Laman » Hiburan » 15 Hollywood Women Who Prove It's Cool To Be Type A

    15 Hollywood Women Who Prove It's Cool To Be Type A

    Being Type-A doesn't mean you're full of stress at all hours of the day no matter what. It means you push yourself to the limits to get the job done with passion, organization, quality, and yes maybe a little dash of stress thrown in. People tend to have this highly negative image of those categorized as Type A especially when it comes to successful women. There are tons of amazing examples of highly successful women around us everyday, and if we look towards the spotlight of Hollywood we can see some of the biggest voices on the red carpet that fully embrace their controlling Type A traits! There's nothing wrong with that and honestly, the more the merrier because more will get done in the long run!

    These women are strong and hard working individuals, usually, they're very “my way or the highway" when it comes to new projects they've created. They are constantly inspiring individuals around the world especially the youth of today and if they didn't have these traits they wouldn't be at the point in their life they are today. With their hard and motivating work ethic, they've grown their brand to new heights so they can constantly inspire more and more individuals around them!

    All of these Hollywood women know what they're talking about and exhibit these Type A personality traits. I don't know about you, but it's reassuring to see how many people really do embrace their differences when it comes to their traits, makes me feel a bit more comfortable in my own shoes! Do you think you're Type A? Who do you relate to the most?

    15 Get Things Done Like Cher

    When a person has such a strong personality and Type A traits the first person to come to mind should be none other than Cher. She's proven time and time again that she can get things done and she's still doing it to this day! Her overwhelming creativity and ability to stand up for what she believes in makes her the first woman on this list because of how she get's the work done. She is always pushing herself and trying new things that might even make her a bit uncomfortable. All the while still staying true to her roots and her beliefs. Hollywood hasn't changed Cher, she's proven that her hard work and dedication has instead changed Hollywood. She posses all of the traits that fit into a Type A personality but getting things done is what fits her the best! This is such a great place to start on this list because you can never go wrong with some Cher!

    14 Achievements Of Kylie

    When someone has such a go go go personality, it's quite common to find that they have achieved a great deal in a little amount of time. This doesn't make their success better than anyone else's but it does show how much work they constantly put into their days, day in and day out. Individuals like Kylie Jenner constantly show how far she's come in only 2 years, she started her cosmetic brand, her pop-up shop, and even working as an iconic celebrity personality. All of these projects she's created take time, effort, and an abundance of perseverance. Something like this doesn't usually happen overnight, it's a constant struggle and series of brainstorming sessions to massively create such an impact Kylie Jenner has. Her Type A personality traits shine when she's creating and coming up with new things to experiment with within her brand, now that's what I call inspiring!

    13 Bey's Quality

    You've probably heard people say quality over quantity, which is generally a very true statement, but a hard working person with Type A traits tends to take both into consideration. Making sure you have the highest amount of quality in anything you do should be the number one priority, and this celeb takes it to the next level. Beyonce time and time again pushes her limits to new heights, using her natural leader instincts and Type A personality to overcome any obstacle that's found it's way onto her path. She exhibits what it means to be calm cool and collected while also achieving her goals as a performance artist, music artist, and of course putting her family first. With the recent release of her maternity photos, announcing that she's having twins, it's not a shock that she still managed to release a clothing line and new music all in the same months, even with an upcoming performance!

    12 AND Quantity Like Gigi

    Just because there is a lot of something, whether that's goals or projects, doesn't mean that the quality has to be reduced! You can have quality and quantity if you're working your Type A personality traits to the fullest potential they can be, just like Gigi Hadid! Gigi constantly puts her hardest efforts into doing as many projects she can as a model, she's the perfect example of how quality and quantity can coexist. With all of the work she's put into her career it should be obvious enough that she does tend to have a bit more Type A traits within her personality and they seem to be doing her well on her path to success!

