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    15 Celebs And Their Younger Selves (Pictures)

    It can be easy to assume that celebrities were pretty much just born gorgeous and glamorous. After all, from their red carpet appearances to their carefully curated social media accounts, they're always putting their best foot forward. Of course, it also doesn't hurt that they have the money to pay for a personal stylist, beauty squad, trainer, and basically anything necessary to keep them looking their best.

    However, the reality is, celebrities are human just like the rest of us. Some of them grew up in show business, either because they were child stars or because their parents were involved in the industry, and some just had regular midwestern lives until deciding to head to Los Angeles after graduation to pursue their dreams. Whatever their stories, the truth is that even though celebrities may seem too perfect to be real at times, they had their fair share of awkward childhood moments just like the rest of us.

    Here are 15 celebs with pictures of their younger selves, and honestly, you may have a hard time believing what they used to look like. Even the ones who started in the industry at a young age have undergone a huge transformation over the years.

    15 Megan Fox

    While she's been trying to change her image in the past few years now that she's a mom and a bit older, Megan Fox has long had the identity of being a bit of a vixen. Her sultry pout and gorgeous curves have led to her being typecast in certain roles over the years, an image she's trying to shake. However, she wasn't always the cutest kid in the room. While it may be hard to believe, even Megan Fox had an awkward stage in her younger years. In the childhood picture on the left, not only is she rocking an oh-so-retro half-up hairstyle, complete with scrunchie, she's also not quite grown into her future glam features. She's an adorable kid - but who would have guessed she would turn into someone gracing every 'sexiest' list out there?

    14 Kim Kardashian

    Kim Kardashian has spent a lot of time in front of the cameras, thanks to the fact that she's been on a reality television show about her life for years on end. However, she was already in her 20s when the show started, so apart from a few photos that have emerged over the years, it can be tough to know what she looked like in her younger years. For some reason, we imagine her to have been contouring like a queen from an early age. As this picture on the left shows, though, she was really just a regular kid. The tiny little blazer is adorable, the polka dot ribbon headband is absolutely precious, and you can almost see hints of the older Kim there. The most notable feature is her big brown eyes - they may not be surrounded by false lashes and a perfect smoky eye in her younger years, but you can definitely see the resemblance.

    13 Kate Hudson

    Unlike many celebrities who grow up in regular families, Kate Hudson had a peek at fame from an early age, thanks to her celebrity mom Goldie Hawn. And, she made a splash at a relatively young age, getting nominations and critical acclaim for her portrayal of Penny Lane in Almost Famous when she was just 20 years old. However, that doesn't mean she was able to totally skip the awkward phase. Nowadays, Kate is a boho-chic bombshell who prefers rocking natural waves and minimal make-up. In her younger years, a lot of her trademark features were there, from her ears to her adorable nose, but they just didn't quite fit her face just yet. She grew into them and turned into an absolute stunner, but the picture on the left proves that even the most gorgeous celebs just looked like regular kids once upon a time.

    12 Demi Lovato

    In case you didn't know, it turns out that Demi Lovato has a lot more in common with Selena Gomez than just the fact that they both made a splash with their respective Disney projects. Just like Selena, Demi got started in the industry at a very young age, and got her start with acting (before everyone figured out what an insane set of pipes she had). And, just like Selena, Demi's first taste of what it felt like to be on set took place on Barney. That's right - this cutie on the left is a young Demi Lovato, complete with baby teeth and a pair of glasses. Demi has certainly faced her challenges over the years with personal issues, but lately she seems stronger than ever - and that little girl on the left would probably be pretty proud to see how far she's risen from her Barney days.

    11 Adam Levine

    Adam Levine is a bit of a sex symbol. Sure, he may not have the edge that rock stars of previous generations had, but he has a certain swagger and sex appeal that women seem to love. I mean, the man is married to a supermodel for crying out loud. However, he wasn't always that popular with the ladies - in his younger years, Levine was actually a bit of a dork. We can barely handle the insanely adorable photo of him as a tot, with his crazy bowl cut bangs and silly grin. Levine has since learned how to pose (and hired a different hairstylist), but come on - the way that kid is hamming it up for the camera, you can sense that he has star power! Honestly, it's just too cute.

    10 Drake

    Before he became Drake, the rapper was just Canadian boy Aubrey Graham, starring on Degrassi: The Next Generation. And before that, apparently, he was just plain adorable. Drake has a lot of female fans nowadays thanks to his looks, but who could resist the cutie in the white shirt with shapes printed on it, or the slightly older cutie with glasses, a big grin, and a vest/collared shirt combo. He always seems to have so much swagger nowadays, and is constantly hanging out with big name celebrities, so it's kind of nice to remember that Drake was once upon a time just another Canadian kid. He didn't grow up in Hollywood, and his first taste of fame was on a Canadian show that many American audiences likely didn't even know about, and he really only gained notoriety once he changed his name and burst onto the rap scene.

    9 Selena Gomez

    Selena Gomez got her start as a squeaky clean Disney teen, and managed to transition that into more challenging roles in film, as well as a successful music career. She's only 24 years old, and she's already had a longer career than many in the industry simply because she got started so young. While you may remember her from her teenage performances, did you know that she actually got her first taste of show business on the set of Barney? That's right - the young Texan tot was one of the children featured on the show, and while she's adorable, she looks nothing like the glamorous starlet she is today (although she has the same killer waves in both pictures). A little bit of singing, a little bit of acting - her early debut on the children's show foreshadowed her eventual career more than she may have initially thought it would!

