Laman » Hiburan » 15 Hilarious Celeb Reactions To The Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino

    15 Hilarious Celeb Reactions To The Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino

    Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, you've more than likely heard all about Starbucks' latest beverage that has everyone buzzing. We're talking about the Unicorn Frappuccino, of course! The colorful concoction was offered for a limited time in late April and it became an overnight sensation for a number of reasons. For starters, the sugary sweet treat boasts a magical mashup of pink and purple swirls paired with electric blue syrup, whipped cream and colorful toppings that Starbucks simply refers to as "fairy powders". On top of being visually appealing (and super Instagram-worthy) the Unicorn Frappuccino also changes colors and transforms flavors from sweet to sour in just one sip. There's no denying that this unique drink is one few could pass up a chance to try, but it's certainly received its fair share of mixed reviews. The enchanting libation has undoubtedly taken social media by storm, and even our favorite celebrities have wanted to see whether or not the frothy frappe could really live up to all the hype. Let's just say, some were less than impressed than others… and they definitely weren't afraid to tell us how they really felt. Here are 15 hilarious celeb reactions to Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino.

    15 Stephen Colbert

    Perhaps one of the most hysterically accurate reactions that the Unicorn Frappuccino received came from late night talk show host Stephen Colbert. On a recent episode of The Late Show, he discussed his true feelings on the sour treat and he pretty much said what everyone was already thinking. To open his monologue, Colbert first poked fun at the beverage's name saying, “I have no idea how many unicorns they're grinding up for these things, but I'm guessing PETA is furious.” The host then pointed out the obvious abundance of sugar that the drink possesses by saying “That's all your food groups right there. Mango, pink, blue, and obviously, topping. The FDA recommends at least three servings of topping a day.” Colbert then proceeded to sample a sip of the highly-talked about drink live on air and his reaction was both brutally honest and undeniably hilarious: “Oh, I wish I was dead. It tastes like I French-kissed Tinker Bell. His poor review of the Unicorn Frappuccino evoked ample laughter from the audience, and likely millions of viewers who have already tried the drink first-hand.

    14 Katy Perry

    Let's face it - if there's one celebrity who might actually love the Unicorn Frappuccino it would probably be Katy Perry. After all, the off-beat pop star is best known for her colorful wigs, vibrant wardrobe, and her affinity for all things sugar and spice and everything nice (we've all seen the California Girls music video at least once). Perry took to Instagram to share a video of herself optimistically sipping the bizarre beverage, and at first she appeared to be enjoying it. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Katy leans over and promptly spits the tart treat out onto the floor leaving many to ask themselves the obvious question: “what did I just watch?” She offered up an explanation for her hilarious disapproval of the drink with a simple caption - “I couldn't handle drinking my own blood,” followed by a single unicorn emoji, insinuating that she too was an exotic mythological beast. We're pretty sure that the overbearingly sour flavor was more than Katy bargained for, but her priceless reaction was one we just can't stop replaying.

    13 Al Roker

    Some would argue that being a well-known news anchor and popular daytime television personality requires a level of accuracy and brutal honesty, and Al Roker proved just that. After all, Roker couldn't tell a lie when it came to giving his two-cents on Starbucks' latest craze… and let's just say he wasn't even slightly intrigued by the thought of it. The star of The Today Show certainly didn't mince words about the drink's aesthetics, telling his co-hosts and viewers that the Unicorn Frappuccino looked like somebody stuck a Smurf in a blender. Upon hearing exactly what makes the drink so magical, Roker was sure to not hide how repulsed he was by it all, stating, “Well, that just sounds really disgusting. There's absolutely no reason for that.” Ouch! While some people just couldn't get enough of the whimsical treat, others wanted nothing to do with it… and Al Roker definitely fit into the latter category.

    12 Anthony Bourdain

    We all know that celebrity chef and television personality Anthony Bourdain is no stranger to sharing his unfiltered opinions about all things edible. So when he was asked about his stance on Starbucks' latest creation he unapologetically made one thing clear - he hates pretty much everything about it. In a recent interview with Town & Country, Bourdain told the publication, "Wow, that's like four things I hate all in one sentence: Starbucks, unicorns, and the colors pink and purple.” As if that wasn't enough to get his point across, the star delved even deeper, stating, "Also a Frappuccino! It's the perfect nexus of awfulness. Just add pumpkin spice to that mix, and you can nuke the whole county." So it's super safe to assume that Anthony Bourdain wasn't one of the millions of people who anxiously waited in line to try the Unicorn Frappuccino, but his deep-seeded disdain for the bewitching beverage is amusing at the very least. Also… let's leave Starbucks' beloved PSL out of this battle, alright Bourdain!?

