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    15 Crazy Celebrity Paranormal Encounters

    Even if you're not a believer in ghosts, spirits or the afterlife, there are so many ghost stories out there it's hard to ignore them all. Almost everyone has a spooky story about seeing or experiencing something they can't quite explain. That's true of the rich and famous as well! Many celebrities have seen ghosts, been targeted by hauntings or have just seen something totally bizarre that they can't explain away. Not even their millions of dollars, massive entourages or sprawling mansions can guarantee that they won't come up against a spirit or two. These 15 celebrities have had some of the craziest and most unreal paranormal encounters you could imagine. Some stars have had sexual experiences with ghosts (believe it or not, this has happened more than once!) to ones who have had to call in exorcists to their homes, and ones who have been tormented by photos of demonic faces from the gates of hell. These aren't your ordinary ghost stories, and they aren't happening to your ordinary person! Someone better call the Ghostbusters - these 15 celebs need some help dealing with the paranormal, ASAP. Read on, and maybe these stars can make a believer out of you.

    15 Lucy Liu got it in with an angel

    Back in 1999, Lucy Liu was promoting Charlie's Angels by telling an unusual angel story of her own. The star claimed she actually had an intimate experience with an angelic being that visited her in her home! Speaking to US Weekly at the time, she claimed she was taking a nap when suddenly something was on top of her. “It was sheer bliss. I felt everything. I climaxed. And then he floated away.” She never saw what exactly was on top of her, but describes it as light and purity. She also described the encounter as what happened to the Virgin Mary when she was impregnated by God. “It was almost like what might have happened to Mary. That's how it felt. Something came down and touched me, and now it watches over me.” Luckily, Lucy Liu didn't have an immaculate conception to explain after this strange experience. Touched by an angel indeed!

    14 Kesha Rose got it in with a ghost

    Lucy Liu's not the only one to have sexual encounters with otherworldly beings! Kesha Rose also claimed that she had sex with a ghost and that it inspired her song “Supernatural.” The pop singer told the story to Ryan Seacrest on his radio show, saying “I'm very open to it!” Apparently, a dark energy was haunting her house it eventually progressed into a sexual relationship. It must have left quite the impact on the singer, considering she wrote a whole song about it! Kesha Rose told the story again to Conan O'Brien later on his talk show, telling him “I did go to the bone zone with a ghost.” Bone zone? Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. Kesha Rose later took a step back and admitted it was a sexual experience with lots of caressing, but not actual sex. Looks like Lucy Liu's still the winner of weird supernatural sexual encounters.

    13 Ariana Grande took pictures of demons

    Ariana Grande loves to be scared! She's let The Ellen Show send to her many haunted houses over the years, snuck into the real Mansion family home with friend Demi Lovato, and apparently does a little amateur ghost hunting on the side of her successful music career. The singer was visiting Kansas when she decided to check out the infamous Stull Cemetery, a place that is reportedly a gateway to hell that even the Pope is afraid to visit. Ariana said there were signs of demons in the area, like a heavy scent of sulfur and random flies appearing in her car. She managed to take a few photos of the cemetery before getting too freaked out and having to leave, but the photos made the haunting worse! Ariana took to Twitter to share with her fans that not only was there demonic faces in her pictures but that she was receiving anonymous texts to her phone containing no message but the photos themselves. Spooky stuff!

    12 Demi Lovato has a ghost friend named Emily

    Singer and actress Demi Lovato is another fan of the paranormal and believes there is a ghost in her house that has been haunting her since she was three years old. She's seen the spirit repeatedly over the years and even had psychics and mediums come to the house - all of which told her the ghost's name was Emily. The creepy factor? Apparently, young Demi had an imaginary friend she would talk to by the name Emily. That's not the only paranormal encounter Demi's had: Back in 2014 fans began circulating a photo of Demi on stage with what looks like a ghostly face behind her. Is the star being stalked by Emily? Or did a spirit at the venue just enjoy the free concert? The American Paranormal Research Foundation's founder Brandon Alvis told MTV News it's possible. "One thing to note is if Demi Lovato is a ghost hunting enthusiast and claims to have a strong connection with the afterlife, it is very possible that a ghost or spirit could be attached to her because of her previous attempts at communicating with the dead."