    “I think it's really important that I'm not the only model in the world that goes through personal problems. People forget that we're human. We don't get to call in sick. You have to go and put on a smile. Every single day is a first impression, so you can't have a bummed-out day.” - Gigi Hadid

    11 You Know Yourself Like Demi

    Being sure of who you are as a person and what inspires you to push yourself is the key to managing this personality type to your advantage in a way that seems effortless and graceful. There is nothing better than the day you realize that you are the only one in control of your life, actions, choices, and outcome. It's a day that you'll feel relieved and motivated to do everything you can to reach and grab on tightly to your goals. A perfect example of this is none other than, Demi Lovato. From growing up as a child star she's been known to be quite demanding even as a little one. Her years being filmed and broadcast to the public sure can come with a lot of stress but to everyone's surprise, she easily made her way to the top by herself. She's currently an advocate for women's rights all the while balancing a huge career on her shoulders. If that's not Type A then I don't know what is!

    10 Organized With Mindy

    Being organized makes everything an easier ride toward goals set for the future. Mindy Kaling is a phenomenal actress, equal rights activist, and comedian. Making it in the industry like she has is one of the most motivational and moving things I've seen in a very long time. She has such a unique personality with a strong presence that has fully accepted who she is inside and out. With a sprinkle of Type A personality traits she really does go to the lengths to show everyone who she is on a deeper level than we're probably used to seeing from Hollywood stars. Day in and day out she works hard on her goals and accomplishes great things in the world of comedy which has always been a very daunting and hard task for women since it's a mainly male dominated industry. All her work has paid off and she has acted as a pioneer for POC to really embrace and accept what they have to offer. Truly inspiring!

    9 Work Ethic Like Ariana

    You can't work hard without a good and manageable work ethic. While sometimes it might get out of hand because working is usually something full of passion and creativity, this is what will set you apart from others. Ariana Grande is the perfect example when it comes to work ethic, her will, aspirations, and overall accomplishments have never given her a reason to back down. Her music is even inspiring when it comes to hard work, she's grown a lot and in front of a lot of people which could bring stress to anyone, but she handles it with ease.

    “Love is a really scary thing, and you never know what's going to happen. It's one of the most beautiful things in life, but it's one of the most terrifying. It's worth the fear because you have more knowledge, experience, you learn from people, and you have memories.” - Ariana Grande

    8 Pay Attention Like Zendaya

    Learning to listen while a million things are running through your mind might seem impossible, but this celeb knows how to use this to her advantage and for those around her. Zendaya has proven to millions that she listens to the cries of her fans, she listens when she needs to and in turn takes action when it's called for. In the rough time we're living in now with all the separation and anger in society, people like Zendaya are working hard to make a difference. Her Type A personality traits shine through when she speaks about issues she wants to work towards finding a solution. Her resilience to all the hate she receives doesn't ever put her down, that's why she's a role model for so many young people, also why she proves it's cool to be Type A! You go, girl!

    “Remember that we are all human beings trying to do what we love to do.” - Zendaya

    7 Have Standards Like Willow

    Having high-quality standards makes the work you create seem like a whole new level. It's what's needed to make a difference. Having high standards for the work an individual puts out into the world seems like it should be a given, but surprisingly enough it's not for a lot of people. Society tends to always search for the fastest way to produce something and get it over with, but there are a few rare gems like Willow Smith that prove there can be a difference made while getting what needs to be done, done. Willow Smith works as a singer in a family of creative individuals, making a difference in the world around her by putting forward her best effort, time, and making sure the bar isn't set any lower than it needs to be. Willow might be a bit off the radar compared to how she use to be, but she has made herself known and is still constantly working hard everyday to better understand her own self.

    6 Speak Up With Nicki

    Being able to speak your mind as a Type A personality is key to success. If you tend to want things your way or no way then you have to stand up and voice your opinions and concerns just like this celeb! As a rapper, a creator, and overall artistic and strong woman, she's made waves in many industries by speaking her mind, Nicki Minaj. Nicki Minaj has created a new path for women rappers and female music artists in general. She's pushed herself to be proud of her life and she's done that like no other. Her words are heavy and hold quite a bit of weight when she speaks her mind, either towards the industry or in an interview. No matter what she's ahead of the game and owns her Type A personality traits with style.

