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    15 Hollywood Names That Describe The Perfect Man

    With your name the first thing that people usually learn about you, it can be extremely important to match that roguish personality and those dashing good looks, to a quality name that completes you as a person. No seriously. Names are so paramount in how you are perceived these days, that it is becoming much more common to change your name now than it was 20 years ago. But why are names so important? Well, firstly imagine a world with no names? Just blank spaces with air to fill. Secondly, a name can establish one's self with their own personal identity, a symbol as such to who you really are. However, often, people can attribute a number of links between a name and another characteristic of a different personality, resulting in bad feelings towards someone even before you have actually met. So, to help you choose that perfect partner, here are 15 of the best possible male names that describe the most desirable man.

    15 Peter

    Used throughout the world, Peter originally came from Greece. With a meaning of, 'stone' in Aramaic, Peter was extremely prominent in the New Testament, due to the apostle of the same name. A name usually attributed towards rulers, the name has a number of strong, rebellious and powerful connotations. For example, not only was Peter the Great one of the most successful Tsar's in Russian history, but he also helped establish Russia as one of the largest nations in the whole wide world. However, along with power also comes adolescence, with Peter often associated with the boy who never grew up, Peter Pan. So, for those looking for the strong silent type with just a hint of child-like behavior, then Peter is your man. And, not only are Peter's powerful yet playful, they are also incredibly funny with Peter Sellers often labeled as one of the funniest men in showbiz. Plus, even Spiderman was called Peter, and that has to be good right?

    14 Joseph

    Belonging to that of Saint Joseph, husband of Mary and father to Jesus Christ himself, if you believe that kind of thing, Joseph has had a turbulent time as a name, with a number of both good and bad connotations. Known to be attributed to a variety of leaders and rulers, in particular, that of the Soviet dictator and the only real contender for Hitler's evil crown, Joseph Stalin, the name is actually more positive than originally thought. For example, with Joseph tending to be given to those that are leaders rather than followers, the name is significant with powerful personalities. Much like Peter in a sense, Joseph's tend to be courageous, authoritative and determined. However, displaying a sensitive side, the name is often associated with men who are not afraid to show their emotions when necessary to do so. Just look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt, happily playing a heartbroken man in fan favorite 500 Days of Summer, going on to make women all over the world go weak at the knees.

    13 Steve

    Shooting off some extreme masculine overtones, Steve originally comes from the Greek name Stéfanos, which then morphed into Steven/Stephen. Shortened to Steve, however, the name turns into something entirely different, with a number of athletes, movie stars, and kings all sharing the name. In fact, Steve was so highly regarded that the famous action hero and all around hunk Steve McQueen, actually changed his name from Terence, preferring to go with the shortened version of his middle name Steven. With Terence McQueen not quite having the same ring to it, it is no surprise to see why he changed it. However, not only attributed to masculine men with big arms, Steve has recently been associated with those who possess a different kind of mind, with British physicist Stephen Hawking and American author Stephen King both holding the prominent and creative first name. Smart, sexy and attractive, what more could you want?!

    12 Ben

    Known for its versatility, Ben comes for the Hebrew name, Benjamin, meaning 'son of the south'. Taking forms such as Benji, Benedict, Bennett, and Bentley to name but a few, Ben has basically been around for ages. Extremely popular throughout history, Benjamin has a number of famous bearers, with the American brain box Benjamin Franklin probably the most famous. Known for having somewhat of a funny bone, the name is now usually associated with comedic actor, Ben Stiller, who proves that not only are Ben's hilariously funny but are also in the words of Mr. Zoolander himself, 'really really ridiculously good looking'. However, not only is Ben attributed to humor and intelligence but recently it has been associated with those who possess muscles, with the tall glass of water Ben Affleck also possessing the famous name. In fact, Affleck was recently seen playing the ultimate strong, dark and handsome superhero, Batman, I mean who doesn't want Batman?