    11 Lady Gaga's tour is haunted

    Lady Gaga had a new member join her entourage during the Monster Ball Tour: a ghost named Ryan. While Ryan isn't exactly a spooky name, his presence was enough to freak the pop star out. A member of her crew told the press: "He hasn't been doing anything too violent or scary but she's freaked out by his presence. She's a very spiritual person and in tune with the spiritual world but this is a step too far, even for her.” Apparently, Gaga tried everything to get rid of the pestering spirit, including holding a seance while on tour in Ireland. She also dropped thousands of dollars on electromagnetic field (EMF) readers to remove ghosts from the venues, including London's famous O2 arena, before she would perform. Considering no one has heard a peep about Ryan or any other spirits haunting the pop star since the Monster Ball Tour, it sounds like her ghost busting worked.

    10 Peter Jackson saw a screaming spirit

    Director Peter Jackson has faced off against dwarves, elves and whatever evil Sauron was, but a ghost that visited him and his wife is what's really scared him. Long before the director took on Middle Earth in the Lord of the Rings films, he stared down a seriously spooky ghost. He was living in an apartment next to an old theatre in New Zealand when he woke up and saw a terrifying sight: a woman, probably in her 50s, with a screaming face who glided into his bedroom and through a wall. After waking up his wife in fear, she asked him if it was the lady with the screaming face again - she'd seen the spirit before too! Years later, Peter heard that the nearby theatre was haunted by the spirit of a woman who had killed herself there after a bad performance. Theatre goers describe the ghost as a woman with a screaming face, possibly the very same woman who haunted the Jackson family.

    9 Cher is haunted by Sonny's ghost

    It takes more than death to keep Sonny and Cher apart! The legendary singer and actress told fans she thinks she is regularly visited by the spirit of her ex-husband and ex-singing partner, Sonny Bono. Sonny died in 1998 in a skiing accident, and Cher believes that he's been visiting her Malibu home since then. On an online Q&A with fans, she said “I actually think that Sonny makes a light go on. I have a beautiful chandelier that he makes the light go on when it is impossible, there is no power on. I love ghosts, I prefer ghosts to some people.” TMZ pressed her further on the incident, asking why she believes the ghost in question was Sonny, and Cher revealed she built the home herself so it couldn't be a previous home owner or someone connected to the property - it had to be a ghost visiting her personally.

    8 Keanu Reeves saw a ghost with no legs

    Keanu Reeves has starred in his share of scary movies, from Dracula to Constantine, but he's come face to face with even scarier stuff in his real life. During an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Keanu revealed that he saw a ghost with no legs when he was a kid! Keanu recounts the story, where his family had just arrived in America from Australia. He was in an apartment in New York City at the age of seven with his nanny when the ghost appeared. “Renata, our nanny, was in the bedroom, and there was a doorway and all of a sudden this jacket comes waving through the doorway, this empty jacket - there's no body, there's no legs.” Young Keanu was more curious than scared at the time, but he remembers his nanny was terrified of the leg-less apparition. And with good reason! Who wouldn't be afraid of a ghostly floating jacket?

    7 Michelle Williams is visited by Heath Ledger's ghost

    Not all ghost stories are scary. In fact, this bittersweet ghost story is more Ghost than Ghostbusters. Actress Michelle Williams has apparently been visited by the ghost of her ex, Heath Ledger. The pair dated and fell in love on the set of Brokeback Mountain and had one child together, Matilda, before Heath tragically died a few years later from an accidental drug overdose. Michelle told friends that Heath's spirit has dropped in to visit her at least twice: the first time it was a shadowy figure moving furniture in her home, and it scared her, and the second time around she realized who it was and why he was visiting her. Apparently, the two of them had a nice chat, and he apologized for not being there to help raise Matilda. These not-so-spooky hauntings have helped Michelle grieve and even gave her some closure on her ex's untimely death.

    6 Kendrick Lamar was visited by Tupac

    Rapper Kendrick Lamar never met Tupac in life - obviously, considering Kendrick was only 9 when Tupac died - but he still believes they're connected somehow. While working on his album Section.80 back in 2011, Kendrick had a vision that Tupac came to him and told him to keep up the good work. Kendrick recounted the story to Home Grown Radio, saying “It's a crazy true story, actually. You know one of them things when you really delirious in your sleep? It's a real situation where I was sleeping one night and a silhouette came and he said, 'Keep doing what you doing, don't let my music die.” Kendrick was convinced it was the spirit of the late rapper, especially since the day before he had been discussing Tupac with his mother, who pointed out that the two rappers birthdays were only days apart: Kendrick was born June 17, and Tupac on June 16. Is that enough of a connection to explain a ghostly visit? He seems to think so!

