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    15 Celebrities Whose Faces Have Changed Over The Years

    We all go through phases growing up and our looks often change the older we get-- sometimes they change so drastically that we don't even look like ourselves. Remember having those super chubby cheeks as a little tot and then suddenly you grow up and your face smoothes out, and those cheeks aren't as chubby as they once were. Or perhaps your entire body was slightly rounded than most and one day you grew and you weren't so round anymore, maybe you were the shortest kid in your class and then poof! one day you grew so tall you practically towered over everyone, or maybe it was reversed and you thought you would be the tallest one in your class only to find out that you basically stopped growing by the time you were a Freshman in High School.

    For these celebrities, we have watched them grow up through media-- their lives practically served to us on a silver platter. We watched them grow from little child actors to big time movie stars, we watched their bodies transform in ways they were almost unrecognizable. Some even became extremely attractive the older they got and others were so cute as children and suddenly look like that old neighbor down that street that you wouldn't be surprised if he owned some illegal lab or perhaps was the town Dexter. You may be interested in the many celebrities that you grew to love and what they look like now, you may be curious how drastically their faces have changed over the years. Take a look at the 15 celebrities whose faces have changed over the years:

    15 Chris Pratt

    Nowadays many ladies are swooning over the ever-so-handsome Chris Pratt, but it was not long ago that Pratt was struggling with major weight gain. In real life, if someone gained a lot of weight and then lost it generally only your friends and family would notice but no one would make a huge deal over it-- unless you are a celebrity and managed to lose that weight only to then make yourself 20 times hotter. Hollywood has definitely been good to Chris Pratt and his overall transformation from over the years has been impeccable. It is truly inspirational and amazing to see the dramatic weight loss that so many celebrities go through. Taking a little walk down memory lane, but before Pratt was the action star in the film Guardians Of The Galaxy and a fan favorite Jurassic Park, he happened to be best known for his role on Parks and Recreation as Andy Dwyer. Chris Pratt was always known for his goofy character on Parks and Recreation up until the point he made a complete transformation into the action hero in Guardians Of The Galaxy. It is amazing to think that he lost 60 pounds in just six months! Talk about major motivation! *can we give this handsome fella a round of applause* Pratt, determined to change his life around-- started working out 4 hours a day by doing P90X, running, boxing, and swimming while eating around 4,000 calories per day, drinking ounces of water and the obvious was cutting out any junk food and giving up beer. Say hello to those gorgeous abs!

    14 Jennifer Grey

    Remember the annoying sister in Ferris Bueller's Day Off or perhaps the innocent dancing queen in Dirty Dancing? Crazy to believe how much one can change-- but then again we do live in a world full of plastic surgery because let's face it-- we as humans cannot be satisfied with our looks so we constantly find ways to enhance them to make ourselves feel better. I personally do not recommend it-- especially with all the plastic surgery gone wrong, but some people-- especially celebs feel that it is crucial to maintain a high profile look. Unfortunately, not all of them ended up looking better. I loved Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller's Day Off-- she was just so cute and tiny and everything about her screamed beauty. Until she got older and decided to get some plastic surgery done. Jennifer Grey has had a very successful career with her Golden Globes Nominations as well as being on the 11th Season of Dancing With The Stars-- talk about a flashback from her Dirty Dancing days. But recently the media seems to be talking more about her unfortunate plastic surgery mishap rather than her successful films. And this sudden mishap has been the hot topic of online criticism for quite some time now. fans wonder about her new appearance-- her face features have definitely changed and it isn't just from growing up. Grey has definitely had some surgery done to enhance her features-- but not all surgery can fix your looks and often makes things worse.

