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    15 Insane Beauty Treatments Behind Celebs' Flawless Looks

    Celebrities put a lot of time and effort into their appearance because, well, looking fantastic on camera is a huge part of their job. Whether they're prepping for a big cover shoot for a fashion magazine or just doing the press rounds for their newest project, they need to make sure they're always looking flawless. And yes, a professional hair and make-up team can work wonders, but they need to have a reasonably solid base to work with - so celebrities are expected to keep their skin, hair, and all the rest looking fabulous.

    Now, when it comes to celebrity beauty routines, money is definitely no object - they don't think twice about dropping hundreds on a face cream or scheduling regular, expensive appointments with their celeb-approved dermatologist, or going for regular colouring appointments with their genius colorist. However, it's not only money that celebs are willing to throw out the window when it comes to beauty routines - it turns out, they're willing to throw any preconceived notions out the window as well. Sure, they use regular creams and conditioners like the rest of us, but they're also constantly trying out products with crazy ingredients and weird treatments, all in the name of beauty.

    Trust us - as gorgeous as they look on the red carpet, they definitely did not wake up like that. Here are 15 crazy beauty treatments behind celebs"flawless' looks.

    15 Bee stings

    Even if you're not actually allergic to bee stings, chances are, you want to avoid the painful prick at any cost - I mean, they're just no fun. The question is, if you found out that bee stings could actually enhance your beauty, would you change your mind? Look, we've all heard the phrase 'beauty hurts' but this is taking it to an entirely different level. However, queen of weird treatments, Gwyneth Paltrow, is more than willing to cozy up to some bees if it means she'll stay looking flawless. In an interview with the New York Times, Paltrow confessed that “I've been stung by bees. It's a thousands of years old treatment called apitherapy. People use it to get rid of inflammation and scarring. It's actually pretty incredible if you research it.” Anti-inflammatory treatments and potions are definitely trending right now, but we can't help but wonder if there's an easier way to get the desired affect than, you know, getting stung by bees.

    14 Lighting your hair on fire

    Since their hair is constantly being teased, treated and tampered with for photo shoots and red carpet appearances, celebrities have to be super vigilant about taking care of their locks. That means plenty of hair masks and treatments designed to restore moisture to those thirsty locks. However, one Victoria's Secret Angel with lovely locks, Alessandra Ambrosio, has a bit of an unusual answer to her hair woes - just burning it off. You see, there's a Brazilian treatment called velaterapia, where split ends are literally burned off with an open flame. Fans discovered Ambrosio's secret beauty routine after she posted a shot of her treatments in progress, and we can't help but hope that women leave this to the pros - waving an open flame around your locks seems like a recipe for disaster, and quite honestly, split ends is preferable to literally lighting your hair on fire. Although, we can't help but envy Ambrosio's killer locks.

    13 Placenta skin cream

    Many people claim that pregnant women have a particular 'glow,' that their skin is always radiant and fresh. However, this particular beauty treatment capitalizes on that glow in an entirely different way. Apparently, there are some pricy skin creams on the market that contain placenta, and are said to boost moisture levels as well as collagen production for a youthful, radiant glow. Alleged fans of these creams include the gorgeous Eva Longoria and Katie Holmes. If you're going to try out a strange beauty treatment, we suppose it's better that it's accessible in an easy to use cream rather than a DIY solution - we're shuddering at the mere thought! Well, it just goes to prove that when you're a celebrity, you'll try just about anything if it means you'll keep that complexion looking flawless - placenta included. Many other celebs have literally eaten their own placenta for the health benefits, so perhaps just applying a cream including the ingredient isn't as radical in comparison.

    12 Hemorrhoid cream

    Hemorrhoid cream is designed to treat, well, certain areas of the body that celebrities generally don't like to discuss in public. However, apparently the product has more uses than the packaging claims - and there are celebrities who are stocking it in their beauty bag rather than in the deepest, darkest corners of their bathroom cabinets. You see, hemorrhoid cream allegedly reduces the puffiness and lines around the eyes, helping deal with that pesky aging that Hollywood is so frightened of. Sandra Bullock herself has tried out the treatment, saying that “I didn't realize that putting hemorrhoid ointment on your face is acceptable in the beauty business, but apparently, butt cream helps lines around the eyes!” Certain experts have expressed wariness about this treatment, suggesting that it might not be the most appropriate for the delicate skin around the eyes, but we can't help but wonder, given that Sandra Bullock looks about twenty years younger than she actually is.

