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    15 Celebs Who Look Miserable AF

    There are countless celebrities who are rarely spotted on the red carpet without a thousand watt grin. Sure, sometimes they rock a more serious pose, but it's not tough at all to get a big smile out of them when the camera is trained on their impeccably made up face. Then, there are the celebrities on this list, the ones who legit never smile - for the cameras, at least.

    Look, we get it - when you have cameras on you constantly, from when you're leaving the gym to when you're walking the red carpet all dolled up for a big event, it's probably a little bit annoying after awhile, and you likely don't feel like smiling all the time. However, while nearly every celebrity has been caught on a grumpy day, the celebrities on this list almost never smile for the cameras, and it's seemingly by design.

    Some opt to go a little bit more haute couture, rocking the fashion pout and opting to look impossibly chic rather than totally cheerful, leading you to think that perhaps smiling is out this season. Others end up transmitting a vibe of straight up grumpiness. Whatever the reason, whatever their preferred on camera look, here are 15 celebs who legit never smile - so don't bother telling them to say “cheese”!

    15 Victoria Beckham

    Victoria Beckham is notorious for her refusal to smile for the cameras. She is basically the queen of the fashion pout, always working her angles impeccably and looking utterly fierce in any photo that's taken of her, or her with husband David Beckham. However, if you ever see videos of the stylish former Spice Girl turned fashion mogul, you'll see that she's actually got a hilarious personality, and has no problem smiling - she just doesn't like to do it on camera. She's even explained her reasoning behind the haute couture scowl, saying that “when you're in a position to be paparazzi-ed just walking down the street, you'd look a little daft if you were smiling all the time. But I smile in family photos.” Fair enough. And honestly, if you looked as fabulous as she does on the red carpet, you might be a little hesitant to smile as well - why mess up the angle on your flawless cheekbones?

    14 Ashley Olsen

    Once upon a time, Ashley Olsen was an adorable child star who was almost always beaming for the camera, whether on the front cover of one of her DVDs or in the pages of a magazine. Even when they were teen starlets, she could often be spotted laughing alongside sister Marie-Kate at media events. However, once she grew up, she got a lot more serious about her fashion - and a lot less likely to smile. She opted for layers and layers of boho chic garments, was almost never spotted without a giant coffee cup in her hand, and began looking a lot more haute couture than she did in her teen starlet years. And, she basically never smiled - she rocked almost every red carpet appearance with her signature slight pout. Hey, it works for her, so who can blame a girl? She probably got sick of all that smiling by the end of Full House's run, and she hadn't even hit her teenage years at that point!

    13 Kristen Stewart

    While Kristen Stewart may have been catapulted to superstardom thanks to her role in the box office smash hit Twilight series, she seems far more suited to the moody indie flicks she seems to select for the majority of her acting roles - just take a look at her on the red carpet. While you might get the occasional smirk from her, most of the time she has a fairly stoic face on the red carpet. Stewart has confessed to Elle that her red carpet face is really just a reaction to the chaos of the situation, saying that “it's not that I'm miserable, it's just that somebody's yelling at me… it's a physical reaction to the energy that's thrown at you.” It makes sense - while most shots of celebs on the red carpet feature them front and centre, solo, that's a bit of an illusion - in reality they're usually surrounded by tons of people, cameras raised, microphones poisoned, asking questions and trying to get the perfect shot.

    12 Megan Fox

    While she starred in a few teen flicks back in the day, Megan Fox essentially built her career on being a bit of a bad girl sex kitten, at least in her early 20s - not on being the sunny girl next door. So, it only makes sense that the brunette vixen would opt for a sultry look on the red carpet rather than a big smile. And, it seems like it's not just a red carpet thing - rumour has it that some of the crew she worked with on the Transformers set claimed that she never smiled behind the scenes there either. We don't doubt that her adorable children probably bring a smile to her face whenever she sees them nowadays, but on the red carpet, she maintains her unsmiling pose pretty much constantly. Hey, we get it - it goes with the whole image, you have to stick with what works.

