15 Gym Fail Girls You NEED To See
The gym can be like an amusement park - full of bizarre and strange attractions, foreign equipment that you don't know how to use, sweat-inducing nerves and people from all walks of life. Sure, you'd like to use that intimidating piece of leg equipment about as much as you'd like to ride a roller coaster, but you know you'll feel more accomplished and fulfilled afterwards. The gym is full of the wonderful, the wild, the weird. At every gym, you're sure to find a few perspiring clichés - the bulging jock huffing, puffing and grunting unnecessarily beside the free weights; the skimpily clad hottie with flawless makeup and perfectly in place hair posing in front of the full-length mirrors, and the treadmill texter, whose 10 digits seem to be getting more of a workout than any other body part.
You found yourself in your local gym because you want what most health-conscious individuals do - a toned tushie, athletic arms and killer calves. You've got a body and you'd like it to operate at its best and that takes a little tender, love and care. Sure, your high intensity workouts and attempts to beat your personal best with cardio are things to be taken seriously. But then there are other things that compel you to have to take a moment and laugh. Because if you don't laugh at the dude who incessantly approaches you with helpful pointers and technical tips on how to maximize your use of the gym equipment, you just might lose your cool.
If you need a laugh, here are 15 pics of girls failing at the gym.
15 Wrong Way, Honey
This piece of equipment is called the hack squat machine. It's meant to be used by placing your back against the back pad and hooking your shoulders underneath the shoulder pads. This woman decided to be self-sufficient and teach herself how to use the machine. The only problem? She went about things a little backwards. If she's looking to tone her quadriceps, the only thing she's going to achieve is a strained back from machine misuse! This girl clearly needs some pointers on how to use the gym equipment. There's nothing wrong with asking for advice from the gym's staff or a personal trainer. The gym staff are there to help and make sure you are getting the most out of the available workout machines. By learning how to use equipment properly, you can prevent yourself from sustaining unnecessary and unwanted injuries (and potentially prevent you from a bruised ego)!
14 Imaginative Use of Equipment
Instead of sitting on the leg extension machine and working out her quads, this elderly woman decided to stand and use the leg rollers (which are supposed to rest against the tops of your shins) to massage her calves. The result is a hilarious example of how not to use your gym's exercise equipment. Though there is clearly a chair there to indicate to the user it's a sit-down machine, she didn't seem to notice (or perhaps just didn't care). Yes, massages and stretches are wonderful things post exercise, but the problem with this woman's exercise is that she could be causing undue harm and stress to her muscles by pulling the machine's weight with her knee and leg. Never shy away from asking gym staff how to use equipment and if you are feeling insecure (which you shouldn't), there are usually helpful instructions (graphics included!) located on the sides of machines.
13 Quite an Eyeful
There's unitard and there's uni-yech! Perhaps this woman forgot to look in the mirror (from all angles) to assess her workout gear before hitting the gym. Originality and your workout gear go hand in hand, but perhaps not when it affects other gym goers. Unfortunately, those individuals exercising behind this woman, got more of an eyeful than they expected! This outfit choice was definitely a fail on this woman's part and although the exposed skin peeking out from her leotard shows more lower back than butt, it still exposes highly graphic content. While you might not be able to help this victim from suffering more fashion faux pas, you can learn something from her wardrobe blunder. Before you hit the gym for your next sweat session, take a moment to glance in a mirror. Is there any skin exposed that you didn't mean for? Are you going to affect any other gym goers with your abysmal choice of workout attire?
12 Sweat Stains
Sweat is normal, especially at the gym. In fact, the gym is one of the few places (including the bedroom) where "sweating it out" is encouraged! Perspiration is a natural part of going to the gym and more sweat often equates with a harder workout. However, leaving a tell-tale sweat streak everywhere you go in the gym is a big no-no. This girl obviously didn't get the memo that there are usually disinfectant spray bottles and towels located in all corners of the gym. When you finish using a piece of equipment, wipe it down. Yes, that includes wiping down your exercise mat post usage. Unfortunately for this guilty girl, another gym goer decided to document the sweaty affair, snapping a photo of the gym mat (and her butt imprint). Don't be like this girl and remember to wipe your machines and stretching mats after you use them. Your gym buddies will thank you!
