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    15 Facts About The Kardashians

    Many of us just assume that the Kardashians are famous for doing nothing, but this all-star family is keeping busy by running an unstoppable empire and taking the world by storm. Say what you want about the Kardashians, but we're all guilty of trying to keep up with them. They absolutely dominate the reality TV circuit, have tons of products and brands they lend their name to, and they never fail to make headlines on a daily basis. Just a single sponsored tweet alone from any member of the Kardashian clan costs thousands of dollars. It seems like the Kardashian clan is everywhere we turn, and when it comes to over-exposed celebrities, there are few capable of rivaling the Kardashians. With all of their endless endeavors, it's pretty safe to say that we know everything there is to know about our favorite fam… or do we? Just in case, here are 15 little-known facts about the Kardashians.

    15 Kris Copies Her Kids All The Time

    If you've ever watched an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you know that mom and manager Kris Jenner is notorious for copying her famous offspring. Kris is obsessed with trying to be young and hip and often takes cues from her daughters when it comes to fashion, interior design, and splurging on big-ticket items. There have been a number of instances where Kris was caught wearing the same exact outfit as Kim (that she probably “borrowed” from her closet). There isn't much about her kids that Kris won't try to replicate, right down to the décor in their homes. Who else remembers the time that Kris allegedly “stole” some super expensive marble from Kim that was supposed to be used for her custom-designed bathroom? And the time she bought the same furniture that was in Kourtney's kitchen for her own kitchen? If you think that's pushing it too far, Kris also decided to duplicate something of Khloe's that's a bit more personal… like the tattoo located on the small of her lower back. Yup. Just when you think you've heard it all, the Kardashians never fail to surprise us at every turn. Kris has stated that she got the self-proclaimed "tramp stamp" when she was going through a mid-life crisis, but that's still no excuse if you ask us. Well, they do say that imitation is the best form of flattery, so there's that.

    14 Kourtney And Rob Wanted To Be Lawyers

    Since dad was famous high-power attorney Robert Kardashian, both Kourtney and Rob had dreams of following in his footsteps and becoming lawyers. Kourtney has a bachelor's degree in Theatre Arts (with a Spanish minor) from the University of Arizona. The go-getter even applied to law school before deciding not to go after all. Younger sister Kim decided to skip higher education after high school and worked her way up to becoming Paris Hilton's assistant. Khloe Kardashian actually dropped out of her first high school, before enrolling in another one and finally graduating with honors. Youngest brother Rob is the only other member of the Kardashian family to have earned a college degree, holding a Bachelor's in Business Entrepreneurship from USC's Marshall School of Business. The only boy of the bunch was going to attend USC to study law, but the school said that he never even applied. Guess those law dreams were pretty short-lived, but we think both of them turned out just fine.

    13 They've Gotten Divorced A Lot

    Keeping Up with the Kardashians can be seriously exhausting… especially when you're trying to keep track of all of their engagements, marriages, and divorces over the years. This family never seems to settle down because someone is always caught up in a high-profile relationship or a messy divorce. If we're actually counting, there have been seven engagements, six marriages, and five divorces total between all of the Kardashians collectively. Kris has been engaged, married, and divorced twice. Kim has been engaged three times, married three times, and divorced twice. Khloe has been engaged, married, and divorce once. And finally, Rob has been engaged to only one person. Whew… those numbers are so confusing we might need to grab a score card. It seems like the Kardashians don't have much luck when it comes to marital bliss because five out of the six marriages that have taken place have ended in divorce. In fact, the title of the only husband and wife team still standing strong goes to Kim and Kanye (who would have thought?). With results like these, it's no wonder why Kourtney would never marry Scott!

    12 Kourtney Is Upfront About Her Surgery

    If you take one look at pretty much any member of the Kardashian family, it's super obvious that they've had some serious work done. While most of the Kardashians deny having any serious plastic surgery (beep beep beep… lies detected), oldest sis Kourtney is very forthcoming about getting a breast augmentation in her early twenties. The star frankly admitted that she was insecure about her chest size and got them as a present to herself when she was 22. When asked during an interview about her plastic surgery, the star was quick to say “I have had breast implants, but it's so funny cause it's not a secret: I could care less." We say if you've got it, why not own up to it? Kourt's got nothing to hide and knows that she'd likely get more flack for lying than about actually getting her breasts enhance. There's definitely no shame in her game and it's totally refreshing to see a Kardashian come clean about their cosmetic enhancements. Start taking notes, Kim!

