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    15 Celebs And Their Strangest Addictions

    Addiction is a strong word, but who are we to judge how deep these celebrities' longings go? These are all self-identified addictions from celebrities; sometimes compulsions, obsessions, and habits feel as strong as addictions… Especially when it comes to celebrities, who have seemingly unlimited funds and the capacity to do more or less whatever they want. But what happens when these addictions, compulsions, and obsessions turn darker? Is there such a thing as too much diet coke? Only time will tell, though for many of these celebrities things have worked out okay so far. The number of positive addictions is surprising, even more so than the ugly ones. We are shocked by the person who is addicted to green tea, and you will never guess which non-smoker needs her Nicorettette gum to function. Enough suspense! Read on and find out all of the strangest of the strange celebrity addictions.

    15 Angry Bird Kendrick

    You probably thought we were talking about some anger addiction, but actually, we are talking about the game that had everyone as angry as the birds seemed to have captured Anna Kendrick's heart. She is a self-professed addict, playing for hours a day in an attempt to beat her own high scores. While addiction to the internet is not uncommon, angry birds is a whole other bird based ballgame. We're impressed that she's so upfront about such a terrible affliction. We're also impressed that she has the patience for it too. Most of our experience with the game has been getting frustrated and throwing the phone across the room. It takes a very patient, concentrated individual to do well at this game… Let alone get addicted to it. Maybe we'll start playing just so Anna can have some new high scores to beat. Just kidding! She's way too good for us to match up to.

    14 Kim Kardashian

    When you go to the carnival, what's the first thing you look for? Rides? Games? If you are anything like us, you follow your nose. It is inevitable! The delicious scents waft higher and higher. Lucky for us, we are not alone in our deep fried and sugar-coated cravings. Kim Kardashian is also a sugar junky. Her favorite? Deep fried oreos. You also know from the show that she sometimes flies to Paris for her favorite dessert, beignets. Hey, we won't judge. Whatever gets such a busy woman through the day is all good with us. And it certainly takes a lot to get her through. She's admitted that she needs her sugar hit at least five times throughout the day. Dark chocolate, candy, and especially the Oreos are all fair game when it comes time for her pick me up. Even superstars have their weakness. We just never thought it would be the same delicious weakness as we have!

    13 Jack Black

    Having been a smoker before, Jack Black is no stranger to addiction. When it comes to celebrity addictions, though, that's a pretty safe one. Many celebrities smoke; rock stars, actors, and tv personalities have usually all had a cigarette at some point in their lives. Even most of us regular folk have tried one or two (or twenty) during the course of our lives. Which means Jack Black must have an even stranger thing going for him… And we bet you'll never guess what it is. It's not a normal addiction, though it is a healthy one. Jack Black is addicted to green tea. In fact, he's so addicted that they might as well call him Jack Green! He drinks several cups a day, even in the summer. Though he admits he prefers it chilled when it's hot out. We're glad he's replaced the smokes with something better… Even if it is a little more strange.

    12 Robert Pattinson

    What is it with actors and their soft drinks? A few other folks (who didn't quite make the list) have stated their “addiction” to Diet Coke. Robert Pattinson takes the cake, though, since he's self-professed totally addicted. He's talked about it before: He knew he was in trouble when one day he was taking out the recycling, and looked down to find 300 cans of diet coke in the bags. What's even worse is that he didn't remember buying them all. He was lost as to how he actually managed to acquire that many cans of coke and shocked that that much has made its way through his system. When paired with his diet (cinnamon toast crunch), it's no doubt that this is a man who's taken his likes way too far. Not only does this count as a full blown addiction, we'd go so far as to say it's what he lives off of. Better get off the diet coke diet, Robert. It only leads to sadness and rotted teeth!