    11 Christian Bale

    Christian Bale is crazy talented, and has been able to transform himself both mentally and physically for a variety of meaty roles over the years - but he's not always portrayed as the easiest person to deal with behind the scenes. He's got a reputation for having a bit of an attitude, and he's almost never captured with a smile on his face. According to Bale himself, as he told Esquire, part of the reason is that he hates the whole press aspect of his job. “I want to be able to just act and never do any interview, but I don't have the balls to stand up to the studio and say 'I'm never doing another interview in my life!' so I tip my hat and go 'okay mister! Alright mister! I'll go do the salesman job!” While we get that the press part of the entertainment industry isn't always the most thrilling for actors, well… it's kind of part of the job description. Chin up, kid.

    10 Anna Wintour

    Okay, this one we partially blame on the industry she's in. The fashion world, as a whole, is not always the most cheery spot. Sure, certain designers opt to create garments that are a little bit cheeky, sometimes utilizing bright pops of colour or fun prints. However, the figures that are in front of the camera - whether that be models or influential editors and designers - tend to be rather stoic. After all, the focus should be on the phenomenal outfit you're wearing, not on how wide your smile is, right? And no one knows that better than fashion legend Anna Wintour. Wintour is known for many things, including her signature bob and her penchant for almost always wearing sunglasses, but she's also known for not smiling. In fact, any exchange in the front row of a fashion show or on the red carpet that elicits a grin from Anna is incredibly intriguing, just because it basically never happens - ever.

    9 Leonardo DiCaprio

    Once upon a time, Leonardo DiCaprio was a young actor just getting his start, and you'd often find his baby face grinning on the red carpet. Not so much anymore. And it's certainly not just because his cheeks get tired after hours in front of the camera - in fact, his reason for not smiling has to do specifically with the way those camera-wielding individuals behave. As DiCaprio has said, “The mere fact that [they] are earning money from exploiting my image is the only reason I hide myself or am not a photo-friendly person. I do not like the way they conduct themselves. I think they're disrespectful and dangerous. The reason I don't pose or smile or that I seem mad is that I don't want them to make a living off my private life.” So, the point here is that you probably have to find Leo and meet him in person to get a glimpse of that charming, boyish smile in real life.

    8 Rooney Mara

    Given the badass roles that she's taken on over the years, you kind of expect Rooney Mara to be the type of celebrity who would refuse to smile on the red carpet - frankly, it would be a little bit unsettling to see her beaming in front of the cameras after watching her moody characters on screen for so long. However, the reason behind her never really being photographed smiling has nothing to do with method acting or trying to stay in character - it's just about her wanting to be authentic. As she's said, “why should I 'fake smile'? It feels disingenuous to me. I want to smile when something happy happens, so if I do smile, you know it's real.” Hey, fair enough - and at least this way you know that if Rooney Mara is pictured smiling, she was truly having a good time at whatever event she was at, and isn't just faking it for the cameras.

    7 Daniel Craig

    Daniel Craig is known for his roles in dramas and action flicks like the James Bond series, not for comedies, so it's a little bit more understandable that he'd opt to never smile on the red carpet. However, we've got to say - his reasoning behind the stoic look in response to cameras is pretty hilarious. As he told Time Out, “The Daily Mail loves to say 'He never smiles' - yeah, because I know you're f$*#ing taking pictures of me, that's why.” Message received - while Craig may love to showcase his acting skills on camera, he's not so keen on being photographed in a gorgeous, perfectly tailored suit on the red carpet. Who cares - he looks super sexy when he's rocking that stoic, unsmiling look, so we're not exactly complaining. Besides, think about it, would James Bond walk around beaming all the time? We hardly think so - that would be so not 007.

    6 Kanye West

    Kanye West isn't exactly known as a happy go lucky guy. In fact, while he's had a lot of legitimate success in the music industry, he's also simultaneously earned himself a reputation as a bit of a diva, thanks to his outspoken comments to the press and penchant for doing things like grabbing microphones away from teenaged starlets (although T-Swift ended up laughing all the way to the bank, a big smile on her own face, so it all worked out). Apparently, his reason for not opting to smile much is, well, about as Kanye as you might imagine. As he confessed to High Snobiety, “not smiling makes me smile. When you see paintings in an old castle, people are not smiling because it just wouldn't look as cool.” (In actuality, back in the days before selfie technology, many people didn't smile because they had to hold their pose for far too long thanks to rudimentary camera technology, but, you know… his reason works too.)

