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    15 Good Celebs That Are Actually Terrible

    You would think that it would be in a celebrity's best interest to seem like a super nice person. This undoubtedly gains them more fans and sales, and general public sympathy when things go wrong in their careers. Pretending you're nice is easy enough. You just have to smile when the cameras are on, pay attention in interviews and limit fan interactions as much as possible. However, some celebs have pretty much failed at maintaining a pleasant demeanor, and have proven that they're actually not nice people at all! Through being rude to the fans who gave them their careers, and staff who have been unlucky enough to have to wait on them, the following stars have burned their positive reputations to the ground. They've been caught cursing and abusing their fans, being too arrogant to have normal conversations with other humans and even getting physically violent when they didn't get their way. Here are 15 celebs you thought were nice… but they so aren't!

    15 Madonna

    Madonna might be known as the Queen of Pop, but she has been caught more than once acting in a less than sophisticated manner. We guess Julie Andrews did tell us in The Princess Diaries that a queen is never late, and everybody else is simply early, so maybe that is Madonna's excuse for turning up late to her concerts. Seriously though, when people pay money to see you and you leave them waiting for more than an hour, it is not cool. And rather than apologizing when Madonna finally arrived on stage, she put them in their place for having the cheek to be upset with her tardiness. “All you b****es who keep complaining about it can shut the f**k up,” she told her Manchester crowd back in December 2015. “If you diva b****es want to keep complaining about it don't come to my show." Wait, THEY were the divas?!

    14 Matthew Perry

    This one brings tears to our eyes! One intern's encounter with Matthew Perry has us thinking that maybe he and Chandler Bing have less in common than we thought. The intern reported that they were working on one of Matthew's press tours, and he demanded Red Bull without sugar. This wasn't available, so Matthew allegedly threw a massive tantrum and even totally refused to participate. The intern stated that Matthew only did what he was obliged to do by his contract, and then arranged a car to come and pick him up, even though his publicist already had three cars waiting for him. Gosh, we don't want to believe it! Here are our hopes for this situation: a.) This intern is lying and Matthew Perry is actually even more amazing than Chandler Bing in real life and b.) This did happen, but Matthew was just having a bad day and felt really bad after. It happens, right?

    13 Naomi Campbell

    Supermodel Naomi Campbell has maintained that she's a target and attracts hate, so she never wants to be alone in a room with another person again. She's said that she can't trust them not to lie about her and ruin her life. So there's that, but there's also the fact that Naomi has been in trouble for not only throwing hissy fits and being rude in general but for actually getting into physical altercations with people. It's been alleged that she hit her housekeeper (with whom she settled out of court) because the woman couldn't find her favorite pair of jeans. She was also accused of making fun of her housekeeper's broken English, and as a result was called a “violent super-bigot.” She's also been caught verbally abusing airline staff for failing to find her baggage and spitting at police officers. Most recently, she had to go to court for hitting an Italian paparazzo.

    12 Katherine Heigl

    Numerous industry insiders have opened about actress Katherine Heigl's true nature, and from what they're saying, it doesn't sound too friendly at all. She is reportedly guilty of acting entitled and spoiled, rude to other people, and of being an overall difficult person to work with. It's been said that Katherine adopted this behavior from her mom, Nancy Heigl, who is apparently the same way. We've always wondered whether nasty people learn to act that way from their parents, or whether they're just born jerks. Suppose it's a bit of both! Katherine's behavior is said to be so appalling that producers have chosen to avoid working with her, no matter how much talent she would bring to any given project. For Hollywood producers to say that, you know that the behavior must be pretty shocking! Katherine is a very good actress though, considering her characters seem so lovely and relatable.

    11 Jared Leto

    Jared Leto has gotten himself into trouble on more than once occasion. One fan reported that Jared was so rude when they met him that they stopped being fans of Thirty Seconds to Mars all together! Can you imagine that? The fan states that the band was autographing merchandise for concert-goers after a show, and they were waiting in line for their turn. They said the band was chatting amongst themselves rather than acknowledging the fans while they signed their autographs. "When I got to Jared Leto, I said, 'Hey, that was a great show!'” the fan told Thought Catalog. “' He responded, 'I signed your s**t, now f**k off!'" Yikes! There was another incident with a Brazilian fan, who Jared realized did not know the words to his song. This obviously hurt his ego a little bit, so he pointed at her and gave her the middle finger. Rude much!

    10 Russell Crowe

    Where do we begin with Russell Crowe!? In recent interviews and public appearances, Russell might have been portraying himself as a super-nice guy, but he's done a lot in the past that makes us think he's just not a decent person. Back in 2005, he was arrested for hitting a hotel employee with a telephone in New York City. We're not sure what they did, but does it matter? Phones are for ordering pizza, not hitting people. Rebel Wilson has also confirmed Russell's mean streak when she revealed a story on the Tonight Show. She said that she saw Russell dining with fellow Australian actor Nicole Kidman at a restaurant in Sydney. She approached them to thank Nicole for a scholarship that her organization had awarded to Rebel, but Russell wasn't having any of it. He simply told her to f**k off. This must have been before she was famous, but still. Classy.

    9 Sean Connery

    Sean Connery had his prime a little before our time, but it's safe to say that our moms obsessed over him a tad. He was portrayed as the ultimate gentleman; a tall, handsome stranger coming to sweep you off your feet. Unfortunately, Sean blew all of those portrayals to shreds when he admitted in the 1960s that there isn't anything wrong with hitting women. “I don't think there is anything particularly wrong about hitting a woman… If a woman is a b*tch, or hysterical, or bloody-minded continually, then I'd do it,” he said. “I think a man has to be slightly advanced, ahead of the woman. I really do-by virtue of the way a man is built… ” Years later he was asked if he'd like to retract his comments, but he said no. No matter how good a Bond he was, there's no coming back from that. He's officially in our terrible pile!

