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    15 Celebs Millenials Refuse To Follow

    From their antics to their acting, we love to keep up-to-date with all the latest celebs and celeb gossip that there is floating around in the press. As we all know, pop culture is a fickle thing, and one doesn't stay at the top for too long. We have celebrities who at the height of their popularity were the best thing we had ever seen. We couldn't get enough of them. Some of the celebrities have now fallen from their thrones and have settled into the shadows. These are the celebs that we don't really pay to much attention as we used to anymore.Some have just gotten on with their lives and some have hit bumps in the road that they couldn't get over, hence their fall from grace. It is always entertaining to see what celebrities will do next, but when it comes to these ones, we have stopped holding our breaths. For modern day millennials, there are so many reasons not to follows these people. There are so many more great role models out there that are right in from of them. They also don't have too much to contribute when it comes to being a positive role model, and, as such, should probably leave it to the Ellens and Taylors of the world to shine in the spotlight.

    15 Azelia Banks - 446k Followers on Instagram

    Where to begin with this lady? Ever since the release of her debut single and probably the only one you know "212", Banks shot to the top of the charts and enjoyed musical success. Before the official release of the whole debut album she was let go from her record label and released it under her own label. Banks then began to become more of a controversial star. She began to be accused of homophobic tendencies. She was even racist towards Zayn Malik, and believe us, all the tweens came to his defense. Not one to bite her tongue, she was a huge advocate for Black Lives Matter in America but had extreme ideas about how families of former slave owners should be treated. She also freely admits to attempting to lighten her skin. And yet again, we have another Trump supported… Oh, at least until she realized that it would affect her of course!

    14 Tara Reid - 192k Followers on Instagram

    Back in the day, Reid was the "It Girl" in Hollywood. She was wanted by every man and needed in every movie. She was beautiful and pretty good at acting too. However, it would seem that she didn't take the whole ageing gracefully thing too well. Reid has had many issued such as substance abuse, health issues, and botched surgeries (which she has since become famous for). She has never been one to shy away from what is happening in her life and seeing pictures of her now, you can tell she has had a rough time. She is no longer relevant and cannot connect to a young audience like she used to. She has lost touch with the 'in' crowd and has been replaced. Some of her contemporaries have managed to remain relevant and interesting to this day, a feat she can't seem to get a grip on.

    13 Amanda Bynes - 3.28m Followers on Twitter

    Here is yet another actress that we had such high hopes for. We were convinced that she could make it all the way, especially with her massive start on her own hit-TV show. There was a hugely turbulent time for Amanda when all the world's eyes were on her for the wrong reasons. She had just seemed to start picking fights and insulting other celebrities and displayed some pretty erratic behaviors. No one knew what was going on with Amanda and it seemed as though she was making more enemies than friends. She has since fallen out of the public eye while she receives treatment and is under the responsibility of her parents. In a recent interview, she talked about her recent studies in fashion. Hopefully, she can make a fast recovery and be back on our screens as the actress we all know and love, but for now she needs guidance and help.

    12 David Hasselhoff - 140k Followers on Instagram

    The Hoff, as we better know him, was one of the biggest icons to come from the eighties. He was made famous by playing the character Mitch in Baywatch. He was also the lead in Knight Rider, and for anyone who knew both of those shows, he was a hero. He was the hottest thing when it came to hunks at the time. He released music and was massive with Germans and Austrians. However, now he is just a little old to be thought of as the hottest guy around. He has also had his place taken with the revamp of Baywatch that was released this year. He has also had a very public battle with alcoholism that garnered him a lot of attention when his daughter posted a video of his drunkenness online. Although he seems to be recovering, he is not the same guy we used to love seeing running on a beach in swim trunks.

