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    15 Celebs Who Look Like They've Never Seen Food Before

    Food is the best damned thing in the world. Some might argue that it comes in at a close second next to getting busy, but those people would be wrong. There's no comparison to the rapture of tasting melted brie, warm and chewy chocolate chip cookies, or virtually anything deep fried. Food is necessary for survival, but the way we choose to enjoy it is necessary for our soul.

    While giving into our cravings may seem like a daily indulgence for us, it's definitely not the case for celebrities. Between adhering to strict diets for roles or maintaining their trim figures in order to get them, most of life's pleasures are off limits, if not doled out in extreme moderation. Luckily for us, celebs fall off the wagon, too. And sometime's we have the luxury of catching that shooting star on camera!

    When celebs (or anyone!) finally gets to enjoy the taste of food freedom - and carbs! - in what seems like forever, they can't contain their joy, making them all seem like they've just experienced something life changing. Although, pizza is pretty life changing. Just take a look at these reactions and then tell us the truth: did you just get hungry? 

    15 Big Mac > Every Other Burger

    Katy Perry is all of us when we sink our teeth into the world's most delicious burger. As Katy takes a break from glamming up her face, she uses this time to stuff it with what can only be described as the world's greatest sandwich made from beef, lettuce, pickles, onion, cheese, secret sauce, and a sesame seed bun. The Big Mac just cannot be compared to any other burger made by a fast food chain, which is why Katy is giving everyone a glare that displays both her affection for McDonald's trademark sandwich, as well as her possession of it. Since it looks like she's taking a moment to speak mid-chew, and we bet she's saying, “Where has this burger been all my life, and when can I get another one?”

    14 When Ice Cream Is Life

    There is no denying that ice cream is the greatest gift to humanity; silky cream, sweet taste, portability. It's one of the most delicious treats, no matter the season, and there is always room for it in your stomach. Kim Kardashian must have heard the rumours of this miracle dessert, which must be why she treated herself to a cone of yummy soft serve. However, her reaction to it seems over-the-top. I mean, we totally get it, Kim. Ice cream gives you chills, and not just because it's frozen. It lifts your spirits and blood sugar levels. So Kim, if you're only trying it now, as an adult, you're allowed to be happy, but tone down the drama. There's lots more where that came from.

    13 Where's The Pizza?

    Whoever said that models never eat was clearly mistaken. Just look at Gisele Bundchen chomping her pearly whites down on that slice of pizza! While this supermodel is proving the skeptics wrong, it certainly doesn't prove that models know how to eat. It looks like she's made a decent dent into that slice, but she's totally going about it the wrong way. Since this may be her first time experiencing the elation of hot cheese and meat piled atop warm dough, we'll give her a pass for not practicing basic pizza eating etiquette. We'll also forgive that almost cringe-worthy face she's trying to hide as she suppresses her inner fear of carbs. By seeing this photo of her eating, we can at least feel comforted in knowing she's human.

    12 Eating Every Meal Is Presidential!

    For a former POTUS, Barack Obama has certainly learned that time is of the essence. For the last eight years, he has has worked tirelessly to give everyone and everything the attention it deserves, yet it looks like the time he takes for himself has suffered as a result. With these images, it definitely looks like he's rushing to inhale his meals in as little time as possible. It also looks as if he's been living in constant fear that every meal he eats might be his last and is taking the idea too far in both his paranoid attempts to nourish himself and his visible gratification of the experience. The way he eats, it looks like it's both the first and the last meal he's eaten all day.

    11 That's How We Eat A Hostess Cupcake, Too.

    One of the reasons we love Katherine Heigl is because she's no twig. She's got some thickness and curves to her that guys dig and women envy. And now, it's become no secret as to how she maintains her womanly shape: cupcakes! And we're not talking about some fancy $5 cupcake you buy at a gourmet, organic boutique. We're talking about the simple and tasty Hostess cupcakes, where you get two at once for only a buck and they can be found at any convenience store. Katherine's face is sucking up that chocolate cake and vanilla cream faster than she can end her call with her dietician. We can't even judge because when it comes to this Hostess dream, we've had to reset our diets on more than one occasion, too.

    10 Hands Off Of My Burger!

    When it comes to food, I think we can all admit to having a craving that got a little out of hand. So whatever Amy Adams was going through when she frantically reached for this burger makes this plea for a meal warranted. From the look of this beefy burg, there is a bite already missing, which makes us think that she agreed to share it with her friend, only to take the first bite and deeply regret her decision the moment it left her warm, greasy hands. Her friends seem amused by her reaction, so we bet that they were the very first ones who got to witness Amy's first moment of burger pleasure and was quite pleased with the result.

    9 Hello, Hot Dog? It's Me, Drew.

    Another celeb who became both smitten and confused by a hot dog is Drew Barrymore. This rom-com sweetheart looks like she's having a conversation with the bread-wrapped wiener, but at second glance it also seems as if she's attempting to bite it from the middle. The MIDDLE! Somebody stop her before she makes one heck of a mistake and realizes that there's no recovering from this hot dogsaster. And what of the toppings? Either she has decided to raw dog it, or she has zero sympathy for lost condiments and stained blazers. What food abuse! There are so many things wrong with this image that we just want to jump in and steal her lunch and show her how to down a dog the right way.

