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    15 Celebs Who Are Lonely AF

    Fame is like sea-water - the more you drink, the thirstier you become; it warms you from within for a while before it becomes toxic, clobbering you into loneliness. Celebs are often the envy of their fans, thanks to their stardom, silver-screen glitters and jet-set lifestyles. However, the lives of our tinsel town magnates do not exactly epitomize the paradise we all want to be a part of. Underneath the plush sugar coats, lie chronicles of abuse, despair and solitude.

    Their popularity sure brings in acclamation and sends them rolling in dough, but it does not cure them of their loneliness. Their contentment and their summer friends are one and the same - none of them ever seem to stay! They are constantly on the road, with limited spare time for the deeper things in life. Their glory opens them up to several shallow friendships and makes it very tough for them to find people they can really lean on during trying times. That is why, now and again, we find our beloved stars coming out and speaking about the downsides of fame and the isolation engulfing their regular lives.

    They have to be constantly on the lookout to cushion their image - because even when it comes to their love lives, they stand to be burned for making bad decisions. The threat of a random fling leaking private details to legal actions - they must be ready for everything even at the cost of being lonely. Here are 15 such celebrities who are lonely AF.

    15 Demi Moore

    Bouncing from one boytoy to the other, Demi Moore is still far from finding comfort. After three botched marriages and incalculable broken hearts, Moore is lonely as ever, according to a source close to the actress. “She is single and very lonely right now,” the source revealed to Radar. But loneliness, for Moore, dates back to Ashton Kutcher - a constant companion ever since her break-up - and now with her children deciding to move on, solitude is definitely her only chum! When her decade-long marriage to a 16-year-younger Kutcher ended in 2011, Moore's life hit rock bottom. Speaking of her separation, she revealed to Harper's BAZAAR, “I used to think what scared me was the idea of being abandoned… I think what scares me is not having the courage to reach my full potential.” However, swearing by the grapevine, Moore, now 54, is reportedly on the prowl for a new lamb.

    14 Lindsay Lohan

    LiLo can might as well stand for Lindsay Lonesome, given her only stable relationships are those involving alcohol and substances. Lindsay Lohan is so lonely that a couple of years back, she reportedly met up with an Uber driver in Santa Monica, California for lunch - such was her desperation to hang out with people. The driver told Star magazine: “We chatted all day while I drove her around Los Angeles. A few weeks later, she left me a voice mail, and we went out to eat in Santa Monica. It wasn't romantic. She is just lonely and needs friends.” The Mean Girls star, however, doesn't shy away from accepting this reality. She once told Nylon magazine, “Being an actress is lonely, and I never want to be alone. I hate sleeping alone.” Well, if that's the case, may we suggest you start taking your rehabs a bit more seriously?

    13 Jennifer Lawrence

    J-Law may be back in the dating game with 22-year-older Darren Aronofsky, but deep down The Hunger Games star has always been a lonely girl. The Oscar-winning actress had told Vogue, “No one ever asks me out. I am lonely every Saturday night. Guys are so mean to me… it hurts my feelings. I am just a girl who wants you to be nice to me.” She had also said: “It's strangely exhilarating because you keep trying to fight for validation. You want to have (validation) before you get married, so that you don't seek it out once you are. I feel like I need to meet a guy, with all due respect, who has been living in Baghdad for five years, who has no idea who I am.” But, Aronofsky sure has a very good idea of who you are!

    12 Lady Gaga

    In 2010, the avant-garde singer-songwriter, who is notorious for her exploratory choice of clothes, told Vanity Fair: “I'm perpetually lonely. I'm lonely when I am in relationships. It's my condition as an artiste.” Lady Gaga also admitted that she was afraid of losing her creativity if she were to be in a relationship. She had said, “I am quite celibate now. I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they're going to take my creativity from me.” Cut to 2017; Seven years have passed since then, but Gaga hasn't been a day otherwise. In a recent interview with The Mirror, she confessed: “I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable with fame,” she said, adding, “I used to get really shut down… run to my car and cry - hold my security guard and weep in the arms of people that I didn't even (maybe) really know.”

