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    15 Celebs Who Are Not Afraid To Laugh At Their Public Image

    There are so many things that make being a celebrity challenging. Wait, what? Challenging? Really? Having people look up to you, making millions of dollars for doing fun creative stuff, and having pretty much everything in the world at your fingertips. What's not to love about that? True, all that pretty much sounds like paradise, but what most people don't know is the toll that being a celebrity takes on a celebrity's privacy and that of their family too. Then there's the fact that when you're rich and famous, your public image becomes scrutinized by literally everyone. Sure, no job is all good. There are pros and cons in every career, and most celebrities know this going in or learn it pretty quickly. Still, it can definitely take a toll on you. It's not easy being with someone whose every move is scrutinized by paparazzi whether you're heading to the gym, buying a coffee or taking your kids to the park. Many celebrities not only learn to go with the flow, they even learn to laugh at themselves and their public image in the media. Which celebrities are able to do this? Here are 15 celebs who have no problem laughing at their public image, and we love them for it!

    15 Jim Carrey

    Jim Carrey has not only made millions of dollars for being funny in many film roles, but he is someone who has never been afraid to goof around in public and when he's being interviewed. He has talked openly about fame, both in a serious and funny way, and can always point out the pros and cons of living this kind of lifestyle. On a more serious and inspiring note, he encourages kids to be all they can be by listening to their inner voice, not being afraid of failure, and not being afraid to stand out doing things that may be against the norm. Most of the characters that Carrey has played over the years have that weird mix of funny and dramatic, but he has made it work for him and the studios and audiences loved it. He was (and still is) authentic and true to himself, and it all started with his ability to laugh at himself. He has been a household name forever for a reason, after all!

    14 Justin Bieber

    Who would have thought that with all the press Justin got for his past troubles where he was not a happy camper he'd be okay with being silly? But guess what? He did just that on an episode of Saturday Night Live in 2013. He not only made fun of himself and his arrests for smoking an illegal substance, but he even poked fun at himself through a character who kind of looked like a female version of him. That was risky, too. He talked about never doing drugs again and was openly silly in the skits where he swore that his troubles were over and he was going to make some positive changes. This took a lot of guts and courage to do. Many people may have thought he went too far, but most fans were impressed (and even non-fans) with his honesty. We all like someone who can take a joke and we definitely love The Biebs even more thanks to his ability to laugh at himself.

    13 Tina Fey

    And then there is Tina Fey. Who could fault her for not only making us laugh with her talented skits and roles but also in her real life too? Her show 30 Rock was super loved and popular, but she confessed once that in Germany the show didn't do well at all. The numbers were terrible. Many other stars would have admitted sadness or frustration or hope that their show would someday capture the German audience, but Tina turned something potentially disastrous into something funny. We love that she's so secure that she is not afraid to laugh at herself. It takes a super confident person to do that, and on top of that, she gets us chuckling along with her. That is not something easy for many people to do. Secure, intelligent, and funny. Is it any wonder we love her so?! Plus she's funny (did we say that?).

    12 Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift has been at the butt of everyone's jokes almost right from the beginning thanks to her relationship issues and some people commenting on her “matronly” style. Did Taylor sue or get angry about it? Nope. She rode this gravy train right to the bank, and with her musical talent, put on a hard shell, deflected insults, and showed the humorous side of her style and relationships. Many fans like her honesty and how sometimes she seems pretty real and relatable and the fact that she doesn't give a crap about what people are saying. She'll laugh right along with them, write a hit song, and be done with it. Just look at her song "Shake It Off" which was basically a message to her haters. With her girl squad, she is also teaching women to not be afraid to be open about their weaknesses while building their strengths.

    11 Madonna

    That classic Madonna and Lady Gaga skit on SNL many years back still has us in total stitches! Madonna saying Lady Gaga's name sounds like baby food and Lady Gaga teasing Madonna about “not being able to get into the groove” and then their kiss and make up scene -- that was just one moment when Madonna was totally outrageous. She has been deliberately funny on shows like SNL, in other interviews, and has made jokes about herself onstage many times. Madonna has always talked about how strong women are not afraid to take chances with their image and constantly reinvent themselves and that they definitely don't care what others say or think. She has her own agenda and encourages other women to do the same. She is so confident. Nothing shakes her up. If she is baited, she will laugh it off and get an even bigger laugh out of it. Madonna will always come out the winner.

    10 Ed Sheeran

    Here is one practical joker that will turn everything on its head. Ed Sheeran will always make himself appear sillier, crazier, and funnier than even others make him out to be. Yup, he's definitely one funny, talented, and creative guy. He even jokes about his body. He has talked about measuring his muscle by how many rolls he has on him. He eludes to having a “one pack” which is like six-pack… only harder thanks to his consumption of junk food. This is just one of the many times he has made jokes about his exterior and gotten to the criticisms before the others had a chance to say anything. Similar to many of the stars who are comfortable with themselves, no topics are taboo. He is confident, funny, and knows how to win over an audience with his dialogue as well as his music. We can't but love Ed!

    9 Matt Damon

    We love Matt Damon's fake feud with Jimmy Kimmel, and we also adore all those times he was joking around with other friends and co-stars like his buddies Ben Affleck and George Clooney. The Jimmy Kimmel thing is something that got so much leverage that both of them continued playing it for a long time. Friends on both sides got involved and it has been such a hit for both men since we love it. There's still a chance the feud may continue with more laughs to be had by both. This shows what a sense of humor Matt Damon has and how he doesn't care about what people are going to say. He is confident enough to laugh at himself and entertain others. He is secure, knows he is a good actor, knows his reach and leverage and doesn't mind practical jokes either. Yup, we definitely love Matt Damon.

