Laman » Hiburan » 15 Hot Celebs Caught Looking Ugly AF

    15 Hot Celebs Caught Looking Ugly AF

    Celebrities have the means to look their best 24/7, and these selfie-obsessed celebrities constantly reminds us of that fact on all their social media accounts. Quite honestly, it is borderline narcissistic. Despite of this, no one is immune to a hideous picture - including these superstars! We often look up to celebrities for their glamorous good looks, but its important to remember that they are just as human as any of us, and these pictures just go to prove it. Whether these celebs were caught by surprise, or full on embraced these fugly moments… they will just remind us that they are not much more attractive than the average citizen. Endless funds can buy you a lot, including good looks! It is easy to look fabulous when you have a full hair and makeup team on speed dial always, but how do these stars look without the smoke and mirrors? Read on to find out!

    15 Cara Delevingne

    To start our list, we have Cara Delevingne. Cara's Instagram is chalk full of crazy selfies. She has a lot to post, constantly doing the most eccentric photoshoots for extremely well known fashion brands. Unfortunately, we don't believe that this picture would nearly make the cut. This extremely embarrassing moment captured by the Paparazzi just goes to show that even supermodels have their less-than-glamorous moments. Cara is known to embrace her natural beauty and is constantly promoting women empowerment, which we can respect. However, this picture is anything but empowering. Between her unkempt hair, messy eyebrows, and strange facial expression, this most definitely was not Miss. Delevingne's finest hour. Cara is known to not care what anyone thinks about her and her quirky ways, but we can guarantee that even she would not be a fan of this picture. Sorry to do it to you, Cara.

    14 Rihanna

    Over the past decade or so, Rihanna has made her way to become one of the most iconic women of our time. If there is anyone to make us feel less than, it is Rihanna. Scroll through her Instagram, and you will find an endless collection of her show-stopping selfies and the never ending epic moments of her life. There is almost no look that RiRi cannot pull off, and everything she does, she does it with greatness. But what happened here? This picture cannot be unseen. Rihanna with a double chin?? We also can't help but wonder what caused her to make a face as ugly as this (maybe Chris Brown was being his d*ckish self to her?) This just goes to prove that nothing is impossible, including Rihanna looking ugly! It is going to be painfully difficult to forget this travesty whenever we see Rihanna on a grand stage performing one of her songs. We still worship you, RiRi.

    13 Nicki Minaj

    The queen of rap is known to possess that shock factor through her looks and her equally as insane actions. She is so in love with herself and all her 200 personalities, posting thousands and thousands of selfies. It got so annoying that it is all too easy to unfollow her! From confronting Miley Cyrus at the VMAS, to her scathing diss tracks to Remy Ma - we totally don't want to mess with Nicki - but someone must address this picture. The superstar makes no apologies for her actions nor who she is, but she should apologize for subjecting us to this look. While we understand that Nicki is known for her larger than life persona, she sure missed the mark on this. Between the hair, makeup, and outfit - this may be one of the ugliest pictures of her on the Internet. It is giving us nothing but a headache.

    12 Justin Bieber

    The Biebs is known for taking a selfie or two, more than ever as of late. He has millions of people who go crazy for his face! However, even his obsessive fan base of pre-pubescent girls would not fawn over this picture. If you are at all familiar with pop culture, you have seen this mugshot of Justin. Between the crazy look in his eyes and the horrible breakout on his chin, even he would argue that this was rock bottom for him. This was after he was caught drag racing in Miami. He is way too pleased for someone about to go to jail. It is probably because he knows he is going to get away with it basically unscathed, thanks to his celebrity status, multi-million dollar net worth, and a dream team of lawyers. However, he quickly bounced back soon afterwards with a great album and an apology tour. We can't help but be proud of him!