    11 Mario Batali

    Of course, comedian and late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel just couldn't miss an opportunity to quip about Starbucks' “latest abomination." The funnyman went on to make fun of the drink by saying, “It's the first frappuccino that looks like a windbreaker from the '80's.” To add insult to injury Kimmel then pointed out “It's got pink powder, mango syrup, sour blue drizzle, and all sorts of other stuff. It's got everything but coffee in it.” The star took it even a step further by unveiling a hilarious spoof-advertisement for Starbucks' coming attraction: “the F-k-It-Ccino”. The ad made light of the backlash the company has been getting for their abundant use of unhealthy ingredients in their fancy beverages by saying that their pretend drink will be “made with Starbucks premium coffee, pancake batter, chocolate frosting, french fries, vodka, and Lexapro - everything you need to forget about life for six minutes.” Yeahhh… we think we'll just stick to the Unicorn Frap for now, but thanks anyway Jimmy!

    9 Robert Buckley

    Actor Robert Buckley, perhaps best known for his role as Clay Evans on the popular teen drama One Tree Hill, took to Twitter to hilariously mock the millions of people who flooded to social media with pictures of their Unicorn Frappuccino. The sarcastic star posted a picture of himself gleefully sipping on one of Starbucks' signature green straws as he clutched his tall frothy multi-colored drink, along with the caption “When you wanna treat your body like a garbage can but look cute while you're doing it. #UnicornFrappucino”. Ok - there's no denying that Buckley's post was a super accurate portrayal of how many Starbucks fans acted over the release of the magical concoction, and it's mostly funny because it's so on-point. Let's be honest, this Starbucks drink is absolutely loaded with more sugar than any one human needs to consume in a single day, but those facts are all thrown right out the window because it's just so cool looking. There's just something about the Unicorn Frappuccino that seems to pique everyone's interest and we're totally guilty of indulging! #sorrynotsorry

    8 Savannah Guthrie

    As if the Unicorn Frappuccino wasn't already obnoxiously sweet enough, Savannah Guthrie added an extra layer of sugar-coating to the mix when she offered up her opinion of the drink on The Today Show. After taking her first (and only) sip of the festive frappe, Guthrie simply stated "I don't mind it. It's not a milkshake… but it's good." While Guthrie's sentiments might not have seemed at all news-worthy, the look on her face pretty much summed up how she really felt. It was clear to see that the news anchor was being more than generous when she said that she didn't mind the taste of the unicorn-inspired drink. Let's be real, she might as well have just looked into the camera, nonchalantly said "meh" and then shrugged her shoulders. We're not sure how much Starbucks is paying these people to say they even mildly enjoyed the latest limited edition item to grace their menu but we're definitely not buying it.

    7 David Burtka

    David Burtka is a professional chef/ actor, but he may be best recognized as the doting husband of Neil Patrick Harris. David, who recently revealed that he had been trying to shake excess sugar from his diet all together, obviously wasn't overly eager to try the Unicorn Frappuccino any time soon. When pressed about whether or not he was on the unicorn bandwagon Burtka stated, “It looks like it's not that great for you. All that dye, and it changes color! It's tart, but it's sweet. I can't imagine putting that in your body.” Hmm… it sounded like he knew exactly what the sour-meets-sweet drink tasted like. Could it be that he actually sampled the Unicorn Frappuccino first hand to gather that conclusion? Apparently, the star won't even risk having a single sip, saying, “I love Starbucks, but that's something I think I'm gonna have to skip.” Alright, we get it, excess sugar is a big no-no for you but come on man, don't ruin it for the rest of us!

    6 Carla Hall

    Carla Hall has become a fixture on the Food Network after competing on two seasons of Top Chef and various other shows. The celebrity chef also is a co-host on The Chew, a popular daytime talk show mainly centred on cooking. There's no arguing that Hall knows a thing or two about culinary creations, so it's no surprise that People mag wanted to get her opinion about Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino once it was released. Like many of her celebrity chef counterparts, Hall wasn't exactly thrilled about a sweet and sour drink. She told the publication, “It sounds… sweet,” after hearing what was in the Unicorn frappe. Carla continued by saying, “That's just another form of sugar to give our kids, 'cause all our kids are gonna want that. Insert eye-roll.” Despite her lack of enthusiasm for the beverage's public debt, Carla was right about her sassy assessment. The Unicorn Frappuccino was immensely popular, and kids (and adults) came from all over to get a taste of the magic that Starbucks was brewing.

