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    15 Hilarious Melissa McCarthy Moments You Forgot About

    Right now, comedian goddess, Melissa McCarthy is at the height of her game. And in her case, there's no other direction to go but up. This woman is shattering the glass ceiling for actresses, comedians, hell - ALL WOMEN, everywhere. Not only has she proven that women can be great comedians, but she is a role model for all women who struggle with their self-confidence. She has consistently proven to be a professional, hard-working, and classy actress and individual, despite the wacky roles she plays on camera. During interviews, she always looks lovely. She pays no attention to the haters. She owns who she is, and we love her for it.

    Producers took notice to her when she was playing Lorelai Gilmore's (Lauren Graham) down-the-street best friend, Sookie, on Gilmore Girls. Audiences jumped on board too after witnessing her comedic genius timing first hand on Bridesmaids, where she played the raunchy, Megan, sister of the groom. Right now though, she utterly captivates playing real-life turd-miser, not-so-master-spinner, Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary, on Saturday Night Live.

    Ratings for the live comedy show went through the roof after McCarthy first put on that now infamous bald cap. But let's take a look at 15 other hilarious moments in the comedian's career that some people have forgotten about. After reading, we're sure you'll fall in love with her as much as we have.

    15 Her Lip Sync Battle With Jimmy Fallon

    McCarthy made it clear here that when she gets on stage, she holds absolutely nothing back. While out promoting her then-newly released film The Boss, the actress took on late night host Jimmy Fallon, one of the most famous SNL alumni from the 2000 era. Fallon has been known to go against the best in the business whenever he decides to do a Lip Sync segment on The Tonight Show. But it was a whole different story when he went up against McCarthy, who started belting out, not only Zayn's “Pillowtalk”, but turned her physical comedy up a notch when hitting “Colors of the Wind” from the Disney cartoon Pocahontas. Just when you think it can't get any better, she hits her stride when she gets into DMX's “X Gon' Give It to Ya.”

    14 Her SNL "Outside the Lines" Skit

    Personally, this is one of my favorite Melissa McCarthy moments ever to exist - and considering her track record of hilarity, that's pretty hard to achieve. While she slays at surprising audiences by guest starring on the comedy sketch show, she can sometimes lack a bit of sparkle when hosting herself. However, when she starred in the skit “Outside the Lines”, where she played an abusive women's basketball coach, she knocked them down dead… almost literally, considering how far she goes with the physical prowess in the skit itself. The skit is based off of Rutgers coach, Mike Rice, who had just been fired after tapes were released showing the coach abusing his players in very unconventional ways. While the story was highly controversial when first released, SNL had the balls to see how far they could go without getting slapped on the wrist. McCarthy is downright freaking hysterical in the skit that features her chasing down her players with a golf cart, and threatening them with both a baseball bat and a toaster, of all things.

    13 That Spot On Chris Farley Impression

    Back in February 2016, Saturday Night Live held a primetime special honoring their 40th anniversary. For those who saw it, there was one skit that surely stood out most in their minds. During a special Weekend Update segment, the comedian makes an appearance as the late Chris Farley's most famous character on the show: motivational speaker, Matt Foley.

    With every line she delivered, the timing was absolutely perfect, and her portrayal was spot-on. Not only did she look exactly like the character AND the late actor, but she was even wearing his real clothes.

    “And I was actually wearing his clothes,” McCarthy told host Howard Stern on The Howard Stern Show, after stating that he enjoyed her portrayal. “That was the actual jacket and tie, and they just took it in and shortened the sleeves without altering the object. It had sweat stains, and when I put it on in the dressing room, I just burst out crying. I couldn't… I was so thrown.”

    12 Melissa Talking About Her Spanx On Ellen

    I'm not afraid to admit it: yeah, I too wear the hell out of spanx - especially if I have to shuffle my way into a form fitting dress. And I'll tell you, it's not a walk in the park wearing one of those hellish things that were probably invented by a damn man (guessing, considering the uncomfortable factor). Sure they smooth everything out and, you know, suck everything in. But usually, if you're caught wearing them, embarrassment can be almost guaranteed. This appears to be the case of McCarthy, who went on the daytime show Ellen and told the host a hilarious, not to mention devastatingly cringe worthy, story about her own spanx nightmare.

    If you've ever wore them yourself, you can relate to McCarthy's uproarious story. Sure, they make you look unbelievable in your dress, but you can't feel the cloth of the outer dress itself. So make sure you have some sort of reflection nearby at all times. Just in case the clothing itself starts to, well, “get away” from you.