    8 Ariana Grande

    Ariana Grande has been stuck with her foot in her mouth, so to speak, more than once. To be fair, rumors have been circulating for a while that claim Ariana is a total diva, but after some hilarious appearances on talk shows and impersonations of Celine Dion, we really thought the media had Ariana all wrong. Apparently not-Ariana was accused by fans of saying, “They [the fans] should all f*****g die,” backstage at one of her shows. We do not know what context this was set in, but it would take some pretty exceptional circumstances for this comment to be okay! On July 4, 2015, Ariana was caught by a security camera uttering the words, “I hate Americans. I hate America,” in a donut shop. She then proceeded to lick the desserts that she did not buy. Gross. She apologized more than once for this, so hopefully she's truly sorry!

    7 Josh Duhamel

    Actor Josh Duhamel is probably best known for being the husband of former Black Eyed Pea songstress, Fergie. According to reports though, he's acted so entitled in the past that it's pretty clear he isn't really a nice guy at all. One report states that he was on a flight from LaGuardia airport and refused to turn off his blackberry when he was asked to do so. It doesn't matter who you're married to or what you do for a job-if the airline staff tell you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. Not when we're all up in the air and any complications could be fatal! This disobedience resulted in Josh being thrown off the plane. This is also not the first time he's been rumored to have made a scene in an airport. Maybe he has an issue with planes? That's still not an excuse, though!

    6 Alec Baldwin

    Unfortunately, a huge amount of talent does not necessarily mean that somebody will have a huge heart. Alec Baldwin is a fine example of this, as he's been caught on camera being pretty nasty on more than one occasion. He's basically known to have a terrible temper and has reportedly become angered at the smallest things, like fans asking him to sign autographs or have a photo with them. We get that it must be frustrating to have people want attention from you every time you leave the house, but fans are the reason that these people are famous. Rudeness isn't called for, in our opinion. Alec has also been caught on camera physically attacking paparazzi and verbally abusing them more than once. We agree that paparazzi aren't the nicest people on the planet and profit off a celebrity's intimate moments, but you still can't hit them! Maybe he should get a few more bodyguards.

    5 Janet Jackson

    Janet Jackson seems like the sweetest person, and she has such a sweet voice that you really expect her to be, well, sweet in real life. According to one Dallas hotel worker, though, Janet can be far from sweet. The worker's encounter with Miss Jackson went like this: a group of security guards entered the building before the superstar to make sure everything was safe. Fair enough. Then they had everybody stop what they were doing, stand in a line and drop their eyes. This was because Janet had demanded that nobody look at her when walking across the lobby. Wow. Look, we get having a bad day and not wanting to be seen. We get wishing the world wasn't so crowded and just wanting a little space and a little privacy. But we all have to accept each other's presence at some point. You can't control where people look, for goodness' sake!

    4 Julia Roberts

    In the 1990s, she was America's Sweetheart. She's since cemented her position as a Hollywood legend, but Julia Roberts is apparently not as nice IRL as you'd think. She was once labeled as rude, dismissive, and nasty by a news critic for Fox, and it turns out that there is some truth to those claims. It's been alleged that she once threw a dress across the room in a fit of rage and had her stylist go and collect it. So in other words, if that's true, she's acted like an actual stereotypical diva. There were also claims that Julia was not nice to her half-sister, the late Nancy Motes, at all and added to her depression. Nancy said that Julia had ridiculed her about being overweight for as long as she could remember, and even told her to not worry about pursuing an acting career in L.A. because she was too “fat”.

    3 Michael Jordan

    If you ever saw the movie Space Jam when you were little, you were probably walking around thinking that Michael Jordan was the nicest athlete in the whole world. Sadly, there are too many negative fan encounters with Michael to even count, and surely there's some truth to at least some of them! One Reddit user met Michael at Disneyland and just said hello before Michael responded with, “Go away.” It's true that he could have just been in a bad mood, but if you're in a bad mood at Disneyland, we don't want to know what you're like anywhere else! Michael also reportedly told a fan in a Vegas elevator (who hadn't even said anything to him and was literally just trying to get to his hotel room) to f**k off. There was also the time he was banned from a Miami country club for breaking the rules and thinking it was okay because of his name.

    2 Justin Bieber

    Legions of teenage girls still worship Justin Bieber, but he's been guilty of downright mean behavior more than once. What kind of nasty things has he done? Off the top of our head, he was filmed relieving himself in a mop bucket and leaving it for somebody else to clean up, he called a fan a “beached whale” on social media, he reportedly had his bodyguards carry him along the Great Wall of China, he spat on fans from his Toronto balcony, he mooned fans by the sacred Mayan ruins in Mexico, he told an Australian fan that she made him sick and he desecrated an Argentinian flag that was given to him by a fan. Yes, it would actually be tougher than we all think to be a pop star, but this behavior is just disrespectful. There's a way to go about things, and The Biebs just doesn't get it.

    1 Jennifer Lopez

    If there's one celebrity whom the reports insist is not nice IRL, it's Jennifer Lopez. She's lovely on American Idol, funny in her movies, and relatable in interviews, but J.Lo still seems to have changed quite a bit since she left the block. She was accused of having a hotel maid fired in Germany after she asked for an autograph. Jen claims that she had no involvement in the termination of the maid's job, but clearly, somebody in her team complained and brought the matter to the attention of the woman's boss. J.Lo has also been accused of never actually talking to waiting staff or employees, and only talking to them through her assistant. So disrespectful! One fan stated that she approached Jennifer and Jane Fonda while they were filming Monster-in-Law and said hello. While Jane was lovely and chatty, Jen walked straight past without acknowledging the fan at all. Rude!