11 Two Is Better?
Some people prefer going to the gym with a friend, some even like to share workout plans with friends, that is normal and actually quite common. But what about the people who want to share the same gym equipment, at the same time their friend is using it. Why not use the same treadmill, right? Well, one of the major reasons not to do this is seen right in this gif above. Who decided that sharing the treadmill would be the best idea? Did these girls assume that working out together on the treadmill would burn more calories that working out alone? This poor girl in the back must have learned this lesson the hard way. We hope that she didn't get hurt and that she never attempted to share gym equipment again.
10 Hello? It's Me. I'm at The Gym
Can't your text wait until after you're done your workout? These women demonstrate a total gym fail by being on their phones while laying on their workout mats. Talking on the phone or texting while you're supposed to be working out is just rude. Sure, there's multitasking, but if you've got an important Skype call with a friend, or a meeting with a co-worker, you should schedule another time for the call. Your chit-chat can be disruptive and annoying to other exercise enthusiasts who just want to complete their daily anaerobic activity without having to hear about your personal problems. Sure, many people sport headphones at the gym, but that should be their choice and not to drown out your one-sided phone conversation. If you notice a widening circle of free exercise equipment around you, it may be a sign to keep your phone on vibrate, or better yet, silent.
9 Selfie Obsession
It's great that you're taking your physical health seriously and heading to the gym for your daily workouts, but does the whole world need to know about it? This woman didn't shy away from crawling all over the gym equipment to get the perfect gym selfie (including pursed lips, arched back, raised buttocks and pointed toe). Taking photos to track your personal progress is fine, but some selfie-obsessed individuals take it to the next level by documenting every move they make. It can also be incredibly annoying if you're trying to use the piece of equipment one of these shameless selfie takers is posing on. You might be failing at the gym if you're spending more time taking photos of yourself in your workout clothes, than actually using the equipment and working up a sweat. Put your camera down, stop with the silly poses and just finish your workout like everyone else!
8 Head Over Heels
Hopefully, wearing high heels to the gym is a trend that doesn't catch on. High heels may be perfect for your night out on the town, but not for your cardio power hour. This gym goer was a little too brave by dawning high heels to the gym for her treadmill routine. Yes, sculpted calves may be a desirable thing, but wearing high heels while using gym equipment is not a safe way to achieve such a look. In fact, high heels worn on the treadmill are a recipe for sprained ankles, or worse! Moments after this still shot, the woman tumbled from her perch, landing in a sorry pile at the end of the treadmill. Luckily, she escaped the treadmill incident relatively unscathed, but she should have predicted such an unfortunate outcome in the first place. Comfortable (and flat) running shoes are the best bet for a safe and happy workout.
7 Having a Ball
Exercise balls are a wonderful addition to your workout routine. Not only are they incredibly versatile, but they are great tools for practicing your balance (if you're using them correctly and safely, that is). If you're incorporating exercise balls into your workout, it's a good idea to find a safe place that is void of large structures, equipment and other people. If you're a complete klutz and prone to falling, you may want to line the surrounding area with exercise mats or other cushion for support. This woman demonstrates how to not have a ball by grasping onto the equipment shelf for support as she struggles to find her balance on the exercise ball. Unfortunately, her tumbling routine looks better suited for the gymnastics gym than atop the exercise ball. Luckily, it looks like the worst of her injuries will be a few bumps and bruises from the fallen balls.
6 You Can Do It, Put Your Back into It
You've got to give this woman credit. Even though she is using the gym equipment the wrong way, she looks incredibly confident in the process (and looks like she is having one heck of a workout)! There's nothing wrong with incorporating a little creativity into your workout routine, but this woman looks dangerously close to pulling out her back with the rapid pace she is twisting and turning. This machine is called a lat pull down machine, but instead of exercise her lats (located beneath your shoulder blades), the user has opted to focus on her oblique muscles and even incorporates her knees and legs into the routine. Not only is she sitting on the machine the wrong way, but backwards as well. While machine misuse like this can provide some much-needed comic relief, using exercise equipment should not put the individual at risk of injury. Again, if you're not sure how to use the equipment, just ask!