    11 Susan Cooper Vs. Jason Statham on Spy

    The comedy-thriller, Spy is one movie I can watch over and over again without it getting old. McCarthy plays a CIA analyst, Susan Cooper, who is hopelessly in love with her partner Bradley Fine (played, of course, by Englishman Jude Law). When Fine ends up dead… ish, Cooper decides to seek retaliation by herself and goes into the field as an uncover agent. Some of Cooper's best scenes come when she faces off against Rick Ford (played by Jason Statham), a hotheaded jerk of a CIA operative who tends to go rogue most of the time. Ford is extremely over-the-top in the best effing way possible, and some of the best reaction shots come from McCarthy early on the movie, who is listening to him spout off some extreme nonsense with a disgusted and exhausted look on her face. But the deeper she goes undercover in the case, the more her character becomes her own, and she's able to top Ford with comic ease. It was evident that both actors thoroughly had a field day filming with each other.

    10 Catherine On This Is 40

    I wasn't thrilled with this Judd Apatow comedy, which was supposed to be a loose follow-up to Apatow's hit Knocked Up. However, thanks to a very small, yet very memorable role by McCarthy, This Is 40 is worth a look. The movie itself is about Debbie (Leslie) and Pete's (Paul Rudd) roller coaster of a marriage while raising two daughters (played by Apatow's real daughters, Iris and Maude Apatow). Yet, it's McCarthy who steals the show as Catherine, the mom of a student who is harassing Debbie and Pete's oldest daughter. After Debbie confronts the student herself, Catherine goes after Pete when she finds out Debbie screamed at her son. All three have a meeting with the principal and this is where McCarthy is able to showcase her comedic chops and steals the entire movie in under a few minutes.

    9 "Emmy Training Day"

    Back in 2011, McCarthy was given the task of revealing the 2011 Primetime Emmy Award nominations to a very sleepy Hollywood with actor Joshua Jackson. Acting like a nervous wreck in a special skit, McCarthy enlists the help of fellow comedian Joel McHale by chasing him down at his parked car, as he desperately tries to unlock his car fast enough to avoid her, in order to help her prepare for the announcement itself. “When you're reading those names, you can't react,” McHale explains to McCarthy in the brief skit. “You must feel nothing. NOTHING!” McHale makes McCarthy endure a series of odd tasks, including showing no emotion when faced with a puppy, waxing his car, folding his laundry, and even has her catch golf balls with her mouth. The entire skit lasts all of 2 minutes and 50 seconds, so it's totally worth your time to watch.

    8 "Marbles Harsgrove"

    Believe it or not, there was a time when you didn't know who the hell Melissa McCarthy even was (those were indeed dark times, my friend). Back in those days, the actress was able to fly under the radar and had a series of insane video blogs starring her alter ego known as Marbles Hargrove. The actress is unrecognizable in the YouTube videos, which were posted over a decade ago, back in 2006, by actor husband Ben Falcone. Marbles is a very opinionated eyebrow-less lady, who enjoys spouting off about certain films in Hollywood while donning, what appears to be, an interesting bowl cut hairdo. Oh, and she also has a very apparent speech impediment. If McCarthy hadn't admitted to being responsible for the conception of this particular character, one would have never recognized her. Even though these videos came out before she skyrocketed to superstardom, McCarthy was able to disguise herself so well that even die-hard Gilmore Girls fanswould be thrown off. I have a feeling that Marbles may have her own movie coming out in the near future, if McCarthy has her way.

    7 The End Credits In Bridesmaids With Real Life Husband Ben Falcone

    Before the 2011 hit comedy Bridesmaids, McCarthy would tend to play characters who cared deeply about what other people thought of her. They were often shy, intelligent, sensitive, and sometimes way too talkative characters who were casted aside as sidekicks of some sort. Her portrayal of the unfazed Megan in Bridesmaids would end up turning the entire game around. Megan simply didn't give two tiny rat's a**es about what anyone thought of her. She was going after what she wanted. And if she didn't get it? She simply shrugged and moved on to the next conquest. Though, as you come to find out in the end credits, Megan usually gets what she wants. Husband Ben Falcone plays Jon, an air marshal who Megan openly lusts after while on a flight to Las Vegas with Lillian's (Maya Rudolph) bridal party. While the marshal seems disgusted by Megan's not-so-subtle romantic overtures, it appears he eventually submits to Megan in the long run.

    6 Sookie In General On Gilmore Girls

    Any Gilmore Girls fan will tell you: The character Sookie St. James, who was Lorelai apparent best friend on the show, was seriously under-appreciated. The show itself focused on the rather dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship of Lorelai and Rory (Alexis Bledel) Gilmore and those who surrounded them in the small town the duo resided in. Sookie was Lorelai's right-hand girlfriend, the town baker, and overall sweetheart who would often bend over backwards for the clearly narcissistic Lorelai. All Lorelai ever seemed to do was complain, complain, complain. She talked so much that I hardly ever remember her pausing to take a breath. However, Sookie took everything in and was Loreli's generous soundboard who asked for nothing in return. McCarthy displays some damn good acting chops with this low-key character, but since Sookie flies so far under the radar, it's easy to get her lost in the shuffle that fans and critics would consider one of McCarthy's most genius comedic performances.

