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    15 Celebs Who Would Make The WORST BFFs

    While you definitely have a great group of girlfriends and would not trade them for anything, it is pretty normal to look at your favorite celebrities and wonder what life would be like if you called them your very own besties. Would Taylor Swift really throw the best slumber parties and birthday bashes? Would Selena Gomez tell you about the coolest new pop songs? Would Kylie Jenner share her fabulous closet with you? The truth is that you have literally no idea what famous people are like in real life. So you really have no idea what they would be like if they were your best friends (or even just people that you randomly see around town or who are friends of friends). Lucky for you, we are here to help you with deciding which celebs you should NOT have as your BFFs (in an imaginary world, of course). Read on to find out which 15 Celebs Who Would Make The WORST BFFs

    15 Mariah Carey

    Sorry but Mariah Carey is known as a major diva. We are talking major. She seems to throw tantrums pretty often and when she was accused of lip synching at the beginning of the year, she blamed absolutely everyone who was involved. Well, everyone except for herself, that is. She probably would not make a great best friend. She would definitely make every conversation all about her and you would never get the attention that you need in a friendship. She is really not a very well-liked celebrity, so when you think about it like that, you probably would not get along very well with her. Sure, maybe at first she would be pretty sweet and charming, but eventually, you would figure out that she is not the best friendship material that there is. It is better to steer clear than to go through a friendship break-up later on, right? Right.

    14 Jennifer Aniston

    Look, you love Jennifer Aniston. You're a big fan. You've obviously watched and loved her as Rachel Green on Friends and you've seen a handful of her movies as well. You just don't think that she seems like the best BFF out there. Apparently, she and Courtney Cox (aka Monica) used to be super close, especially when they were filming the show. Rumor has it that they've had a fight since then and are no longer close. So based on that information, you have to admit that it doesn't sound like she would be a very good person to call your friend. Of course, they could be the best of friends and that rumor could be totally false. That's possible. But when you're choosing your friends, you have to be pretty careful since you want to make sure that people will be loyal to you and not cause some random friendship break-up. Then there's the fact that you would bring up her divorce from Brad Pitt and probably get yelled at anyway…

    13 Katy Perry

    You know that T-Swift is no angel (and more on that later… ), but you have to admit that you kind of side with Taylor when it comes to the whole Katy Perry feud. It definitely sounds like Katy Perry stole some of Taylor's back-up dancers and you're not down with that. Friends should be loyal and always care about each other. Or wait… maybe Taylor stole Katy's dancers? Or they both did this? It's actually pretty confusing. So you're not really sure what went down. All you know is that you've listened to Taylor's "Bad Blood" song so many times that you love it and side with her. Yeah, that's probably what's going on here. The truth is that when it comes to friendship (and love), it takes two to tango, and when there's a falling out, both people are to blame. So you just don't think that Katy would make a great friend.

    12 Demi Lovato

    Look, Demi Lovato isn't a bad person (or at least that's what you think after observing her in interviews and on social media). She's just a little bit too much. Sometimes you're not a fan at all since she has a bit of a big mouth and says whatever she's thinking no matter what. Other times, she seems really sweet. You're just not sure who she is and whether you should adore her or hate her. You don't think that you get a really good BFF vibe from her since you think that she would always be speaking her mind around you. She probably wouldn't be able to stop herself from telling you what she really thinks about your life and your choices. That's not what you want to hear from a friend, let alone a best friend, is it? No, definitely not. You just don't think that this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

    11 Alicia Silverstone

    While you may find yourself wishing that you were best friends with Cher Horowitz -- she would give you the best dating and shopping advice and you would have a ton of fun together -- the truth is that the woman behind her might not like you very much. That's because you're probably not vegan and that's something that she really cares about. Alicia has written several books about her vegan lifestyle and it's something that she is really passionate about. Look, you get that everyone has to choose how they want to eat and that's a personal decision. But you don't want to be friends with someone who is going to judge you for what you eat or don't eat. That's just way too much pressure and it's not something that you want to be a part of your friendships. So while you might like her as an actress, you would probably not get along.

    10 Amanda Bynes

    The former actress has said really mean things about other famous figures on Twitter, and that's reason enough to make you believe that she would make the worst friend ever. She has definitely been no stranger to troubled times but going through something tough is no excuse for being rude and cruel to other people. Since you probably don't want a friend who insults you on a regular basis, you definitely don't want to call her a friend. Can you imagine?! This would be a pretty toxic and horrible situation. While you always wish that celebrities would make good friends since you don't want to believe that they could be horrible in real life, you have to admit that this girl is not BFF material. She's just not. Maybe that will change in the future and you definitely wish her all the best, but right now that's what's going on.

    9 Kristen Stewart

    This girl gets a lot of bad press. You feel sorry for her… sometimes, Other times, you hate hearing for the millionth time that she hates being famous and does not want to be interviewed and wishes that everyone would just leave her alone. Look, you didn't make her famous. No one else did, either. She decided that she wanted to be part of the fame game and that she would call Hollywood her home. So she really has to own that and stop whining and complaining so much. Since you hate having a complainer in your life, you definitely don't think that she would make a great BFF… let alone any friend at all. You've definitely had to break up with friends in the past who didn't stop being negative and bringing you down. That's just not someone that you want to be a part of your friendship group.

