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    15 Gorgeous Celebs Destroyed With Makeup

    We absolutely love when celebrities decide to rock a natural look and get photographed for a shoot or go out in public without a stitch of make-up on their faces - it shows a ton of self-confidence, and puts a great message forward that you don't need make-up to be beautiful. However, most of the time, celebrities wear expertly applied make-up because it just helps to enhance all their natural beauty. For red carpet events, they generally have a team of experts making sure their contour is on point and their false lashes look as good as the real thing. Plus, let's be honest - it can be a lot of fun to create special beauty looks to go with certain gowns or outfits.

    However, that doesn't mean that celebrities never make any mistakes when it comes to their make-up choices. Whether it's just bad advice from a make-up artist, or simply something they thought would look fantastic but didn't quite translate to the red carpet, many female celebrities have experienced make-up disasters. The worst part is, they're all so incredibly gorgeous - it's just that instead of enhancing their beauty, in certain looks, their make-up actually makes them look worse.

    Here are 15 gorgeous celebs ruined with make-up.

    15 Kelly Osbourne

    We won't bring up what Kelly Osbourne used to do with her make-up, because she was still a teen trying to figure it out - and probably spending way, way too much money on black shadow and black liner. Nowadays, she generally looks stunning on the red carpet. She's not afraid to take some beauty risks, and often rocks a bold lip, and usually has skin that looks like flawless porcelain. In this particular image, though, she doesn't seem to have figured out the right foundation match. Her lip colour, granted, isn't the most flattering - a little bit of a softer, less opaque shade would have been nicer with her soft hair and skin tone. However, the real issue with this make-up look is that awful foundation. Instead of enhancing her lovely fair skin, it makes her look yellow and kind of sickly. This is why you need to take the extra minute or two to make sure your foundation is the right match!

    14 Lindsay Lohan

    Lohan has gone through many beauty looks over the years, but this is definitely not one of her best. Look, we get it - not everyone wants to get all glammed up to appear in court. In fact, many celebrities facing legal trouble may want to tone down their look for such a somber occasion. Her overall look is fairly natural, with what appears to be no lip colour and little to no foundation or eye make-up. Then came the contouring powder. Listen, contouring can be really difficult - Kim Kardashian makes it look effortless, but every woman who's tried to contour knows that it's a fine art requiring a fair bit of practice. Lohan apparently didn't have time to blend before she left the house, because her pale blonde hair and pale skin is accented with two violent slashes of dark, dark bronzer. First of all, the shade is too dark, even if it had been blended properly - but the lack of blending makes it even worse.

    13 Giuliana Rancic

    Giuliana Rancic is no stranger to being in front of the camera - she's always spotted on red carpets interviewing celebrities and under the bright lights of the television studio cameras. You would think she would be an absolute pro at make-up. And while she generally does look impeccable in front of the camera, in this particular case, it seems like her make-up artist was a bit too heavy handed. For a red carpet event, there's nothing wrong with playing up both the eyes and lips if the look is done well. After all, why not go all out when the rest of you is looking so glam? However, the dark red lip, thick, thick foundation, and thick eye-makeup all combines to create a look that's just a bit too much. We desperately want to take a make-up removing wipe and just lighten up the look a little bit - she's so gorgeous, and make-up this heavy just ages her.

    12 Leighton Meester

    Leighton Meester is absolutely stunning, and the fact that she was able to play a high school student when she was in her 20s proves what a youthful look she has. I mean, who wouldn't want creamy, porcelain skin like that? However, this particular look is a bit of a miss. The red lip isn't bad, and while her skin could use a bit more dimension with some contouring and highlighting, that isn't awful either. The real issue is that terrible shadow, paired with what looks to be metallic gold eyeliner. We're not sure if the make-up artist intended to do a twist on a smoky eye and just ran out of other shades of purple or what, but this look is less glamourous and more just plain sickly. If someone as gorgeous as Leighton Meester can look like this just because of some bad eyeshadow choices, that's saying something about the power of make-up - for good and for bad!