    5 Kate Moss

    Kate Moss became famous for her heroin chic modeling back in the 90s, and then for being the perfect mix of fashionista and rock star in her later years. Nothing about her persona or whole vibe says “smiley, cheery, bright,” so it's kind of not too surprising that you'll rarely get a smile out of her on the red carpet. After all, she spent years of her life told to pout and work her angles for the camera and showcase the clothing - not to smile. Plus, let's be serious - it's a lot harder to look impossibly fierce in a leather jacket with tousled hair when you're beaming like a pageant queen than when you're rocking a pout and otherwise stoic expression. We have no doubt that Moss probably cracks a smile every now and then in person, but on camera? Forget about it, you're just never going to see it.

    4 Kim Kardashian

    Okay, let's be honest - the main reason that Kim Kardashian doesn't smile on camera is because she's spent so much time and effort contouring and highlighting and perfecting her make-up that she wants to show it off to the best of her abilities. Right? Well, kind of. She's also joked that she doesn't smile because it causes wrinkles. Perhaps it's partly because her hubby Kanye West also rarely smiles on the red carpet. Perhaps it's part of the whole high fashion thing she's been rocking lately. Perhaps she just spent too much time smiling while promoting the various Kardashian reality shows and merchandise that she's just burnt out. Whatever the reason, Kim K is definitely not one to smile much in selfies - and when you take selfies as flawless as she does, can you even blame her? You have to do what works for you, and not smiling looks pretty gorgeous on her.

    3 Eminem

    As far as music industry folks go, rappers are perhaps the least cheery on the red carpet. Sure, there are the occasional goofy ones who flash a big grin alongside their big bling, but on the whole, you're far more likely to get a megawatt grin from a pop star than a rising young rapper. Eminem is no different. He's been making red carpet appearances for years and years, both at music industry events and general events in the entertainment industry, and he's almost never pictured smiling. We get it - it doesn't really go with his image - and you can't fault the guy. However, we can't help but wonder what it would look like if Marshall Mathers just busted out a huge grin on the red carpet - it's such a rarity that people would likely be incredibly curious as to what exactly was going down in the moment that picture was taken.

    2 Jennifer Lopez

    If we were Jennifer Lopez, we would be smiling all the time, because come on - who wouldn't be happy about the fact that you're essentially aging backwards, looking more gorgeous by the year? However, when it comes to red carpet appearances, Jenny from the Block isn't normally rocking a megawatt grin - instead, she's known for her sultry look - eyes all smoky, seductive gaze, slightly pouted lips, delivering a whole lot of diva attitude. And you have to admit, the woman basically cannot take a bad picture - every photo of her on the red carpet looks like it could be on the cover of a magazine because she is literally always serving up her A game. If Jennifer Lopez never wants to smile again in her life, we would accept it, because she looks so dang fierce all the time doing what she's doing now. Although, who knows - perhaps one day she'll loosen up and decide she wants to project an entirely different kind of persona.

    1 Ginnifer Goodwin

    Everything about Ginnifer Goodwin makes you think she'd never be photographed without a smile. First of all, she's from the south, a region where they're known for their hospitality, sunny attitudes, and permanent friendly grins. Second, she's absolutely sweet as pie and so gracious in any interview she's involved in. And finally, she's built a career on playing 'good girl' roles, not necessarily the sultry sex kitten (although she's insanely gorgeous, so she easily could have opted for that route as well). However, for whatever reason, Goodwin is just not a fan of smiling on the red carpet - she prefers to work her angles and keep a fairly stoic look on her face when the cameras are all trained on her. Hey, to each their own - there's no arguing that she looks absolutely gorgeous on the red carpet, so her current look and way of posing are obviously working for her.