    13 Ariana Grande

    Ariana is kind of like a chameleon-- the ever-changing face. Looking back on the beauty evolution of this Nickelodeon star that practically turned pop diva over night. From her starring role on Victorious to Kat and Sam, Ariana has definitely come a long way, with now being the biggest pop star ever. Remember that long bright red hair? Now with her signature high perma-ponytail, her greige colored lips, and false eyelashes you could say she has gone through so major changes. In fact, I think it is safe to say she has developed a very particular beauty aesthetic, and the evolution of miss Grande just keeps on changing. Let's walk down memory lane for this pop diva-- starting with, in 2008, her pre-ponytail years shall we say. With not a whole lot of makeup, she rocked the super curly black hair, lighter skin color and the fact that her nose, eyebrows, and lips have changed over the years. Moving onto 2009 when she was filming Kat and Sam, with the vibrant red locks, she ditched the curls for straight hair and her brows were a bit closer to her eyes. Now in 2011, she began spray tanning--trying to get that glow, while she began to also wear a lot of updos. In 2012, her vibrant red locks started to get a darker shade of red, while she added on some hair extensions, here is where she began to inherit her signature high ponytail or half up do's. In 2013-2014, some people believe she got an eyebrow lift although nothing has been confirmed the fact that she now has raised eyebrows but zero creases on her forehead is a good enough explanation. In 2014, she lightened her hair whereas in 2015 and 2016 her hair got darker, makeup softer, and her overall appearance slightly risky.

    12 Meg Ryan

    Meg Ryan has most certainly made a name for herself and has been the hot topic for her most drastic transformation. She was incredible in You've Got Mail, but after that, the topic shifted towards her many different appearances. Meg Ryan's remarkable beauty was something that stood out on top of her incredibly successful acting career-- but now fans instantly comment on the drastic changes in her facial features. It may be safe to say that fans believe Meg Ryan did get plastic surgery but nothing has been officially confirmed, but the possibility that she has is very high. The assumption that if she did get plastic surgery in order to enhance her features, she may have just done too much and that could be a reason why fans are so incredibly shocked when they see photos of her because she does not look like the Meg Ryan we watched in so many great films with her and just love so dearly. Ryan has denied many times of getting plastic surgery-- but let's be real here who would actually like to admit they have had plastic surgery? Not very many people will admit to that. The fact that we can noticeably tell that Meg's face has definitely morphed over the years, all I can think back to is that all-American face we all so loved in the wonderful film Sleepless In Seattle, which has suddenly faded with time--or perhaps tons of plastic surgery. Sometimes her appearance has changed so much that we hardly can recognize her-- I know I sure can't!

    11 Kylie Jenner

    Looking back on when Keeping Up with the Kardashian's first aired, Kylie was just a little girl but over the years we have watched her grow up--and look less like a normal person and more--let's just say more grown up. Which makes sense to look grown up the older you get but for Kylie, her features have transformed so drastically that we have a hard time keeping up with all the changes. Meanwhile, social media has definitely speculated as to whether Kylie Jenner has gone under the knife or not-- regarding her changes, especially with her lips-- perhaps she got fillers. You have to wonder what surgery she has had done. If you think about it, how else would you explain the crazy lips that launched the "Kylie Jenner Lips Challenge"-- a challenge that many people risked their lives for and how many times are people going to realize that big lips are not a good look?! Still, we obsess over Kylie Jenner's lips like clockwork over and over again. There were even speculations from her very own friends that were convinced that Kylie has, in fact, had more than just her lips done. If your friends question what plastic surgery you have done--don't you think it's time to rethink that maybe you have gone a little too far. At just 19, Kylie Jenner has mainly become super famous-- but not because she has talent, but because of her ever-so-changing face.

