Laman » Hiburan » 15 Celebs Who You Have Never Seen (Before Now) Without Makeup

    15 Celebs Who You Have Never Seen (Before Now) Without Makeup

    We're so used to seeing our favorite actresses and singing superstars all made up that spying them in their natural state can be a shock to say the least. While these ladies are still far more attractive than the average Jane, even barefaced, when we are used to a “beat” face full of heavy contouring, shading, and the whole nine yards, it's hard to consider them as attractive as we are accustomed to.

    Though once in the spotlight, on TV, in films, on stage, and on the red carpet, being dressed to the nines means having a professionally done-up face too. The finest lipsticks, eye shadows, blushes, and foundations cover the pretty faces of our adored A-listers and they wouldn't be caught dead without at least a little mascara and a touch of pressed powder - even to take out the trash… if they actually do that on their own!

    But shouldn't we embrace natural beauty? Obviously these gals stepped out sans makeup at least once in order for their snapshot to be captured for the whole world to see and judge. Artist Alicia Keys has taken the no-makeup route, so perhaps this phenomenon won't be as rare in the years to come.

    Still, most celebs are always fully made up and to see them without their “faces on” is always a treat. Some of these gals look as beautiful as they do with makeup, if not more attractive. Others made the right choice by enhancing their looks with some bronzer, gloss, and pencil.

    You be the judge and see if you prefer these stars with or without a made up look.

    15 Katie Holmes

    Perhaps it is her drab expression, but the former “Mrs. Cruise” doesn't look all that approachable or even mildly terrific in this no-makeup candid photo. Sure, she's a cute chick through and through, but the made up look we're used to makes us say “wow!” Her skin tone is dull and she looks like she's spent. Maybe she's been running after Suri. But then again, how great do we look after a long day? She is still cute, but if she walked past us on the street in this plain-faced look, not a soul would recognize her as the former Dawson's Creek darling we all admire and adore. Not sure if Tom would be jumping up and down on Oprah's couch if he saw his ex in this condition. Maybe a little lip gloss would perk up this room-for-improvement look.

    14 Miley Cyrus

    When “she's just being Miley,” pop sensation and sometimes actress, Miley Cyrus, is usually quite made up and done up with her unique quirky style and one-of-a-kind taste. These days, she seems to be taking things back to basics and going with a more subdued and overall more natural appearance. She looks more approachable, softer, and much younger when she is pure and makeup-free. Of course, we probably won't see her on stage much without any makeup whatsoever, but she's not afraid to show her true colors, and it seems that going barefaced is her go-to look as of late. Why she ever needed all that makeup to begin with is a mystery since Miley looks pretty darn aborbs with her plain and simple look. But like all fads, she's likely to go back to wild makeup by the end of the season!

    13 Heidi Klum

    Looking a tad caught-off-guard in this pic, supermodel Heidi Klum is still quite naturally gorg in her barefaced and clean-as-a-whistle look. While we are used to seeing the stunner all done up, whether on the red carpet or while hosting her popular TV competition show, this simplistic look makes the model look like the everyday gal… if the everyday gal were as hot as Heidi! When you're as amazingly sexy and beautiful as she is, going without makeup isn't such a risk, but even the most attractive ladies will be criticized for something. Jealousy? That's likely the case, because who could argue that the model is anything but a perfect 10? As a mom, Heidi can't always take the time to get her makeup done, so sometimes a no muss, no fuss look is what she's all about. And she pretty much rocks it as usual!

    12 Naomi Campbell

    This is surely a photo supermodel Naomi Campbell wishes was never taken or seen, for that matter. While the breathtaking Naomi usually looks like a million bucks, in this barefaced shot, she looks like a $10 bill at best. Sorry to say, but she's seen better days, and she'd likely agree. Of course, she was not expecting to be photographed most likely, and the horrible angle is likely making this snapshot worse than how she really looked that day. But for a supermodel, this pic is a real shocker. Naomi is a true beauty, with makeup or none, so this unflattering photo is really not a fair representation of how alluring the model is in real life or in photos, generally speaking. It looks like the supermodel won't be caught makeup-free in public again after the wrath of this photo and the internet's stunned and overwhelmingly negative reaction!

    11 Rose Byrne

    In this makeup-free candid shot, actress Rose Byrne looks like the average girl-next-door rather than a famous and gorgeous actress. She looks far more youthful, approachable, and super-carefree. With a full face of makeup, Rose looks amazing and her delicate features are enhanced just right. Sure, with no makeup she's still as cute as a button, but with a little enhancement, this actress is a true showstopper. It looks like she was surprised that she was being photographed in this particular shot, so the star probably didn't mean to be seen in public in this barefaced and casual look. As a celeb, especially a woman, one needs to be aware of their looks or else the paparazzi will have a field day when they are caught on camera looking less-than-perfect. Maybe next time, a pair of sunglasses will be all the celeb needs to go out makeup-free and not get caught like a deer in the headlights!

    10 Ke$ha

    Ke$ha looks almost unrecognizable in this pure and lovely makeup-free pic, and it's a good thing! She looks totally natural, fresh-faced, and super-pretty. Not to say the singer is not pretty usually, but she covers herself up in a way that doesn't do her justice. Her makeup-free face is clear, clean, and enviable, and if she were to walk around this way all the time, she'd get lots of attention for all the right reasons. But as a superstar in the public eye, going without makeup is not the norm, so don't expect to see this look all too often on Ke$ha. But who knew that underneath all that makeup and hair was a natural beauty who seems to embrace her real looks and isn't camera shy at all. Or at least it doesn't seem that way.