    11 Paris Hilton - 7.2m Followers on Instagram

    We sure remember that at one point in the early 2000s, Miss Hilton was one of the biggest celebrities around. Known as one of the top socialites of Hollywood, she landed her own reality show which led to so many other business ventures for the hotel heiress. She had an image of being the dumb blonde and wasn't afraid to perpetrate that image within media. She featured in magazines, TV ads and even movies. There were many actors mocking her mannerisms and ways of speaking because dumb blonde jokes were the thing of the moment. She is famous for being a reality star and leaking a sex tape years ago. It is not too clear what her calling is nowadays. She continues to DJ, but we haven't heard any mixes from her so… maybe not too popular? Whether she is relevant or not, this girl is sitting on millions from business ventures, endorsements, and shows she has done but, regardless, is making her way further and further into the background.

    10 Katie Hopkins - 800k Followers on Twitter

    If you don't know the name Katy Hopkins, then you are probably one of the lucky ones. In her mind, she says what other people are afraid to say, but this is not the truth. She says controversial things to get reactions from people to bolster her own ego. She is a former reality contestant from the UK and columnist. She has always wanted to stir the pot when it comes to any current news events. She has even been known to be racist on many occasions. She does not attract the attention of the younger generation who wish to just live their lives. She will be looked over as someone who likes to give their opinion for their own self motivation. As a Trump supporter, she has also brought a lot of negative attention to herself by backing his ideas. With so many more open people out there to discover and listen to, there really is no need to inflate her ego any more. There are so many intellectual and educated worthwhile people to follow… let this one be.

    9 Charlie Sheen - 564k Followers on Instagram

    doing my best to, 'back off on the handsome' as the Jann-iss, primps and grooms the sheen, prior to a - @madfamilies - premiere/reunion carnival ! ©

    A post shared by Charlie Sheen (@charliesheen) on Jan 9, 2017 at 8:14pm PST

    We all know who Charlie Sheen is. We all watched and loved his show Two And A Half Men. It was a massive success in his career that still has re-runs on television today. The truth though is that Charlie Sheen went through a lot of difficulties and is no longer a role model or even relevant for some. He has had to contend with serious substance abuse and other addictions. He is also known for being someone who likes to sleep with a lot of people. He has been known to have relationships with women from the adult industry many times. Some think he went temporarily insane when he began overusing 'winning' and talking about tiger blood. As of 2015, he has publicly admitted that he has HIV and is controlling it through medication after someone blackmailed him with the information. Seems like he isn't the same Uncle Charlie we saw on TV anymore… He has lost his last link to stay relevant.

    8 Daniel Radcliffe - 1.1m Followers on Instagram

    Yes, we all know-this guy was the hero of our youths. There aren't many people that can say that they weren't a fan of the Harry Potter series growing up. He was the underdog who prevailed in the face of evil, and we all took some sort of inspiration from that. Now, he has kind of fallen into the shadows and doesn't have the same fan base as once before. He broadened his interests by writing poetry and acting in plays, and although they have been met with high praise, it is not what the youth of today are interested in. Unfortunately, this guy comes with very little controversy, and, as such, loses appeal to those who crave drama. Apart from being drunk once or twice or showing his manhood in a play, he has flown under the radar. For someone who was once so big in pop culture, he has managed to fall off his pedestal and lost a lot of the following he once had. Perhaps that is what it takes for such a famous child star to maintain their sanity.

    7 Farrah Abraham - 948k Followers on Instagram

    Although Farrah may be a millennial herself, there is no way that many people revere her as a role model. For someone who has had to grow up quickly (or should of) and partly in front of the cameras, you would think that she would be a great responsible person who everyone could look up to. We understand that she has gone through a lot of bad times in her life, but she has made a whole lot of bad decisions that reflect terribly on the single mother. She has starred in two skin flicks and has had so many public arguments and spats with fellow celebrities that we can't keep up. She is now filming for a celebrity dating show in the U.K but we're just wondering, where is her child? It seems as though she is trying to do the whole 'single and ready to mingle' thing while being a mom… Something tells us it won't work.