    11 Paris Hilton

    The heiress to the Hilton hotels lives an extremely lavish lifestyle, and why wouldn't she? She comes from a family of hospitality royalty. The Hilton empire is a staple in the industry, with her father having a net worth of over 1 billion - and Paris being worth 100 million herself! From her famous tape in 2001 to her DUI arrest shortly afterwards, she is known for a good scandal or two. This picture MUST be from her hot-disaster era. She cannot be sober - from her gaping open mouth to the sunglasses halfway on her head. This is probably the most unflattering picture of her known to mankind, although there is a lot to choose from. She has claimed to have grown up since her scandal days, but after doing some sufficient stalking on her Instagram - we are not so sure. She is still a party animal, most recently pictured at Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas.

    10 Miley Cyrus

    Love or hate her, Miley is truly one of a kind. She could care less what anyone thinks about her, and truly lives her life as her authentic self. This picture sheds some light on that fact. We have no idea what to be confused about first. What on earth is that on her face? Where did the braids come from? Why are they rainbow colored? Is she rolling her eyes, or side eyeing someone? Why does she have a flowered pin in her hair from 1997? So. Many. Questions. The beauty of it all is that she posted this to her own Instagram herself! She has countless amounts of  bizarre pictures like this on her Instagram. When it comes to celebrities, Miley takes the cake for the most unique selfies. Any other of these stars would want this picture buried and never see the day of light again.

    9 Lady Gaga

    Another selfie obsessed celebrity is Lady Gaga. If anyone is known for her crazy semantics, it is her. Gaga is known for constantly transforming herself, and in recent years she is graceful and poised. The opposite of when she first gained fame, and the opposite of this picture. We will never forget the crazy gaga that we know and love and this picture displays her in her true form. While we understand and respect Lady Gaga for who she is - this look was not doing her any favors aesthetically. She is usually a very beautiful woman, and she looks God awful here. Between the overdramatic eye makeup and the face paint… cue the Marilyn Manson comparisons. There are many faces to Gaga, and she is a jack of all trades. From writing, to acting, to singing, to performing - there is nothing she cannot do. She is a true artist. And like many artists, either you understand them or you don't. Nonetheless, we will never understand this look.

    8 Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi

    Everyone applauds Snookis' complete transformation from drag to fab. In recent years, she has lost a ton of weight, settled down completely with a husband and a child, and really pulled herself together. She loves to show off her new life on her Instagram, including her new body with a ton of mirror selfies. Unfortunately, the Internet is forever. She was an absolute hot mess on the show that made her famous, Jersey Shore. She was a borderline alcoholic who always seemed to get herself into a mess. Who can forget this famous episode where Snooki gets arrested for public intoxication? We are especially intrigued by the zebra graphic tee she is rocking and her obnoxious sunglasses which are barely hanging on her face. She was constantly stirring up some sh*t and this show was arguably the most entertaining show that was on the airwaves at the time. Most of the credit for said entertainment should go to Snooki with her insane semantics.

    7 Katy Perry

    Another A-lister who has made herself a household name by standing out from the crowd, Katy Perry is no stranger to crazy. Regardless of this, she is painstakingly breathtaking - and she knows it! Her Instagram is complete with all different shots of herself, from music video shoots to her performances. There is a reason why we can't find this picture anywhere on her gram - it is LESS than absolutely fugly with a capital F. We just don't know where to begin. Are those her baby hairs glued to her forehead? Let's also take a moment of silence for every hair stylist that died a little inside looking at that green ombre hair color. She completes the disturbing look with pink accents throughout, including a pleated, shiny collar and very glittery eyeshadow. Absolutely 0 things match, and we're not sure why she decided to dress like a performing watermelon. Also, WHY ARE HER EYEBROWS BLONDE? The stylist of this video shoot needs to be fired, like… yesterday

    6 Victoria Beckham

    Posh spice is known for striking a pose or two on the gram, and, why wouldn't she? She seems to live a picture-perfect life with beautiful children and an equally as beautiful husband! She has a body that only girls can dream of, and at 43! She also has her own empire and was part of the one of the most famous girl groups of all time, NBD. And to top it all off, she has an amazing English accent. We can say with certainty that she is goals in so many ways! Who is this oily mess pictured here? It is no secret that Mrs. Beckham has struggled with acne, and this photo is pure evidence of that. We are in no way trying to shame someone who battles with skin issues, acne is a true disease. However, we can't help but feel a little better about ourselves looking at this photo, it reminds us that NO ONE is flawless. It also gives us hope that someone with a skin disease can land a man like David Beckham… swoon.

