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    15 Horrible Things Kylie Jenner Has Actually Done

    Kylie Jenner is undeniably one of the most recognizable teen celebrities out there. From her famous family to her growing makeup empire, this teen has a lot going for her. Although she grew up in the spotlight, Kylie seems to have become a household name overnight, and this has made her a stark influence over the younger generation. But Kylie might not be as positive an influence as some think. Though she's only 19, the young starlet has already done a handful of cringeworthy things that make us question her role model status. From making offensive racial remarks, getting in trouble with the law, and being an overall brat, this is proof that Kylie still has a lot of growing up to do. As beautiful and talented as Kylie may be, she has done her fair share of horrible things. These are the worst things that Kylie has done.

    15 Kylie's Way Or The Highway

    It seems like Kylie might be a bit of a drama queen… to say the least. Even before the starlet was the pouty-lipped makeup maven that she is today, Kylie was serving up a heavy helping of drama. There were various times before the teen became famous like her sisters that she was caught being a brat in public. Her childish antics were caught multiple times on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and given the recent drama between Tyga, Blac Chyna, and her brother Rob, it seems like Kylie has kept up the behavior. She made headlines once when she was 16 and threw a temper tantrum in a Los Angeles hotel. The bar staff had refused to serve her an alcoholic beverage because of her age, which caused her to begin screaming and crying. She reportedly asked the staff, “Don't you know who I am?” before storming out of the hotel. At the time, she was accompanied by her then-rumored boyfriend, Jaden Smith, the musician/actor son of Will Smith. People definitely called her out for acting like a brat.

    14 Who Gave Her A License?

    If we had access to the types of fancy cars Kylie drives, we would be more cautious with them than our own life. That's some serious money (on wheels) that we're talking about! But the same can't be said for Kylie, who has been known to be a reckless driver at times. Recently, the star was involved in a minor crash that left a car she was gifted completely totalled. For her 18th birthday, Kylie's boyfriend Tyga gave her a stunning Ferrari that was worth $320,000. However, the celebrity crashed the car only shortly after receiving it, when she was driving and Tyga was in the passenger's seat. While Kylie and her beau were okay, the car was totalled beyond repair. But Kylie has been a poor driver from the start. Only two weeks after getting her license, Kylie caused a three-car collision, though luckily no one was severely injured. She has also gotten in trouble for speeding and doing illegal U-turns, and has faced more than one lawsuit related to her bad driving. Perhaps Kylie needs some more practice before she should be allowed to take her designer cars on the road.

    13 Offensive Birthday Cake

    Gone are the times where society thought it was appropriate to use offensive language that made fun of someone's race or preference. But that doesn't mean everyone has stopped using such language completely. And Kylie Jenner is one of these people. The teen has been known to use a variety of inappropriate phrases, and her most favorite seems to be the N-word. Kylie has been featured various times on social media uttering words like this, and it's more often than not on her own account! She doesn't seem to understand the gravity such words can have, and why they're so inappropriate to say. Most recently, Kylie got a lot of heat when her BFF, Jordyn Woods, who is African American, shared a photo of a cake Kylie had gotten her for her birthday. The cake used the N-word to describe Jordyn. Though her friend didn't seem to mind, the rest of the world seems to agree this is a pretty cringeworthy thing to do.

    12 Cheap Product For A High Price

    Kylie has created a makeup empire with her Kylie Cosmetics brand. Fans first started obsessing over her famous Kylie Lip Kits and then moved on to her eye shadow palettes and liners. But critics have warned that Kylie's products aren't actually as great as we'd like to think. Instead, many have accused them of being equivalent to drug-store products, even though they're being sold for twice and sometimes even triple the price. Kylie's makeup line also received a “C” rating from the Better Business Bureau in 2016, citing unsatisfactory product reception and poor working conditions. At the time, customers reported that their packages took months to arrive, sometimes came with damaged or missing products, and sometimes never even arrived. They also accused the products of being faulty and breaking within several uses. Despite the criticism, Kylie Cosmetics continues to be one of the trendiest makeup brands out there. People don't seem to mind paying for the name after all.

    11 Hair Issues

    Kylie has been criticized on several occasions for cultural appropriation, which is where someone uses an element of another culture without acknowledging the history behind it. Kylie has worn everything from cornrows to blackface, and she seems to not understand the consequences being her actions. She has often been seen using elements from black culture without ever mentioning its background. In 2016, she seemed to be in blackface during a fashion shoot, but never issued a real apology for her actions. Again in 2016, she showed up to new York Fashion Week wearing a Yaki pony tale. Just a quick look at her Instagram account shows her in tons of photos wearing tight cornrow-inspired braids and using captions that have origins in the black community. Kylie's actions are harmful to the community whose culture she is appropriating, many of which are already marginalized. Various celebrities have called her out for her behaviour, including The Hunger Games' Amandla Stenberg, who pointed out that Kylie should use her celebrity stance and white privilege to promote the black lives matter campaign versus further hurting the black community. One thing is for sure, Kylie needs to give credit where credit is due.

