Laman » Hiburan » 15 Hot 40 Something Celebs Who Were WAY Hotter In Their 20s

    15 Hot 40 Something Celebs Who Were WAY Hotter In Their 20s

    We all fantasize about our dream man, our celebrity crush, but did you ever wonder what he looked like when he was younger? Let's say, in his 20's he was the type of guy every girl wanted to date, every guy was jealous of, and all in all everybody loved him. Maybe he had those dreamboat eyes, maybe some freckles, maybe he was a scrawny yet super attractive boy and then one day he grew up and became a man and all your dreams practically came true.

    If someone were to ask me who my celebrity crush was, I would have a difficult time answering. Because there are so many, and we all loved them for many different reasons. Maybe it was a character in a movie that caught your attention and you just loved them ever since, even as they got older. And trust, there are very many celebrities that were attractive when they were younger and even more attractive as they got older. Curious about these suitors, you just may be interested in learning about the 15 different male celebrities that were hot in their 20s and even hotter in their 40s:

    15 Patrick Dempsey

    Can't buy me Love is a classic movie that made women all over the world swoon for Mr. Dempsey and honestly, we don't blame them. Ladies, we are going to be completely and utterly honest here-- but isn't this man hot! We know him in the classic movies, television shows-- we are talking about Mr. McDreamy. While we stared at him with heart eyes as he was in his 20's we swoon over him even more now that he is older. And speaking of Mr. McDreamy-- he is mostly known for his role as the incredibly sexy Mr. Derek Shepard aka McDreamy on the hit American television show Grey's Anatomy, and he just keeps getting hotter. Honestly, how could you resist those beautiful blue eyes and that smile that could melt your heart of stone in just mere seconds? And ladies, take a look at his picture--can you honestly say that you could resist that? Because we can't! There is just something about him that captures our attention-- from television shows to his role in Sweet Home Alabama which was in 2002 and then Transformers: Dark Of The Moon in 2011-- he most definitely can play any role. Oh ladies, want to know a little secret about Mr. Dempsey-- he is actually 47-years-old and he looks dreamier than ever. Crazy to believe that this man is only three years away from turning fifty. All we can picture is his dreamy face and not to mention he is probably one of the sweetest men you may ever encounter--if that were to happen. He is charming in every way possible.

    14 Ryan Reynolds

    This Canadian actor is by far one of the most attractive men on the planet--and not very many women would disagree. That smile alone just makes every woman lust over him and makes us completely jealous of his gorgeous wife, Blake Lively. Not only was he a hottie in his 20s but just turning 40 and he keeps on getting hotter! We don't blame Lively for wanting to keep him all to herself-- but lucky for us we get to watch him in many films which is close enough. This sweet and sexy man--we just cannot get enough of! We adored him in Just Friends, The Proposal, Deadpool, Safehouse and so many other amazing films. Woman all over the world drool over this Canadian cutie and men are jealous of all the women swooning for his affection--and we don't blame them one bit. It is unfortunate that this hottie is definitely off the market but he is such a family man that we can't really be upset over it. His adorable family melts our hearts.

    13 John Stamos

    Remember Uncle Jesse? We all wanted an Uncle Jesse-- I mean that perfect hair, smile, and rock n roll style, he was the guy everyone loved and how could we not?! Growing up, Full House was such a popular show and we all loved Uncle Jesse--he was by far a major fan favorite but also made many of the women swoon and incredibly jealous of Becky. Oh, might we say-- hello hottie! Yes, being honest here but there is something so utterly dark and mysterious about this man. Not only was he Uncle Jesse on Full House but you may have seen him on General Hosptial or ER-- which happen to be the two shows that he is most famous for. Although he has been most known for television shows he has stepped into the film light and has a few films coming up. Another thing that may make you ladies very happy-- turns out John Stamos is, in fact, single. Although he was at one point spotted dating and then married Rebecca Romijn, they are now separated. Which only means one thing ladies, he is officially back on the market. And at only 50-years-old-- he is looking more gorgeous than ever. Don't wait too long to snatch this hottie, who knows who might win his heart.