    9 Lady Gaga

    It is a rare day when we have the opportunity to see the diva-licious Lady Gaga without a trace of makeup, so this photo is a real gem. She looks like a completely different person in this no-make-up look and for those who have never seen the pop princess without makeup, this photo is a major shocker. Usually in a full face of makeup and some sort of out-there costume, seeing Gaga without a smidge of makeup makes us all do a double take. But for those who know her on an intimate level, or who knew her before she was famous, they probably are used to this version of the usually made-up star. But it will be a cold day in hell when the superstar hits the performance stage without a pinch of makeup. It's all part of the Lady Gaga spectacle of a show.

    8 Beyoncé

    The “Queen Bey” can do no wrong. She always looks stunning and spectacular, even when she isn't wearing a touch of makeup. The “Beehive” would agree, this bare-faced version of Beyoncé is as pretty as the one where she's wearing all of her makeup. Her fans, friends, and family already know how beautiful the singer is, and this natural look only further proves that she is the real deal. Of course, we all love to see the sexy star in her glamourous stage looks and elegant red carpet ensembles, with her hair done to perfection and her makeup artfully applied, but this wonderful natural look is a breath of fresh air and makes us appreciate her true beauty even more. Her hubby is one lucky fella, but he could have told you that!

    7 Jennifer Lawrence

    Jennifer Lawrence seems like a down-to-Earth kinda chick, so seeing her sans makeup isn't a total shock, but that expression on her otherwise gorgeous face is ruining what could be a naturally pretty pic of the A-list actress. She'd be the first to poke fun at herself, so she surely could care less that this pic was taken and released. J. Law always looks amazing when she's all made up for red carpet appearances, awards shows, interviews, etc., so we know she can hit it out of the park when she is so inclined. But even a famous gal needs some down time, to give her skin some time to breathe and to feel carefree and fresh. She looks great no matter what, so who votes that the actress should go without makeup from time to time?

    6 Paris Hilton

    While not a total dud, this not-terrific pic of Paris Hilton without makeup isn't the best we've seen the shining star. Yes, she is still definitely majorly pretty without makeup, but her usual glammed-up look takes the cake. She's one of the most photographed celebs around, so we've seen Paris in tons of pics, both good and not-as-good, but she normally looks amazing and gets better with age like a fine (expensive) wine. She is as beautiful as any model, but just like models, everyone has an off day. Paris surely could care less though… she is famous, insanely rich, wildly successful, and a sizzling hot commodity in every sense. Men from all walks of life lust over her and she's a jet-setting stunner with the world at her fingertips. What's one bad photo when the rest are works of art?

    5 Jennifer Lopez

    Jennifer Lopez, or J. Lo, as she's often called, is one of the most beautiful celebs in the world and looks far younger than she actually is. She always looks utterly amazing, and even in this makeup-free pic, she still holds her own. OK, she looks a little chalky and sallow, but that could be the poor lighting. We all know how hot this mom of two is in real life and on the big and small screen. She looks perfect on any red carpet, stuns us with her beauty and sex appeal in her music videos and photo spreads, and knows how to work the camera when she's actually aware there is one there. J. Lo is always impressive, from her many talents to her secret to looking fit and fab as the years go by. With makeup she's a genuine knockout, but without any, she's still pretty fly (for a former Fly Girl)!

    4 Ariana Grande

    Ariana Grande is on top of the music world right now, and she always looks pretty and adorable with her glammed-up stage and rockin' red carpet looks. With those looks come a fully made-up face at all times. Seeing the young star without makeup is a real change, yet refreshing. She looks youthful and cute, as a young lady her age would, but as a young star, she likely feels the pressure to hit the stage in a fully made-up face. This no-makeup look is probably her go-to for weekends and when she has some time off, but when she's in the limelight performing, filming music videos, or doing interviews and appearances, there is no chance the singer would show up fresh-faced. She's a diva in the making, and with that comes a lot of primping!

    3 Anne Hathaway

    The talented Anne Hathaway is one of the most sought-after celebs in Hollywood, and her timeless beauty is admired by fans all across the globe. But in this makeup-free shot, the A-lister is not looking the way we are used to seeing her - all dolled up and camera-ready. That said, she still looks pretty good considering she apparently wasn't prepared to be photographed by some sneaky paparazzi. While we'll never see Anne looking this way on the red carpet or at a blockbuster movie premiere, she seems to walk the city streets looking pretty much average, with little to no makeup and not a care in the world. It must feel liberating to go out without having a team of makeup artists work on your look before heading out the door for a change!

    2 Jennifer Aniston

    Does this woman ever age or ever look bad, for that matter? This fresh-faced pic of the lovely Jennifer Aniston may have been deliberately posted by the actress, but even so, she looks amazingly youthful and pretty. We are used to seeing Jen with her makeup done and her hair in place, so seeing her be herself is a true joy. She's always in the press so we've seen some not-so-flattering pics of our favorite “Friend,” but this makeup-free photo is a real winner. She looks content and natural, and some may say even better-looking without all that heavy foundation and eye makeup. But as a famous celeb, Jen usually goes out with full makeup applied by a pro. At least she's willing to show her more casual side to her fans, even if the posts are few and far between.

    1 Katy Perry

    Pop diva Katy Perry always steps out in public with wild makeup that is bold, bright, and often heavy. Seeing her totally bare is a shock, so much so that it is hard to believe it is actually her in this plain-faced pic. But she does look kinda cute with no makeup to be seen, even though we all know she'd never perform or film a video without a ton of makeup spackled on. But Katy ought to embrace her natural side since she looks so pretty without all that gunk on her face. Maybe just a little “cherry ChapStick” is all the cutie needs to look good. But what would the popstar be without her signature full-of-makeup look? We will be seeing Katy with lots of makeup on her face for a long time it seems.