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    15 Celebs Who Definitely Need To Make A Comeback

    Celebrity comebacks are a super interesting thing. Sometimes a star will return to the spotlight after raising a family, other times they will want to take a break from the whole Hollywood lifestyle, and other times, they totally deny they are coming back at all. They swear they have been here all along, working hard and being creative. There are definitely a lot of celebrities that you love and miss. You want to see them on a TV show again, you want them to be in more movies, and you just want to hear from them more. It's super sad that they're not in the limelight anymore and you think that is something that needs to change. While everyone has different fave celebrities, there are a few that are universally adored and who most people would agree that they need to do more. Here are 15 celebs who definitely need to make a comeback.

    15 Lindsay Lohan

    Sure, Lindsay Lohan has tried to have a comeback before… maybe more than once. After having a rough couple of years and being in the press for anything other than her acting talent, she starred in her Oprah channel reality series, Lindsay. And she started acting in movies again. Things seemed promising but then she kind of disappeared from Hollywood again. You're a fan and have been since her Parent Trap days so you definitely think that it's time that Lindsay Lohan staged a comeback once again. You would love to see her on a regular television show and to see her in a whole bunch of interesting movies that can really allow her to stretch herself as an actress and work on her craft. You think that a lot of people would agree with you. There's really no reason that she can't start acting again, is there?!

    14 Taylor Lautner

    Once upon a time, Taylor Lauter was super hot. Yes, he's still good-looking, but there was a time when he was really famous. That was when he starred in the Twilight films as Jacob, aka one-half of the whole Jacob/Bella/Edward love triangle. Since then, he hasn't had the same kind of success and you don't really hear much from him. Yes, he starred in the second season of the TV show Scream Queens, but sadly, that show was canceled and it didn't seem like it got a really huge audience. You love him and think he's adorable and sweet and you would definitely like to see him in some more projects. He definitely needs a comeback because you think he should be in demand in Hollywood. He could guest star on a whole bunch of TV shows, he could star in his own show, and he could be in a few new movies. Why not?!

    13 Courtney Cox

    You loved her as chef and neat freak Monica on Friends… and what is she doing now? You don't want to say that she's doing nothing, but honestly, it kind of feels like she's disappeared from Hollywood. Ever since her show Cougar Town ended, it doesn't seem like she's been in anything. You really believe that she needs her own show. You could see her starring in a totally hilarious show like Veep. She needs her own vehicle just like Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Of course, if they wanted to do a Friends revival, you would be cool with that. You would be more than cool with that. That totally needs to happen. Even though it seems like there is no way that it will, you still hope and dream and wish for it. And you know that every true, loyal fan feels the same way. It's pretty painful that it's not happening.

    12 Jessica Simpson

    What is Jessica Simpson doing these days? Sure, she's an amazing mom and you think that's awesome, and she's also a fashion designer. But she's not singing or acting or doing anything like that. And if she is, well, you're not hearing about it. You totally think that there needs to be a reality show about Jessica Simpson's life. You would love to see her designing, to get a glimpse at her home and family life, and you just think that she's pretty great. After all, you have been a fan of her since forever. You listened to her early pop music, you watched the whole chicken/fish debate that is still making people laugh, and you definitely watched every single episode of Newlyweds. But she could definitely shine in a new reality series that shows her as she really is. Because you get the feeling that there is more to her than that so-called ditzy personality.

    11 Freddie Prinze Jr.

    Okay, okay, so Freddie is the coolest. He's dad to adorable children, he's the husband of Buffy Summers, and he's also exploring his culinary side. He's really awesome. He's been acting ever since his 90s/2000s heartthrob days, but he hasn't been in any really big projects that have gotten him a ton of attention, and you think that is something that has to change. Sure, it's totally possible that he doesn't care about that. Okay, he definitely doesn't seem to because he's living an amazing, family-focused life. This is a totally selfish thing because you just want to see him on a regular television show or in a movie or two. That's all. You think that he's super cute, you have fond memories of watching him in movies like She's All That, and you would love to see him in more projects. Yup, you're just being selfish.

    10 Rachel Leigh Cook

    Speaking of She's All That… Rachel Leigh Cook starred in that makeover movie alongside Freddie Prinze Jr. and you absolutely adored it. She hasn't been known for much since the days that she was at the height of her fame. In 2012, she started starring in the television show Perception but since that ended, she hasn't been doing a whole lot acting-wise asides from that. You definitely would love to see her in some romantic comedies. After all, she was one of the queens of rom coms back in the 90s and 2000s, and that's something that you will never forget. You watched these types of movies in your pre-teen and teenage years and you miss them dearly. You hate that it doesn't seem like those types of movies are being made anymore and you think that she is the perfect actress to bring back that genre for real.

    9 Melissa Joan Hart

    The star of Sabrina The Teenage Witch is super awesome. She's a mom, wife, and actress, and she's still going strong in Hollywood. She starred in her sitcom Melissa and Joey and you can see her in a lot of holiday movies. You just want to see her in more things. You would love for her to have her own show again. Since her sitcom ended, it's like you have this Melissa Joan Hart sized hole in, well, your heart. She's just so sweet, charming, and adorable, and she is one of your favorite actresses. Hey, maybe she could be in a Netflix revival of Sabrina or they could pull a Girl Meets World thing where she's older and helping her daughter become a witch and learn about her magical abilities. How cool would that be?! You would watch that for sure and you know that your friends would be excited too.