    11 Cara Delevingne

    She might have sent the rumour mills in to overdrive of late, with a reported reconciliation with former girlfriend St Vincent, but that doesn't stop her mother Pandora Delevingne from worrying about her daughter's jet-setting occupation and her life lived constantly under glaring spotlights. Last year, she told Vogue magazine, “Everyone thinks they know her, but they don't and it's quite a lonely life.” Cara too has often come out in the open about her loneliness. Speaking at the Women in the World conference in 2015, she had said that there was a time in her life when she was completely “alone” and was contemplating “suicide”. She also spoke of her skin condition called “psoriasis” and admitted that she found it difficult to see herself as a normal person while battling the condition. It made her feel “more disconnected from myself than I think I ever had,” she had said.

    10 Johnny Depp

    The messy divorce with Amber Heard seems to have taken a serious toll on one of Hollywood's most influence actors. Months after the divorce, Johnny Depp was spotted in public looking desolate and depressed, according to Page Six. The brooding actor was seen “alone, but with two bodyguards, sitting by the pool and smoking a cigar.” But, that wasn't all. Words of Depp's issues on the latest Pirates of the Caribbean sets, sold like hot cakes last month, when the Hollywood Reporter claimed that he was drinking excessively during filming. A source referred to Depp as a “train wreck”, constantly coming late to the set, leaving “hundreds of extras waiting for hours.” Apparently, he also got into a physical brawl at one point. However, his family seems to think he is coping well enough, with Depp's sister breaking silence 15 months after the divorce to tell DailyMailOnline that “he's fine.”

    9 Owen Wilson

    Once in a high-profile relationship with Kate Hudson, Owen has been associated with a number of beauties over the past years, but none of them have stood the test of time. A loner ever since, his break-up with Hudson seems to have left a lasting dent on the Hollywood funny man. In a recent interview with The Telegraph, Wilson has stated: “I don't know if I'm getting more sentimental as I am getting older.” To outsiders, the Wedding Crashers star has always appeared as a happy-go-lucky, lovable surfer-dude but it was only after his suicide attempt in 2007, that the darker side of this much complex man surfaced, leaving friends, family and fans, nothing short of devastated. After the incident, a source close to the veteran had revealed to People magazine, “Owen was very despondent. He slit his wrists. He almost did not make it.”

    8 Demi Lovato

    From battling depression to putting up with her bipolar disorder, Demi Lovato has always been very vocal about her private life. When she called it quits with boyfriend of six years, Wimer Valderrama, her fans were heartbroken. Wilmer had been a relentless support during Demi's scuffle with depression and addiction, but after the break-up, the Neon Lights beauty said, “Being sick was always part of my relationship with him. I always had something wrong with me. I needed to let go of that.” Speaking about her loneliness, in an interview with Cosmopolitan for Latinas, Demi had revealed that she found it to be a constant struggle during her lowest points. “It was that loneliness you get when you're sad and it's in the middle of the night, and even though you have family and friends to call, it's hard to pick up the phone,” she had said.

    7 Sheryl Crow

    Sheryl Crow's jaunty songs and lively temperament are a stark contrast to the loneliness the country singer deals with every day. “I grew up in the presence of melancholy, a feeling of loss over things that may be I don't have or never had. It is a shadow of me. It's a part of who I am. It is constantly there,” she once said in an interview. Even in the romantic front, the nine-time Grammy winner has never had much luck - her past relationships with celebrities, including Owen Wilson, Eric Clapton and former fiancé Lance Armstrong - all ran their courses eventually. Reflecting upon her affairs, she told Good Housekeeping, “I have always gone out with guys who were highly successful, which would seem like it would put me at an equal level. But what ends up happening is that one of you becomes smaller - and it was always me.”