    12 Stephen Moyer

    This vampire sure knows how to capture our hearts-- he was a cutie when he was in his 20's and even hotter now in his 40's, the beautiful and majestic Stephen Moyer. At first glance, ladies, you may be wondering why he looks so familiar--curious? He was the mysterious vampire in True Blood--the infamous Bill Compton of the HBO hit television series and it may just surprise you how hot he is as a so-called "normal" person as he is a beautiful vampire. Honestly, how could anyone resist those beautiful brown eyes and floppy brown hair? And if he wasn't gorgeous already, this man, is actually British--which how could anyone resist an accent? And ladies, if this beautiful creature was actually a vampire--we couldn't really blame ourselves let alone Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin). Not to mention as they are lovers in the TV series True Blood they are also spouses in real life. It is unfortunate for any of us, that this beautiful man is taken, he, in fact, is happily married to his co-star Anna Paquin. To add on, not to burst any of your bubbles--but the lovely couple has twins together as well as the two kids from Moyer's previous marriage--which a little-known fact they seem to get along perfectly. It is just the icing on the cake--as not only is he hot but he is a family man and that pretty much makes him even hotter.

    11 Josh Duhamel

    This brown-eyed hottie first captured ladies hearts in Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! And let's be honest, who wouldn't want to date him-- granted it was just an acting role, Josh Duhamel is quite the catch. Which is why we don't blame Fergie snatching him up before anyone else did--but we can still fantasize over the hottie. What is that saying-- look but don't touch. It is safe to say, we can definitely look at the beautiful Josh all we want--no harm in that. Duhamel was good looking in his 20's but grew to be a beautiful man and ladies cannot get enough of him. And not to mention that gorgeous body of his (lucky duck that Fergie is!), he is a complete work-out freak-- and we don't blame him one bit. Josh Duhamel also starred in the Transformers trilogy, according to Duhamel "You only have one body. I want to stay as young and athletic as I can for as long as I can." Talk about complete motivation! And isn't that the truth--being healthy and fit is a wonderful thing and Josh clearly looks great! Another thing-- is family means the world to Josh, not only is he super motivated about being healthy and working out to remain fit but he also cares deeply about his family. As he is married to Fergie-- they have a beautiful baby together. Which makes us love him even more--despite the fact that he is taken. I suppose we can let that slide--after all, as long as he remains on the big screen where we can watch his gorgeous self then all is good in the world.

    10 Mark Ruffalo

    This scruffy handsome fella is none other than the brilliantly talented Mark Ruffalo. Those puppy dog eyes and charming smile-- it is hard to focus knowing how good looking he is. Mark has been in some of the most iconic films such as View From The Top which he played Gwyneth Paltrow's characters love interest, 13 Going On 30 where he played the best friend that grew up to be more handsome than ever, as well as Rumor Has It alongside Jennifer Anniston and not to mention the lovely film Begin Again. But while he charmed many women all over the world, he even managed to make the girliest of girls excited to watch some of the most manliest of films such as Thor: Ragnarok, The Avengers, and then drama films such as Shutter Island. Besides the many films he has been in, he isn't so bad to look at either. And a little-known fact, he has actually been on the list of top 40 hottest men in their 40's! So clearly-- he is just as hot as so many women all over the world believe he is, just to confirm what we were all thinking. Which only confirms why we all love him so much! Mark is always staying busy and there are so many other films and television shows that we will be lucky to watch him in--which obviously gives us, even more, chances to watch how good looking he truly is.

