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    15 Celebs You Had No Idea Were Religious

    Hollywood and religious aren't two words that you can easily picture appearing in the same sentence. When we think of Hollywood, we tend to picture controversial art, rebellion, and shocking people just for the sake of it. And on the contrary, when we think of most religions, we think of strict rules and intolerant beliefs which definitely don't support anything controversial. But as it turns out, many celebrities in Hollywood are actually very religious. Some of them were raised to be that way, and haven't diverted from the path they were brought up on. With others, the wacky world of Hollywood led them astray, and they've since re-found themselves with the help of a new religion. Even though in front of the camera these celebrities push boundaries, many of them are secretly conservative, following faiths like Christianity and Islam. So which celebs are way more religious than you thought? Read on to find out!

    15 Madonna

    We know: Madonna is the last person you'd think of when it comes to being religious. After all, there is pretty much nothing that the pop megastar won't do for the sake of her art! She was raised as a Roman Catholic, as many Italian-Americans are, but she found that it wasn't really working for her once she hit the entertainment industry. In 1996, she became a follower of the teachings of Kabbalah, which is a more spiritual branch of Judaism. It's been said that she uses especially blessed Kabbalah water rather than just regular water, which she gives to her children, and also frequently wears white, since the religion teaches that it attracts positive energy. When asked about her commitment to Kabbalah, Madge said, “I wasn't hurting anybody. Just going to class, taking notes in my spiral notebook, contemplating my future. I was actually trying to become a better person.”

    14 Patricia Heaton

    Known for starring on Everybody Loves Raymond, Patricia Heaton is actually much more into her religion than most people would think. She was raised as a devout Catholic, and it has pretty much remained that way ever since! She identifies as a feminist, but staying consistent with her beliefs, she opposes abortion, the death penalty, and euthanasia. She went on The Adam Carolla Show in 2011 to discuss her faith, and mentioned that she decides to be honest about her beliefs because she's afraid of “being rejected at the pearly gates.” She quoted the Gospel of Mark on the show, and later said, “God is perfect and you have to be perfected in order to exist with Him. We are not perfect. Sin is… when you miss the mark. We all are born with this sort of disease and the cure for the disease… is the blood of Christ.”

    13 Fergie & Josh Duhamel

    Stacy Ann Ferguson, aka Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas, wasn't always the model Christian. In her college days, she experimented in a number of ways, and even lost herself to drug addiction for a while. But according to the songstress, it was her faith in God that brought her back to life. Her husband Josh Duhamel needed some enlightenment too, after he was rumored to have cheated on Fergie with a dancer, and admitted to visiting these clubs. The two were married in a Catholic ceremony, and now reportedly spend their Saturday nights in church attending the vigil mass. They are also said to be raising their son, Axl, with the same Catholic beliefs that they share between them. In an interview with Us Magazine, Fergie explained what they do after church. “Then we go out and have a really nice wine, like all good Catholics."Doesn't sound too shabby!

    12 Akon

    Though born in the United States, Akon spent a large amount of his childhood in the West African country of Senegal, and credits it as being his home. He was brought up as a Muslim, and describes himself as a spiritual man. You can actually catch some evidence of Akon's faith in his music. In his song “Senegal”, he raps, “So what you know about how God comes first in our lives, everything that we do is for Allah.” This is a clear testament to his devotion to Islam, and his full name kind of gives a similar impression! He was born Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Bongo Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam, so we can definitely see why management felt it was better for him to shorten it a tad. According to Akon, long names are a tradition in his culture! Other famous Muslims include Zayn Malik, Ice Cub, and Lupe Fiasco.