    6 Madonna

    Madge has always been known for her no-nonsense attitude, and going by Donatella Versace's words, she is also “vulnerable and lonely, but (at the same time) strong, determined and fearless.” The "Material Girl" has battled loneliness at the height of her fame, despite being one of the most successful female stars of all times. She said in an interview, “There were whole chunks of my life where I was so lonely and I felt I didn't have a friend in the world.” Despite having her fair share of men in life, the pop queen seemed unable to recover from her broken marriage with director Guy Ritchie, which also cost her the custody of her son, Rocco. Speaking of the split, she told Rolling Stone, “I may have thrown myself off a building. My sons aren't with me… ” However, Madonna now seems to have found some solace in 31-year-old Kevin Sampio.

    5 Nicki Minaj

    Shielded by her neon get-ups, here's a woman who has survived a crack-smoking dad and a teenage abortion that still haunts her. But she doesn't let loneliness get the better of her anymore. In an interview with The Independent, Minaj said, “I'm a vulnerable woman and I'm proud of that.” She also said, “I had to learn something as simple as sleep(ing) alone. For all I have achieved, I didn't know how to do that.” The "Anaconda" singer has always been open about her struggles and never minced words even when she was suicidal. She told Cosmo, “At one point, I was like, 'What would happen if I just didn't wake up… like may be I should take my life?” Early this year, she further put an end to her two-year relationship with rapper Meek Mill as she wrote to her 20.7 million Twitter fans, “To confirm, yes I am single.”

    4 Hilary Duff

    The former Lizzy McGuire star is back in the single's market and lonely as always. Her struggles seem to go beyond self-acceptance and bodily woes, with Duff now having a tough time keeping any of her latest relationships afloat. According to E! News, the 29-year-old actress and her recent beau, music producer Matthew Koma, parted ways after several months of dating. The break-up reportedly happened in early March this year owing to the duo's hectic schedules. The short-lived romance had gained spotlight after the couple took to the red carpet of the pre-SAG Awards party together. Prior to this, she dated trainer Jason Walsh for five months, who was probably a rebound after her divorce from husband of six years, hockey player, Mike Comrie. In between, she was also spotted with Scott Eastwood, but nothing much materialized even after copious speculations.

    3 Angelina Jolie

    Last year, when the Tomb Raider alum went through a very public, drama-rich break-up with fellow Hollywood royalty, Brad Pitt, Brangelina fans were shattered. The messy divorce seems to have severely affected Jolie with reports of the actress battling loneliness fuelling tabloid fires for the past couple of months. A source close to the Maleficent star told HollywoodLife: “The last few months have taken a toll, and she is feeling extremely sad and lonely,” adding, “All the kids are worried about her - Maddox particularly. He's assumed the role of 'man of the house' now (that) Brad (Pitt) is no longer there. Maddox is constantly trying to get his mom to cheer up and live a healthy, happy life.” However, another source has recently told the publication: “She is in no hurry to get into a serious relationship with anybody - this is her time to shine… ” Way to go girl!

    2 Bella Hadid

    When Bella Hadid had a little runway reunion with former flame, The Weeknd, at the H&M Spring 2017 catwalk during Paris Fashion Week, the world skipped a heartbeat. It's unclear if the run-in was purely coincidental, but it's definitely not the first time they have crossed paths since their break-up. The Weeknd got onstage to perform during the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show last November, just weeks after their separation - and the awkwardness that followed was rather intense. Now, even with The Weekend pressing on to Selena Gomez, Bella perhaps is still having a hard time coping with the loneliness. Recently, she admitted to have gained weight after the split and that moving on wasn't easy. She told InStyle: “I'm there. I'm eating… And, I've gained a couple of pounds, but I'm good.”

    1 Brad Pitt

    Even as Angelina Jolie cited “irreconcilable differences” as the grounds for their divorce, Brad Pitt told People: “I am very saddened by this… ” The mucky custody battle that followed left the War Machine star not only with a soiled reputation of his fatherhood but also made him terribly lonely and distraught. In his first interview after the split, he told GQ magazine, “I often say the wrong thing, often in the wrong place and time… I'm trying to get better. I'm really trying to get there.” He also opened up about his drinking habits, saying, “I can't remember a day since I got out of college when I wasn't boozing or had a spliff, or something. I stopped everything except boozing when I started a family.” While it breaks our heart to see Pitt so forlorn, we can't abstain from secretly jigging at his new-found singlehood!