Laman » Hiburan » 15 Celebrity Parties That Are WAY Overdone

    15 Celebrity Parties That Are WAY Overdone

    Aren't celebrity parties just THE BEST? There are the glam outfits that you know that none of us will ever be able to afford. There is the food, which is obviously the best part of every party. I'm serious! I even get excited if there are just chips out. Chips ARE life. But, back to the celebrity parties. There are also some amazing themes because no one embraces a theme like a celebrity throwing a party. Oh, and there's also the fact that celebrities are all friends. Seeing pictures of Kate Hudson and Lady Gaga as BFFs? YES, PLEASE.

    I'm just kidding. Celebrity parties suck! They set crazy high standards for all of us commoners. Everything celebrities do at their parties is always Pinterest-worthy and newsworthy. I mean, after any Kardashian or Jenner celebrates a birthday, it's all over the 24-hour news cycle. The parties that we commoners throw will never be as Pinterest-worthy and certainly not as newsworthy. Unless you, like, burn your apartment building down or someone accidentally falls off your deck, it's pretty unlikely your party will end up being written about in any news publication!

    So, can celebrities just, like, chill out a little bit? You know, so we don't feel so lame about our commoner parties? Below are 15 of the most over-done, most outrageous, most annoying celebrity parties.

    And, of course, the Kardashians/Jenners made the list. I mean, did you see Kris Jenner's '20s-themed 60th birthday? It was the most extra anything extra has ever been! In fact, if you look up the term "extra", it just might have a picture of Kris Jenner's 60th birthday party.

    Okay, now for the 15 celebrities parties that are TOO MUCH.

    15 The Kardashian/Jenner Birthdays

    Is it just me or does it feel like no one celebrates a birthday quite like the Kardashians and Jenners? This isn't surprising, though. These ladies are all extra in their daily life, so obviously they're going to be extra extra on their birthdays, too. Oh, Kim K, you always remind us just how not-extra we all are in comparison to you!

    One thing that remains consistent at every Kardashian/Jenner birthday celebration is that there is always that special photo booth that takes photos like the one above. After EVERY SINGLE birthday celebration, you'll see these photo booth pictures grace the internet and my only question is, what perfect filter does this photobooth have? It's SO GOOD. These photo booth pictures also say what the celebration is in the top left corner. You know, because regular photo booths are not for royalty like the Kardashians and Jenners.

    When pointing out particular Kardashian/Jenner birthdays, there was Kim K's "pregnant birthday," when which she was… you know… pregnant. And since Kim was pregnant, everyone was pregnant. That's right, guests stuffed their own stomachs at Kim's pregnant birthday celebration!

    Perhaps the biggest birthday celebration of all Kardashians and Jenners was Kris Jenner's 60th birthday. Kris rang in her 60th with a roaring '20s theme and, like, really indulged in the theme.

    How much does a party this 60th birthday extravagant cost? UM, the daughters put out a reported $2million for Kris' 60th birthday bash! And that's exactly why us normal people can't party the way that celebrities party.

    And of course, any big Kardashian/Jenner event brings out big guests. In the above photo, Kim and Kanye West are joined by Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, which makes me feel really lame about my very non-famous friends.

    What party is complete without Chrissy Teigen? (Again, I'm hating my not-famous, not-Chrissy Teigen friends. Be cooler, guys!)

    Here is 60-year-old Kris Jenner partying like a rock star. Meanwhile, my 20-something self was probably rewatching Friends in my bed. Way to put me to shame, Kris J!

    Long story short, the Kardashians and Jenners celebrate their birthdays like they are national holidays. And quite frankly, their birthdays very well may be national holidays one of these days.

    14 Especially Kylie Jenner's Birthdays

    Of all the Kardashians and Jenners, Kylie Jenner is the youngest but she has already proved that she celebrates her birthday the hardest.

    Okay, maybe not as hard as Kris Jenner's 60th birthday party, but you just WAIT until Kylie Jenner turns 60. Then you can tell me who partied hardest on their 60th !

    One thing that we all know about Kylie's birthdays is that she receives very luxurious presents, like the above car. For her 18th birthday, Tyga gave Kylie Jenner a Ferrari 458 Spider, which retails for $240,000.

    That definitely puts to shame every present every guy has ever given me. Step it up, boys!

    Here's Kylie receiving said present. I feel like her shocked face isn't shocked enough! If someone even bought me a used Toyota Corolla, I'd fall to the ground sobbing.

    Then again, Kylie could buy herself 2,000 Ferrari 458 Spiders if she really wanted to, so there's that, too.

