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    15 Celebs Azealia Banks Has Feuded With

    When Azealia Banks burst onto the scene in 2011, she had all of the characteristics needed to take the rap world by storm: a sick flow, unique fashion sense, and tons of confidence. When she released her debut single “212,” she was poised to be the next big female rap star. Somewhere along the way, however, we stopped thinking about her talent and started focusing on her feuds. These days, Banks is better known as a cyber bully who antagonizes other public figures in order to stay relevant. Her most recent run-in occurred in May when she called Zayn Malik a host of racial slurs and body-shamed Disney star Skai Jackson. Her Twitter account was suspended and her headlining gig at the Born and Bred festival was then canceled, too. Spewing out hate speech and bullying children definitely top the list of offenses committed by Banks, but can you believe that these incidents are far from her first time down the cyber-beef road? Over the years, Azealia has gone after Sarah Palin, Nicki Minaj and literally everyone in between. Here's a list of 15 of celebrities who have been torn down by Azealia Banks.

    15 Zayn Malik

    After Zayn Malik released his video for “Like I Would,” he was praised for the futuristic visuals. But Azealia was none too pleased. The 24-year-old accused Zayn of drawing inspiration from her own material, even though he was clearly inspired by the movie Tron. She claimed he was "mood boarding" her.  Zayn brushed off the accusations and tweeted that he didn't care that she was “reaching,” followed by another subtweet where he claimed that Banks wasn't worth it and boy, did that ruffle her feathers. Talk about really letting someone know how you feel. The rapper went on a multi-tweet tirade against Zayn where she called him a host of derogatory terms. Malik is of English-Pakistani descent, so her comments were horrible. Shortly after, Banks' Twitter account was suspended, which some people attribute to Zayn's massive fanbase reporting her account over and over and over again. Gotta love the #Zquad.

    14 Skai Jackson

    For a 14-year-old Disney star, Skai Jackson sure does have a lot of sass. After Azealia Banks lashed out at Zayn Malik, Skai tweeted what all of us were thinking: “Azealia Banks needs to simmer down a little.” It was completely sensible advice that Azealia honestly should have taken. Instead, Banks showed how truly immature she was by responding with “and you need to grow some hips and start ur menses. Stay in a child's place.” Skai, however, wasn't having any of it and proved that she could hold her own against the 24-year old, which prompted a hilarious (and, at times, inappropriate) back and forth between the two that Skai eventually won. The internet quickly rallied around the teen star because, like, how immature do you have to be to go after a child? And it ultimately ended up with Banks getting booted from Twitter for a short while.

    13 Nicki Minaj

    There's a lot of competition among female hip hop artists, even though dozens of male rap stars can be popular at the same. When there is a female artist on top, she likes to keep her reigns. And who wouldn't? It's pretty safe to assume that Nicki Minaj isn't the biggest fan of Azealia Banks. When Azealia tweeted that she had to turn down Minaj's tour to work on her album back in 2012, Nicki tweeted that she was "delirious" (along with some choice swear words). Azealia responded: "I could be really unprofessional and post emails between ur manager and my booking agent but I won't… #veryquicklytakingyourjob." That wasn't the last jab that Azealia took at Nicki. Back in October of 2015, Banks weighed in on the very public feud between Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus. While Nicki is never one to hold back and will always defend herself when she feels like she needs to, we aren't really sure who has the problem with who here. Looks like the two have an ongoing feud with no signs of settling anytime soon.

    12 Lady Gaga

    For every song that's the beautiful result of a collaboration between two stars, there's another song that's been shelved and, sadly, will never be released to the public. That's what happened to a track that Lady Gaga and Azealia Banks reportedly recorded for Lady Gaga's album, Artpop, in 2013. The song was cut, and Azealia was feeling pretty pissed off about the whole deal. Azealia later accused Lady Gaga of lifting the song title, “Red Flame,” from a demo that she sent to Gaga. Honestly, if someone is feuding with so many celebs, I think you can understand who the problem is here. And especially to start something with Lady Gaga, the Queen. I honestly feel like she can do no harm. So many artists switch up their tracklists once their albums get released and you rarely hear anyone complaining about which song made it or not. I doubt Lady Gaga had any malicious intentions behind this.