    8 Jennifer Lopez

    Yup, this star is another so-called diva. Again, you really have no clue if she's really a diva or not. She could be the nicest, sweetest, most adorable person on the planet. How would you know?! You're just a mere mortal. You only read about celebrities or see them in movies or watch them on TV or listen to their music. You don't know anything beyond that. But given the fact that you have heard about J. Lo's diva antics for as long as you can remember, you have to believe that you wouldn't want her to be part of your social circle. She would probably make everything about her, talk about herself all the time, and just cause a lot of drama. No thank you. You have enough drama in your life and you don't need any more of that, especially not from a celebrity. Sorry J. Lo. Maybe you really are the best?!

    7  Gwyneth Paltrow

    Gwyneth actually seems like a great best friend -- or at least people like Jessica Seinfeld seem to think so -- but she would probably not be the best friend ever because people would always tell you that you shouldn't be friends with her. It's definitely no secret that she has a whole bunch of haters out there. You would get tired of being told not to hang out with her anymore and would probably eventually mention this to her. Since no one wants to hear what other people are saying about them (especially if it's pretty negative), this would probably start an argument. And soon you two would be the opposite of friends.  So this is definitely not a road that you want to go down. You also don't really have a clue how nice or awful GP really is since you've heard both things. Maybe she wouldn't be the nicest person to be friends with. Who knows?!

    6 Selena Gomez

    Do you want a best friend who steals your ex-boyfriend? Or who dates someone that you really care about? Probably not. So no matter how much you love Selena Gomez as a person or no matter how fun you think her pop songs are, you have to admit that she would make a pretty bad best friend. Or at least she's not a good best friend to Bella Hadid. The whole Selena/The Weeknd/Bella love triangle has created a ton of conflict and tension that has been everywhere lately. You seriously can't escape stories about what's going on. Since you probably want a loyal BFF who would never dream of looking twice at a guy that you are interested in or that you had actually been in a serious relationship with, you might not want to become besties with Selena. Not that you have the chance to. But just in case.

    5 Kim Kardashian

    You have to admit that it would suck to be best friends with Kim Kardashian. Yes, she's a good person. Yes, she has a whole bunch of great qualities. And no, she doesn't really deserve all the hate that she gets. But… you really think that being her best friend would mean totally disappearing into the background. Isn't that the honest truth?! It's Kim's world and we're all just living in it, and that would be even more true if you were friends with her. It's all about her. She's got her own reality show, her own brands and projects, and her social media fans and followers. She's always thinking about her next move and how to get into the spotlight, and that would probably get kind of old after a while. You really don't think that you're wrong about this. Sure, she might think that you're just jealous AF and maybe you are, but you still don't think this is a friend that you would want to have.

    4 Teresa Giudice

    The truth is that if you were friends with Teresa, you probably wouldn't be for very long. Not because she's a horrible person. No, you don't think that she's worthy of all the hate and haters that she gets. You just wouldn't be friends for long because she always seems to start arguments with people and end friendships. Seriously, just watch a single episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey and you will see that this is the honest truth. Teresa stopped being friends with Caroline, with Jacqueline, and more. It's pretty sad to see so many friendships totally falling apart in front of you. Why did she and Jacqueline have their original falling out a few seasons ago? Because Jacqueline wanted to know what was going on in Teresa's world and Teresa thought that was super rude. You would definitely piss her off if you asked a few questions about her life, so it's probably best to steer clear.

    3 Justin Bieber

    Would The Biebs make a great best friend? Probably not. You have no issues having guy friends, no matter what most people think about the whole When Harry Met Sally/can a guy and a girl ever really be friends debate. So that is not the problem. The problem is that Justin is always getting into trouble and pulling pranks and getting some pretty bad press. You would find it pretty difficult to be good friends with someone who was always getting in trouble. You would worry about him 24/7 and probably end up texting him a lot too, trying to get to the bottom of what was really going on. Needless to say, this would not go over super well and you would probably annoy him a lot. You would also never see him since let's face it, he is alway traveling and living his famous life. So there's that.

    2 Lindsay Lohan

    Nope, you don't want to be BFFs with Lindsay Lohan. Think about how much has happened in her life in the past few years and how many times she's attempted a comeback. Nothing has ended up happening as far as that goes, and it might be tricky to be good friends with her. You would always be tempted to ask about whatever crazy rumor was currently in the media or the tabloids, and that might start more than a few fights. You would also worry about her a lot since sometimes, it seems like she's really having a tough time. Or at least that's the impression that you got from her Oprah-produced documentary series. That show didn't make her look very good. In fact, it made her look like a bit of a brat who made people wait for her all the time and didn't care if she was late to whatever she was supposed to do. Those aren't qualities that you or many other people look for in a friend.

    1 Taylor Swift

    Of course you knew this one was coming, right?! It's no secret that Taylor Swift has not been a very good friend to some of the other celebrities that she's been hanging out with. So you have a lot of information to go on and have to admit that even if she's really a cool girl who cares about the people in her life, she might not be the most loyal person ever. And she probably wouldn't be someone that you want to call a best friend. You never know when she might turn on you or decided that she doesn't want you in her life anymore. Maybe she would compete with you. Maybe she would make everything all about herself. Or maybe you would just get tired of hearing about her crazy dating life. You would also annoy her since you wouldn't be able to stop asking about her dating disasters and all the rumors. So on second thought, you really do love your own BFFs.