    11 David

    Thought to have come from the beautifully worded 'beloved', David was a popular name among Israeli kings. However, make no mistake, although the connotations for David often bring love and sensitivity, the name also evokes a number of strong and resilient characteristics. For example, just look at the story of David and Goliath, in which a gigantic warrior was defeated by the underdog and the much smaller and younger future King David. And, not only is the name associated with strength and supremacy, David has also been the subject of many artists throughout history. From hero and protagonist David Copperfield, in the Charles Dickens classic of the same name, to Michelangelo's masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, David. In fact, a whole bunch of David's have somehow changed the world in one way or another, with David Bowie, David Livingstone, and even David Hasselhoff all contributing something to the way in which we now live. Oh and let's not forget David Beckham, proving that David's are not only talented but extremely handsome.

    10 Jack

    If it's good enough for the pathological pirate Jack Sparrow, then it is by far good enough for any other prospective male that you might have your eye on. One of the most common names around the world, especially in the UK where it was the number 1 name for a number of years, Jack actually came from the equally popular John. But just how did John get to Jack? Well, apparently with Johnkin a common nickname for those who are named John, the name itself formed over time into Jack, thus creating one of the most adored names in history. A good example of this can be seen with the well liked and loved American President, John F Kennedy, who was actually named Jack by all of his friends and family. Popping up throughout history, Jack has been apparent in almost all occasions. From childhood nursery rhymes, Jack and Jill, to fairy tales with Jack and the Beanstalk. Evoking a childlike persona, Jacks are usually fun and happy to be around, take Jack Lemon for example as the everyday funny man on the silver screen. As well as being fun to be around, Jacks are also extremely creative, with a number of Jacks showing complimentary skills in the arts, for example, Jack Nicholson, the Academy Award winning actor, and Jack Kerouac, the original beatnik. But, just don't mention Jack The Ripper…

    9 Thomas

    Coming from the word 'twin' in Aramaic, Thomas is mentioned throughout the New Testament, mostly remembered as the man who doubted the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Awkward. After initially fading away, the name came back with a vengeance, due to the extremely popular Saint Thomas Becket, and equally adored Thomas Aquinas. Attributed to a number of skilled men such as the inventor Thomas Edison, novelist Thomas Hardy, and philosopher Thomas Hobbes, the name seems to provide intelligence. And what better than to prove it with America's founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, also giving claim to the name. That's right, as well as helping to write up the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was also the third President of the United States of America, and one of the most favored. However, seemingly having it both ways, the name not only attributes intelligence but also exceptional acting skills, with Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise proving so on a daily basis.

    8 George

    Speaking of founding fathers. Starting from the bottom and working itself upwards, George has seemingly been around for ages. Derived from the Greek word georgos, which means farmer or earth worker, the name originally had working class connotations. Over the years the name grew, with the medieval era even depicting a George as a dragon slayer. Extremely popular in England, the name even generated a whole new period of British history, with the Georgian era named after the number of George's that ruled over that particular time. With five British kings already having borne the name, the sixth George is ready in waiting, due to the recent bundle of joy and son of the popular Royals, William and Kate, taking on the name. However, enough about Britain, with George Washington named as the man who quite frankly told the Brits to beat it, the name evokes power and strength, especially with Washington now thought of as the man who basically created a country.

    7 Christopher

    Taken from the Greek name Christohoros, meaning 'bearing Christ', Christopher has a number of religious connotations within a variety of different faiths. With Saint Christopher known for carrying Jesus across a treacherous river, he is now regarded as the patron saint of travelers, along with another famous traveler in that of Christopher Columbus. So, if you want a man who will whisk you away, then choose a Christopher, who will be gentlemanly enough to put a jacket across a rainy wet puddle and may even discover a country for you, if you are lucky that is. As well as being attributed to those who like to travel, Christopher has also appeared in a number of fictional texts, with Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh the most famous. As a popular character based name, Christopher evokes a strong sense of identity, with the name showing someone to be extremely comfortable with who they are and their sexuality.

    6 Liam

    Believe it or not, Liam is, in fact, a shortened version of the name Uilliam, an Irish form of the German Willahelm. Only really becoming popular during the last century, the name itself was exclusive to Ireland, however, due to the great famine that hit Ireland during the mid-1800's, a number of Irish men and women left home for a new life elsewhere, thus spreading the name. Now often in the top ten most common boys names throughout the Western world, Liam's seemingly turn up all over the place. From the Irish hunk, Liam Neeson to Aussie god Liam Hemsworth, the name obviously attracts good looks and an exceptional physique to go with it. With the name meaning protector and supporter in Persian, Liam's not only offer you a handsome face but also the feeling of protection and encouragement, making them the all round perfect man to have by your side. And if you like a bad boy? Just look at Liam Gallagher.