    6 Russel Brand - 343k Followers on Instagram

    At the height of his popularity, Russel Brand was one of the most wanted comedians in the world. He was known for his flamboyant way of acting and presenting and was controversially funny. He was wanted to host every live show imaginable and had a great career within acting after pursuing it for years. Brand had a way of staying in the media at all times, even if it came with a bit of trouble. Nowadays, he is settled in the U.K and has a daughter who he says is going to be raised gender neutral. He has fallen off the media radar, and the last we heard from him was when he was going on rants about modern day politics. Although he had influence on young voters, he lost it quickly when he changed his mind at the last minute, leading everyone to think he was a hypocrite.

    5 Simon Cowell - 12.7m Followers on Twitter

    It is no secret that Simon Cowell is only really a big favorite of our older relatives that love to stay home on weekends and watch X-Factor. Although the man has a lot of sway and power when it comes to the music world, this doesn't really make too much of a difference outside of the shows he is on and produces. The height of these shows was years ago, and now that he has a son, he has began to back away from the public eye. The man who once was one of the most feared men in music is just a judge on a TV show now that not so many people tune into anymore. Moreover, we think he's losing his edge when it comes to the harsh comments, not quite on par with those that made him initially famous.

    4 Mariah Carey - 5.9m Followers on Instagram

    Ohhh, to once know the Mimi that we all knew and loved back in the day. Don't get us wrong, she is most definitely an institution on her own, but we just don't take everything she does as seriously as before now. Way back when, she was a songstress with a lovely persona that everyone fell in love with. Now, she is the epitome of the word Diva. She has been known to pretend as if she doesn't know fellow celebrities just to make herself seem too famous. Although we may like to follow her eccentricities, we don't entirely take her seriously. Ever since the bad lip-sync in New York this year, she is more of a spectacle. She has since been in the news for being dumped by her fiancé because he couldn't afford her demanding lifestyle and so many other things. As much as we like keeping up with her, we can't say that she is taken as seriously as she once was before.

    3 Shia LaBeouf - 545k Followers on Twitter

    This was a guy that we really had massive hopes for. Shia LaBeouf rose to fame as a child actor and continued on into his twenties. He was regarded as a brilliant actor, but, unfortunately, he is also one that comes with a slew of problems. In the past couple of years he has had to battle with legal problems, addictions and attacks. His behavior at times seems as though it is aimless and doesn't have reason,, but that doesn't matter when he is on film. We appreciate the great actor that he is but question some of his life choices at times. He has been the center of attention for plagiarism suits and featured in a short film about himself. We cannot keep up with the next thing he gets involved in. Recently, he has released a statement on Twitter apologizing for his erratic behavior and about getting professional help, so we will just sit and wait patiently for the next blockbuster to come!

    2 Lindsay Lohan - 6.1m Followers on Instagram

    When we saw Lindsay transition so easily from child actor to teen star, we had no doubt that she would be a force that would remain for years to come. Sadly, we were wrong. When the later teens hit, Lohan seemed to have a tough time going from that life to one of a young twenty-something. She would go through many short-lived relationships that didn't always make sense, like that with Samantha Ronson because she said later that she was for sure straight. She was also in and out of rehab over the years for numerous addictions. Her newest endeavor is to change her religion. She has been very vocal about the fact that she is studying Islam and insists that she was racially profiled at an airport recently. Her antics are just nothing anyone wants to be keeping up with. She has lost that spark she once had as a younger actress.

    1 Donald Trump - 7.2m Followers on Instagram

    We could not make this list without adding in the most controversial President of our time. There has never been anyone who has been met with so much opposition in history. The objection to his presidency did not come from nowhere though. As a man who has come from money, Trump has always had a nose for business and is now running his country like one. Modern Liberals are against him and cannot fathom how he has come to become POTUS. Before, he was just an annoying rich guy, but now he has major power, and many would argue he isn't making the best of it. He has already reversed many groundbreaking laws that the previous President Obama had put into place during his two terms. These laws are effecting young Americans and will continue to affect them for years to come if there is no changes made. He has little support from the youth of the world because he is seen as someone who is looking to regress all the hard-earned rights, freedom, and progress of American society.