    11 Demi Lovato

    We absolutely love that Demi Lovato is fearless when it comes to her look - she's dyed her hair just about every colour under the sun, and rocked just about every cut imaginable. She loves a strong eye, she loves a bold lip, and she's known for her gorgeous brows. However, in this particular look, her make-up artist was just a bit too heavy handed. The eyes are fairly simple, and the bold red lip is stunning, but the heavy layer of foundation makes her look way older than she actually is. While you definitely want to hide any flaws for the cameras and have a smooth canvas to showcase your features, you need to know when to put the Beauty Blender down, otherwise you end up with the pancaked, one-dimensional look. More does not always mean better when it comes to foundation application - remember that and your face will thank you.

    10 Drew Barrymore

    While some ladies may stick strictly to neutrals like bronze and beige and soft brown when it comes to their eyeshadow choices, others are more than willing to test out crazy colours and create looks featuring green, purple, blue, or even red eye shadow. And when it's pulled off well, those can become some of the most memorable beauty looks ever spotted on the red carpet. There's nothing wrong with taking a risk when it comes to your beauty choices rather than playing it safe - but sometimes, that risk doesn't pay off. In this picture, Drew Barrymore would look totally stunning with her berry lip and natural skin showing through. The awful yellow eyeshadow just ruins it all, though. It's definitely a hard colour to pull off, and unfortunately, the random wash of yellow doesn't really create a stunning look - it just seems like the wrong shade was used, or she didn't have time to finish creating a multi-faceted shadow look.

    9 Taylor Momsen

    There's nothing wrong with loving a bit of an edgier look when it comes to your make-up choices - many women channel that rock star vibe flawlessly. The soft, fresh-faced look certainly isn't for everyone. However, there's a limit to how much black shadow one person can pull off without veering dangerously into panda territory, and it doesn't seem that Taylor Momsen knows what that limit is. She's absolutely beautiful with her pale skin and piercing blue eyes, but she just put layer upon layer of liner and black shadow on until the look just took over her entire face. A simple smoky eye would have turned this into a gorgeous look that gave her that sexy, rocker chick vibe - but the amount she has on is just way too much. I mean, we don't even want to know what her make-up bill is - she probably hits pan on her black shadow at least once a week!

    8 Jodie Marsh

    For those who may not be quite as familiar with the lesser known British celebrities, Jodie Marsh is a media personality, bodybuilder, and glamour model. She isn't known for her subtle make-up choices - after all, glamour models tend to go for the full glam just about 24/7 - but this look is a bit much, even for someone who rocks a lot of make-up on a regular basis. The shadow doesn't seem to be properly blended, the eyebrows are way too harsh and dark, her false lashes seem totally unnatural, she's gotten way too heavy-handed with her blush/bronzer application, and perhaps worst of all, she has what looks to be a glowing gold powder on the tip of her nose. Overall, this look just makes us want to take a make-up wipe to her face and give her a fresh canvas - it would probably be way, way more gorgeous than the overly made up look she's sporting.

    7 Tyra Banks

    It's kind of tough to make a supermodel look bad. After all, the reason they make it big in their industry is because they have the type of face that photographs beautifully and is able to handle a lot of make-up. Just think of the looks designers select for runway shows - they're often completely over the top, yet all the models strutting down the runway look flawless. While Tyra Banks almost always looks gorgeous, whether she's rocking a natural look or going full on glam for the red carpet, this look just does her absolutely no favours. The lipstick shade is awful - a bit too fluorescent, even her a style risk taker like her - and the shadow is atrocious. A smoky eye is one of the sexiest make-up looks out there, but this is more of a soot-filled eye. It just goes to prove how risky bold make-up choices are - while you can hide a lot of mistakes with a more neutral look, if you don't quite nail a look starring black shadow, everyone will notice.