    10 Mad If I Don't, Mad If I Do…

    If someone accuses you of cultural appropriation, it's a sign that you may want to rethink your behavior. But that's the exact opposite of what Kylie did when Amandla Stenberg called her out. When Kylie posted a selfie on Instagram that showed her wearing cornrows, Amandla called her out for appropriation and said she should instead be “using her position of power to help black Americans.” Rather than showing remorse or at least turning the other cheek, Kylie responded with this comment: “Mad if I don't… Mad if I do… Go hang w Jaden or something.” This was referencing Jaden Smith, who is also black like Amandla and was rumored to be dating Kylie several years back. This comment showed the world how poorly educated in racial matters that Kylie is. Hopefully Amandla's true words eventually sink in for Kylie.

    9 Too Much Money Ain't Enough Money

    Kylie has never been shy about sharing with the world just how wealthy she is. She often uploads photos of her growing car collection, massive closet filled with designer clothes, and beautifully decorated house. It's public knowledge that the young celebrity bought her own million-dollar mansion when she was only 18, and is always sporting only the latest and hottest in designer labels. And Kylie never lets the world forget it. While we understand wanting to show-off sometimes, Kylie takes it way too far. Being raised in a family like the Kardashians, we suppose that we shouldn't be surprised Kylie appears materialistic. Her family's entire wealth depends on their public image and looks. But we'd wish she'd tone it down a notch or two on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. This type of behavior isn't healthy for her younger fans to see and it is just another thing that makes Kylie a poor role model.

    8 Someone Call The Photoshop Police

    It's public knowledge at this point that Kylie Jenner edits her selfies. Her famous sisters have been alleged to do the same, so we shouldn't be surprised that she's taking part in this Kardashian tradition. Most noticeably, Kylie was accused of photo shopping a mirror selfie a while back where her rear look a lot curvier than normal as well as featured a distorted background. While the reality star has never admitted to editing her shots, we take this as proof that she totally does. Since Kylie is one of the hottest teens out there, we're honestly surprised to learn that she drastically changes her photos. From her gorgeous face and body, designer clothes, and model experience, she takes excellent selfies without the need for retouching. Editing her pictures like this sends a negative image to her younger fans, who may think they need to do the same in order to appear beautiful. It's definitely not helping to make Kylie a role model for the younger generation.

    7 Texting Is Everything

    Once again, Kylie made headlines for her cringeworthy behavior when she and her sisters Kendall and Kim were photographed at an event texting during a moment of silence for the late African American teen Michael Brown. The rest of the audience had respectfully bowed their heads when the event's presenters directed them to do so in order to commemorate the tragic shooting. But the Kardashian sisters were caught in the act, and they didn't seem to understand the seriousness of the subject despite the racially motivated violence and rising racial tensions that have been pervading society. To make matters worse, all three girls were sitting in the front row, meaning they knew their actions would be shown on camera. It truly seems that they didn't understand how disrespectful texting at a time like that really is. After the incident, Kim's representative would only say that the ladies were not in fact texting at that moment, and the photo had been taken out of context. However, they failed to offer any other possible explanation for the photo, which did little to mitigate the public's negative reception of the incident.

    6 Secret Love Affair… Until 18

    To say that Kylie's love life has been dramatic would be an understatement. She has been in the news for years for dating a guy who seems less than appropriate for her. Since she was as young as 14, Kylie has been rumored to be involved with Tyga, who is 8 years older than her. Most people would agree that a 14-year old going out with a 22-year-old is inappropriate and creepy as heck. The bizarre couple never publicly acknowledged their relationship until after Kylie's 18th birthday, which is the legal age of consent in California. But most believe they had been dating since she was at least 16, given paparazzi shots of them together and not-so-subtle references Tyga has made to Kylie in his rap. Even though Kylie is now 19 and the couple is very on-and-off, the public still has a hard time accepting these two are a thing.

