep himself out of trouble and was kicked out of Northridge Military Academy. We'd love to know what he did to get kicked out of military school. We assumed that the school would just deal with the students internally. Like if you were late for class, you'd do push-ups or have to crawl under the barbed wire. If you get bad grades, you have to climb up one of those big wooden walls or run outside in the rain. So Kevin must have really done it to get kicked out of the place. But it didn't seem to phase him too much. He went on to have a huge career in Hollywood and now is our favorite political villain as Frank Underwood in House of Cards. Favorite fictional political villain, that is.

    1 Sir Richard Branson

    See mom? You can become a billionaire even if you don't do well in school! We all know about Bill Gates dropping out of Harvard and becoming one of the most successful men in the world. But that meant he was too smart for Harvard. It's rare that we hear of a successful business person who didn't drop out of school but was kicked out. Introducing Sir Richard Branson! Richard Branson was kicked out of his elite boarding school for sneaking into the principal's bedroom. Now, that definitely seems like a crazy dare the other students put him up to. But should he have been expelled? We don't know. It's not like he was violent or had bad grades. He was just a big risk taker! And look at how well those risks have paid off in the rest of his life. Sir Richard Branson is one of the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneurs today. Take that, boarding school!