    10 Kim Kardashian

    To continue on with the Keeping Up with the Kardashians clan-- we have miss Kim Kardashian. Which if you recall back to the first season, she rocked the smokey eyed look and excessive spray tan on the daily, but now she's all glam--talk about a major transformation. Kim Kardashian has been known for her striking beauty (and a few unmentionable things) ever since she first made her way into the spotlight and burst onto the Hollywood scene, as she was Paris Hilton's BFF in 2006. But like so many celebs, often letting fame go to their heads and the obsession with being the best--her look has completely changed quite a bit actually. In 2006, Kim was best known for wearing a smokey eye and glossy nude lips while she spent her time in their DASH clothing store in Calabasas, CA. It was in 2007 that she discovered red lips and bronzed skin-- looking more like a golden goddess. In 2008 Kim began to steer away from the heavy bronzed glow and opted for a more fresh-faced look. In 2009, Kim went full-blown glam-- little-known fact, she had "baby tendrils" that were around her hairline that were noticeable in a photo once but later on, she had them lasered off for good. Later on in 2009 she went for a light hair color--which if you happen to keep up with Kim you would know how many times she dyes her hair. As you notice over the years-- she has maintained a pretty glamorous life alongside the ever-so-changing features of her looks.

    9 Miley Cyrus

    Remember Hannah Montana? Back when Miley Cyrus seemed normal and completely adorable-- until fame completely went to her head. Not sure what bug bit her but clearly she went through a phase that just did not fit the girl we grew to love so much. It was in 2006 that Miley Cyrus was cast as the teen pop sensation, the bubbly blonde Hannah Montana. In 2007, Miley made a bold statement by wearing bright red lipstick, she loves the idea of changing up her style so much but red lips kind of seemed to be her number one beauty style she didn't want to live without. In 2008, the pop singer decided to change out her lightly colored locks and opted for a darker much edgier look all together, by dying her hair a super dark brown practically black. I guess she really wanted to get away from that Hollywood glam look and also the fact of being known as Hannah Montana-- let's call this one anti-Hannah. Later in 2008, she managed to look all grown up in a Valentino dress and low ponytail. In 2009, she filmed Sex and The City 2 and The Last Song where she brought back the lighter locks that were long and wavy. It was in 2012 that her looks started to really shift-- Post-Oscars look, she went super glam with a shorter hair cut. But that didn't last long when she suddenly shifted gears again and went for an edgy look with bleached blonde hair and an extremely short haircut. In 2013 she began to let her roots shine through. It seems Miley has done one full circle with her ever-changing looks-- and just when you think you know her style she will change it on your like a chameleon.

    8 Justin Bieber

    Aw J-Biebs, the adorable side-swept bangs and the cute voice singing about love and relationships when he was only about 13 and now look at him! Justin Bieber has definitely been in and out of the spotlight far too long-- some topics on him are good others not so much, but we still love Justin. We all swooned over his song "Baby" and that side-swept hairdo that probably took him about five minutes to do. But at some point, you have to evolve and for Justin that meant leaving that trendsetting do behind and moving on to a more sophisticated look. Biebs went from adorable baby face to man over the years-- aka teen dream to hype machine. We watched the evolution of Justin Bieber from being America's heartthrob to troublemaker, the bad boy you just cannot resist-- alongside his attitude his looks changed too. In 2011, Justin was about 17, his rebellious side took its toll when he decided to pierce his ears. In 2012, Justin had girls swooning left and right while his release of his song "boyfriend" hit stands--all the ladies wished that he were their boyfriend. In 2013, we started to notice some tattoos alongside his even more rebellious stages. While we didn't receive any songs or albums this year the drama revolving around Justin was enough to keep him a hot topic and that orange jumpsuit really was the cherry on top. By 2014, the Biebs added more tattoos and it may be safe to say that our little Canadian boy was turning into a man and hearts were melting all over the world. #Bieberfever

