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    15 Horror Films That Will Scare You For Life

    There are two types of people in this world: those who absolutely adore horror movies and those who would rather hide under their beds forever than subject themselves to the genre. I totally belong to the first category. At 13, I was watching horror movies in my bedroom and hoping my parents didn't find out. Horror movies are so popular and such a dividing subject that even the online dating website OkCupid asks you if you like horror movies in order to show you your matches. What's so great about the genre is there are so many subgenres: campy, gory, featuring a serial killer, paranormal (featuring witches or ghosts), etc. There's nothing more fun than hanging out with your best friends on Halloween night with tons of candy and a horror movie marathon, and watching a creepy flick is also a great date idea. So how do you know which ones are worth watching? How do you separate the truly terrifying from the mildly scary? Here are 15 horror films that will scare you for life. Don't say you weren't warned.

    15 Paranormal Activity

    This is a film you should never, under any circumstances, watch when you're home alone. Do yourself a favor and only watch it (or any of its sequels) with some friends or your boyfriend. The general premise is that a couple moves into a new house and the woman claims that a demon is there. It's got a documentary feeling just like The Blair Witch Project. To be honest, this is the one horror film on the list that I haven't seen because I'm that scared of it. Even the previews are scary to me and that's saying something for a horror movie addict.

    14 The Ring

    When the black-haired girl Samara comes out of the television, you can bet that it's the scariest moment you've ever seen. If you honestly thought she was going to crawl out of your own TV set the first time you watched this 2002 horror classic, you wouldn't be alone there. There's a sequel and even a third movie in the works but like most things, the original is truly the scariest. Grab your friends and some popcorn and watch this for your next scary movie night. It doesn't matter how many times you've seen it: The Ring always delivers the scares.

    13 The Blair Witch Project

    Again, this is supposedly based on actual events, and that just makes the movie seem even scarier. You've probably seen this classic documentary-style horror movie about a group of friends who go into the woods to find witches. This is definitely one movie-watching experience where you're literally on the edge of your seat, waiting for something to happen and always expecting something creepy to jump out at any second. While some scary stuff does actually happen, the anticipation is much freakier.

    12 The Strangers

    This is, well, a pretty strange movie. It's terrifying and yet not much seems to happen throughout the course of the film. This is one of those horror movies that is supposedly based on “real life” but who knows if that's actually true. The premise is pretty chilling: Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman are staying in a remote cabin for a weekend away when there's a knock on the door. What happens next is horrifying and it would be a real spoiler, so just watch it (with the lights on).

    11 The Exorcist

    If you don't think this movie is the scariest thing ever then you're probably crazy. It's honestly the worst/the best. It was released in 1973 and definitely set the tone for horror movies after it. It's part of the horror subgenre about priests and demons. What is it about religion that goes so well with horror and scares? I don't know but it just works. This movie has gotten lots of spoofs and was one of the lucky movies that were part of the Scary Movie spoof franchise.

    10 I Know What You Did Last Summer

    This is one of those super fun, campy horror movies that still has a real storyline and character development, thanks to the genius of writer/director Kevin Williamson. He created Dawson's Creek so you can be sure that he knows his teen characters. This movie is so scary because it's about a group of friends who run over someone, swear never to tell, and then start receiving notes that say, of course, “I know what you did last summer.” There's nothing worse than living in complete terror because you never know when you or your best friends are going to get killed.

    9 Scream 3

    Why is Scream 3 on the list and not the first or second movies? Because the third installment of this campy horror movie franchise is honestly the scariest. Just watch the scene where Neve Campbell's character Sidney Prescott is answering phones as part of her job at a help line and she hears the killer's chilling voice. You will never sleep ever again. This third movie is definitely worth watching since it's rare that subsequent sequels would be even more terrifying than the original.

    8 House On Haunted Hill

    This is an older movie from 1999 and one that I watched as a pre-teen. It totally scared me and to this day I can't ever watch it again. The plot is pretty cool: a group of strangers are told they could win a million dollars if they can just survive an entire night in a haunted house. This movie is actually a remake of the 1959 original. There's just something about a haunted house that is completely scary. That's why so many of us still hate being home alone in a giant house, no matter how old we are. Who knows if it's haunted?

    7 The Cabin In The Woods

    This 2012 film by Joss Whedon is much smarter than it seems. It's his take on all the usual horror movie clichés and the idea is that you expect a traditional, typical horror film but you get something so much more. The movie becomes something so scary, crazy, and totally ridiculous that it's best to take my word for it and just watch it. It's truly an original work of horrifying art and every single scene will definitely scare you for life.

    6 Insidious

    There's just something about haunted houses. You never know what's around any corner and sleeping is absolutely out of the question. Who knows what's in your bedroom when the lights go out? Who knows what's lurking under your bed or hiding in the closet, just waiting for you? This is one of those paranormal horror movies with strange happenings, ghosts, and demons. It's part of the subgenre that involves creepy kids. Honestly, horror movie kids are scarier than any other kid in the entire world. They're just the worst.

    5 The Others

    This Nicole Kidman-starring vehicle from 2011 is even more horrifying because it's a period piece. Movies are just so much creepier when they're set in the olden days, don't you think? It's a ghost movie and has an absolutely awesome twist at the end that you don't want to miss. Add this to your list if you haven't already enjoyed it. There's some spot-on acting and a well-crafted story and you definitely won't guess anything, which is always a good thing.

    4 Rosemary's Baby

    This is a true classic and beautifully shot, acted, and crafted, but that doesn't mean it won't scare the pants (or the leggings) off you. It's known as the movie where Mia Farrow has the adorable blonde pixie haircut but it's so much more than that. She stars as a young woman who moves into an amazing apartment building with her husband. But things aren't as they seem: there's something off about their neighbors. Something totally creepy. Yup, this is one classic you don't want to miss so make sure you watch it with your most stylish best friend who will appreciate the late 1960s fashion.

    3 The Shining

    This Stephen King movie from 1980 is a total classic and it's so popular for a very good reason: it really will scare you. The hotel setting has most likely influenced lots of TV series set in hotels like American Horror Story: Hotel and Bates Motel. A hotel is definitely a terrifying place because you never know who (or what) is staying there. 1980 may have been a very long time ago but I bet this movie will still freak you out like nothing else.

    2 Carrie

    When I was 11, I watched Carrie with my BFF at the time because the video store clerk suggested it. Um, I still can't believe that. We were literally scarred for life from the first shower blood-heavy shower scene and by the time we saw the mom's Jesus skeleton fall out of the closet, we were complete goners. I still can't even think of this movie without freaking out. It has honestly given me nightmares for life, all thanks to the brilliantly scary mind of the brilliant horror author Stephen King.

    1 Cabin Fever

    This is the horror movie that stars Shawn from Boy Meets World but if that's not enough for you to want to see it, then here's this: it's the grossest horror movie you could possibly watch. Even teenage boys would find this one way too disgusting so that's definitely saying something. There's a virus that eats your skin and it's just too gross to even think about, which makes it completely scary.