5 Terrible on the Treadmill
Treadmills can be dangerous at the best of times, but attempting to run along a row of spinning treadmills is just asking for injury! It's no surprise that this young woman took a terrible tumble when she decided (or more likely, was dared) to try this stunt. With a span of running treadmills in front of her, she doesn't make it far, instead falling face first on the first treadmill on which she jumps. The spinning treadmill track propels her forward, causing her to fall fast and hard. Ladies, be warned. If your “friends” dare you to try any stunts like this while at the gym, no prize is worth the effort. Spinning rubber tracks and double dares will always be a fail. You're better off sticking to safer cardio equipment like stationary bikes, stair climbers, or the rowing machines. This gym flop is a high impact, grade "A" disaster. Hopefully road rash is the extent of her injuries.
4 A Little Too Much For The Gym
When you head to the gym for your next workout, don't be one of those girls who shows too much skin, or brings their high heels… Sure, your regular activity has you looking toned and fantastic, but that doesn't mean you need to flaunt it all. This woman shows off an outfit that is better suited for the beach (or strip club) than at the gym. In her skin tight pink outfit, she really seems to be baring it all. The main focus here though is her heels. Working out in your heels is never okay. Being at the gym in high heels will get you stares and possibly a few dirty looks. Not to mention it can be extremely dangerous. The likelihood of you spraining your ankle is quite high. Someone needs to buy this woman a pair of running shoes.
3 No Assistance Required
Some workout equipment is better suited for individual purposes. The adduction lever machine is always a little awkward to use at first. That's right, place your legs apart on either side of the padded leg rest and squeeze your legs together! This machine might leave you feeling a bit, well… exposed, with your thighs splayed open (and that's in resting position). Clearly, this dude just wanted to get a little closer to this under-dressed woman while she was working out her inner thighs. Back off, buddy, the machine is pretty self-explanatory! When using gym equipment, you're always safer to attack your reps with focused eyes gazing somewhere off in the distance, or head down, to ensure gym creepers like this one get the message to steer clear of your workout. While some people go to the gym to pick up dates and numbers, you're perfectly fine counting reps on your own, thank you very much.
2 Oopsy Daisy!
Unfortunately, being muscular and toned won't help you in the clumsy department. This CrossFit cutie looked confident and poised as she completed her spine twisting stretches, but evidently, her spatial awareness was lacking as she stumbled into a neighboring piece of gym equipment moments afterwards and fell flat on her face. She appears slightly less self assured as she goes from stretching queen to flailing floor mat. Stretching pre- and post-workout is always important, but make sure you are doing so away from any tripping hazards. Create a large enough space that allows you to stretch out as far as you can, so that you don't have to worry about trips, spills and bails. Sometimes exercise can cause you to feel dizzy and lightheaded, so do yourself a favor and use an exercise mat while stretching. The last thing you need is an injury while taking care of your body post workout.
1 Taking a Breather
You've no doubt had those days when making it to the gym is an accomplishment in itself. Sometimes, it's hard to work up the stamina (and courage) to face your dreaded exercise routine. You journey to the gym only to spend most of your “workout” stretching horizontally on the yoga mats. This woman takes things to a whole new level by placing her chair directly atop the treadmill (though the legs are placed to the sides of the spinning treadmill track). Talk about a gym fail! If you need a breather, there is absolutely no judgement, but chairs and treadmills should never be paired together. If this woman absolutely needed a break, she should have gone and sat elsewhere. There are plenty of exercise machines that involve sitting down without risking an unnecessary accident. Unfortunately, sitting on the treadmill doesn't count as cardio time (even if the track is spinning beneath your resting feet).