    7 Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift has definitely come a very long way since bursting out onto the scene in 2006, this pop star has transformed from the adorable country-pop singer with natural makeup and trendsetting spiral curls, like in her music video for "Tim McGraw" in 2006, to completely straightening her hair, adding bangs and her signature red lips for her "RED" album. And in case you were wondering, she didn't stop there-- for her 1989 Album she completely evolved in 2016 by cutting her hair shorter and full-blown platinum blonde-- talk about a bold statement. Taylor Swift has an incredible style-- her look is young and modern, the fact that she came out on the scene in her cowgirl boots and flowy dresses to her vintage obsession to rocking her "Coachella" looks. The fact that she is capable of trying out any style and rocking it is pretty brave. But her style isn't the only thing that has changed over the years-- even her face has changed. From a young girl to now a woman, we have been lucky enough to watch Taylor transform right before our eyes. And fans all over the world feel as if Taylor Swift is their best friend-- making her changes over the years that more real-- because they grew up with her and went through those changes together. Remember her wild spirals? I miss those days of long curly locks-- but her look now is so much more sophisticated. Just her face, in general. has changed-- she started out with a rounder face but as she got older her face became less round. It is true Taylor has definitely evolved over the years and the fans are curious what style she will be brave enough to encounter next. Let's just say that moment she went platinum blonde was such a bold statement that even after the drama passed it is a look that will never be forgotten.

    6 Rob Kardashian

    Another Kardashian for the win! Okay, obviously Rob Kardashian's weight has been a major topic of the town and possibly the media totally blows things out of proportion but let us be real for just a moment. Rob--the baby brother of the sisters-- was sadly always in the background but he was considered hot at one point and then one day he just decided to let himself go. Which respectfully, no one should be judged for their weight still it was shocking to look back and see how fit he was to not so fit-- how could people not be shocked, let alone talk about it? Not going to lie, Rob was at one point very good looking-- he went from chiseled hunk with rock hard abs to a more frumpy and sad figure and this type of transformation shocked just about everyone. Honestly, it must be really tough being a member of one of the most gorgeous families in Hollywood-- but truthfully, Rob allowed his sisters to get the best of him. As much as his weight gain was a drastic moment-- it seems Rob has actually been changing things around and is looking healthy once again. Still, cannot help but notice that his weight gain has gone up and down more so than Kim Kardashian's love life. And to many, Rob has become unrecognizable over the years, especially once he started piling on the pounds and then completely removed himself from the Hollywood spotlight. But the transformation isn't complete--as Rob seems to be finally ready to not only get his old self back but to finally step back into the spotlight. Go Rob!

    5 Renee Zellwegger

    Everyone seemed shocked when Renee Zellweger revealed her new face back in 2014 at the Elle Women in Hollywood Awards--the changes and the complete transformation was shocking in itself. It was difficult to concentrate on anything else when the face we once knew so well had completely changed right before our eyes. Not to mention, plastic surgery rumors were flying off the handles-- and everyone was desperately wanting information on whether or not she went under the knife. Often, celebrities will not confirm them getting plastic surgery-- but if we are being honest here, something that drastic of a face change the only proper answer would be plastic surgery-- whether they admit to it or not. Still, your assumptions are only as good as mine. That moment that Renee stepped out onto the Red Carpet only to shock those around her with the transformation of her face-- it just looked thinner and wider and her eyes more open. It wasn't so much that she looked bad but different and some people don't do well with change. Renee adamantly denies ever getting any plastic surgery, it seems to her, her so-called face change is merely just with age and nothing else. Defending her beauty transformation-- she still won't admit to any surgery being done. We will all have to just accept her changing appearance.

    4 Mary-Kate Olsen

    Remember the Olsen twins? Brings back so many memories, like Full House and all their Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies, even their television series So Little Time. But so much time has really passed and their faces have changed drastically--especially Mary-Kate Olsen. Rumors sparked that Mary-Kate underwent some plastic surgery after looking unrecognizable at a Red Carpet event. There was a time, very long ago, that the Olsen twins looked so much alike that no one could tell them apart. But unfortunately, those days have come to a close-- the once identical-looking beauty twins could not look more different nowadays. A little-known fact, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are actually fraternal twins, not identical. As these two embarked on their own journey-- leaving behind their child acting days and entering the world of fashion, there have been many rumors that Mary-Kate is thinking of embarking on her own journey and branching out with work of her own. As the twins acting careers went coming to a close, the transformation of Mary-Kate became very noticeable as she lost a drastic amount of weight, lost the blonde locks and sweet style, and opted for a more darker look. It seemed she looked remarkably different only to discover that she had been suffering from Anorexia and decided to put herself in rehab. Mary-Kate has since then recovered and is slowly looking more like her sister.