    8 Meg Ryan

    Another queen of rom coms, Meg Ryan hasn't been known for very many movies for a while now, and that is something that definitely needs to change. Just think about how many special and epic movies she was a part of. She was in You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle and that's just a super short list. Oh yeah, and she was absolutely amazing in When Harry Met Sally and her scene in the diner is classic and legendary. It would make you super happy if she started acting in more films from that genre once again. Sure, it's not like she has totally disappeared and she has been acting ever since, but these days, it doesn't seem like you hear much about her. You think that's a shame since she has been one of your favorite actresses. You associated her with those sweet, charming, intelligent, and feel good movies.

    7 Avril Lavigne

    Admit it, you absolutely loved Avril Lavigne back in 2002 when her first album, Let Go, came out. Even though her first hit single "Complicated" was totally overplayed, you loved it. You couldn't stop listening to it. It might have annoyed your mom or siblings but hey, you couldn't help it. You were totally obsessed. Avril has had a few albums since then and they are all good, but lately, she has taken a step back because of her Lyme disease. It seems like she is much better now or at least in the process of recovering, and you honestly want to see a new album from her really soon.

    6 Christina Aguilera

    Once a pop princess, Christina Aguilera is known these days for being a mom and for being a host of The Voice. Sure, she's not a host anymore, but what has she been doing lately? Yes, she's a mother and that's amazing and of course, she should take a step back from her career to raise her family. There's nothing wrong with that. But it doesn't seem like she's getting the same kind of attention and credit for her music that she used to get, and that needs to change and soon. She's not really known for her pop music and that's honestly a shame. The girl has a seriously beautiful, amazing, epic, and special voice. She needs to put out a new album soon that can be considered a really cool and inspiring comeback. People need to think of her as a singer first and foremost once again. It honestly seems like this is what she deserves and what needs to happen.

    5 Gwen Stefani

    Another singer with an amazing voice who doesn't seem to be talked about for her music these days. Sure, she gets a lot of press for the fact that she has been dating singer Blake Shelton for a few years. People talk about her divorce. They talk about her new relationship. They talk about the fact that she is a reality TV singing competition judge. But her music? Not so much. You totally believe that Gwen Stefani needs to stage a comeback and put out a new album and have people talk about how talented she is. You probably were a huge fan when she was in the band No Doubt and you definitely loved when she went solo. She needs to record some new tunes that really speak to her new experiences and time in her life. And it needs to happen soon because you honestly miss having new Gwen Stefani songs to listen to and obsess over.

    4 Josh Hartnett

    Remember Josh Hartnett? He was super hot… and, of course, still is. He's been acting lately but because he's been staying out of the spotlight for quite a long time, it's safe to say that a comeback would be great for him. He was in amazing movies like OThe FacultyHere On Earth, and more. He starred on the show Penny Dreadful, but besides that, he hasn't gotten a lot of attention for what he's been doing. Sure, he's definitely one of those celebrities who doesn't really think of themselves as a celebrity. He wants to have a low-key lifestyle and he doesn't want to be in the limelight. You totally get that and you definitely respect that. You just love him and miss seeing him in movies, especially romantic comedies, and you think that he needs to be in more high-profile projects from now on.

    3 Heather Locklear

    If you were a fan of the campy drama Melrose Place, then you know how much fun that was. If you haven't, then you have zero excuse and need to rectify that wrong pretty much immediately. After Heather Locklear starred as adverting executive Amanda Woodward on that show, she found a lot of fame and got a lot of positive attention, and it was all totally deserved. It's safe to say that she hasn't reached the same level of fame again, although she has some film credits to her name, and she was also in the revival a few years ago. She has gotten into some trouble, sure, and has gotten some negative press attention like a lot of other celebrities. But she's super talented. She's really good at the camp and the drama. She needs to star on this type of show once again. You would be incredibly happy and would tune in for sure.

    2 Ryan Phillippe

    Think about it: do you see this actor in a lot of films and TV shows? Do you read about it all the time? The answer is definitely no and that's a shame. Besides starring in one season of the thriller series Secrets and Lies, Ryan Phillippe hasn't done as much lately as he did earlier on in his acting career. That first season had only ten episodes and chances are, you might not have even gotten the chance to see it since it was one of those shows that kind of flew under the radar. He's had a handful of other television and film roles lately, but honestly, he needs an official comeback because he deserves it. He's a super talented actor and you probably loved everything that you saw him in back in the 90s and 2000s. He was in movies like I Know What You Did Last Summer and Cruel Intentions and he was great. Come on Hollywood, give Ryan his own TV show.

    1 Taylor Swift

    Okay, so it probably sounds weird to say that Taylor Swift needs to make a comeback because technically, she is still making music and in the press and all that jazz. But you have to admit that she hasn't done much in a while. In 2016, she only performed once and she hasn't had an album since the fall of 2014. Sure, she's got a new album coming out this year, or at least that's the rumor, but you have to admit that people are talking about her for more these days than her music. She's not that beloved anymore and seems to have lost a lot of fans because of her attitude and her feuds with other famous people like Kanye West and Katy Perry. You're probably still a fan and you probably wish that she could stage an epic comeback, become the sweetheart that everyone knew her to be, should start getting some positive press again. That's honestly all that you want.