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    15 Fictional Characters Who Would Be The Worst BFFs

    Just because we love watching certain ladies on our screens, does not mean we would love being friends with them. Lots of fictional characters are entertaining to watch, mostly because only other fictional characters are there to experience their annoying habits firsthand. But we are not sure whether we would like to have them pulled out of the screen and into our lives! It is not that we'd get rid of friends in real life who shared any of these qualities because nobody is perfect. It's just that the following characters we've plucked from movies and TV shows probably wouldn't be as amazing to have around as everybody thinks they would be. Some are judgemental beyond belief, some have all their priorities around the wrong way, and some are just insufferable. Here are 15 fictional characters from your fave films and TV shows that would honestly make the worst BFFs.

    15 Isabella Swan

    Yeah, you loved Twilight as much as the next girl, but that doesn't mean Bella would be a good best friend (or any kind of friend at all). Bella may be fiercely loyal to her boyfriend Edward (some would say way too loyal) but that doesn't make her great friendship material. The main thing that would suck about being friends with Bella is that she only cares about Edward. She might pretend that she's interested in what you have to say or spending time with you, but rest assured that there's always an Edward-related motive. If she wants to come shopping for dresses with you, it's secretly because she wants to research Edward's vampire side in a bookstore nearby. When she actually calls to hang out with you, it's probably because Edward has disappeared for a while to protect her, and she needs something to stop her from drowning in insanity. On top of that, Bella never really adds anything to the conversation, and she lets her obsession with Edward drag her and whoever she's with into some dangerous situations.

    14 Marissa Cooper

    Ugh, Marissa Cooper. You loved The O.C. but you really did not love this character. Marissa is not terrible, she just basically likes to get herself in trouble for no reason. We definitely have lots of admiration for her best friend Summer and on-again-off-again lover Ryan for putting up with her crap for so long. She does have a difficult life in a very first-world-problems kind of way, and we can understand some of the breakdowns she has. She totally has a right to be aggravated when she finds her mom sleeping with her boyfriend. But Marissa never wants to help herself, and so everybody else's efforts achieve nothing. She is the friend who constantly introduces new people into the squad who are obviously trouble to everyone else, but she can't see it. She also never listens to your advice and you kind of want to slap her. The struggle is real.

    13 Phoebe Halliwell

    We feel guilty adding the Charmed sister to this list since she's everybody's favorite Halliwell sister, but being friends with her in real life would have some downsides! We respect Phoebe's magical powers and her role as savior of the world every week, but from a friend's perspective, that would get irritating really quickly. Firstly, she'd never tell you where she disappears to every time you're in the middle of hanging out, so you'd always be worried about her. She'd be the most unreliable person ever because saving Innocents always comes first, and you wouldn't understand why because she can't tell you about her life as a witch. Since she and her sisters are the most targeted witches ever, seeing her would always be dangerous. What's more, after she's developed her empathic powers, she'd be able to tell what you're feeling, which would be super invasive. At least the sisters have each other!

    12 Charlotte York

    Don't get us wrong, we love Charlotte! She's a much-needed breath of fresh air after Samantha's intense comments and Miranda's cynical worldview and insults. The thing is with Charlotte though is that her conservative views and closed-mindedness would probably get old after a while. It'd be nice to have a friend who believes in soulmates and who you can always count on to shower you with optimism and restore your faith in love, but she'd probably also be super judgemental. If you wanted to get something off your chest, you'd have to tiptoe around her in case you said something that's offensive to her views. She'd also guilt you out of being whoever you wanted to be because it wouldn't align with her definition of the perfect woman, and she'd probably secretly judge you for choosing a career instead of a man. We could handle being friends but in small doses.

    11 Nina Sayers

    It must be hard trying to maintain friendships when you have responsibilities and commitments as intense as Nina Sayers from the movie Black Swan. When she's cast as the White Swan and the Black Swan in her ballet company's opening production, she pretty much descends into madness trying to emulate the perfect qualities of the Black Swan. Her whole life becomes about rehearsal and preparation, and if we're being honest, that'd get annoying. She'd never be able to hang out with you or listen to you when you need to vent, plus she'd never fill you in on what's really going on in her life either. She's a total perfectionist, and while that eventually makes her the perfect Black Swan, it demands a lot of sacrifices from the rest of her life. We'd support her career from afar but would wait until she got over the obsession before we became serious friends with her.

    10 Brenda Meeks

    No parts of the Scary Movie series would be anywhere near as funny if Cindy Campbell's best friend Brenda weren't there. Having said that, it becomes obvious by the fourth film that despite being hilarious, Brenda isn't actually that great a friend, and would probably cause lots of problems. The biggest one is that she ends up dying in every movie, and it'd be tough enough losing your friend just once. Even if she miraculously comes back to life for the next installment, it'd be a lot of work to have a friend who is so willing to stumble into trouble-Brenda has no problem abusing a whole theater of movie-goers, and is happy to get into a fistfight with evil little girls crawling out of her TV. She also doesn't care about Cindy as much as she should, and was even happy for her to die in the second movie!

    9 Monica Geller

    The Friends famous six would not be complete without the controlling and neurotic Monica Geller, and we love watching her freak out over the messes the others make. While she's genuinely a sweet person who means well (and is a much better friend than Rachel), would it really be that great to have a clean-freak friend like Monica? There would definitely be advantages to being friends with Mon, like the fact that she'd cook you the best food ever, and you could always count on her to tell it to you straight. But you'd also feel nervous going to visit her because you'd be terrified of making a mess. You'd choose all your outfits carefully to make sure that they wouldn't leave fluff or anything on her couches, you'd make sure the bottom of your shoes were spotless, and honestly, it all just sounds like a lot of hard work.