    5 Jay Pharoah

    Jay Pharoah is probably best known for his six-year stint on the late-night sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live, so it's totally not surprising that he would have something silly to say when he spoke out about the Unicorn Frappuccino. The star recently weighed-in on the highly-publicized sugary drink when he was pressed on the subject by a local radio DJ during an interview. Pharoah was quizzed about a variety of topics, but when asked if he was interested in trying the frap, his answer was a firm no. Jay insisted the Unicorn Frappuccino was off-limits because the drink “would violate the alkalinity of his diet,” which was an obvious dig at all of the 59 grams of sugar that the drink contains. We think it's pretty funny that Jay's health and fitness regimen can't make room on cheat day for the Starbucks' drink, but we get it, not everyone is cut out for the Unicorn Frappuccino anyway.

    4 Kathie Lee Gifford

    Talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford has been on the scene for what feels like forever, and we're pretty sure she's been the guinea pig for trying a number of new foods and drinks on live television over the years. On a recent episode of The Today Show, Kathie Lee and her co-host Hoda Kotb decided to bravely try the super sour frappuccino on air. Both women raved about the drink's sheer beauty as they prepared themselves to take their first sip. Gifford sampled the drink and stated that “it was very surprising” before saying “it looks like it's got Sweet Tarts on it or something”. Hoda then pressed Kathie Lee to try the drink again and she did - only this time she looked a little befuddled. When Hoda asked whether her Unicorn Frappuccino was sweet or tart, Gifford simply replied, “it's sweety-tart,” causing the crew to all let out a good chuckle. Although Kathie Lee was playing nice, it was pretty obvious that she wasn't a huge lover of the drink afterall.

    3 Noah Cyrus

    There's no doubt that rising singer Noah Cyrus was super pumped to try Starbucks' trendiest treat. Miley's younger sister recently visited a radio station to promote the release of her new song when the crew surprised her with an iced cold, pink and purple Grande Unicorn Frappuccino… and we're pretty sure her reaction said it all. The teenage star squealed with joy when she was presented with her magnificent beverage, and almost immediately, Noah began Snapchatting and posing for Instagram photos with it. Let's be clear - at first, it didn't seem like Cyrus even knew what a Unicorn Frappuccino was, asking those around her what it was called as she snapped photos on her phone. The radio station posted a video to social media of Noah's pure delight as she kept proclaiming “Oh my God!” over and over again. It was clear to see that Cyrus was excited to feast her eyes on the colorful drink, and she was even more excited to give it a whirl. Cyrus posed for a couple more photos with the magically delicious frappe, and judging by the look of things we're gonna assume that she's the Unicorn Frappuccino's number one fan

    2 Vanessa Bryant

    When it comes to the Unicorn Frappuccino, you either love it or you hate it. There's little room for anything else. But Vanessa Bryant was just downright offended by the fascinating frap. The infamous wife of basketball star Kobe Bryant turned to Instagram to share her thoughts about the drink to her 1.3 million followers… and she didn't have very many positive things to say. Bryant posted a picture of her Starbucks order next to a screenshot of the drink's nutritional (or lack thereof) information along with the caption "Just a few sips later… #Notforme #NoThanks and it has #59gramsofsugar.” Bryant continued to throw shade at the popular drink by stating, “I'd rather have a small iced drink that tastes GOOD instead of this trend." We'll give Vanessa credit; at least she actually gave the drink a chance before deciding that she absolutely detested it - which is more than we can say about some other celebs who spoke out against it. But wait, Vanessa Bryant wasn't done quite yet. A few days later, the star shared a snapshot herself posing with an absolutely massive candy-stuffed milkshake with the caption “Now THIS is worth every calorie. #SugarQueen”. You know what they say… haters gonna hate.

    1 Deon Cole

    If you're looking for a good laugh at the Unicorn Frappuccino's expense, look no further. We can always count on comedians to tickle our funny bone and Deon Cole made sure that his hilarious thoughts on Starbucks' new tangy treat were abundantly clear. The star was prominently featured in a recent sketch on The Conan O'Brien Show that poked fun at the Unicorn Frappuccino's absurdly controversial sugar content. In the segment, O'Brien is standing in the forefront addressing the camera about the new drink that Starbucks rolled out, while Deon can be seen sitting at a desk in the background while blurting out some pretty valid questions. Dean decided to blow caution to the wind, stating, “Does sugar make you feel good? Does fat make you feel good? And aren't we all going to die in World War III because Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing? Then go ahead and drink your giant rainbow milkshake!” Given the current political situation in the US right now, why not live on the edge and enjoy a calorie-dense, tri-colored, fairy-dusted frappuccino? Cheers to that!