    5 Hailey Baldwin

    Hailey Baldwin has recently gained massive public attention in the past year or so. She first garnered the spotlight when she was pictured making out on vacation with Justin Bieber, which seems to be how a lot of models in Hollywood make their claim to fame. And we don't blame Bieber for having a fling with her, she was recently crowned 2017's Hottest Woman by Maxim Magazine! It is also not to say that she is any stranger to celebrity, after all - her father is Stephen Baldwin! She has been showing off all her high fashion modeling photos all over the Internet, not going two days without taking a selfie in one aspect or another. However, what is with her face in this picture? This just goes to show that the Paparazzi will snag an ugly shot of anyone, including someone as gorgeous as Ms. Hailey. She is known to snap at the paps, and for good reason. Who wants a picture of themselves on the Internet looking like this? Pass!

    4 Kendall Jenner

    Kendall Jenner has completely taken over every runway across the globe. It's hard to think of a major high end designer that she hasn't been part of in some way or another! Being part of the Kardashian/Jenner clan, she is destined for stardom. Like every other one of those family members, she is not shy from posting a selfie or two. Apologies, but we don't care how “high fashion” this is, this strips away so many qualities that make Kendall stunning. This haircut does her face no favors, or her bleach blonde eyebrows, or this bizarre headband that looks like was bought from the beauty aisle of CVS. Not to mention the pounds and pounds of white powder that was applied to her face. There is no denying that she is unrecognizable! We are not sure what Marc Jacobs was thinking making her look like this, but we are not fans. If a shock factor was what he was going for, then he accomplished his mission.

    3 Kourtney Kardashian

    The mom of three has seriously been feeling herself lately, and with good reason - she has never looked better. One glance at her Instagram and you will see for yourself how much she agrees with that statement. An EliteDaily article recently pointed out how much Kourt is embracing her new hotness - with multiple, extremely similar headshots on the same brown wall. All of the Kardashians are glam queens, and they know how to work their angles, and they are also very aware of their good and bad angles. Why wouldn't they, they make a living off documenting their lives! With their level of fame, there is bound to be a horrid picture of them or two floating around the depths of the Internet, and this is a prime example. Talk about Myspace mirror selfie! Why is she holding her hair like that? She also looks like she hasn't gotten sleep in months - which is totally possible with three little ones!

    2 Kylie Jenner

    WOW! Compare this photo to any of Kylies recent selfies, and you will not believe that it is the same person. With each passing day, Kylie's face and body looks different and different. She wouldn't dare to post such a hideous picture of herself on Instagram. She has been quoted saying that she constantly needs to keep up with an “appearance” and with her incessant selfies as proof. These kinds of statements also make us believe that she undergoes constant plastic surgery, and it is hard to deny when you see a picture versus her in 2017. Her bone structure is completely different in this throwback picture of Miss Jenner. She claims that her transformation is from “puberty” but that's hard to believe - considering that puberty doesn't give you a completely new face. Plenty of people have grown up in the spotlight and their face looks pretty much the same. Sorry Kylie, we're totally not buying that excuse

    1 Kim Kardashian

    Do you think we forgot about the OG? We had to include the reigning queen of selfies. Kim Kardashian single handedly brought the selfie (and the belfie) to the Internet, so best believe that we are including her on this list! She has earned millions from these selfies, we don't even want to know what she charges to promote a product on her social media empire! If you are a Kim K fan, you know that she has the UGLIEST crying face - pictured here. This scene was from Keeping Up with the Kardashians when she was upset about her failing marriage with Kris Humphries, which only lasted just a few months. Kim's crying face has become an Internet sensation. She can even embrace her most vulnerable moments and make money off of it, the face is now printed in some of her merchandise - incredible. It doesn't change the fact that the face is absolutely horrifying!