    8 Blair Waldorf

    Blair Waldorf has this amazing ability to make us love and hate her at the same time, but as she grows throughout the series, we end up adoring her. Even though she ends up making the perfect wife for Chuck Bass, and slightly evolving from her mean ways, Blair would still be a pretty shocking friend to have. First of all, she is so crazy insecure that she acts like a bully…  even to those who are supposed to be closest to her. Let us get this straight: you would not be her friend; you would be her minion. She would have you running her errands and doing her dirty work, and would have an ongoing superiority complex which would absolutely drive you nuts. She would judge everything you wore and would forbid you from ever becoming more successful than her. Fun to watch, but not so fun for her minions!

    7 Bree Van de Kamp

    Bree Van de Kamp perhaps goes through the greatest transformation out of any of the women on Wisteria Lane, and by the end, she's a certified boss. In the beginning, though, she's the intolerable, conservative housewife with an incredibly closed mind who strives for perfection at all costs. She drives her family mad, and we're willing to bet that she'd drive her friends mad too! The other ladies on the lane don't seem to mind her antics too much, but that's TV for you. Bree would have very specific rules to follow every time you went to her house, and breaking those rules would result in you being promptly put in your place. Bree also wouldn't be able to get over the views she has of the world to accommodate to your friendship. For example, if you've been inked, you'd have to cover it up, because “tattoo people” make Bree “very uncomfortable.”

    6 Rachel Green

    As entertaining as Rachel Green is, we're pretty sure she'd be a bit of a pain from time to time! While deep down she does care about her friends, she has this way of making everything all about her and, to put it simply, stealing the thunder. Remember when she kissed Ross on the night of Monica's engagement? Total thunder stealing. She also breaks the sacred rule of friendship and steals Monica's pre-picked baby name, when she knows that Monica's lifelong dream is to be a mom. She's just one of those people who thinks that the whole universe revolves around her, and it gets irritating! There was also the time that Tag was interested in Phoebe first, so she told him that Phoebe wasn't straight to ruin her chance. As your friend, she'd be whiny and needy, and would sabotage anything in your life to get what she wanted.

    5 Mary Poppins

    Mary Poppins would make the perfect nanny for your kids, and also would have been a good role model for you when you were younger. But as a friend, we feel like she'd become seriously aggravating. How easy can it be to be friends with somebody who's “practically perfect in every way”? Sure, you'd get a kick out of her magical way with animals, her bag with no bottom and the never-ending list of quirky things she can do, but imagine being friends with someone who wants you to close your mouth when your jaw drops in awe. She'd always have some smart things to say, and you could never argue with her because she'd always be right. Even though she'd be able to fix any problem you have,  she definitely wouldn't approve of half the fun things you want to do-you probably couldn't bring her out for happy hour.

    4 Serena van der Woodsen

    If there's one girl on the Upper East Side who would be even worse of a BFF than Blair, it would totally be Serena van der Woodsen. Serena isn't as vindictive or aggressive as Blair, but she just doesn't have much of a personality. She gets everything handed to her on a silver platter, and still manages to be a hot mess. Being friends with her, she'd never offer an opinion on anything and she'd never have good advice for you. You also couldn't trust her not to sleep with your boyfriend, run away, and then come back and wonder why you're mad at her. She'd be in the wrong with you and then act like a victim, so you'd spend most of the time infuriated with her. She also might steal your job, would definitely steal the spotlight, and would act super sweet around your family so nobody knows what she's really like but you.

    3 Cersei Lannister

    In spite of all her wisdom, being friends with Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones would be the worst thing ever. It'd be great to have friends in high places, particularly if you're living in Westeros and everyone wants to kill you, but Cersei just considers anybody who isn't a Lannister to be her enemy. Heck, she even considers a lot of Lannisters to be enemies! The bottom line is that it's damn near impossible to get into Cersei's inner circle of trust, so you'd know that your whole friendship with her would be fake, and probably a ploy to get her closer to the Iron Throne. She would give great friendly advice as long as it wouldn't help you to overshadow her, but you'd never be able to talk to her because she'd always be drinking wine and plotting. There are far better women in Westeros to be gal pals with!

    2 Carrie Bradshaw

    If the way she treats Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha is any indication, then we're sure that Carrie would be an absolutely terrible friend! Everything is always about her, and even when her friends are going through troubles of their own, Carrie always brings it back to her own problems. Your whole time together would be spent discussing her issues, and if you tried to call her out on her relationship mistakes, she'd become defensive. There was the time that Miranda threw her back out, and instead of going to help her, Carrie sent Aidan without warning to help a naked Miranda off the bathroom floor. Then she brought Miranda bagels to cheer her up, but Miranda immediately identified that she was just there to talk about Aidan! Or the time that she tried to shame Charlotte out of selling her wedding ring so she could loan the money to Carrie. Um???

    1 The Whole 'Mean Girls' Gang

    It's widely known that evil takes a human form in Regina George, but the other girls wouldn't have made amazing friends either. Regina is obviously a narcissist and doesn't appear to have a soul, so being friends with her would be one of the worst decisions you could make. She'd find some way to ruin your life, and make you feel guilty for it. Gretchen Wieners would tell everybody all your secrets. Karen Smith wouldn't really offer you much as a friend, and it would kind of be like being friends with a plank of wood. Contrary to popular belief, Cady Heron wouldn't be that great a friend either, as she'd get caught up in the other girls' crap and would pretend to remain innocent while really evolving into a horrible person. The only one we could handle is Janis Ian, even if she has trouble letting go of the past!