Laman » Hiburan » 15 Celebs Who DGAF (And Why You Shouldn't Either)

    15 Celebs Who DGAF (And Why You Shouldn't Either)

    If you care about what other people think, that's a one-way ticket to insecurity, anxiety, and total unhappiness. Although we know that we shouldn't care what others think of us, it's still super hard to stop! If we could only come up with one reason why you shouldn't care what others think, it's this: an opinion isn't truth, and it doesn't matter. People's thoughts won't change your reality, so you should totally stop worrying about them! You're also never going to be able to please everybody, so trying to do that can literally only end in frustration and defeat. We know that being what our culture loves to call “chill”, and not taking life so seriously is harder than it sounds, so we've rounded up a few celebrities who are good examples of a carefree attitude. You might not agree with everything the following 15 stars do, but guess what? They don't give a fudge!

    15 Kristen Stewart

    There are a whole bunch of things that Kristen Stewart just doesn't care about. These things might outrage others, but as far as Kristen is concerned, that's their problem! Even before Kristen developed the confidence to totally be herself in the public eye, she was already showing signs of diverting from the norm to do what she felt like. Case in point? Wearing sneakers on the red carpet. Yes, we know Hilary Duff made wearing sneakers with a formal dress cool on the posters for A Cinderella Story, but it still isn't socially accepted! Sneakers are a lot more comfortable than heels, and Kristen likes them, so she didn't worry about what was socially acceptable. Kristen has also since opened up about not having to define her preference. She has said, "If you don't get it, I don't have time for you." That's a very liberating attitude, and we bet she feels much better!

    14 Madonna

    Since she rose to international fame in the 1980s, Madonna has always been exactly who she wants and never made any apologies for that. Yes, she offends people. Yes, she receives criticism over her parenting style, her clothes, her songs, her vocals and even the things she says. But she'd rather give all those critics one straight finger than change her ways to please them, and we can't help but admire that attitude! Madonna knows how important it is not to care about the opinions of others, and even opened up about it to the L.A. Times in 2015: "Caring about what people think is the death of all artists, really." She isn't wrong! Especially when it's your job to create art, it's really important that you come up what you feel is right. The world needs people who will deviate from the norm and totally destroy boundaries and lines.

    13 Snooki

    If there's one person who doesn't give a flying fig what you think, it's Snooki. The girl who found fame thanks to the reality show Jersey Shore has done a lot of things that most people wouldn't approve of. The entire Jersey Shore show was essentially just one huge bender, and Snooki got drunk and partied in front of the world. There's nothing wrong with having a good time, right? Even though people were quick to call Snooki names and judge her appearance as well as her behavior, Snooki wasn't about to apologize. "Well, they're idiots. I always say, what were you doing when you just turned 21? They have to think about it in their own way, instead of judging. It's really not a big deal. I didn't kill people. I just got drunk. Relax." Today Snooki is married with two children and has changed up her look, but she still doesn't worry about haters!

    12 Eminem

    Rap, in particular, is one lane where the artist has to be extremely thick-skinned. After all, it's all basically dissing and being dissed. When it comes to totally not losing sleep over other people's criticisms, one rap artist comes to mind immediately: Eminem. We could give you countless lyrics that display how much he couldn't care less, and the fact that he keeps releasing diss tracks after being dissed is evidence in itself that he doesn't regret anything. Of his style, he has said, "I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There's no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it. That's what I've found just on a street level-fans, and people on the street. They either can't stand me or love me for telling the truth and saying what's on my mind.” God bless Marshall Mathers!

    11 Amber Rose

    Amber Rose first appeared on the radar when she began dating Kanye West way back when, before she moved on to Wiz Khalifa. She's since split from Wiz, and receives a huge amount of backlash for everything she does. The way she wears her hair, her clothes, her working history, her dating history and everything else is apparently up for discussion, and all of the negativity might just have turned Amber into the kind of person who is over everything. In an essay for TIME, she wrote, “What I've realized is that, when you care too much, you're not living at your full potential. When you really stop caring about what people say, that's when you really start living. It's such an amazing feeling. It's about loving who you are, owning who you are and knowing that it's OK to live your life how you want to live it.” Well said, girl!

    10 Jennifer Lawrence

    Movie stars might be under extreme pressure to carry themselves with grace and tip-toe around the expectations of the world, but Jennifer Lawrence is done with all that BS. In fact, she's known for having a carefree attitude, not taking herself seriously, and being honest about everything. If that means making herself look like a bit of a nutcase, then so be it! She even admitted to Conan O'Brien that she acted like a creepy stalker when she met John Stamos at a party: "I was like following him into rooms and staring at his a$$… He asked me if I was on mushrooms and I said, 'No. I'm dead sober. This is just me.'” TBH, we would probably be the same! J-Law comes under constant criticism for her weight (which is fine, but jerks will be jerks), and although it gets to her, she makes an effort to brush it off.

    9 Chelsea Handler

    Chelsea Handler is so IDGAF that the E! network had to censor her on her original late-night talk show, Chelsea Lately. Now, if a more easily stressed person was told to tone it down by their boss, they'd probably do so out of fear of losing their job. But in true IDGAF style, Chelsea ditched the show, signing a seven-year deal with Netflix instead. It's pretty clear that Chelsea says exactly what she feels and comes after whoever she wants, making no apologies in the process. She's also even been kicked off Instagram after posting naked snaps of herself. But this has happened a few times, so we're pretty sure it will take more than the big shots at Instagram to keep Chelsea's clothes on when she feels like taking them off! In 2016, she told Fast Company, “Nudity is funny, especially when it's inappropriate.” Many people disagree, but Chelsea isn't too worried.