    5 Samuel

    Meaning 'name of god' in Hebrew, Samuel, or just Sam, has been a common name for boys throughout history. Popular among a variety of races and religions, Samuel is extremely prominent within African Americans and Jewish communities. With a number of famous bearers including that of Irish writer Samuel Beckett, American author Samuel Morse (Mark Twain), and British diarist Samuel Pepys it is clear that writers are very common within this name bracket. And, not only is the name a common first name, Samuel is also an extremely frequent second name, with a number of high-class politicians taking the surname. However, although the name evokes those of the writing persuasion, creativity in the form of other art forms are often also found. For example with Oscar winner Samuel L Jackson probably the most famous Samuel around, musicians Sammy Davis Jr. and the English-born Sam Smith are famed for their unique voices.

    4 Michael

    Taken from the Hebrew meaning 'who is like God?', Michael is considered to be the patron saint of soldiers, thus spawning a number of connotations relating to strength and muscular physiques. One of the most common names in the world, especially in the United States, Michael was, in fact, the number 1 name in America for over 40 years. Holding a number of variations, from Mikael, Mikhail, Miguel and Micky, the double bonding of John-Michael is also extremely popular. Associated with that of a robust and sturdy man, it is no surprise to see a number of famous athletes bearing the name. From the king of the swimming pool Michael Phelps to basketball legend Michael Jordan, both men equally topple the 6 ft mark, and you know what they say about big feet right? However, that's not all, as well as being athletic gods, Michael's are also exceptionally gifted in the entertainment department, with Michael Jackson, Michael Caine, Michael Douglas, Michael Fassbender ,and Michael J Fox all proving how great a Michael can really be.

    3 Dylan

    Originating in Wales meaning 'tide flow', Dylan has a long history with regards to its mythical narrative. Often associated with that of a hero or a god, the character of Dylan ail Don has become on of the most famous folklores in Welsh tradition. Also appearing a number of times in Welsh literature as well as written texts all over the world, it is no surprise to see such creative geniuses and literary wordsmiths such as Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and master musician Bob Dylan take on the name. That's right, with Dylan's obviously knowing how to use their words in the most pristine manner, a man who is able to communicate properly is a man most desperately in need. Plus as well as being fantastical lyricists, Dylan's are also exceptionally cool, with Dylan Mckay played by Luke Perry in the popular TV series Beverly Hills 90210 proving how well a Dylan can look in a tight black t-shirt.

    2 James

    Probably the name that is associated with the most amount of beauty and all around attractiveness, James first arrived from the Latin name Iacomus, meaning Jacob. Evolving into James, the name spread, appearing in a number of religious texts and books. Common in the UK, especially in Scotland, James became the name of a number of famous Kings, including the first Scottish king to rule all of Britain, impressive. With James's often extremely good looking, it is no surprise to see that one of the most beautiful men in the world, James Dean, was a bearer of the name. Attracting an old school classic Hollywood look, other handsome James's come in the form of James Franco, James Stewart, and the man thought to be irresistible to all women, James Bond. However, seemingly having it all, not only are James's physically gifted, they are also incredibly smart, with novelist and poet James Joyce and six American Presidents proving so.

    1 John

    Well if it is good enough for Carrie Bradshaw then it is good enough for us, with John topping the poll as the most desirable name for the perfect and ideal man. Deriving from the Hebrew name Yochanan, which means gracious, John was also the name of two extremely respected Saints in the New Testament. Very popular throughout the world, taking on a number of different forms, John has been borne by 21 different popes. As well as evoking a number of religious connotations, John's are also exceptionally smart with poet John Keats and lyrical god John Lennon proving that the name also carries a quality wordsmith. Also, the name of two distinctive American Presidents, founding father John Adams, and the assassinated John F. Kennedy, the name obviously attracts those who are determined and hard working. And, to make it that little bit more perfect, John's are also extremely attractive, with the easy on the eye musician John Legend and the beautiful Johnny Depp proving so.