    5 Adele hired protection for her haunted mansion

    What do you do when your 7 million pound mansion is haunted? You can't just pack up and move, not after spending that kind of money. If you're Adele, the answer is obvious: hire round the clock security to protect you from the ghosts. Seriously! The pop star moved into the giant home (worth around 11 million US dollars) and immediately started hearing bumps in the night and seeing weird shadows. Considering the house used to be a convent with a private chapel on the property, she had a good reason to think spirits might be the cause! Adele reportedly moved a member of her security team into the house full time to protect her from the ghosts and had two additional security guards to monitor the grounds. The question is, what will the security team do if confronted by a ghost? Punch it? Maybe Adele didn't think this one through.

    4 Carrie Fisher called an exorcist to get rid of her friend's ghost

    When your friend dies at a party at your house, things can get complicated. Star Wars star Carrie Fisher had a post-Oscars party in 2006 and invited her friend, Republican lobbyist Gregory Stevens. Unfortunately, Stevens had a drug problem and a heart condition and died at Fisher's house during the party. If that was traumatic enough, his spirit seemed to stick around! At first, Fisher was comforted by having her friend nearby, but after a while, his ghostly presence started to wear her down and make her think she was going nuts. She told Vanity Fair “Lights would go on and off, and I had this toy machine, that when you touched it would say, “F*ck you! Eat sh*t! You're an a**hole!' And it would go off in the night, by itself, in my closet.” Eventually, she called in an exorcist to help rid her home of the spirit, and it seemed to have worked.

    3 Selena Gomez has a ghost in her house

    Singer and actress Selena Gomez is convinced there is a ghost in her house, especially considering multiple people have seen it on different occasions. She recounted the whole story to radio station z100, saying that it is at least a friendly ghost. One night, Selena saw a young girl in a white dress running through the yard towards the large child's dollhouse they have in the back yard. She sent her security team to check it out, but no one was there. Months later, Selena's ex-boyfriend was visiting her at home and claims he saw a young girl in a white dress run behind them. Selena swears she never told her bf the first story, which makes his sighting even spookier! To top it all off, the girl was spotted one more time: Selena's mom saw the spirit roaming around the property and sent their security team to check it out, and once again, no one was there. Thankfully it sounds like this little girl just wants to play, and won't harm the Gomez family!

    2 Paz de la Huerta met the ghost of Elvis at Graceland

    Paz de le Huerta is an eccentric figure, to say the least. The Boardwalk Empire star is known for saying and doing strange and sexy things like walking around set naked, so it's no surprise that she has a strange and sexy ghost story. The actress claims the spirit of Elvis Presley touched her and gave her pleasure while visiting Graceland. Speaking to New York Times Magazine, Paz said she begged her then-boyfriend, rocker Scott Weiland, to take her to Graceland. Scott initially was put off because he knew Paz loved Elvis so much and was actually jealous of the late singer. Apparently, he had good reason to be, because upon the couple's visit to Graceland, Paz, who claims to be sensitive to spirits, stood in a corner and let the singer's ghost come through her. She describes the experience like being tickled with a feather, and says “I felt his spirit go through me and give me pleasure.”

    1 Amy Winehouse's ghost haunts Pete Doherty

    Rocker Pete Doherty thinks the ghost of his friend Amy Winehouse is hanging around his house. The two were close pals, likely thanks to their similar hard-partying lifestyles, and Pete was left devastated after Amy's tragic death at age 27. He told friends that her ghost had visited his Camden apartment, just steps down the street from where she died, three or four times. While some might think this is just another drug-induced fantasy, Pete swears he is now completely sober, and the apparitions are real. He claims to see the singer walking around his bedroom, and also catches glimpses of her reflection in his mirrors. Apparently, the sightings spooked the rock star so much, he fled his apartment and had been staying in Paris instead. You wouldn't think the ghost of an old friend would be so scary, but maybe Pete's worried that it's a forewarning for him.