    9 Rob Lowe

    Want to know a little secret? Turns out this gorgeous well-known creature is actually at the ripe age of 52--and the fact that he has managed to remain looking so young is quite incredible. Those icy blue eyes clearly grab our attention and ladies, if you were drooling on this handsome man when he was in his 20's--he only got hotter with age. Being past his 40's and looking this good--he is still capable of women lusting after him and honestly, what is his secret for looking so young?! Let us take a walk down memory lane at some of the most popular films that this beautiful man has been seen in. First off, did you know he was in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me? (ps: he played the role of Robert Wagner in all three movies but his younger self in this particular film). As if he wasn't some hot evil genius, some other 1980 and 1990 films you may have seen him in were: The Outsiders, Wayne's World, Young Blood, he was also in the film View From The Top alongside another fellow hottie Mark Ruffalo--which ladies if you didn't think he could be any more attractive, well he is. But I hate to bust your lust bubbles ladies, but this hottie is unfortunately not up for grabs. In fact, he is happily married to a makeup artist and since he is a total family man (as if you weren't gushing over him already), Rob and his wife have two little boys. We definitely love a family man--just wish he was OUR family man-- right ladies?

    8 Keanu Reeves

    Just his name in itself sounds beautiful-- like a melody of some sort, which makes this man, Keanu Reeves a very attractive and beautiful man altogether. And we all know him as Leo from the incredible film The Matrix, but besides the great films he has been in--he isn't so bad to look at. Especially when he actually has become more gorgeous with age--making women all over the world drool over this handsome Canadian. Now, ladies, Keanu Reeves is obviously good looking but what makes him even more attractive is how talented he is. Another thing we love so much about him is that he is able to march to the beat of his own drum--and we all love someone who stands out in a crowd. And the greatest part of all is that he is one of the few actors that hasn't allowed Hollywood to go to his head--which makes him even sexier. He is extremely close and connected to his family--which as mentioned before we LOVE a family man. Something about him just screams incredibly humble which is another reason to find him extremely attractive. A man that has so many aspects to him other than his looks, honestly makes him even hotter. He seems kind-hearted and in some ways a sensitive nature which makes every woman fall in love with him.

    7 Ben Affleck

    Let us take a long, tall glass of Ben Affleck and drink it all in-- because this man is definitely on our hot radar! As he starred in the film Batman Vs. Superman-- he had been working out rigorously and trust us-- women all over the world have noticed!! Truth is, he was a cutie when he was younger but complete hottie the older he got-- some women find his salt and pepper hair to be irresistible and honestly, it makes him incredibly handsome. Those beautiful brown eyes and perfect smile can make any woman fall in love (we honestly do not blame Jennifer Gardner for falling--granted they are now divorced). Besides Batman Vs. Superman, this super hot Hollywood hunk has had his fair share of incredible roles in many other films. Such as Gone Girl, Suicide Squad, Good Will Hunting, He's Just Not That Into You and many others. Believe it or not, Ben is still in his 40's-- roughly 44 years old but he looks so good! He is still a family man despite the recent divorce but obviously, those kids keep him on his toes which clearly keeps him young! Take notes Ladies! This hottie is back on the market--but who's to say how long that will last.

    6 Hugh Jackman

    Can we just admit that there is obviously an enormous reason why Hugh Jackman is by far one of the top hottest Australian men? Just that accent alone can make any woman swoon. Am I right ladies? What makes Hugh so attractive isn't just his good looks but also how cool he is. Women want a man that has drive and ambition and Jackman definitely has both--the fact that he can act, produce, and is capable of having roles in both film and television, as well as broadway musicals definitely wins many hearts of women all over the world. It is no shock that he was a beautiful creature in his younger years but he has only gotten even hotter with age. And the fact that he hasn't had things come to him so easy and even endured a few setbacks over the years--but those setbacks clearly have made him stronger in the long run. As he was cast the major role of Wolverine in the X-Men series--which ladies, let us be honest we only see the movie because he takes his shirt off a good portion of it. As much as we adore this Australian hunk, he is in fact happily married. Still, something nice to look at every once in awhile, right?