    8 This Is SHOCKINGLY Delicious!

    Forget the topless girl in lingerie flailing her ta-ta's in Jack Black's direction, this funny man is too distracted by the succulent double-pattied burger he's enjoying from the comfort of his front row. When it comes to eating McDonald's burgers, it seems that celebs have seriously suppressed their cravings for the fast food giant. Once they try it for the first time - or reunite with it - their eyes clearly light up and nothing else matters, not even the cameras capturing the intimate moment. Now, how can we not admit that Micky D's is addictive? It seems to hit them like a drug, fueling everyone with a hit of endorphins and euphoria. And in the case of Jack, obliviousness to anything happening around them.

    7 How Does This Eating Thing Work Again?

    Apparently, Kim Kardashian just doesn't know how to eat. Given her weird experience with that ice cream cone earlier, and these super awkward snapshots of her eating a burger and fries, we can't help but think that her parents never taught her how to eat properly (or maybe she clams up when cameras interrupt her lunch). We think that she'd be used to having cameras on her, even in times of eating a meal, but apparently she just hasn't quite adjusted to it yet. Or maybe she's more comfortable exposing herself for the cameras, rather than risk being exposed for having an appetite. Either way we dissect it, we can't help but be engrossed by her apparent discomfort of feeding herself those fries.

    6 C'mon, Ariana, Just Take A Bite!

    Ariana Grande is no stranger to doughnuts (did you see that fiasco of her licking the ones on display in that doughnut shop? Yuck!), but here it looks like she's never seen one in her life, given the face of self-doubt and suspicion she has while pressing the sprinkles against her lips. Since she knows that doughnuts are not always safe from corruption (*eh hem* takes one to know one), it's no question as to why she's feeling apprehension over tasting this delightful pastry. Or maybe she's trying to hide her jealousy over Jennette McCurdy's chocolate flavoured variety that she's also not feeling so sure about. Yeah, we'd also be holding back on that vanilla if we had the choice. But then again, *shrug*, a doughnut is a doughnut.

    5 Is This How You Eat It?

    Looks like Bradley Cooper and the rest of the attendees at the Oscars are as amused as we are by Jennifer Lawrence's measly attempts at eating a slice of 'zza. While she's got the mandatory fold down pat, her face suggests that she was forced into it by gang of fellow spectators. Jen has long been a pizza promoter and lover, so seeing this newbie act play out is making us a little disappointed, tbh. Don't nibble on it like you're not enjoying it, Jen, we know you are. It could also be that she looked at that flimsy joke of a slice and was like, “I guess I'll eat it, but you know that this is no way to treat a celebrity, right?”

    4 That's Not How You Handle Noods, Kath.

    Uhhh, we can't even look at this catastrophe. Unless you're a toddler, noodles are not a finger food, but it seems like Kathy Lee Gifford never got the memo when it comes to eating these carb-loaded strings of nummy goodness. We hope that she'll look back at this noodle faux pas once she's mastered her fork or chopstick skills and can shake her head in disbelief, just as we have. But who even knows if she took a liking to the bowl of pasta? After this unusual experience, and her look that says, “This squishy and rubbery consistency is SO not for me.” we doubt she even gave it a second go. It's too bad, because this girl just ruined the best entree in the world.

    3 Not Listening, Eating.

    As Tori Spelling dines al fresco with an unknown male suitor, her eyes may be focused on his words, but she's completely zoned out of what he's saying as she swiftly gobbles up the dessert in front of her. Since she has always been scary-skinny, this is probably her bi-monthly allotment of sugar and she doesn't even care that the camera is making her look ravenous. When it comes to women and their desserts, it can be a special courtship that no man will understand, which is why Tori can go on feigning interest in the conversation as long as she wants and take every second she needs to relish in that sweet plate of heaven. After all, she is only divvied so much of it.

    2 This. Is. Everything.

    We have another ice cream fanatic in our midst! As Miss Miley Cyrus indulges in a cup of what can only be identified as a sundae (*cue drooling*), we're equally impressed and troubled by her lack of spoon. Ice cream can only be consumed by hand if contained within an edible cone, otherwise it's going to be a cold-handed disaster. Miley may be young, but the concept of utensils is not foreign to her. This is why we hope that once she passed through that blanket of whipped cream, someone gifted her with the knowledge and ability to pursue the remaining layers of ice cream, hot fudge, and what looks like chunks of cookie dough. Okay, now it's time for us to go hit up the ice cream parlour. BRB.

    1 Food Of Champions…

    When it comes to downing this hot dog, Jennifer Lopez is all kinds of happy about it. It seems like she's never tasted the sweet and salty meat tube before, or maybe it's because she's just now experiencing the pure ecstasy of fast food. No matter the reason for her meat glee, JLo certainly went to the right place to get her carb and protein fix on. Her pit stop for any baseball stadium's most staple food item was at Gray's Papaya in NYC: one of the most popular destinations for cheap wieners at any time of day or night. We're not sure how many of these dogs JLo stuffed down her face before this picture was taken, but her giant bag suggests that she didn't just buy one of these infamous franks.