    5 Twisted Family Tree

    The situation that led to Tyga and Kylie finally getting together makes their romance even worse. Before Tyga started dating Kylie, he was engaged to Blac Chyna. The two also had a son, King Cairo, who was born in 2012, which was only two years before Tyga and Kylie started seeing each other. Tyga and Chyna officially ended their engagement in 2014. Following their split, Chyna made several remarks that made it clear she blamed Kylie for the dissolution of her and Tyga's relationship. Many speculate that Tyga started seeing Kylie when he was still with Chyna, and then left his fiancee to pursue a relationship with the underaged teen. Chyna labelled Kylie as a home wrecker, and was backed-up by her friend, Amber Rose. Chyna, who used to be close friend with Kylie's sisters Kim and Khloe, was cut off from the Kardashian family. But things got even stranger when Chyna began dating Kylie's brother, Rob. The two ended up getting engaged and welcoming daughter Dream in 2016 after a short, whirlwind romance. They had a very public split several months after their daughter's birth. Despite the complicated familial ties, the Kardashian-Jenners insist there's no bad blood between anyone and that they're making everything work, especially since there are kids involved.

    4 Sealed Lips

    Just as quickly as Kylie's lips grew, so did an Internet challenge that had teens and young adults seeing how big they could get their lips. The challenge's victim would suck on a cup for a couple of minutes so their lips would get swollen, and the goal was to get their pouts to look like Kylie's. But the competition proved more ridiculous than hilarious. Many teens reported getting hurt from the challenge. If they sucked on the cup for too long, they risked bruising and redness around their lips, which could be painful if the injury was severe enough. The challenge-doers posted side-by-side photos showing the before and after, which went viral on social media and not because it made the person look more attractive. This challenge was also harmful for self-esteem, because it had tons of girls thinking they needed to have lips as big as Kylie's to be considered beautiful. Despite public knowledge of the harm this challenge was doing, Kylie never spoke out against it and barely even acknowledged it. She continued to hide for a very long time that she did get lip injections. This definitely isn't what being a good role model looks like.

    3 A Shocking Magazine Issue

    In December 2015, Kylie experienced a wave of bad press when images of her posing in a wheelchair were released. During a magazine cover shoot for Interview, the model was photographed in a gold wheelchair that was being used as a prop. Kylie was dressed in a provocative S&M-inspired outfit, and dawned what seems like a clueless face. The public took this as a direct insult to the disabled community, explaining that a wheelchair isn't a fashion accessory but rather a life-changing device that helps people navigate their everyday lives. Despite the horrible criticism, Kylie failed to show any remorse for her actions or understanding of why it was hurtful, which enraged the public even more. Interview did, however, issue a statement about why they used a wheelchair as a prop. It read: “At Interview, we are proud of our tradition of working with great artists and empowering them to realize their distinct and often bold visions. The Kylie Jenner cover by Steven Klein, which references the British artist Allen Jones, is a part of this tradition, placing Kylie in a variety of positions of power and control and exploring her image as an object of vast media scrutiny."

    2 What Happened To The Old Kylie?

    The fact that Kylie got work done isn't the real problem, but it's the reasons behind it might be. Kylie gained a ton of attention when her lips tripled in size in what felt like overnight. It was clear that the teen had gotten lip injections, but she denied it for months before her big sister Khloe confirmed it on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. She's also been rumored to have undergone a chest enhancement and butt implants. It's been reported that Kylie got injections so she could look more like her older sisters, hoping that it would help increase her prospects of fame. Her lip change definitely did get her publicity, which might have been exactly what Kylie wanted. But altering your appearance to please other people is never the right thing to do. Kylie is telling her many impressionable, young fans that you need to look a certain way to appear and feel beautiful, which isn't true at all. We hope Kylie went under the knife reason for the right reasons after all.

    1 Time's "Most Influential Teens List"

    While we doubt Kylie had any direct influence on being chosen for Time's annual list, even she should be able to admit that she didn't deserve that place. The list featured other teens, such as Malala Yousef, who are doing truly groundbreaking things and making a positive impact in the world. While Kylie may be influential, we wouldn't say her impact has been of great impact to society. Kylie has become famous for a boatload of reasons, and not many of them are due to her own doing. She's known for her family's reality show and her sisters' crazy antics, her fashion and cosmetics line, and her amateur modeling career. Many of these professional accomplishments she owes to her mother Kris, who is infamous for managing most of her famous daughters' careers. What Kylie has done on her own is make a name for herself as a brat, and become known for her creepy relationship and superficial Instagram posts. It would have been nice for Kylie to renounce this honor, or at least speak up and acknowledge that her impact isn't at the same level as some of the other teens honored. Taking epic selfies and having perfectly pumped lips shouldn't make you a teen icon. It should maybe only make you Instagram famous.