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    15 Celebs Who Are Overrated

    When you love a celebrity, you don't always love absolutely everything that they say, do or create. Sometimes you're left totally underwhelmed by a singer's new album or actor's new movie. You wonder how they could possibly be involved with such a lackluster project and you hate thinking that they're just in it for the money, but of course, sometimes that's totally true. Whether or not you choose to be a fan of a certain celebrity and follow the course of their career is totally up to you. Sometimes it's obvious when someone is super talented and you and your BFFs love the same people. Other times, they love someone and you can't imagine how they can possibly be such big fans. Being a fan can be a pretty subjective thing. The truth is that there are some celebrities out there that you just can't get on board with, no matter what. Maybe you used to be fans but now you're not, or maybe you just never really got the appeal. Here are 15 celebs who are totally overrated.

    15 Christina Aguilera

    You never really got this. Yes, she's a diva. Yes, she's got a great voice. So what?! You don't like that she seems to get super angry at people all the time and that she's always causing trouble. And so you refuse to watch her reality show Mariah's World since you think that would just be buying into the whole diva thing and acting like that's okay. You don't think that's okay and you're not going to support it. If you want to listen to a beautiful voice, to be totally and completely honest, you're going to listen to Ariana Grande. You really are a big fan of her. You have friends who bow down to Mariah and can't even believe that you are saying this, but you just have to be honest. And if you're honest, you're going to say that you think she's kind of overrated. You don't really have anything else to say on the matter.

    13 Britney Spears

    You were a huge fan of Britney when you were growing up. She was the definition of a pop star for you and maybe she was even one of your first concerts. You loved "Hit Me Baby One More Time" (and you especially loved the fun video) and you thought that she was the greatest dancer ever. But times have changed. Sorry Britney but what happened?! While you are definitely sympathetic considering her major breakdown and the trouble that she has had over the years, you don't really know where things went so wrong. Her music isn't the same, no matter how much people try to say that she's had a big comeback. You've moved on and you know listen to other singers when you want a pop music fix. You can't help but think that she's become overrated. And while it pains you to say that, you know that it's the truth.

    12 Angelina Jolie

    Are you a fan of Angelina Jolie? Probably not since in recent years, she's become so different. She's a great mom and you don't dispute that, and it's cool that she's taken on more serious and important projects that are clearly meaningful to her. But you miss her action movie days and you have to admit that she isn't one of your favorite actresses. You don't want to go see her movies the day that they open and sometimes you don't even see them at all. Plus you never really hear anything about her except the fact that now she's divorcing Brad Pitt and was trying to act like he's a bad father. You weren't a big fan of that and really believe that he's a good dad, so that took her down a notch in your book and it's not something that you can forgive and forget so easily. Sorry Angelina but this is just the truth.

    11 Sarah Jessica Parker

    The truth is that Carrie Bradshaw is kind of an overrated character, right? She's a bit meaner than you remember, she's much more self-centred, and she isn't always the best friend. SJP is cool and all… but sadly, she hasn't lived up to her reputation since Sex and the City ended. You were expecting her to have an amazing career and to act in the best movies. But she never really did much, right? Yeah, you get that she's been raising a family and you know that's important, but at the same time, why has she been in such epically bad movies? You can't even believe how awful some of the films are. So while you have a love/hate thing going with Carrie because you loved her so much but as you get older you realize that she's not the best character ever, you keep wishing that SJP would act in some better movies. Seriously.

    10 Channing Tatum

    Look, you think that Channing Tatum is probably a perfectly nice dude and all and he's got a relationship that is definitely up there on the whole #goals list. But he belongs in the category of overrated celebrities because, well, it's usually all about his body. His abs, in particular. So yes, you get that he's hot. He really, really is. But is that enough to make someone super famous? Isn't that kind of reverse sexism or something? Sure, it doesn't seem like he's bothered by the fact that he's become an object, so maybe you shouldn't care. But you wish that he would take on some more serious acting roles or something that doesn't involve him being half naked. That would take him off the overrated list for sure and would be pretty awesome. Maybe 2017 will be the year that happens. Who knows?! It's something to think about.

    9 Jessica Alba

    You are so sick and tired of hearing about how Jessica Alba is the most amazing businesswoman out there. Seriously, this celebrity is interviewed about her company all the time. You get that it is cool and everything, but she is not the only person in the world who works, and she is definitely not the only female in the world who works. She's not even the only celebrity who has her own company (hello Gwyneth Paltrow). So you have to admit that she is pretty much overrated. It's just a fact. Also, her business has gotten in a lot of trouble because apparently, not everything is super green and amazing for the environment or for kids, so that proves that all this fuss is probably not really worth it. Maybe if she starts acting in better movies again or gets a TV show again, you might change your mind.