    8 Lindsay Lohan

    If anyone knows what it feels like to be laughed at and live one's life in the spotlight while going through some rough times, it's definitely Lindsay Lohan. Today she is clean and doing well but has no problem joking about her old public image and the problems she used to face. Back at the 2015 Super Bowl, she starred in a commercial where she wasn't afraid to laugh at her problems and how she may be a little hardened by them but is a survivor and has bounced back. She can talk about things like her DUI and that means she is comfortable with who she is and has come a long way from the young lady with the problems that she was. It takes courage and guts to do this, and people have warmed up more to Lindsay as a result of this. We all love a real person who is not afraid to own up to mistakes.

    7 Sandra Bullock

    Sandra Bullock is also someone many people admire. She has had to rise up against lots of adversity in her personal life and on screen but has never lost her charm, her sense of humor, and her comedic timing. She will poke fun at her self-esteem, her nervousness at doing speeches, and her jokes about friends, and how the industry sometimes views women over forty with a funny acceptance speech at an awards show. She makes all women want to continue to root for her, as she roots for us and all women who are real about their abilities and about their life. She has an amazing dry wit that shows her intelligence and she is not afraid to tell it like it is. It is refreshing to have her in Hollywood reminding women that their talent and intelligence is there at every age, not just when they are under the age of forty.

    6 Adele

    What can one say about Adele… except that she is the perfect illustration of someone being comfortable being herself in interviews. She is all about swearing, talking about drinking, eating, and living life as any of us do, only she's living with this weird thing called fame where her every move is chronicled. She talks about the difficulties of being a first time mother, how she has had to get used to her privacy being invaded, and what she loves and hates about the music business. Most of all she is refreshing to watch, and she details her life in interviews and is funny as anything about what she realistically lives day to day. She will dance, talk to whoever she wants, and just be cool and let it all hang out not caring what others say. When the sound at her Grammy performance was not good, she recovered from the embarrassment by chilling out with a burger after the show. She is not afraid to laugh, be down to earth, and get to the point in interviews and that's why we love her.

    5 Justin Timberlake

    Justin Timberlake is not only a talented performer, but he is funny as anything. He has done parody videos with Beyonce, great skits on SNL, and often uses himself as the butt of many jokes. He'll make comments about his ancestors strutting about in tiny clothes and it working, as well as joking with Jimmy Fallon on his show. They have done everything from Ghost movie parodies to parodies of each other (Justin of Jimmy and Jimmy of Justin during his *NSYNC days). As well, they have done a barbershop quartet version of "Sexy Back," and countless other appearances where their love for their friendship, comedy and combining the two has made us all laugh and enjoy ourselves tremendously. How could anyone not laugh with this talented and funny performer being honest while helping us toe tap at the same time. Nope. We are entertained and impressed at the same time.

    4 Miley Cyrus

    Miley is a mega talent who is also not afraid to laugh at herself and the media's image of her. She continues doing it with a smile on her face and shows her sense of humor in her performances. She knows the biz is hard and that things get blown up and exaggerated. Remembering that she has taken great pains to take control of her public image and to try out new things gives us lots of food for thought about how we can all take more risks and be more free when we try to express ourselves. Miley has also given funny performances on awards show and on SNL in 2015 she joked about how much clothing she would be wearing during the skit. She said it was still being decided. She does not care what people think of her and is very relaxed when it comes to poking fun at herself. While she may be a bit controversial at times, that's just part of her charm.

    3 Ashton Kutcher

    From his funny moments with friends in the media to his reality show appearances to his hilarious performances, Ashton Kutcher is definitely not afraid to make people laugh. He is someone who is very down to earth about his acting career, his family, and his own strengths and weaknesses. He is not afraid to be real and get other people around him to get real too. He and his wife (you may have heard of her… Mila Kunis) are determined that their children grow up with empathy and do not act super privileged. They know that once a person thinks they are privileged and better than others, they will not be happy or even be able to relate properly to others around them. His frank talk about fatherhood, acting, and life has gotten him a lot of respect from people around him, and we really admire him and his attitude.

    2 Jimmy Fallon

    Jimmy Fallon is funny, relaxed, and not afraid to go with the flow of life with friends, the media, and fans. Pretty much nothing is out of bounds for him to discuss from his friendships, politics, his own angst, and he will go for the jugular in order to get laughs. He is easy going and does not have anything to prove. His only wish is to entertain and to have some smart and funny insights. Along with his parodies with Justin Timberlake, he gives us a taste of real highbrow and some slapstick humor, just enough to remind us that life is better when we are laughing and to enjoy our time with loved ones and friends in laughter. Laughter is important to handle all kinds of obstacles in life. And it just feels great. He is sometimes using humor to make political statements. Other times it is dry wit. Regardless, nothing about himself is off limits. He makes us feel comfortable looking deeper within ourselves as he does with himself.

    1 Jennifer Lawrence

    Jennifer is one of the most down to earth people in Hollywood. She is so secure with herself that she never misses an opportunity to make fun of herself while she is filming a movie or just out and about. When filming The Hunger Games, she made fun of herself almost the entire time. She has joked about being bored on cover shoots, saying this is probably what it is like being on a date with her. She is friendly, down to earth in interviews, and the truth is that not much fazes her in the biz. She has had some oops moments with spilling things, tripping over people, and saying the wrong thing. It has been her sense of humor that has saved her and endeared. Who doesn't love a woman who confesses her clumsy nature and awkwardness? All of us can relate as we are like that too in real life. So Jennifer is not only talented but real. Honesty, anywhere, is still the best policy. It's refreshing to watch these 15 celebs on and off the screen.