    5 Any Scene Involving Molly's Family On Mike and Molly

    The CBC comedy Mike and Molly came out around a year before McCarthy took over the limelight with Bridesmaids. The show revolves around the lives of Molly Flynn, played by McCarthy, and Officer Mike Biggs (Billy Gardell), a couple living in the Chicago area. Much like her Sookie character, McCarthy's Molly was a low-key sweetheart who happened to be smart and funny. The series had a good six-year run and managed to stay true to the characters, despite McCarthy's often vulgar turn in most films during that time period. While any scene starring McCarthy was often humorous, seeing the character interact with her dimwitted sister, Victoria (Katy Mixon), and alcoholic mother, Joyce (Swoosie Kurtz), was always a treat. When teamed up, both Victoria and Joyce would often steal the show and give Molly a run for her money.

    4 Her Daily Show With Jon Stewart Interview

    Just like the rest of the nation, McCarthy mourned the departing of Daily Show's  intellectual host, Jon Stewart. However, unlike most of the nation, McCarthy got to show her appreciation of Stewart by appearing on his show literally wearing his face. The actress appeared on the Comedy Central show to promote Spy wearing a kimono that showed off an array of Stewart's facial expressions. Stewart was immediately baffled by the outfit and started laughing. “What is that?”, he asked through famous Stewart giggles.

    “It's my Jon Stewart dress,” McCarthy explained to the host, who was already lost in a fit of laughter along with the studio audience.

    “Lovely,” answered Stewart. “You know, I've wanted to say this to you for a long time. I am all over you like a cheap suit”, said McCarthy. Jon didn't fail to notice that some of the shots were also not the most attractive. “I am the king of the unflattering freeze frame”, he said.

    3 The Drunk Dance Scene In The Heat

    It's not surprising that McCarthy would go on to star in a female buddy-cop comedy with a rom-com buddy-cop veteran Sandra Bullock. Bullock plays an uptight FBI agent (not to be confused with the laid-back FBI agent she played in Miss Congeniality and its 349853408 sequels) who teams up with a foal-mouthed Boston cop played by McCarthy. Bridesmaids director, Paul Feig, thought he could recreate magic by having McCarthy play, yet another, female character with a male-like vulgar tongue. While the comedy mostly fell flat due to featuring scenes that had been so overused in previous buddy cop films, there were some scenes that were comedy gold. Including the scene where Bullock's character and McCarthy's character get incredibly intoxicated at a dive bar during an off-the-wall bonding experience. McCarthy is so confident in her comedic timing here that it plays off beautifully against Bullock's own physically demanding performance.

    2 Her Appearance On Conan When She Talked About Her Parents' Lack Of Intimacy

    While on the late night promoting tour of her then-newest film Ghostbusters, McCarthy went on Conan O'Brien's show to discuss something extremely important: that she didn't think her parents actually got freaky when she was a kid. McCarthy revealed that she was raised in an Irish Catholic family, and that the topic of the birds and the bees was never to be discussed. Thanks to that little tidbit, McCarthy, consequently, wasn't too educated sensual topics.

    “I did not know parts moved, so I assumed both parties had to the Chinese splits”, the comedian told a laughing O'Brien. “I literally thought you had to go like that [mimes a split move] with your legs out, and then you lay down and, like, scooted in… ”

    McCarthy explained that she was teased by her friends after she told them that her parents never did the deed because her father was, quote, “split challenged”.

    “They don't do that, nor have they ever, or are they going to do it,” McCarthy denoted. “I know they've never done it because I know for a fact my dad can't do the Chinese splits.”

    1 Susan Cooper Vs. Rayna

    Sure, Jason Statham had some killer scenes with McCarthy in Spy, but the chemistry between herself and her former Bridesmaid co-star, Rose Byrne, was insanely magical. Byrne played the diabolical Rayna Boyanov, who tends to cut down Susan Cooper (McCarthy) with icy stares and hilarious insults spoken in a soft British accent. While Rayna claims to get appalled by Cooper's actions and appearance, it's noted that in their final interaction together, the villain is taken with the cleverness the heroine projects. In the beginning, Susan is afraid of stepping out of line and being discovered as an undercover agent by Rayna, but as they spend more time together, Susan revels in the fact that she can nail her counterpart with a variety of suitable insults of her own. One of the classic scenes in the comedy comes before Rayna drugs Susan on her private jet, when Rayna is comparing Susan to her mother, who looked a great deal like a Meth-head. McCarthy's timing when she sees the picture of Rayna's mother plays brilliantly against Byrne's elegant stillness and biting backhanded jabs.