    11 Red wine bath

    When we say red wine bath, we're not talking about a lush bubble bath with a big glass of red wine resting on the side of the tub - although that's a fantastic solution to unwind after a long week. No, we're getting a lot more literal. Apparently, actress Terri Hatcher's beauty routine includes a bath with an entire bottle of red wine poured in. She has said that the nutrients from the grapes in the wine work to nourish and soften the skin, although given how drying we all know alcohol is, we can't help but wonder if the pros and cons essentially cancel one another out. At the same time, the idea of bathing in a bath with a bottle of red wine in it seems so insanely decadent that we sort of want to try it. Perhaps buy yourself two bottles - one for the tub, and one for you.

    10 Leeches

    There are certain medical cases where leeches are used because of their particular skill set, but when it comes to Hollywood beauty, absolutely nothing is off limits. Apparently, actress Demi Moore's beauty routine includes trips to Austria to allow “trained medical leeches” to suck all the toxins out of her body so that she leaves feeling fresh, detoxified, and oh-so-gorgeous. That's right - when you're a celebrity, you get access to all the latest treatments, even if they may not exactly be for cosmetic purposes. Most women would be willing to try just about anything if it meant they looked as gorgeous as a Hollywood celebrity, but we have to confess, blood-sucking leeches might be where we draw the line. Perhaps a week-long diet of fruits and veggies and a lot of herbal tea and water would achieve the same results while still leaving all the blood in your body, no?

    9 Bird poop facial

    If you're a fan of reading all the celebrity gossip, chances are you heard about this particular beauty treatment back when it was first making the rounds in Hollywood - but frankly, we still kind of can't believe that someone convinced celebs this was a good idea. Apparently, celebrities including the gorgeous and super chic Victoria Beckham were flocking to beauty salons in order to get a trained professional to apply a Japanese Geisha facial - a treatment that involves using nightingale droppings to form a type of paste that leaves you looking flawless. There's a lot to be said for natural treatments that swap chemicals and products created in laboratories for ingredients from nature, but… this might be a little too natural for most women. Even in the ritziest salons, we can't imagine having a facial compromised of bird poop really smells that great or makes you feel that glamorous while it's being applied. Are the results worth it? That depends on what your poop tolerance is.

    8 Milk face spray

    There are many sprays on the market designed to hydrate and nourish your skin, often including oils or vitamins in addition to water. However, when it comes to face spray, supermodel Cindy Crawford doesn't hit the beauty aisle - she hits the grocery store. Apparently, Crawford's beauty routine includes literally spraying her skin with milk. On the one hand, we can see some of the reasoning behind why it would work - it's full of protein and calcium and nutrients, and it's not exactly packed with chemicals. However, anyone who has ever spilled milk or left it out too long knows that it can develop a bit of a funky smell, so we can't help but wonder how that would play out with this spray. Still, when you see how flawless Cindy Crawford looks even years after her modeling days were wrapped up, it's tempting to test out her beauty routine, as crazy as it may seem.

    7 Synthetic snake venom

    Snake venom is a poisonous thing that should be avoided at all costs, right? Well, if you're a celebrity, maybe not. There's a synthetic snake venom-based product called Syn-ake on the market that works as an anti-aging treatment, essentially acting a little bit like Botox and helping to reduce wrinkles and relax facial muscles. Some celebs who have tested it out reportedly include Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes and Debra Messing. Now, there's no secret that Botox has become absolutely huge in Hollywood as more and more celebrities are trying to stay looking young, but the idea of incorporating snake venom into your beauty routine, even if it's just a synthetic variation, seems a little bit bizarre. Judging by how the celebrities who have reportedly tried it look, though, it obviously does something good - they're all totally flawless. Still, we can't help but fear this is the type of treatment that could go very, very wrong.