    6 Miley Cyrus

    Red carpet make-up is a tricky thing, which is why the majority of celebrities opt to have a professional come in and do their make-up for big events. Miley Cyrus is proof of how tricky things can get when you're facing a virtual wall of flash photography. At first glance, her look is simple yet stunning - a bold red lip with a slightly metallic sheen, and a simple eye that allows her baby blues to pop. However, if you look closer, you see that some powder was used around her mouth to create a flawless canvas - but what may have looked fantastic in any other situation ends up looking ridiculous in front of the flash photography. It just proves that it's not only bold, bold make-up choices that can end up making an otherwise gorgeous celebrity look less than ideal - sometimes there are tricky steps to even the most neutral of looks.

    5 Eva Mendes

    Eva Mendes is absolutely stunning, and one of her best features is her glowing, gorgeous skin. Anyone who has seen pictures of her with a more natural look knows she doesn't really need make-up to look beautiful. This look is fairly simple, and her eyes look great. The rest, however, falls apart a little bit. Both her lipstick shade and her foundation shade are way too light - instead of enhancing her natural glow and caramel-coloured skin, the foundation shade ends up making her look a bit dull. Again, it just proves how important it is to find the right foundation shade, and to even have a few back-ups for those times when you're a bit paler or a bit more tan than usual. If you get the foundation wrong, even if everything else in your look is flawless, the whole thing just kind of falls apart on you - the proper shade of foundation is key.

    4 Lil' Kim

    Look, we love a strong look. There's nothing more exciting than a celebrity throwing caution to the wind and totally going for it with an over the top look - things would get positively dull if everyone just opted for neutral shades and pale lips. However, you don't want to take things so far that you don't even look like yourself anymore - which is exactly what Lil' Kim has done. The first mistake is the heavy, heavy contour - instead of giving her gorgeous angles, it just makes her face look kind of strange. Then the problematic lip shade, which almost matches her skin and thus makes her mouth kind of blend into the whole look. And finally, the eyes - the pale shadow underneath, paired with the unnaturally long false lashes, makes her eyes seem far smaller than they actually are. Overall, the look just does nothing to showcase her beauty, and instead makes her look a bit strange.

    3 Aubrey O'Day

    Sometimes, you see make-up looks that you know are over the top (on Instagram, for example), but everything is just executed so flawlessly that it somehow just works. You might not want to wear it to the mall for your weekend errands, but you can admire the beauty and skill it took to craft. Unfortunately, this look is way over the top - and lacks that skill. O'Day has a unique look with her bold red locks and piercing blue-green eyes, but the make-up does absolutely nothing to accentuate that. The heavy contour and thick, thick foundation make her skin look unnatural, and the lipstick is far too pale for the whole look. Even the brows, which might look fantastic in any other situation, just stick out way too much against the unnaturally pale skin tone. Too much highlighter, too much contour, too much foundation, just too much of everything. Less is more!

    2 Andrea Riseborough

    While she may not yet be a household name in North America, Andrea Riseborough is definitely a rising star in Britain, having appeared in films like Never Let Me Go. And, with her raven locks and porcelain skin, she's absolutely stunning. The problem is, her make-up artist seems to have done absolutely everything to make her look as bad as possible. It can be tough to find foundation when you're on the very pale end of the spectrum, but it can be done - there's certainly no need to absolutely cake on the foundation as if she were appearing in an amateur production in high school theatre. It's made even worse by the fact that she's slightly shimmering, as if highlighter were thrown into the mix willy nilly. Just, honestly - whoever did this to her, we hope she fired them ASAP, because this look makes and otherwise insanely gorgeous woman look really, really strange.

    1 Scarlett Johansson

    Okay, it's pretty near impossible to make Scarlett Johansson look bad - there's just so much raw, natural beauty to work with, from her gorgeous skin to her perfect pout. However, this look definitely isn't working in her favour. We get what the make-up artist was probably going for here - a warm look, something sun-kissed. It just isn't quite executed well. The gold shadow, both on her lid and underneath her eyes, doesn't make her green eyes pop, and in fact, makes her eyes look small and kind of sunken in. And then the lipstick is just a tad too far on the orange side of the red spectrum. And finally, the bronzer - just a tad too dark for her pale skin. Any one of the three elements may have been able to pass in another look, but all together, it's as if someone turned up the 'warm' make-up meter a bit too high.