    11 Rita Ora

    Rita Ora and Azealia Banks went on tour together in 2013 and, despite posing for a friendly photo together, things obviously weren't all hunky dory between them. Several media outlets reported that there was some behind-the-scenes tension between the stars and it all came to a head on Sun. March 11, 2013. It started when Rita posted what Azealia felt was an unflattering photo of her. Instead of politely asking Rita to take down the photo, Azealia then took to Twitter and, in a string of tweets blasted Rita by calling her “thirsty” and “Rihanna's understudy." Ouch. It's crazy to see how Banks keeps lashing out at all these other celebs. She always seems to be the first one to start something and then when she gets a comment back she continues on her crazy twitter rants. I think it's time for a chill pill… looks like she's to be the next Kanye West (and girl… please).

    10 Iggy Azalea

    When you share part of the same name with someone in your industry, there's bound to be a rivalry of some sort. But there's a difference between a little healthy competition and unnecessary drama. When Iggy Azalea became the first woman to receive a spot on XXL's Freshman cover (an honor in the Hip Hop community), the other Azealia lashed out at the Australian rapper and questioned if she deserved her place on the cover. Azealia also brought up a (very problematic) lyric in which Iggy referred to herself as a “runaway slave master.” To be fair, the lyric is disgusting, since Iggy Azalea is Australian and in no way should reference slavery in such a casual tone. But we kind of feel that Azealia would have lashed out regardless. As you can see, it's kind of her thing and this isn't the first time she came for Iggy Azalea.

    9 T.I.

    After Azealia attacked Iggy, her manager at the time, the rapper T.I, came to Iggy's defense. During a radio interview, T.I defended Iggy, which naturally made Azealia respond in a pretty horrible way. T.I.'s response was pretty problematic too and he essentially said that she should have gotten a guy to respond to him. Really? It's not the 50s. A woman doesn't have to have her husband address another man. It's time to get off of your high horse. He responded with a series of tweet explaining how white people earned their white in joining in the hip-hop genre. Naturally, Azealia answered back to the rapper's rant going on to say: "@Tip This rant reeks of thesaurus and bamboozlement." Ouch. As much as T.I might have been in the wrong with some of his responses, we don't know what to make of all the outbursts coming from Azealia.

    8 Pharrell

    Azealia Banks teamed up with Pharrell in 2013 for their song “ATM Jam.”  It seems like every person Azealia Banks has worked with in 2013 she later goes on to have issues with them on social media. The song didn't perform as well as she hoped it would, so, naturally, she blamed it on Pharrell's surge in popularity. She tweeted, "The reason ATM jam did poorly is that Pharrell changed his mind about wanting to be associated with me… " Pharrell was apparently supposed to appear in the video but pulled out at the last minute. Ultimately, “ATM Jam” wasn't put on her album Broke With Expensive Taste. Although Pharrell never responded, it's safe to say that Azealia pretty much sealed her fate of never working with the producer again. What's worse than feuding with people over social media is when you have a one-sided fight with yourself., and with Pharrell on top of that.

    7 Kreayshawn

    In 2012, Kreayshawn supported Azealia and re-tweeted a link to her “212” video. Nice enough, right? Well, instead of tweeting an actual link to the video, Kreayshawn tweeted a link to an adult website, and Banks took the Tweet as a dig. She said she wasn't as funny as she thought she was, swore at her, and also said she couldn't rap at all. It's not totally clear if that link was an honest mistake or if that was done no purpose, but her response was that she was "supporting a fellow female" and was completely "confused" so it seems like she put the wrong link by accident. Talk about having no filter Azealia. At this rate, her rise to fame is going to quickly come to an end. That's gotta hurt but we're pretty sure that Kreayshawn is not the first fan that Azealia has lost thanks to her social media antics.

    6 Lil Kim

    There is one major rule in the hip hop community that you know even if you're not a huge fan of the genre: you never say that a rapper doesn't write their own stuff. Do you remember the Drake and Meek Mill feud? That's basically like you are accusing a rapper of committing the equivalent of the cardinal sin. Azealia Banks, evidently, never got this memo because she offered to write Lil Kim's lyrics for her in an effort speed up the recording process. Banks tweet, "Everyone knows Lil Kim doesn't write her own raps… " This didn't go over well with Lil Kim's management, who released a statement that read, in part: “It honestly seems that someone from Azealia's team would rather have her fans buy into manufactured drama instead of buying music." And to go after Lil Kim, the OG of female hip hop artists.