    6 Earthworm casting cream

    If the bird poop facial just wasn't enough for you, you can take your beauty routine to the next level with Wrinkle Butter, a product created by Fresh Beauty Market that includes earthworm castings. For those who don't know, earthworm castings are, well, their excrement - so yes, they've incorporated excrement into yet another beauty product. While the company refuses to reveal exactly which celebrities have tried out the product, they have hinted that at least a dozen celebrities out there have incorporated the cream into their beauty routines at some point. The miracle product is said to help reverse the aging process, as well as help with difficult skin conditions like eczema. However, if you're the type of person who shudders when you see earthworms scattered all along the sidewalk after a big rainstorm, chances are you might be a little too weirded out to slather this all over your face.

    5 Snail facial

    If the idea of putting leeches on your skin is a little too terror-inducing, don't worry - there's another type of strange beauty treatment that involves putting a type of critter on your face. The ever-gorgeous Katie Holmes is allegedly a fan of snail-centric beauty treatments. You see, the strange 'slime' that snails leave behind when they move is apparently rich in anti-oxidants and has the ability to help your skin stay wrinkle-free and glowing. Many companies have capitalized on the snail craze by creating beauty products that incorporate the slime, but for those who want it straight form the source, you'll have to lay back and let them slowly do their work all over your face. You'd better be pretty patient if you want to undertake this particular beauty treatment because, well, snails aren't exactly speed demons, and even with a few working at once, it'll likely take awhile - but sometimes, beauty takes time, right?

    4 Vampire facial

    The 'vampire' facial - a fun nickname for a treatment known as micro-needling or collagen induction therapy - gained popularity when selfie queen Kim Kardashian posted a shot of herself with blood smeared all over her face on Instagram. Now, the one piece of information that makes this a little less terrifying is the fact that it's your own blood - you're not smearing some stranger's blood all over yourself. However, a facial comprised of literal blood is still really, really strange. Allegedly, the process of infusing your own blood in your face can help to increase the platelet count, which leads to a reduction in the size and appearance of wrinkles, but… it hasn't exactly been proven. Regardless, many actresses are settling in their chair at the salon and getting those bloody facials - and since celebs are just about as youth obsessed as vampires, it kind of makes sense. Plus, it's probably good practice if they ever take a role in a vampire flick.

    3 Munching on clay

    Clay face masks are a popular beauty treatment, and can even be pretty relaxing - but that's not what celebs are doing in order to achieve their flawless look. Celebrities like Shailene Woodley are looking to speed up the process a bit by ingesting the clay to really get those detoxifying, cleansing properties ASAP. Now, while clay does help eliminate toxins, let's be serious - your body does a pretty darn good job dealing with toxins on its own, so if you're eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water and all your organs are functioning as they're supposed to, you really don't need to be sprinkling clay on your evening snack. If you really want to test clay out as part of your own beauty routine, perhaps it's best to just mix up some clay masks and let them work their magic on your skin rather than on your insides.

    2 Mayo hair masks

    There are many, many DIY hair masks out there, and a lot of them make sense - there are many natural ingredients that have moisturizing qualities and can help really nourish your locks from the outside in. However, this one has us a little weirded out, to be honest. Would we put honey or avocado in our hair? Absolutely. Mayonnaise? It's a bit of a harder sell. Mayonnaise is essentially just comprised of egg yolks and oil, two things that can be very moisturizing, but there's no denying that it has a very distinctive scent. Regardless, there are many celebrities out there, including Zoe Saldana and Blake Lively, that swear by this trick that has been passed down from their mothers. A mayo masks is said to leave your hair nourished, moisturized, and shiny. If you can handle smelling like a mayo-filled salad for a little bit of time, you might want to try this out.

    1 Kitty litter exfoliant

    Okay, this one is just crazy. There's no doubt that Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi has come a long way in her beauty routine since her Jersey Shore days. However, we're betting a huge, huge part of that transformation is based on the fact that she's eating a healthy diet and exercising now, whereas in her younger years she was regularly binge-drinking and eating junk food. There's one beauty tip that she opted to share, but frankly, it's left us a little bit puzzled. Apparently, she spilled the beans on Conan O'Brien's show, when she said that “I don't like to spend a lot of money on spa treatments, just because I'm like, a cheapo. SO I googled what else I could use that's not so expensive, and it was cat litter!” While cat litter does have large chunks, it seems like it would be way, way too abrasive for your face - but there's no doubt that Polizzi is looking glowing and gorgeous lately, so who knows?