    11 Jessica Simpson

    What is this celeb's secret to a winning smile and perky mindset? Nicorette Gum. She is able to be so outgoing and happy because she has her pack of special gum. It' i not like she has ever been a smoker, though. Which kind of makes this addiction very strange. Doesn't the gum cut your addiction? Unlike other celebrities, Jessica Simpson has never been tempted by the smelly little death sticks. She came across Nicorette gum one day when someone offered her a piece. Taking it thinking it was just a regular piece of gum changed her entire outlook on life. She began speaking fast, thinking fast, and having a wild mood improvement. It is a little scary how much she liked it, she remembers. All it took was one piece to get her hooked. That's it! From that day on, she's been addicted to this chewtastic stuff, and she's never been without a pack of it since.

    10 Simon Cowell

    We're betting you haven't even heard of this stuff that Simon Cowell is addicted to. For those that are on the America side of the pond, Simon Cowell is judge extraordinaire in England. He ended up getting so big over there for his signature harsh-truth-telling judgment style that they brought him to America. Working as a judge on America's X Factor and American Idol means not much has changed in his work life, even though he's in a different country. You know what has changed, though? The availability of his addiction, Angel Delight. If you're not aware of what Angel Delight is, we won't blame you. Common in England (but less so elsewhere in the world), Angel Delight is a sweet dessert powder that's meant to have milk added to it in order to create a whipped cream or mousse like consistency. We're surprised he isn't sweeter judging from the amount of this stuff he eats!

    9 Paris Hilton

    You would think a celeb like Paris Hilton would be addicted to something like tanning, hair extensions, or plastic surgery. While she does have a fondness for the tanning bed, she does not consider that her primary addiction. What is her number one want in life? Skydiving. The more the better! After going skydiving a few years ago she has been very vocal in admitting that the adrenaline is the best part… And the most addictive. She goes whenever she can, and she loves going higher and faster. This is one celebrity we are actually surprised by. While we know adrenaline is addicting, there are easier ways to get a hit. Paris Hilton is the last person we would expect to skydive, but good for her! This tough lady has a wild streak. We just hope she stays safe and knows when to say “enough is enough” to this dangerous adrenaline addiction.

    8 Heidi Montag

    Do you remember The Hills? That show that followed a group of real friends and their semi-famous lives, eventually propelling them to do more moderately famous things. Heidi Montag was one of the stars of The Hills and tried to use this to perpetuate her own fame in other ways. Causing a huge scandal with a relationship on the show, and eventually releasing a self-recorded studio album (and having it flop), she's only been on the fringes of celebrity for the last couple years. So, why put her on the list? We're so impressed by this strange addiction that it had to go on. Plastic surgery are usually two scary words that no one wants to actually think about. But with Heidi, they've lost all their fear and danger and have resulted in her becoming self-professed addicted. She has had as many as 10 surgeries in a day before, and not for any medical reasons. It's shocking, but we support how outspoken she is against people who judge her. Good on you, Heidi. Stand up for your right to own your body, but please be careful.

    7 Ben Affleck

    This is one of the weirdest addictions we know of, as it started as a fallback career. Ben Affleck has been affleckted (haha) with a poker addiction for as long as he can remember. His obsession resulted in some successful games, winning a little over $350,000 one game. While the acting thing has worked out well for him so far, poker looks like it is still a viable career option… Even if he's not allowed to play in real life anymore. Ever since marriage, he's cut down his in person play time, and instead, has replaced it with the online version. Unfortunately, online events are never as exciting as real life ones, and now he's addicted, trying to regain the same sort of rush. It's not all bad, though, at least he's staying in practice, and if the acting doesn't work out… Well, he's got a royal flush right here.

    6 Ozzy Osbourne

    Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and any number of other possible addictions runs through our heads when we hear Ozzy Osbourne's name. Surely this hard rock, metal master has some sort of hardcore addiction to match… Right? Wrong. This old rock god shares a similar addiction to young star Robert Pattinson. Sugary breakfast cereal is Ozzy Osbourne's addiction. While he always has a few different boxes on his shelf, Sugar Puffs are his staple. He admits to even getting them shipped out to him when he is on tour, which is very impressive. We are less shocked that he gets them shipped and more shocked that they are not available everywhere. Sugar Puffs are so delicious we don't blame Ozzy for wanting them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Besides, sugar is a preservative. It might even be what's holding him together at this point. This definitely makes it an addiction worth keeping, Ozzy.