    Ever the businesswoman, Kylie's birthdays are not just about her. They're about Kylie's fans. Or, more accurately, they're about Kylie cashing in and making money off her fans. For each birthday, Kylie releases a limited edition birthday collection of her makeup, which sells out in about two seconds, like literally everything else she puts her name on.

    Kylie Jenner is going to turn 20 on August 10th, so get ready for more extravagant presents, big parties, and birthday lip kits.

    I can only imagine what girlfriend is going to do for her 21st.

    13 Diddy's White Parties

    Before the Kardashians and Jenners were really even a thing, P. Diddy (Puff Daddy, Puffy, Puff, Sean Combs, or whatever you want to call him) was throwing the most exclusive, most Instagram-worthy parties ever. Diddy's notorious White Parties happened once a year in the Hamptons. If you went to these parties, you were in. And if you didn't go to these parties, you were… well, me.

    Yes, obviously Young Leonardo DiCaprio attended those White Parties, because duh.

    At the White Party, everything was white and you had to wear all white to get in. Oh, and the dress code was strictly enforced. There's even a story about how Katie Lee, former wife of Billy Joel, once showed up in a shade of cream and Diddy didn't let her in. HOW AMAZING IS THAT? I love that Diddy is so into his parties.

    In 2004, Diddy hosted his White Party on the 4th of July and Diddy didn't decorate like some lame 4th of July party. No, Diddy decorated with the actual original copy of the Declaration of Independence, because LOL.

    Oh, and let us all remember that Paris Hilton and Nick Carter were a thing at one point in time. Ah, the 2000s. I miss thee.

    12 Heidi Klum's Halloween Parties

    If you've ever felt good about your Halloween costume, don't look at these pictures from Heidi Klum's Halloween parties because you'll suddenly feel like every single Halloween costume you've ever worn was awful.

    Case in point: the above photo.

    Heidi Klum is dressed as Jessica Rabbit and she literally had to wear a rubber mask and rubber boobs in order to achieve the Jessica Rabbit look.

    Oh, and there's also Gigi Hadid just being a flawless human being.

    That above photo is of Heidi Klum. YES, THAT'S HEIDI KLUM! Girlfriend clearly LOVES transforming her body for her Halloween party, since every single other celebrity comes to that event totally decked out. But, of course, no one is as decked out as Heidi Klum. You can never out-shine Heidi Klum on Halloween.

    Here's a photo of Heidi Klum's transformation for one of her Halloween celebrations. And yes, she's been throwing this Halloween party since forever, so there are years and years of ridiculously perfect Halloween costumes to make you feel bad about your own costumes.

    No party if complete without the perfection that is Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. Obviously.

    11 The Roosevelt's Halloween Parties

    If you're not at Heidi Klum's legendary Halloween party, then you're at The Roosevelt's Halloween party. Okay, actually, if you're a commoner like me, you're simply at a bar or friend's party. What I mean is that, if you're a celebrity, you're either partying with Heidi Klum or at The Roosevelt.

    Last year, Queen Kylie Jenner was spotted at The Roosevelt wearing a SPOT ON X-Tina costume. Like, SPOT ON. By the way, these celebrity costumes make me just want to give up on Halloween in general!

    Here's the issue with The Roosevelt's star-studded Halloween bash: sometimes there are repeat costumes. OMG, how embarrassing? That's right, model Imogen Anthony showed up to The Roosevelt sporting a similar X-Tina costume!

    You know how when you're wearing the same dress as someone else to a party and you get kind of embarrassed? Yeah, this is that situation times a million.

    Here is Paris Hilton, dressed as Tinkerbell, leaving The Roosevelt's Halloween party in 2011.

    If 2011 Paris Hilton and 2017 Kylie Jenner party at The Roosevelt, it's clearly been the coolest Halloween party for forever.

    10 Every Party John Elton Has Ever Thrown

    Elton John LOVES to throw a good party. In fact, it's possible that no one parties quite like Elton John parties, mostly because his parties are for a good cause. For over 25 years, the singer has been annually throwing his Elton John AIDS Foundation Oscar Viewing Party, which may be more star-studded than the actual Oscars itself. His party brings out actors, models, reality stars, athletes, fashion designers, and basically every famous face, all to raise money for the AID Foundation.

    Just how much fun is Elton John's Oscar Party? Well, it's where Leo went after he (finally!) won his Oscar. If it meets Leo's party standards, then you know it's good.

    Elton John's Oscar Party isn't the only time he balls out. For his 50th birthday, the singer arrived dressed as Louis XIV, a costume that was reportedly 8 feet high. Yes, that is quite a wig, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, and the bash also cost $500,000.

    This year, Elton John turned 70 years old. Although he didn't show up decked out as a French monarch, half of Hollywood did turn up for the affair. I'm beginning to think Elton John may be the most beloved celebrity in Hollywood. Literally, everyone comes to his events!

