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    15 Celebs Who Deem Themselves Undateable

    There are some celebrities, that cannot possibly be dated by anyone. It's just that simple. It doesn't matter what you bring to the table either. You could be famous (as well), be super-duper wealthy, be inordinately attractive, have the bomb personality, be a jack rabbit in the sack, even have a combination of all these things and yet - you'll still get left out in the cold without a blanket, eventually. Some people just can't be pleased, no matter what; trying to fulfill them is like going to Cuba to locate Tupac Shakur - it ain't gonna happen.

    Celebrities who are unflinchingly unappeasable, we have simply deemed as undateable. Ironically, though, some celebrities saved us the effort and declared themselves undateable; for reasons varying from individualized insecurities, personality flaws to sheerly intimidating members of the opposite gender. Some celebs feel, no matter what they do, they always end up back in a relationship with the one person that would never leave their side no matter what - themselves.

    If you think you have dating and relationship issues, the following 15 A-listers are going to show you that your love life isn't as bad as you might think.

    15 Carrie Underwood

    Carrie Underwood, alternatively known as the 'best legs in country music', is shmoking hot. Underwood is very down-to-earth and cares to keep things nonchalant, but that has not stopped the songbird's sex appeal from going unnoticed. The "Before He Cheats" songstress ranked no.60 on Maxim's annual Hot 100 list in 2009, and was titled "World's Sexiest Vegetarian" by PETA in 2007. Despite the lauds, the American Idol alum told Cosmopolitan: "I don't consider myself sexy. I'm kind of a nervous person in general. I'm socially awkward… Oh, and I burp a lot." Haha. Well, that makes sense as to why she's undateable… no male wants a female that burps or passes gas frequently on a daily basis!

    14 John Hamm

    Jon Hamm made our previous list, "16 Celebs Who Are VERY Blessed Down There" (if you haven't seen it ladies, check it out, it's a must-read!) - therefore, you'd figure he'd be MORE than dateable. Aside from being a swinging stud, the Mad Men actor is not too shabby in the looks department either. As seen in the above image, Hamm is a very debonair gentleman who would probably snag your mom if she was single and ran into him in the frozen foods aisle at the market. Nevertheless, Hamm attributes his lack of a dating life to his unsightliness. "I don't necessarily think of myself like the handsome guy. That's reserved for Brad Pitt and Ryan Reynolds and those guys," he told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

    13 Alexander Skarsgård

    Alexander Skarsgård is 6'4", 200 lbs. of man candy. After The Legend of Tarzan hit, Skarsgård joined the ranks of brawny dreamboats such as Chris Evans (Captain America) and Mike Colter (Luke Cage). Women around the world, now, have Skarsgård on their radars and we don't think he's leaving them anytime soon. The True Blood star knows he's got a little acting skills, but, doesn't think for a second that he's Hollywood's most dateable commodity. "I'm insecure, like most people," the vampire Adonis said in the October 2010 issue of Elle UK. "I have days where I feel like the ugliest person on the planet." Come again… you see that above picture? He got'sta be mad! Just goes to show you, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.

    12 Nicole Scherzinger

    Nikki Scherzinger (yes, we call her Nikki, okay) is so freakin' hot, that many folks to this day still wish their girlfriends were as hot as her. You remember: “Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" - yes Nicole, oh lawd yes. Even though the Pussycat Dolls former front woman sung those lyrics with fiery passion, Scherzinger, in reality, doesn't really believe her own words. “I don't really see myself as sexy; I'm the biggest nerd I know”, she told People. The singer feels, in regards to the dating world at least, that her celebrated looks and fame are more of a curse than a gift. “I probably scare the living daylights out of most men,” Scherzinger stated. Yes, we feel that; if 'beauty is intimidating' as they say, than Scherzinger is Jason Vorhees to most dudes!