    “You wanna know what scares people? Success. When you don't make moves and when you don't climb up the ladder, everybody loves you because you're not competition.” - Nicki Minaj

    5 Stress Accepted With Rihanna

    Although stress is usually seen as something evil, in small doses it can be the perfect recipe to help you find the motivation you need to grow and get work completed. Stress can be something that makes you stand up and take action, it can be an aspect of your life that you might need sometimes to get a job done even if you don't feel great. It can cause you to not procrastinate and accomplish something you didn't even think was possible. These are all things Rihanna has proven throughout her career, she's shown her fans and onlookers that nothing will stop her from creating because it's simply who she is. By starting with simple demo tapes being sent to music labels, she's risen to the top of her career and continues pushing forward to challenge herself and grow as a person. She makes it look cool in the process, which doesn't hurt!

    4 Kim K Goals

    Setting goals is something all strong women need to focus on when you're taking the journey to your future. Without a way to keep track of what needs to get done and when there's a chance it might be too overwhelming to even think about! Kim Kardashian is literally #goals and knows how to set them herself. Her list of goals and projects is ever changing and always expands no matter what the circumstances are. She's shown everyone around her that she can make the best out of a situation even when she's cornered. She juggles family life while maintaining the life she wants for herself, all I can say is I applaud you, Kim.

    “At the end of the day, life is about being happy being who you are, and I feel like we are so blessed to have the support system and the best family to really just support each other no matter what we're going through.” - Kim Kardashian

    3 Details Are Key, Right Alba?

    Details add up. They add up so much that they can easily make or break a project. Jessica Alba has built a career around being an actress, model, and overall businesswoman, she's shown the world how important details are! She constantly takes them into account because of all the time and dedication she's put into her roles. She's created memorable characters and has even won countless awards proving that her skill is unmatched. Details are what sets someone apart from just okay to absolutely fantastic, it can really make that much of a drastic difference. She's always been known to have an eye for detail even in one of her earlier works, “Into The Blue” from 2005! Like many others that grace the red carpet, Alba is someone who knows when to take an opportunity and when the details don't quite fit. Thanks, Jessica Alba for making a memorable impact for working women reaching their goals.

    2 Driven Like Scarlett

    You have to have the drive to succeed in any area of your life. Otherwise, what's the point? Scarlett Johansson is a prime example of how driven you really do have to be to succeed in any area of life. No matter how hard you work, if you aren't driven to achieve a certain outcome it most likely will never happen or even end in your favor. Your drive is what keeps you afloat in the world and it's what makes you stand apart when so many people are trying to make it in the same career or aspect of their life. Taking it one step at a time and making sure you have your drive in mind can make those steps turn into a full on sprint.

    “LA's a very hard place to be unless you have people there that love you. It can be very, very lonely, and it can eat you up if you don't take care of yourself. In LA, nobody wants to talk to each other, everybody's giving each other catty looks.” - Scarlett Johansson

    1 Risks Taken By Serena

    Taking risks are what leads to bigger rewards. I can't think of anyone other that Serena Williams to close out this list simply because of all the risks she's taken. She's embraced almost every single Type A personality trait on this list and has been one of the biggest and greatest role models for young girls out there in the world, internationally.

    If you don't snatch up the risks in your life and think fast, it's very common to see amazing opportunities slip through your fingers. When you take a risk, there's a chance at an even bigger reward. Rewards such as growth, knowledge, and success. It's hard to let go of all that fear that society is constantly telling us to have so we can live a normal life but is that what anyone really wants? We all have unique ideas of success and different paths to achieve that success, there are always risks no matter what, so now is the time to take them like these amazing women who are changing the world everyday.