    11 Orlando Bloom

    Like many Brits, Orlando Bloom was raised as an Anglican, or as part of the Church of England, a branch of Christianity which broke away from Roman Catholicism centuries ago. Today, though, Mr. Bloom identifies as a Buddhist. When asked about his religious beliefs, he explained what he gets from Buddhism that Anglicanism didn't really offer him. “The philosophy that I've embraced isn't about sitting under a tree and studying my navel, it's about studying what is going on in my daily life and using that as fuel to go and live a bigger life,” he said. “When your girlfriend dumps you, when the bill comes through the door, and your mom calls you and tells you she can't handle the stuff in her life - that's hell, but that's just one world. If you are aware of what is going on, then you can grow and use that hunger, that fear."

    10 Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington doesn't just pretend to be a good Christian for the cameras, but actually adopts a strict Christian lifestyle, even when nobody is looking. It's kind of in his blood, since he was born to a Pentecostal preacher from New York. For over three decades, Washington has been part of the West Angeles Church of God in Christ, and his daily Christian routine includes reading from the Bible every single morning. In a 2010 interview with Christianity Today, he explained, “I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I've been filled with the Holy Spirit. I know it's real.” He stated that the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit took quite a toll on him. “It kind of scared me off it. I backed up and went the other direction, to be honest with you. I didn't know what was going on. It was too strong,” he said.

    9 Julia Roberts

    One actress who didn't maintain her religious beliefs from childhood is Julia Roberts. Having grown up with Baptist and Catholic influences from her parents, Roberts reportedly found a new path after filming the film Eat, Pray, Love, about a woman who finds herself through exploring Hindu spirituality. She could see that Hinduism was right for her over the process of shooting, and today is a practicing Hindu who regularly visits the temple to chant, pray, and celebrate. Her cameraman husband is also a follower of the religion, and it is said that their three children come with them to temple. Believing in the concept of reincarnation, Roberts has stated that she hopes to come back as “something quiet”-a far cry from what she knows now, as one of the biggest movie stars in the world! Some might hope for reincarnation into a celebrity, but for this actress, one lifetime is enough.

    8 Tom Cruise

    Okay, so it might not be the biggest shock in the world that Tom Cruise is way into the Scientology thing. However, some people don't realize that the Church of Scientology is widely considered a real religion, rather than just a cult. In fact, Cruise himself has campaigned for it to be recognized as such in Europe. He first became involved with the religion back in 1990, since his then-wife Mimi Rogers was a member. Today, he is very passionate about his faith, constantly speaking at Scientology-related events, and promoting the religion. He credits Scientology with helping him overcome his dyslexia, but has also formed some pretty controversial opinions taught to him by the Church. He has openly said that “psychiatry is a pseudo-science that kills”, and criticized co-star Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants to help her with depression. Cruise's faith has also been blamed for the dissolution of his marriage to Katie Holmes.

    7 Mark Wahlberg

    Mark Wahlberg didn't become a true Roman Catholic until a little later in life, after being led there by a string of troubles. By the time he was a teenager, Wahlberg was addicted to a range of substances, and was arrested around 25 times by the Boston Police Department. A civil action was also filed against him after he harassed African-American children. Later, he got himself in trouble for assaulting a Vietnamese man with a wooden stick while shouting racial slurs. So this is definitely a guy who was needing some kind of help! He appears to have turned his life around since finding Catholicism-his bedroom even contains crucifixion art and a bottle of holy water. He is said to use the room as a personal chapel when he needs to, but also attends church every day. As long as he is no longer assaulting people, his belief is definitely a positive thing.

    6 Mel Gibson

    Mel Gibson has regularly been portrayed in the media as being a very passionate person with unwavering personal beliefs, but you might not have known that those beliefs stem from his traditional Catholic upbringing. Considering Gibson directed The Passion of the Christ, it's clear that he isn't shy about declaring his beliefs to the world! He is described by those he works with as being fanatical about it, and even built his own chapel in Malibu called The Church of the Holy Family, where masses are conducted in Latin, and women are required to cover their heads before entering the church. Gibson has also stated that he believes “there is no salvation for those outside the Church.” His ex-wife Robyn was a Christian, but not a Catholic, and therefore he stated that he didn't think she was going to “make it”, even though she was a “better person” than he was when they were married.