    8 Josh Hartnett

    You loved this actor back in the day and loved seeing him in everything from romantic comedies to more serious dramas. But he is totally overrated since, well, where is he?! He has pretty much disappeared from the acting industry and from the public in general. Yes, yes, he was in Penny Dreadful, but he's not acting in the same kinds of movies that he was before. While he has a right to his privacy and you think that he's a pretty nice guy, you can't help but wonder what happened. You just expected a lot more from him. You thought that he was a really talented dude and you wanted to see him in movies every single year. Sometimes you get really attached to celebrities and it can be hard to admit that they don't really seem to want to be famous anymore. It's kind of like breaking up with a friend or something. Maybe that sounds dramatic but hey, the whole fame thing is kind of dramatic, right?

    7 Kristen Stewart

    You think that Kristen Stewart is a really cool girl and that it's great that she's not interested in playing the fame game… but she's overrated because she complains about being famous way too much. You get it. It's not always a picnic or piece of cake. Everyone knows that at this point. She doesn't have to always seem like she's in the worst mood ever and you're kind of tired of hearing that she hates being interviewed. Like come on. Doesn't she appreciate that people love her acting ability and that they want to see her movies? Shouldn't she realize that all this press is just part of doing what she loves? You just don't want celebrities to complain about the fact that they are rich and successful. It just gets a bit old. So she's definitely overrated and that's just the way that it is. Hey, maybe she'll have a change of heart and embrace her fame. Okay, probably not.

    6 Lana Del Rey

    Oh man. Is there a more controversial singer out there? Maybe, maybe not. Lana Del Rey is someone that you either love or hate and there's no in-between, as people often say on reality shows. She's kind of a good singer… and you like some of her songs… but you don't really adore her. You just don't. And you don't really know anyone who is a big fan of her, either. It seems like she had some promise for a while there and that her first album was really great. It had a summertime kind of vibe and you enjoyed listening to it. But then things took a turn for the worse. Her next album had a few good tunes. The problem is that she often ruins things when she starts speaking out -- like when she says really dark things or claims that she's not a feminist -- and so you find it hard to think that she's really awesome.

    5 Justin Bieber

    You love The Biebs and you love his music, but his recent social media drama has proven that sometimes, he can be as overrated as the other celebs on this list. Unfortunately, he seems to get really upset about things that don't really matter at all, and that makes it really hard to continue to support him and be such a big fan. For example, that whole thing with him deleting his Instagram account… and then getting back on… and then deleting it again. At first, you were pretty bummed out because you enjoyed following him on that platform, but after a while, you realized that in the grand scheme of things, this doesn't really matter. It's really not a big deal. But seriously, if he's going to focus more on causing drama and trouble than his music, you're not super interested. You just care about the music.

    4 Selena Gomez

    Yeah, she's got a nice singing voice, and yeah, she seems nice… but you need a bit more if you're going to be a fan of a certain celebrity. And with all the talk about her dating The Weeknd and her whole feud with Bella Hadid, you have to admit that you're not such a fan anymore. You don't think that she's any better than other singers who are out there and that's the honest truth. She has to create some truly groundbreaking music and star in some really amazing films or TV shows in order for you to change your mind about her. You have faith that she can and that 2017 is shaping up to be an epic year for her, but time will honestly tell if you're going to think differently about her. You wish her the best but you're not the fan that you were before and that's just unfortunately the way that it has gone.

    3 Lindsay Lohan

    Oh Lindsay Lohan. There has been so much chatter about a comeback… about ten times. Seriously, it seems like every year or every six months or so, you read a story about how she's totally going to have a comeback and be her old self again. Then, of course, that doesn't happen and she has more crazy stuff happening in her life. You watched her documentary on the Oprah channel and were trying to be supportive and believe that she really was trying to get back on the straight and narrow. But she kept not filming when she was supposed to, she was late to photo shoots, and she didn't really seem to want her old career back. It was painful to watch, to be totally honest. So at this point, you're kind of tired of hearing that she's going to have another comeback, and you think that she's not all that was promised back in the day when she was acting in great movies.

    2 Taylor Swift

    You feel kind of badly for Taylor because there has been such backlash against her lately… but at the same time, you have to admit that you think the haters have something. She is pretty overrated when you stop and think about it. Yes, you love her music. Yes, she is pretty cool. Yes, it is awesome that she writes about relationships and love and dating and being single and all that good stuff. But… is she really the most amazing celebrity out there? Probably not. It can be tough when you see a celebrity become so famous that she suddenly has more haters than fans, and sometimes, the fact that people are starting to see that the bloom is off the rose is kind of inevitable. Of course, if she finally releases another album soon, you might apologize for saying that she's overrated. But right now, you stand by it.

    1 Beyonce

    Yes, Beyonce's a Queen. Yes, she's the best person out there. But… is she really?! You're not saying that you hate her. You don't know her so how could you possibly have any hard feelings toward her? You just don't know how she became the most popular celebrity in the world. You really don't. Is there really a good reason? There are a lot of other celebrities who are super talented as well and they don't enjoy the same status as Beyonce. You know that people are going to hate you for saying this and that's okay. You're willing to endure the loathing because you feel like it's time to stand up and be honest about this. Also, where did the whole Queen thing come from?! This isn't even about her in particular. It's really about any celebrity that has been put on such a pedestal. If anyone was treated this way, you would think that they were overrated because you would think that it was just too much. But yes, you get that her music is super catchy, okay?