    Also, where can I hire those guys in the background to follow me around carrying things?

    9 Does Leo Clubbing Count? Because It Should

    Does "Leo clubbing" count as a celebrity party that is WAY overdone? Because I'm counting it!

    Leo is known for his love of clubbing all over the world. You do you, boo boo. But isn't it also about time Leo… you know… grew up? He's 42 years old, and still getting turnt at clubs and still dating 25-year-old models. I mean, good for him, but aren't we all secretly hoping that Leo leaves the models and bottles behind?

    I have to admit that there is something amusing about the stories about Leo clubbing. Like that one time that Leo left a club with 20 different women, because what's he going to do with all those women… and himself? I also love the stories of Leo totally dissing Justin Bieber at clubs, which apparently happens all the time. But, I just want Leo to settle down, preferably with Kate Winslet… or me.

    Leo, you're so much better than this.

    8 Taylor Swift's 4th of July Parties

    So, Taylor Swift really, REALLY loves the United States. Like, A LOT.

    Tay-Tay has become known for her 4th of July parties that feature all her famous friends, because did you know Taylor has famous friends? Honestly, Taylor's favorite hobby seems to be surrounding herself with thin, beautiful, famous friends and posting pictures of those hang-outs. You know, so everyone can see how cool her friends are.

    On the 4th of July, Taylor and her famous friends all dress in American flag style clothing. Does Taylor provide this clothing? Like, how do all these girls all have these American flag onesies?

    Just one of the many pictures of Taylor and her (beautiful, thin, and famous) friends dressed in red, white, and blue. Also, did they coordinate these swimsuits? I feel like SO MUCH planning had to go into this party, right?

    For her 4th of July party, Taylor brought this huge slide to her Rhode Island compound. Reportedly, the slide said “Taymerica” on the side of it, which makes me really embarrassed for Taylor Swift.

    More onesies.

    And more matching swimsuits.

    There is something very Stepford Wives about this picturesque celebration of the 4th of July. It makes me feel… a little scared.

    7 Actually, All Of Taylor Swift's Parties Ever

    Honestly, all of Taylor Swift's parties are just a little bit too much. Maybe it's because we're all tired of Taylor Swift showing off her famous friends almost as much as she shows off her super-toned legs.

    Also, I don't know if I'm more jealous of the famous friends or toned legs. Both of them are pretty enviable.

    In recent years, Taylor's Swift's squad has been made up of a famous group of girlfriends. It features such famous, thin, beautiful women as Selena Gomez, Karlie Kloss, Gigi Hadid, Martha Hunt, Cara Delevingne, Lily Aldridge, Hailee Steinfeld, and many others. However, Taylor has even MORE famous friends. In this photo, she's spotted with Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, and Jay-Z. YES, Taylor Swift got Queen Bey to come to her party.

    And Taylor celebrates Halloween with half the Victoria's Secret Angels.

    Like, we get it, Taylor. You're too cool to be friends with us.

    6 Pretty Much All 21st Birthday Parties

    If you just so happen to be famous before you're 21, then your 21st birthday bash is a BASH.

    It doesn't seem like anyone celebrated their 21st birthday better than Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton's 21st birthday celebration spanned five days and five different cities: New York, London, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Tokyo. It's reported that $75,000 was dropped on each guest who attended.

    Being that Paris Hilton is the actual queen of 21st birthday parties, it makes sense that Kendall Jenner would channel Paris Hilton vibes for her own 21st celebration. In the above photo, you can see the dress that Kendall had specially made in the likeness of Paris Hilton's dress.

    I truly feel like this photo of Paris Hilton being the most Paris Hilton ever should be in a museum somewhere.

    Miley Cyrus is yet another celebrity who turned 21 while in the public eye. Miley's cake was reportedly in the shape of a nude version of herself, because what other cake would you have on your 21st birthday? There was also a video from the celebration that featured strippers and someone dressed up as The Lorax. Oh, Miley.

    One more of these dresses because I can't get over them. Also, check out Paris Hilton's Tinkerbell… lunchbox?

    Looking at the way stars celebrate their 21st, I kind of feel like I never even had a 21st birthday party now.

    5 The Met Gala, Because It's Really Just Anna Wintour's Party

    The Met Gala may be more of an event than a party, but we all also know it's totally just Anna Wintour's party, right?

    Anna Wintour, in case you're not familiar with the queen, has been the editor-in-chief of Vogue since 1988. The character Meryl Streep played in The Devil Wears Prada was actually based on Anna Wintour, so she's as equally fabulous as she is scary.