    3 Heidi Montag

    Although we can't really say that we love Heidi for her successful career because there isn't much talent to be talked about. Known as Lauren Conrad's BFF on The Hills, Heidi started out as the spunky, sweet, yet sassy little blonde girl that loved to party-- in fact, I really liked Heidi up until the point she started dating Spencer. Granted it is a television show-- and most likely the producer probably made Spencer out to be the bad guy, in the end, some things must have been true to drive a wedge between Lauren and Heidi. As we all watched Heidi's appearance transform throughout the television series, I also thought Heidi was a beautiful girl. And sure at first, you have to accept if she feels the need to enhance her chest that it's because she lacks some sort of confidence but clearly Heidi took it way too far. Also being known as the girl who had done more plastic surgery than anyone-- which not only did she look like a plastic doll when all was said and done, but she risked her life for a look that was clearly out of line. The fact that miss Montag underwent 10 plastic surgeries within just one day is completely insane and makes me curious what was going through her mind as to do all that. I suppose it is safe to say though that eventually, Heidi came to her senses--even though it was way after all the surgeries had been conducted and she realized what a drastic change she had made. She eventually told Extra that she has decided to stay away from plastic surgery for good. Good for you miss Montag!

    2 Michael Jackson

    The ever-so-changing face of Michael Jackson, sometimes it is hard to keep up. During his brilliant career, Michael Jackson had not only changed his music but also his appearances. Talk about a major evolution-- Michael Jackson's face changes were so drastic that looking back he is almost unrecognizable. For starters, his skin got lighter, his eyebrows thicker and his nose smaller-- just to name a few. Being the youngest member of Jackson 5, we have been lucky to watch Michael grow up right before our eyes. Everyone goes through changes-- it is part of life and growing up but to transform your face so much that it is hard to even tell who you are anymore is crazy but it happens a lot, especially with celebrities. Maybe they get so wrapped up in the limelight they forget who there are--your guess might as well be as good as mine. Still, it is clear that Michael Jackson has undergone many plastic surgeries in his lifespan in order to alter his appearances drastically. Not only did his face drastically change but he grew out his hair--before he had that adorable afro and over time he has long curly locks. There is absolutely no doubt that Michael Jackson resorted to plastic surgery, clearly, you can see how drastic his appearances have changed over time. The King of Pop transformed so much that it would be difficult to pinpoint exactly what he has done and how many times he has changed those appearances. But if you flip through old photographs you can see the drastic changes that took place.

    1 Macaulay Culkin

    Think Home Alone! Except, for now, he looks more homeless. Remember the adorable kid from Richie Rich, Home Alone and Uncle Buck, just to name few? As you may know, Macaulay Culkin had been battling a mean addiction-- he had been photographed on many occasions looking completely unrecognizable, a bit disheveled and worryingly gaunt. Lucky for Culkin, the tides had made a drastic turn and he was captured looking rather healthier back in 2013. But this troubled star has had more ups and downs than a roller-coaster and the changes he has endured have shocked many people. From the adorable child star that every kid was jealous of to a complete transformation of self-destruction, it is good to see he found a way to turn his life around. Those baby blue eyes and blue locks made everyone swoon over his adorableness and then he grew up and his life started to go downhill. Dressed as a bum, Macaulay Culkin looked more and more unrecognizable and worried many people of what path he was heading towards. It is a good thing that this child star managed to clean himself up and definitely gave the rest of us fans reassurance that he was back on the healthy train.