    5 Matthew McConaughey

    We have all seen him in How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days-- but let's be honest here, this is one hottie you wouldn't want to lose. Am I right? We cannot sit here talking about some of the hottest men without mentioning none other than this Hollywood hunk, Matthew McConaughey. Which ladies, how could we ever forget this man from Magic Mike? Definitely showed us another side to McConaughey-- but we aren't complaining. He may have been a cutie pie in his younger days but he just gets hotter over time, those beautiful blue eyes and adorable smile--yes, he could make any woman's heart just melt in mere seconds. And although he stripped down to practically nothing in Magic Mike, some of you ladies may remember him in his white naval uniform in the film U-571. And we cannot forget the hilarious film How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days where he was co-stars with the lovely Kate Hudson-- and we all just swooned over him in that movie! And in case you didn't think that he wasn't always this gorgeous--it is known that he was actually voted Most Handsome in his yearbook--and we can't disagree right ladies?

    4 Will Smith

    This man is probably one of the truest gentlemen-- as we flashback to when Miley Cyrus performed at the VMA's and his kids happened to be in the audience, the look on his face was clearly he was not impressed and slightly mortified which means he actually has some old-fashioned values and we just love that. He was adorable in his 20's, quite good looking in fact, but now he has gotten even hotter with age. He just seems like such a humble man--which makes him even more attractive to so many women all over the world. But this hottie is in fact taken and that is one lucky woman. Besides his looks, this man is incredibly talented and by the long list of films he has been in, just to name a few: Bad Boys and Bad Boys II, Men In BlackShark Tale, The Pursuit Of Happiness, and I, Robot, and so many more. And ladies, we all know this man is off the market and we can't have him but that does not stop us from lusting after him with every ounce of fiber in our bodies--and let's face it, he is hot!

    3 Ewan Mcgregor

    Just look at those gorgeous blue eyes and you are instantly drawn to him! Any lady who says she doesn't find him attractive, well let's just say that would be mighty shocking. Ewan Mcgregor is just that guy that you instantly know is a good guy and we all just adore him to pieces. Not to mention he was even in some of the Star Wars films--which pretty much makes him one of the coolest guys ever. And in case you did not know-- this Brit is actually from Scotland, and we ladies, LOVE a man with an accent so it is no one we swoon over this cutie. Something about Mcgregor just makes you feel welcomed and even though he isn't up for grabs (sorry ladies!) you will definitely see more of him as he has been in quite a few films over the years and that isn't the end.

    2 Jared Leto

    Okay if those blue eyes don't melt your heart then honestly we do not know what else would. The fact that not only was Jared Leto incredibly good looking in his 20s (which happens to be him at 20 years old in the left photo), he is even more beautiful in his 40s! And to top things off, he isn't just an actor, he is also a singer which makes him twenty times hotter. Known for being in the indie rock band 30 Seconds To Mars, you have most likely heard many of their amazing songs. Ladies, did you know that this beautiful creature was in Fight Club which was in 1999 and then Lord Of War (2005) where he was co-stars with Nicholas Cage. But to top it all off, he played the role of the brilliant yet terrifying Joker in Suicide Squad. Which in some twisted way-- made him even hotter, believe it or not. But this isn't the end for this hottie-- and he tends to keep his personal life rather private. Still, lusting over him isn't an issue-- after all look at those piercing eyes?!

    1 John Cusack

    Ladies, what is better than a man that is-- tall, dark, and handsome? Well, nothing really and lucky for us John Cusack is all of the above! What could classify as any hotter than this man right here? We just love John and so do many women all over the world, as we clearly cannot get enough of him. He is one of the most gorgeous male actors in Hollywood-- not to mention, he is also a screenwriter and has been in and written some of the most incredible and well-known films of Hollywood. Which honestly makes him even more irresistible. And let us be honest, but how good does he look for his age? A little-known secret here but John Cusack is actually at the ripe age of fifty! And he looks hotter than ever! Women swoon over Cusack all over the world--although he is charming, to say the least, it isn't confirmed whether he is single or taken? But as far as we know--he isn't married. Which only means one thing, ladies--and we don't doubt that one lucky lady will sweep him up!