    Anna Wintour is the mastermind behind the Met Gala, which takes place on the first Monday in May of every year. It's basically like a super fashionable prom for celebrities. They all wear amazing couture fashion that us commoners would never have a reason to wear in real life.

    Oh, as if the clothes weren't enviable enough. You'll also see photo upon photo of celebrities all being BFFs with each other while dressed in these extravagant outfits. Here's Lady Gaga and Kate Hudson, because who knew they were gal pals? Also, I would give anything to have a girls night with Katie Hudson and Lady Gaga.

    Celebrities document the entire day, with before photos like the above of Kendall Jenner.

    After the getting ready posts, celebrities take amazing selfies at the actual Met Gala, like the above of Selfie Queen Kylie Jenner.

    Here is the queen herself: Anna Wintour.

    While I'd love to beg Anna Wintour for an invite, I have a feeling that the whole event would make me feel very inadequate. I mean, you saw Beyonce, right?

    4 Every Event During New York Fashion Week

    Speaking of fashion events that are way overdone, can New York Fashion Week just STFU?

    The idea of NYFW is fabulous. A bunch of fashionable women getting to watch a bunch of fashionable fashion shows? YAS. It's dreamy… in theory. In 2017, though, it's annoying AF. You can't go on social media without seeing all the beautiful, fashionable women being beautiful and fashionable together. It's like seeing the exclusive "cool" table in the high school cafeteria.

    Don't you feel so left out of these friendships? Why won't Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Karlie Kloss be friends with all of us, too? I want to analyze text messages together and send each other memes.

    Of course, being friends with Gigi, Kendall, and Karlie would probably be horrible for my self-esteem. Like I need these skinny, tall, angels around me all the time.

    Again, it's basically the table of cheerleaders… and we're all commoners.

    3 Any Celebrity Wedding

    The wedding ceremony is a tradition and it's beautiful. But, what about the reception? Yeah, the reception is a total party and they are totally overdone most of the time. Even if it's a celebrity couple that everyone loves, like Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, it's still annoying. I mean, what is that picture? Calm down, Justin.

    Oh, and then there's Nicky Hilton, who wore the most impossibly gorgeous wedding dress ever.

    I genuinely think that celebrities are the reason that the billion dollar wedding industry exists. Like, we all try to achieve the same wedding and it's just impossible.

    Ah, and the wedding that was international news. Guys, it's just a party!

    That time Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello had the prettiest wedding of all time. I literally didn't know this many flowers existed in the world at all.

    Somehow, Chrissy Teigen still looks like a cool girl, even in that much tulle.

    Unfortunately for us normals, affording that much tulle and those many flowers is a little beyond us.

    2 Especially Kim Kardashian's Weddings

    Okay, but of all the celebrity weddings in the world, the most overdone would be none other than Kim Kardashian's weddings. I mean, every time Kim K gets married, it's like a national holiday. Kim's wedding to Kanye West was a week-long European affair, and during that time, paparazzi basically stalked her.

    UM AGAIN, who even knew this many flowers even existed in the world? How does one even construct a flower wall?

    Way to have the most Pinterest-worthy wedding ever, Kim and Kanye. Of course, they wouldn't have it any other way, am I right?

    This photo should be in a museum too, right next to the photo of Paris Hilton turning 21. Yes, it's that iconic.

    Let us not forget that Kim K also married Kris Humphries in a huge, publicized wedding. That wedding was admittedly less chic than the Kanye West wedding, because duh.

    Oh, you Kardashian ladies have come SO FAR since this wedding. That's not even Khloe anymore. But I do love that Kim was doing an all-white-everything thing for this wedding.

    1 Actually, Just Any Kardashian/Jenner Event To Ever Happen

    When you see a photo booth picture with that FLAWLESS filter, you just know it's a Kardashian/Jenner party. It's not just birthdays and weddings that this family balls out for. Nope, these ladies will put on all the works for every single event to ever happen. I'm pretty sure they would throw a root canal party. I mean, they haven't yet, but they might.

    Here's a Snapchat from Chrissy Teigen's baby shower, because all famous people are actually friends.

    This photo is from Kourtney Kardashian's Tiffany's themed baby shower, as one does.

    Oh, and then there's the annual party to end all parties: Kris Jenner's Christmas Party, which puts everyone else's holiday traditions to complete shame. Like, I might just completely skip Christmas this year because of how much it won't compare to Kris Jenner's bash.

    Guys, this is Kris Jenner's home for her Christmas party! WHAT IS LIFE?

    You know, because just one tree is not enough for Kris Jenner.

    I like celebrities as much as the next person, but if they could just scale back these parties a little bit so I don't feel like such a loser in comparison, that would be great.