    8 Amy Schumer

    Comedienne Amy Schumer is also notoriously unapologetic and behaves in a way that she thinks is right, whether or not others are down. The number-one thing that people have attacked Amy over is her weight, because you know, being bigger than a size two is a huge problem. Having thousands of haters flock to your Instagram just to post a nasty comment about your body must be overwhelming and horrible, but Amy isn't losing too much sleep over it. “This is how I look. I feel happy. I think I look strong and healthy and also like miss trunchbull from Matilda. Kisses!” she captioned a photo of herself in a swim suit. That is the stuff true role models are made of! Amy has referenced her weight in the past as well, stating while accepting the Critic's Choice MVP Award that if you're an actress who isn't deemed skinny, nobody will write material for you.

    7 Nicki Minaj

    Nicki Minaj is another rap artist that comes under constant scrutiny for everything she does. As a powerful woman in a man's world, you can bet that Nicki gets even more hate and disrespect than other rappers. But does she let it bother her? Nope! They make fun of Nicki's wigs, so she comes up with crazier ones-pinks and greens and leopard. They say she's dressing too provocatively when her shirt is cut low, so she loses the shirt altogether and opts for the pastie. Nicki has been open about the way she wants to live her life-not giving a fudge what people think-and it's inspiring! She has said, “… I need to realize that people are going to talk about me no matter what. They don't know who I am… I'm not living my life for social media and people who don't know anything about me anymore-for them to give me a stamp of approval.”

    6 P!nk

    For millennials, the original pop star who didn't care what anybody had to say was definitely P!nk. Anybody game enough to feud with Christina Aguilera and Ron Fair while they were coming up in the music industry around 2001 DEFINITELY doesn't give a F about anything! P!nk looked different from other pop stars at the time. Obviously she had the pixie cut rather than the luscious long locks, and dressed like a punk chick rather than a sexy thong-baring starlet. She had a different sound, and was always willing to speak her mind and confront anybody who disagreed with her. P!nk stated that she knew she was going to play the a*****e a lot in the music industry, and that was okay with her. She was never intimidated by what other singers were doing, and always trusted in her own talent to take her where she needed to go. That's why she's still a role model today!

    5 Lady Gaga

    There have been stars who couldn't care less about people's opinions in the past, but the emergence of Lady Gaga in 2008 brought the IDGAF attitude to a whole new level! Gaga's whole message to her fans is about confidence. Back in 2009, she told Fuse, “I don't care what people think about me, I care what they think about themselves.” Naw! She sounds like the perfect Mother looking out for her Little Monsters! Nobody is completely worry-free, and Gaga has admitted to having moments of insecurity too. But it's clear that her moments of confidence outnumber her moments of being unsure! This is the woman who arrived to the Grammys in a giant egg, and who wore a dress made out of meat on the red carpet, knowing the world would discuss it for months afterwards. We feel like for her fans, Gaga makes the effort to ignore the hate, even when she'd rather not.

    4 Adele

    Singer Adele is another artist who totally doesn't mind what you have to say about her! Really, not too many people can fault her voice, unless they're bitterly jealous. Flocks of people have felt the need to comment on her image though, tearing her down because she's bigger than many of the other female singers in the industry. But has Adele hopped on the Atkins diet so people will think she is hot? Absolutely not! She's stated before that she makes music for ears, not eyes, and being skinny isn't something that she aspires to, so why would she go down that road? Adele also isn't interested in refining her attitude or personality for life in the spotlight-while singers of slow ballads like hers are usually expected to be more poised, Adele tells it like it is and blurts out whatever is on her mind without a care in the world.

    3 Demi Lovato

    Demi Lovato hasn't always been okay with what the world had to say about her, but we feel like the journey she's made to achieve confidence is nothing short of amazing! Demi has struggled with mental illness on the path as well as eating disorders, which have resulted in her hating herself and hurting herself to get the approval of other people. Thankfully, today she realizes that loving herself is all that matters, and she's found the peace she deserves! In 2011, she told Seventeen magazine, “I don't let anyone's insecurities, emotions, or opinions bother me. I know that if I am happy, that's all that matters to me. And it's OK to be selfish like that sometimes, when it comes to your well-being. Do what makes you happy, and don't care what others think.” Sound advice! Today, Demi is all about showing off a body she's proud of and singing songs with unrivalled confidence.

    2 Miley Cyrus

    Miley Cyrus has always been the confident type, but she made the transformation into total IDGAF territory back in 2013, when she appeared on stage at the VMAs twerking in a latex bikini. Hardly anybody approved of this, and because people thought this behavior wasn't appropriate, they called her names and made fun of her (work that one out!). Later, Miley opened up to MTV about the scandalous performance. “I don't pay attention to the negative because how many times have we seen this play out in pop music? Madonna's done it, Britney has done it, anyone that's performed on the VMAs, you know? You're always going to make people talk. You might as well make them talk for like two weeks rather than two seconds. I've been laughing about all the news… ” Even if you're personally not into twerking, you can't deny that Miley is her own woman, and not a people-pleaser.

    1 Rihanna

    Seriously, we dare you to find somebody who cares less than Rihanna. When it comes to her music, her look, her status as a role model, her dating life and the things she gets up to after hours, Rihanna does what she feels like. It's clear from the plethora of hairstyles she's had that she wears whatever she wants. As if we couldn't tell that when she showed up to CFDA Awards in 2015 sporting a gown made out of crystals that left nothing to the imagination! She's open about dating whoever she wants, sleeping with whoever she wants, smoking whatever she wants, and is basically the definition of having zero cares in the world. What can we learn from this? Just chill out and stop worrying. About everything! Seriously, stress is a killer, and chilled people live longer. They also live happily and freely, which is what we should all aspire to!