    11 Kim's Kimoji App Earned $1 Million Per Minute

    Well… sort of. Avid watchers of Keeping Up with the Kardashians have probably seen all of the Kardashian women noshing on a big heaping bowl of salad at one time or another. Viewers have taken notice of the Kardashian's affinity to chow down on their signature salad bowls and their choices have become so popular that the restaurant now refers to it as “The Kardashian Salads." The ladies have become repeat customers at Health Nut, the restaurant they regularly order these salads from, and the place actually has a button on their register that says “Kardashian” to things super simple. Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, and Kylie waver between getting two different salads at Health Nut - the chef salad and the Chinese chicken, both customized to their liking. The health-conscious chef salad includes sliced turkey breast, sunflower seeds, and sprouts, while the Chinese chicken version consists of chow mein noodles, carrots and shredded chicken breast. We'll take a Kardashian salad to go, please!

    9 Kim Once Kissed Her Stepbrother

    During a family vacation to Thailand in 2014, it was revealed that Kim Kardashian actually shared a smooch with her own stepbrother. Of course, this revelation was captured by cameras for an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashian. Everything came to light when Kris accused Kim's stepbro, Brody Jenner, of having the hots for her daughter since they were kids, a claim that Brody immediately shot down. However, Brody did point out that Kim shared a brief romantic moment with another one of her stepbrothers, Brandon Jenner. Brody went on to say that Kim and Brandon locked lips back in the day and that he can't deny it because he knows it's true. Brandon (who is a married man) looked visibly uncomfortable and tried to quickly change the subject. To be fair, it was later revealed that the kissing incident took place when Kim was only eleven years old and it was the result of playing a game of Truth or Dare. Their parents hadn't even gotten hitched yet, so they technically weren't stepsibs at the time of the kiss. While it's definitely not as scandalous as you might have initially thought, but it still makes for a funny story to tell now that they've been step brother and sister for decades now.

    8 Kourtney Once Got Into A Twitter War With A Teen Mom

    Long before Farrah Abraham ventured into a career in the adult film industry, she was just a regular teen mom who happened to have a modicum of fame from being on a reality TV show. None of us knew exactly how crazy she was yet, but Kourtney Kardashian got an early taste of what the future of Farrah had to offer in terms of pointless celebrity spats. The Twitter war took places back in 2011 when Farrah took to her social media account to insult Kourt for being pregnant again while saying that she obviously didn't learn anything from the show Teen Mom. Obviously, Farrah's outburst was unwarranted and didn't make any logical sense because Kourtney was well into her 30's when she decided to have a second child. In response, Kourtney tweeted, “Why would I have anything to do with Teen Mom? I'm 32 years old!” Scott stuck up for his then girlfriend and the mother of his children by stating that they aren't teenagers… along with a few choice insults and expletives to really make his point. And there you have it - a real life mom battle. If we had pick sides, we're definitely on Team Kourtney all the way.

    7 Scott Disick Really Is British Royalty

    Well, they certainly don't call him “Lord Disick” for nothing. Everyone knows that Scott Disick is a little 'out there' when it comes to harebrained schemes and outlandish hijinks, so it's no surprise that he totally took on the title of British royalty a few years back. Scott got the crazy idea to take on the royal title that he deserves back in 2012 during a trip to London. The unpredictable reality star purchased the rights to the title online and then proceeded to partake in an authentic British knighting ceremony to make things official. We're pretty sure you already know that all of this was filmed and used as a storyline for an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Speaking of his royal title, Scott said: "Whether it's Sir Disick, Lord Disick, Count Disick - becoming royal is going to get me the respect I deserve.” He takes his knighthood very seriously, as it has now been four years since his trip to England and he still goes by the name “Lord Disick” on a regular basis.

    6 Kylie Is Still The Reigning Queen Of Snapchat

    Let's be super clear, the Kardashians as a whole basically dominate all things social media, but it's Kylie who still holds the top spot as the most followed person on Snapchat. Kylie got notice of her superior Snapchat status last year, and it has very recently been confirmed that she's still got it. The young star has beaten out everyone else for the coveted title of Snapchat royalty, including all of her equally famous sisters. Just earlier this month, big sister Kim revealed that she receives between eight and nine million views on her Snapchat story, which can only mean that the number of people who follow Kylie definitely exceeds that number. At the rate she's going, it seems like Kylie is only getting more famous by the second and it's rather of unlikely that someone will be able to trump her as the reigning queen of Snap any time soon.

    5 Khloe's Ex Claims That Their Entire Relationship Was For TV

    Way before Khloe found love with Lamar Odom, she was romantically involved with another NBA player: shooting guard Rashad McCants. What can we say, she definitely has a type! Khloe and Rashad dated in 2009 and there were a ton of references to her relationship on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Longtime watchers of the show might remember a specific scene where Kim and Khloe hack into Rashad's voicemail inbox only to discover flirty messages from other women. Khloe was visibly shaken up by what she found and called up her man to confront him about his cheating ways. While the show depicted Khloe breaking up with her two-timing lover, McCants insists that it was all just manufactured for TV (shocker). The basketball player claimed that while they did have a brief romance, they ended things months before that segment was even filmed. Rashad went on to say that they “made the whole thing up” and they didn't even have his phone number. While it's totally likely that a storyline was made up for the sake of reality television, it's also pretty likely that Khloe's ex-lover got caught cheating by millions of viewers and just wants to save face (and his reputation). Whatever the case may be, Khloe never responded to Rashad's allegations and the athlete stood firm on his stance that he's innocent.