    5 ASAP Rocky

    In 2013, Asap Rocky made a gross comment about black girls not needing to wear purple lipstick. As a woman with a darker complexion, Banks was understandably upset. But instead of expressing that opinion respectfully, Banks resorted to attacking ASAP Rocky's sexuality.  She tweeted "I don't know why he's ashamed to just be himself. I mean he wears dresses and gives makeup tips… Just come out! Be FREEEEEE." One of Asap Rocky's friends got involved in the twitter feud too and it got pretty nasty. She was criticized for her institutions, she was super confused. She goes on to tweet that “So rocky takes a direct blow to my image about dark skin and purple lipstick, then as soon as I'm a offended… I'm the bad guy.” We're pretty sure a direct blow to someone's preference in partners without any fact is much worse than a comment about lipstick. But that's just us.

    4 Angel Haze

    Angel Haze, a fellow rapper, was once close friends with Azealia Banks. Well, at least until Angel felt that Azealia said she lied about her hometown. "Seriously, if you were not born and raised in NY… DON'T CLAIM NY. YOU ARE NOT A NEW YORKER,” Banks tweeted. Azealia then claimed that she wasn't even referring to Angel: “Did Angel Haze just threaten to cut me because of a very general tweet I sent about non-New Yorker claiming NY?” With her recorded, we wouldn't be surprised that she was subtweeting Angel Haze. The feud even led to the two artists battling it out in dis tracks. This was only the beginning of a long, drawn out back and forth that became less amusing and more exhausting as time went on, so we'll end it there. But people have compared this feud to be one of the worst beefs ever.

    3 Perez Hilton

    After Angel and Azealia's feud was over, famous Blogger Perez Hilton weighed in on the situation and sided with Angel Haze. Azealia tweeted a super homophobic tweet and everyone scolded her, but she made it even worse and even more offensive by trying to explain it away. There is no reason why someone should be attacking someone's preference of who they choose to spend their life with. Perez Hilton sided with Angel Haze by tweeting "#TeamAngelHaze" and Banks responded with some hateful words. The Internet seems pretty fed up with all of her rants and all her hateful choice words that someone needs to tell her are not ok. People went on to say that not only did her remarks make her seem like a homophobic, but she also comes off as a misogynist. She compares Perez Hilton of acting like a female, and by a female, she means a C U Next Tuesday. So does this mean she thinks that of all women? Where is the female love?

    2 Sarah Palin

    After coming across a fake Sarah Palin quote in an article about slavery, Banks lashed out in a since-deleted tweet and said that Palin should be assaulted. Like really? Does Banks not have someone advising her to think before she speaks? Not everything you feel or think is okay to say. That is jus super low. Sarah Palin didn't take the comment lightly and said she would take legal action against Banks. Palin said, “I've had enough of the unanswered threats and attacks against my family and me. So, for the first time I'm going to enjoy the only retribution some protected 'celebrities' seem to understand - I'm suing Azealia Banks and can't wait to share my winnings with others who have gone defenseless against lies and dangerous attacks far too long." Pretty soon after that, Banks posted a long-winded letter on her Tumblr and apologized to Palin.

    1 Baauer

    That would be the producer of “Harlem Shake” aka the song behind the biggest meme of 2013. Yeah, him. He and Azealia planned to release a remix of the hit song, but in the end, Baauer didn't feel that her contributions were good enough and apparently asked her to not release it. Which okay, that does seem a little harsh. No one wants to hear that what you want to produce isn't good enough. big shot to the ego. Of course, she ignored the producer's wishes and released the track without permission. Which is maybe even worse? Who are you to go ahead and do such a thing, there are rules in the music industry. And when Baauer had it removed from the Internet, Banks went after him on Twitter and said a ton of stuff including that she would "piss on his lawn." Um, okay. It's safe to say that Banks has burned a lot of bridges in the music industry.