    11 Leonardo DiCaprio

    Leonardo DiCaprio, too, made our "16 Celebs Who Are VERY Blessed Down There" list (again, ladies, check it out if you missed it!) - though, Leo has never stated on the record that he feels he is unattractive or that he unnerves women. The Before The Flood star has, however, expressed that he has issues with relationship commitment; which explains why potential girlfriends and/or girlfriends last around DiCaprio as bout as long as the flavor in a stick of gum. Leo told Entertainment Wise that he's become less and less of a fan of marriage over the years. He also said, he always compares his current main squeeze to his mother and his gals always seem to fall short. In addition, DiCaprio admits to having OCD issues… and, he brings his pet lizard along on dates. Yikes! That's much, but what truly makes Leo undateable is that he likes the idea of love and the concept of love at first sight… but, confesses that it's never hit him. Love, he said, is too complicated.

    10 Emma Watson

    Aside the fact that she was in a couple of very serious relationships in real life and, more distinctively, a super-serious fictional relationship in the Harry Potter series, that doesn't translate to Emma Watson's day-to-day life. Typically, according to Emma, guys are straight-up intimidated by her. Guess that beauty of hers, scares the beasts away! Watson has stated she wishes that she could get them [men] to pursue her more fiercely, instead of being put off by the "fame wall" that surrounds her. It's said that there are pros and cons to everything, therefore, shaking men in their boots is just one the drawbacks the Colonia star has to deal with. Hopefully, that can change for Watson soon, and she can be unlabeled as 'undateable' soon enough.

    9 Zac Efron

    At this point, Zac Efron is perhaps thee hottest male celebrity in all of Hollywood. Not Chris Hemsworth… scratch Idris Elba… Zac Efron is currently 'that dude'. Even Efron's Baywatch body has got straight men like, "Hot damn bro". Women everywhere are tripping and falling face first over Efron; for good reason and to no surprise. The Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates star is prettier than most female actresses in the face, and, the actor's chiseled upper-body puts most WWE wrestlers to shame! As they say up top, 'the man's just got it'. Hold your breath though… with all that said, Zac Efron still says he doesn't know what it's like to be a heartthrob. When asked about his hottie with a body status, Efron stated: "I can't explain to you what it's like to be a heartthrob, [because] I don't think I am a heartthrob." Even with Efron's admirable humility, the fact is, he's undateable because his unparalleled physical features scare the be-jezus out of most ladies!

    8 Mariah Carey

    Mariah Carey has a reputation of being snooty and a supercilious diva; some would go as far as saying she's an 'acquired taste'. With that said, guess it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Carey is practically undateable. From Tommy Mottola, to Derek Jeeter, Mark Schenkenberg, Luis Miguel, Mark Sudack, and Nick Cannon - the "All I Want for Christmas Is You" singer has been dumped by a gang of celeb elites. Shucks, even billionaire James Packer recently gave Carey the boot! Reports say, Packer dropped Carey like an oiled-up football as a result of her 'excessive spending' and her rendezvous with a Vegas dancer. Packer allowed Carey to keep her $10 million engagement ring, at least… but still! Overall, Carey is simply a hard pill to swallow.

    7 Jennifer Lopez

    Out of all of the entertainment figures in Hollywood (male or/and female), Jennifer Lopez is the most notorious for being undateable. Lopez changes men like they are outfits on hangers inside of her walk-in closet! "Hmm, let me see. Which dude am I gonna wear today… " Benny Medina, J.Lo's close pal and manager, once spoke on her 'serial monogamy.' "The thing that I always sort of wished is that she would give herself time to just naturally meet someone, instead of having obsessive guys pursue her. The ease with which that obsession becomes a relationship I think sometimes works against her ability to have a real meaningful relationship", said Medina. Oh Benny, so that's it… the issue is, she tends to date psychoneurotic dudes! Well, with a track record of 3 failed marriages and 1 failed engagement, either way, it appears after awhile J.Lo gets bored with her new toy and eventually the toy just ends up at the bottom of the toy chest.

    6 Drake

    "I can't even make a relationship last seven weeks man,” Drake told a crowd on stage, after celebrating a couple in the audience that had been together for 7 years. Gosh Drake, there are rashes that last longer than 7 weeks; sheesh! Nevertheless, simple as put, Drake's not yet a man who can fully commit to a woman. His career is his biggest priority right now. "He can't give 100%. He'd rather devote all that energy to his music, his career and other business ventures. He's not ready for a serious commitment”, a source close to the rapper says. Facts only, because recently Drake couldn't even stick it out with Jennifer Lopez. "J. Lo and Drake were having a great time and getting serious, but Drake had a change of heart,” an insider said. “He's been in contact with Rihanna, and he has his heart set on winning her back. Drake cares about J. Lo, but he misses Rihanna.” Well, there you have it; need we say more?