    8 Adele

    Have you ever wondered what Adele looked like in her younger days? For some reason, we almost kind of pictured her to have her trademark winged liner and voluminous hair, even from an early age. However, as you can see in the picture on the left, she just looked like another British tot. The baggy, acid-washed jeans and t-shirt are adorable, but what really captures our attention in this snapshot is the fact that she's holding a tiny toy guitar. It seems that Adele knew from a very young age that she was destined for a career in the music industry - although her wardrobe has definitely gotten a bit more glam over the years. We wonder if she has family sing-alongs with her son Angelo, and if he's going to follow a similar path - those would be pretty big shoes to fill!

    7 Kylie Jenner

    Unlike her big sisters Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim, Kylie Jenner was quite young when Keeping Up With the Kardashians first aired. She got to experience the feeling of cameras being in her house constantly from a young age, but she didn't really get to take advantage of the perks of fame until she hit her teens - and then, suddenly, she was everywhere. Now, Kylie has equal star power to all her sisters who have been cultivating their careers for years. However, given how many selfies and transformations we've seen from her over the past several years, it can be easy to forget just what she looked like way back when. Before she started dyeing her hair and plumping her lips and perfecting her make-up skills, Kylie was just another brunette kid with a scattering of freckles and adorable bangs. Honestly, we can barely recognize her - but what a cutie!

    6 Hilary Duff

    Hilary Duff first started making a splash in the industry when she was a tween, and then became a recognizable name once she snagged the starring role in Lizzie McGuire. Now, Duff is all grown up, and is balancing a career in the music industry with acting roles and motherhood - she's a busy woman! In case you didn't know, though, she got her start in the entertainment industry at an even younger age than you might have imagined - and she has some super crazy headshots to prove it. In the picture on the left, she's all glammed up with voluminous hair and a pink feather boa, looking like she walked off the set of Toddlers and Tiaras. If her baby boy Luca ever decides he wants to try his hand in the entertainment industry, hopefully she won't make him take a cheesy headshot like this!

    5 Channing Tatum

    Unlike many of the celebrities on this list, Channing Tatum didn't get started in Hollywood when he was young. In fact, he had a normal childhood, tried his hand at modelling for a bit, and only started out in Hollywood when he was already in his 20s. Despite the slightly later start, he's since become a huge star whose career just keeps heating up. And, even though he didn't officially debut in Hollywood until he was older, that doesn't mean he wasn't a ham from the very start. In the picture on the left, a younger Tatum is shown, and we're not entirely sure whether he's in a school play or a Halloween costume, but he's 100% adorable. It's clear that he had a flair for performing from an early age, and while he tends to be in modern flicks rather than period pieces, who knows - maybe he'll don a jaunty fedora for a few more roles someday.

    4 Harry Styles

    Harry Styles catapulted to stardom with his former boy band One Direction, winning the hearts of teens around the world. After a while with the group, he and several other members parted ways to pursue solo careers, and Harry Styles' career shows no signs of slowing down now. Over the years, he's cultivated a particular slightly boho, slightly rock star look that his fans love. However, that's a recent addition - back in the day, he looked like your typical British schoolboy, rocking a school uniform and gelled hair rather than his trademark shaggy, curly locks. His style may be totally different on the left, but if you look closely, you can definitely recognize those features. Who knew he'd end up becoming a huge star thanks to a reality singing competition?

    3 Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift has undergone quite the style transformation over her years in the industry. When she first started out, she was a teenage country star with wild curls and a guitar always attached to her side. As she entered her 20s, she shifted into the pop world, chopping her looks, slicking on some red lipstick, and switching up her outfits to be a bit sexier and more fashion forward. However, before all that happened, she was just a regular girl - and an adorable one, at that. In the shot on the left, she has her trademark blonde locks, and you can definitely identify her features. We wonder if she was the type of kid who was constantly singing around the house, and if her parents had any inkling at that young age that she'd become a music superstar one day.

    2 Brad Pitt

    Brad Pitt has been in the industry for decades, and has gone from being a clean-cut, all-American heartthrob to a slightly edgier older babe with a more shaggy chic look. However, way back in his younger years, he had an entirely different look. The Oklahoma cutie is rocking a plaid shirt and crazy haircut with straight bangs and a kind of a bob vibe on the left, and honestly, we would never guess that that kid would eventually transform into one of Hollywood's biggest A-List superstars. If you look really, really closely, you can kind of recognize some of his features in his childhood photo, but honestly, we're just blinded by the haircut. He's switched up his look since then (many times), and his style continues to evolve as his career goes on.

    1 Zac Efron

    In the past few years, Zac Efron has taken on quite a few roles where he plays the babe, showing off his ripped physique. I mean, just think of the recent Baywatch reboot - he's definitely showing off the body he worked so hard for there. It's easy to forget his teen years starring in the High School Music series. And, even before he was a Disney star, he was just another dorky kid. Luckily, since the photo on the left, he's learned that crimped hair isn't really his look. His eyebrows have filled in a bit, he's turned his slightly quirky gapped smile into a grin that belongs on a toothpaste commercial, and he's now a legitimate Hollywood babe. And, as much as many teen fans loved him in his athletic gear on Disney, we've got to admit - the man looks pretty good in a well cut suit.