    5 Matthew McConaughey

    This super action star has the body of a greek statue. Luckily he's also a pretty good actor and has an iconic voice that many of us recognize even without knowing right away who it is. Having pulled in a wide range of roles, including voice over work for kids' shows and movies, Matthew McConaughey has the healthiest addiction of all: Fitness. This fitness freak runs, jumps, lifts, and cardios his way into his best self, and we're very impressed. The actor says that he can't go a day without working out, and that's no surprise to us. To get a body like that takes a lot of effort and commitment. One has to be addicted to the rush to be that devoted to the workout. We wish that he would help us get addicted to fitness too. No doubt we'd be much better off with a fitness addiction than an internet addiction!

    4 Kanye West

    Rap god Kanye West has probably the most expected addiction of all: The "other" industry films. Afflicting millions of people, these types of films are one of those things many people watch but no one talks about. This addiction is real and can have serious impacts on people's lives. Kanye West is lucky and has turned his addiction to get him some fame and fortune. Some of his songs have themes centered around this addiction, and you know what they say… “intimacy sells”. While we don't always agree with this type of work (unsafe working conditions, exploitation, and misogynistic themes don't do a lot to turn us on), we do agree that it can be hot. Even Kanye knows this and has discussed his addiction in thorough detail over the years. It must be strange to write about such a private topic, but we're thankful. His music is iconic, and certainly provides some comic relief when we need it the most. Kanye 2020, even with this addiction.

    3 Jaden Smith

    The grumblings of older generations has been landing on deaf millennial ears for ages now. We are definitely not do-nothing slobs, lazy tech addicts, or moochers. Those few that are dealing with more personal issues than just being born in the 90s/2000s. We will, however, say that there is a point when snappy business sense and self-promotion turns into addiction. Jaden Smith, one of the most iconic millennials out there now is thoroughly addicted to Instagram… And for good reason! Stars need to market themselves, and part of his work and image consists of self-promotion. Anyone who faults Jaden for spending all day on his phone does not seem to understand that it is just as much work as “real work”. He also has the bonus of getting a brilliant instafeed out of it and keeping up his cool person image. This is one addiction that should not be beat!

    2 Beyonce

    Do you ever play card games online? If you do, keep your eyes peeled. Beyonce has admitted her affinity for online games and specifically online card games. She loves the focus they require and the thinking power. It's a great way for her to unwind, and because it's portable she's able to play anytime, anywhere. And with anyone! She loves this addiction because she gets to be a regular person. Not the icon Beyonce, but just a lady playing online bridge. People curse at her, get mad at her, and treat her the same way they would treat anyone else. This anonymity is perhaps the most addicting part for a star of her magnitude, and we don't blame her. If our lives were lived in a spotlight, we'd be looking for an anonymous out too. If it keeps her sane and happy, we see no problems with this strange addiction. Though if she ever wants to host a real life card game we'd be happy to go!

    1 Salma Hayek

    The strangest of the strange, Salma Hayek has admitted to being addicted to breastfeeding. However, she prefers the words “breastfeeding activist”. She believes the stigma around women breastfeeding in public is disgusting and should be abolished. You might have remembered seeing the news story about her breastfeeding a hungry baby in Sierra Leone. She commented on this stating she wished to advocate for infant nutrition, and to practice what she preaches regarding breastfeeding stigma eradication. We think she's absolutely one super lady, who advocates for some pretty great stuff. Fighting for women's rights, infant nutrition, and stigma ending is a great way to use your superstardom. She's got everything figured out, and while she might not be straight-up addicted to breastfeeding, we love that she's such a strong advocate. While “addicting” is a word that doesn't fit, it's such an essential part of her core values that we wanted to put it on the list anyway.