    5 Kris Jenner

    The Kardashians have been known to tweet about attending church in tough times, but did you know that matriarch Kris Jenner actually funded the building of her own church? You might not be able to tell from watching her reality show, but Jenner is said to be very into her Christian faith. In the book Kardashian Dynasty: The Controversial Rise of America's Royal Family by Ian Halperin, it is alleged that Jenner even asked ex-husband Bruce, now Caitlyn, to pray away his urge for a gender transformation. While she was still married to Robert Kardashian, Jenner attended bible studies, and became a regular attendee at the Calvary Community Church in California. That was all before beginning her own church with Pastor Brad Johnson, though. It is said that she turned to her Christian faith, as did her daughters, to help her get through the many scandals experienced by her famous family.

    4 Tina Turner

    Raised a Baptist, Tina Turner maintained her beliefs until 1971, when a friend introduced her to Buddhism. She hasn't completely cast aside her original faith, however, and actually labels herself a Buddhist-Baptist today, meaning she meditates and chants in a way that's consistent with Buddhist tradition, while still praying the way a Baptist does. She has stated that Buddhism helped her through the tough times she faced, and has also given her a new, fresh perspective in life. “Material things make me happy, but I am already happy before I acquire these things. I have a nature within myself now that's happy,” she said in 2011. “I feel that chanting for thirty-five years has opened a door inside me, and that even if I never chanted again, that door would still be there. I feel at peace with myself. I feel happier than I have ever been, and it is not from material things.”

    3 Richard Gere

    Hollywood must really ignite that desire for inner-peace, because Buddhism has definitely welcomed many celebrities into its tranquil family. Richard Gere was raised a Methodist Christian, however began his conversion to Buddhism in his 20s. At first, he studied Zen Buddhism, and then traveled to Nepal in 1978, where he met a number of Tibetan monks and lamas. Not all Buddhists can say this, but Gere has met the lama, otherwise known as the Dalai Lama, and had nothing but love for him. “This is someone who wants nothing from you. Except for you to be happy,” he said about the spiritual leader. “Doesn't want your money. Doesn't want your time. Wants you to be happy and knows that there is a path that if you give yourself to it with courage and commitment you will ultimately be happy. I mean not one lifetime maybe many hundreds of millions of lifetimes of world systems of lifetimes.”

    2 Prince

    Not many people know that the late singer Prince was actually a dedicated Jehovah's Witness. He was raised as a Seventh-day Adventist, however changed his ways in 2001. He explained that it wasn't so much a conversion, but rather a realization. Prior to his death, he attended meetings at his local Kingdom Hall, and even knocked on people's doors to discuss his beliefs, the way that many Jehovah's Witnesses do. An ethical dilemma that doctors face when treating Jehovah's Witnesses is their refusal to accept blood transfusions. It was reported that Prince required a double-hip replacement surgery, dealing with chronic pain since 2005, but did not want to undergo the procedure unless he was assured that it was going to be a bloodless surgery. Congregants of the Kingdom Hall remember him as Brother Prince, and state he was very adamant about his beliefs after he was welcomed into the church.

    1 Justin Bieber

    Did you see this one coming? Yup, Justin Bieber is very religious. The Biebs reportedly found God and inner-peace after experiencing the dark side of fame. A pastor named Carl Lentz helped the young star to turn his life around, and helped him study the bible and attend services for two weeks in New York City. If you look at Bieber, you can tell that he's serious about his Christian beliefs-there's a tattoo of a cross on his face now, so if that doesn't tell you he's for God, we don't know what will! According to those on tour with him, the pop star holds bible studies backstage, and is always trying to convert his family and friends, to help them the way the pastor helped him. He isn't shy about discussing his faith, either. In one interview, he put it pretty bluntly for his fans: “I just wanna honestly live like Jesus.”