    4 Another Man Falsely Claimed To Father Kourtney's Son

    Ugh… some people are just despicable and will do absolutely anything to get their fifteen minutes of fame, even if it means telling a pretty big lie about paternity in order to get their name in the press. That's exactly what happened to Kourtney when some random male model she met once during a photoshoot went public with the claim that he was the one who fathered Kourtney's first born, Mason. We all know that Scott Disick is the proud father of all three of Kourt's children, but this guy's deceitful statements to the media proved to create turbulent times for the star. Claiming to have fathered a child is a serious statement, and the fame-seeking model went all over town insisting that he was the real baby daddy. His charade carried on for what seemed like forever until Kardashian shut him up once and for all by using a paternity test to prove Scott's parenthood. The lying male model even went on a daytime talk show to take a lie-detector test to show that he was serious about his claims… and he failed the test big time. Not only was he publicly proven to be a liar about fathering Mason, but he was also lying about even shacking up with Kourtney all together! That's right, he and Kourtney never even did the deed (or had any romantic involvement whatsoever for that matter), so he knew all too well just how far-out his crazy and crooked lie actually was all along. We're not sure why someone would go to such great lengths to propel a huge lie into the media, but we love that Kourtney shut him down once and for all.

    3 Kim's Biggest Regret Is Her Short-Lived Music Career

    That one time Kim Kardashian tried her hand at singing was a brief moment, but it was still a glorious moment nonetheless. The reality star made her debut as a pop singer in 2011 with her first (and only) single called “Jam." The track was produced by The Dream and Kim obviously jumped at the opportunity to be famous for something other than taking risqué selfies. The song had a catchy beat but was seriously lacking in the vocals department. Kim's voice was clearly auto-tuned beyond recognition, but even that wasn't enough to salvage her flop of a music career. It goes without saying that Kim never went on to make any more music and the demand wasn't exactly high for a Kim Kardashian album. In 2014, Kim sat down with Andy Cohen on an episode of Watch What Happens Live where she finally discussed her true feelings about the song. Kim said, “If there's one thing in life that I wish I didn't do… I don't like it when people kind of dabble into things they shouldn't be. And that I don't think I should have. Like, what gave me the right to think I could be a singer? Like, I don't have a good voice.” Honestly, we couldn't have said it better ourselves. Every now and then other members of the Kardashian clan bring up Kim's less than popular track and poke fun at her for it - and if you've ever heard “Jam”, you definitely can understand why.

    2 Kendall Jenner & Gigi Hadid Were Friends Long Before Supermodel Stardom

    There's no doubt about it, Kendall Jenner is one of the biggest things going in the modeling industry right now and everybody wants a piece of the action. The only other person to come close to her recent level of success is fellow model, Gigi Hadid. Since they're two of the hottest female models around, it's pretty likely that they would be competitive when it comes to booking jobs, but these girls are actually anything but rivals. Kendall and Gigi even have a pretty weird connection since they could have almost been related at one point in time, since Kendall's dad and Gigi's step-dad were both once married to Linda Thompson. The girls grew up in the same area and share a number of the same friends, so it's no surprise that they would eventually get acquainted with one another. The beautiful bombshells were always super friendly and hung out in the same inner circles, but they didn't become the besties that they are now until becoming overnight sensations as models. Kendall and Gigi share a special bond that dates back decades, and they have become even closer because they're shared success.

    1 Kylie Met Tyga When She Was Just 14

    Here's some borderline creepy news for you: Kylie Jenner met her now-boyfriend Tyga when she was only just a mere fourteen. We all already know that there's a seven-year age-gap between the rapper and the reality star, but it's even more off-putting knowing that he met her back when she was barely old enough to even be in high school! The two went public with their high-profile romance when Kylie turned eighteen, but there have long been rumors that the couple got together much earlier than that. Truthfully, their first encounter was captured on camera for an episode of their reality show. Kylie and Tyga first met in 2011 during Kendall's 16th birthday party where Tyga was paid to perform. Both girls made an appearance on stage with Tyga during his performance, where fourteen-year-old Kylie is visibly enamored by the tattoo-covered bad boy. To make matters even more complicated, Tyga was dating Blac Chyna at the time. While Kylie is now nineteen and legally old enough to be shacking up with a 26-year-old, we can't help but cringe at the fact that they met way back when Kylie was in her early teens. #awkward