    5 Scott Dysick

    If Scott Disick would have guest appeared on Martin back in the day, Martin Payne would of surely said to him, "Scott, you'se a wild boy!" Disick is a party animal; actually, more like a party monster! Even his latest boo thang, Bella Thorne, recently elected to back away from Scott after witnessing how wild he got at Cannes; his heavy drinking was especially shocking to the Shake It Up actress. Disick is a career alcoholic; so much so, that he's reportedly contending with several relatively serious health problems and his inner circle believes 'things will only get far worse' if he continues on the imbibing path that he's on. It's the same reason Kourtney K was forced to step off of Scott - the man is highly unstable. In so many words, you can't date a guy like Disick… unless you care to join in on benders with him.

    4 Chris Brown

    Chris Brown - another honorary mention on our "16 Celebs Who Are VERY Blessed Down There" piece (yes, we're gonna plug it 'til we can't plug it no more!). To why he's undateable though… Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown's split had all to do with him getting cold feet over commitment. Chris didn't want Karrueche to move in with him, and he was not prepared to make a more permanent commitment; he wanted his space. We know what you're thinking, "Wasn't Karrueche just granted a restraining order against Chris Brown because he was stalking her?" Yes, she was. Besides commitment issues, the Party singer also has a famed history of stalking women and beating them too. Saying Brown is 'undateable', is actually putting it VERY VERY lightly.

    3 Katy Perry

    In 2016, an online study revealed Katy Perry is the biggest serial dater of all celebs. She has dated Russell Brand (divorced after 2 years), Orlando Bloom, John Mayer, Travie McCoy, Justin York, Matt Thiessen, Johnny Lewis, Robert Ackroyd, Jared Leto (another "16 Celebs Who Are VERY Blessed Down There" entry ?), Robert Pattinson, and Diplo; just to name a few. Basically, she is rarely single for long. Perry's been in a bunch of relatively long-term relationships throughout the past few years that always seemed like they were going somewhere, but alas, ended in heartbreak. The "Roar" singer has even admitted, "It's not easy loving me." Though Katy has deemed herself undateable, there are PLENTY of men in the world that would love a 'wam-bam-thank-you-ma'am' with her nonetheless.

    2 Rihanna

    We all know from her music, that Bad Gal RiRi likes to get down with the homies. For instance - several days ago, she was spotted making out poolside with Saudi billionaire, Hassan Jameel. Eh… that's just what The Barbados Babe does, okay. The "Work" singer's motto is probably: "Don't hate, participate!" Well, we'll tell you what Rihanna has participated in… a lot of dating! Chris Brown, Drake, Travis Scott, Leonardo DiCaprio, J.R. Smith (who, btw, also made our "16 Celebs Who Are VERY Blessed Down There" countdown - okay, okay we'll ? now), Ashton Kutcher, Ryan Phillippe, Dudley O'Shaughnessy, Matt Kemp, Rashard Lewis, Justin Timberlake, Shia LaBeouf, have all rode the Caribbean Queen Express. Bottom line, richly savor the time you spend with Ri if you're lucky enough to get a chance to date her… because best believe, that time will be fantastically short.

    1 Taylor Swift

    Now, how in the world is sexy a** Taylor Swift undateable? When scientists figure out how they built the pyramids, that's when we'll get the answer to that question! Swift, over the years, has acquired something of a 'serial dater' reputation. However, according to her, there are two main things holding up her love life: The first is that she tends to shy away from approaching guys initially. And the second, is that she thinks her mega-stardom intimidates them (though, she admits that she would never point that out to a fella). Don't know about the shy part, but yeah, my own tongue would be tied in a knot and confiscated by a cat if Taylor Swift were to cross my path! I'd sound like Ralph Kramden trying to talk to her, "Homina, homina, homina,".