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    15 Insane Celebrity Rumors That May Be True

    If you become a celebrity, you can expect some pretty great things: money, fame, fans… but then there are also some bad things that come along with it like being followed by the paparazzi, criticism from the media, and becoming the subject of lots and lots of rumors. Unfortunately for these celebs, there are some pretty nasty rumors that were spread about them and while we don't know how they started, we do know that they may possibly be true. Though we will never be able to know for sure, based on what we know of the celebrities, it's very possible that these rumors are at least grounded in at least a little bit of fact. Actors and musicians are known for being quirky people, after all, and when you give quirky people lots of money, they tend to do some pretty crazy things.

    You may have heard the most ridiculous and also the most famous rumors such as Jennifer Lopez's insured booty, Cameron Diaz only bathes in Evian water, Disney murdered Lindsay Lohan's twin, and that Avril Lavigne was replaced by a lookalike years ago. However, those rumors are definitely not true. There are some rumors out there that have a very good chance of being totally legit though. The celebrity rumors on this list are the ones that have a real possibility of being grounded in facts. For most of these rumors and conspiracies, we may never know the truth so you'll have to decide for yourself what you believe.

    15 Sylvester Stallone Started the Gerbil Rumor

    The rumor about Richard Gere and the gerbil is stuff of legend and it's one of the most famous (and disgusting) rumors in Hollywood history. The suspicion that Gere had a furry critter lodged in his bum probably isn't true. However, the rumor about who started the rumor may actually be true. They say that the rumor was started when someone faxed a fake hospital report which claimed that Gere had been rushed to the hospital to have a gerbil extracted from his rectum. Who sent the fake hospital report? Possibly Sylvester Stallone. It may have happened when the two were set to star in The Lords of Flatbush together. The actors just couldn't get along and, in the end, the director of the movie chose to let Gere go and keep Stallone in the movie. The Pretty Woman actor didn't like that one bit. Stallone said that Gere believes that it was he who started the rumor about the gerbil but the Rocky actor claims it didn't happen. If this rumor is true, Stallone may be as petty as Taylor Swift.

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    14 Beyonce Faked Her Pregnancy

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    Beyonce's first pregnancy was the biggest news of 2011 and it also gave celebrity conspiracy theorists plenty to speculate over. First of all, people found it very suspicious that Beyonce gave birth in a Manhattan hospital and somehow managed to keep any information or photos of the birth from leaking. Sure, Beyonce and Jay Z are powerful people and if they want privacy they'll get privacy. However, that has not deterred the conspiracy theorists. The most compelling evidence of Beyonce's fake pregnancy is this video of Beyonce sitting down for an interview and her baby bump sort of deflates. This would definitely be a convenient answer as to how she lost the baby weight so quickly. However, there are some who believe that she faked her pregnancy in order to cover up the fact that she was going to raise Jay Z's illegitimate child as her own but that's not very likely. The most probable reason why she may have faked her pregnancy is because she chose to use a surrogate but didn't want the public to know. This is very probable because any time a celeb chooses to use a surrogate, they are generally vilified by the media so why wouldn't they want to hide it? Sad but true.

    13 Margot Robbie is Older Than You Think

    Celebrities lie about their age. Shocker. Usually, celebs will take a year or two off the top when it comes to their age. No big deal. However, there are some like Rebel Wilson who take 6 or 7 years off (Wilson also lied about Rebel being her first name and that her grandmother was Walt Disney's sidekick). You can't really blame actresses who lie about their ages because Hollywood is obsessed with it. It's hard to be an up-and-coming actress when you're in your late twenties. This is why Margo Robbie is probably (most likely) living a lie when it comes to her age. Evidence: In 2008, The Sydney Morning Herald published an article about Margot Robbie and referred to her as a "23-year-old actress." Then in 2016, she claimed to be 25. Either The Sydney Morning Herald didn't do its research or someone's lying. If the Herald was correct, that would make Robbie 32 years old which is totally believable. Obviously Robbie is gorgeous regardless of her age but there is just no way that she's 25. However, 32 in Hollywood is retirement age.

    12 Katy Perry is JonBenét Ramsey

    The case of JonBenet Ramsey has captivated and intrigued the public since she was murdered in 1996. However, there are some who believe that this story is not actually as tragic as we all think. That's right, people actually believe that pop star Katy Perry is JonBenet Ramsey. The conspiracy theory started in 2014 when a Youtube video was posted by Dave Johnson. In the video, Johnson claimed that the 6-year-old beauty queen wasn't actually murdered but she was "sacrificed." Basically he believes that JonBenet's name was sacrificed in exchange for pop stardom. He also pointed out how Perry's parents look eerily similar to JonBenet's parents. Even though Perry was born in 1984 and JonBenet was born in 1990, it hasn't kept people from believing this rumor. As bizarre as it is, it's a nice rumor to believe because it would mean that the innocent six-year-old wasn't brutally murdered. The rumor is very, very far fetched but stranger things have happened.

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    11 Stevie Wonder Isn't Blind

    Stevie Wonder has been blind since he was a child but that hasn't stopped people from believing that he's actually faking. This rumor may seem cruel but there is some pretty compelling evidence. The most compelling evidence is a video from 2010 when Wonder and Paul McCartney performed together in the White House East Room. When McCartney walked to the back of the stage, he knocked over a microphone and, surprisingly, it was caught by the "Superstition" singer. How did he know that the microphone had fallen if he couldn't see it? Obviously he must be able to see… maybe. He also regularly goes to basketball games and why would you want to go to a basketball game if you can't see it? There are probably plenty of reasons why but it still leaves plenty of reasons for the rumor to exist.

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    10 Tom Cruise Auditions Potential Girlfriends

    There are a lot of rumors about Tom Cruise and these rumors lend themselves, in no small part, to his affiliation with the Church of Scientology. Leah Remini's book "Troublemaker" had all kinds of juicy info about the Top Gun star including a hilarious story about how he invited Remini, her husband, Will Smith, and Jada Pinkett-Smith over to his mansion for a game of hide-and-seek. There is another story that she included in her memoir about how the church basically set up an arranged relationship between Cruise and actress Nazanin Boniadi and, subsequently, broke up with her on his behalf. This has been confirmed by various sources but he and the church have both denied it. There are also rumors about how the actor auditions potential girlfriends which was how he ended up with Katie Holmes. As strange as this sounds, it definitely sounds like something that Cruise would be doing since he's, you know, kind of strange himself.

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    9 Ronan Farrow's Father is Not Woody Allen

    Just take a look at these two pictures and decide for yourself which man Ronan Farrow looks most like. With those piercing blue eyes and handsome features, there's just no way that Woody Allen is Ronan's dad. Since his mother, Mia Farrow, was married to Frank Sinatra before she started a relationship with the Annie Hall director, there have long been rumors that she and Ol' Blue Eyes hooked up after they got divorced. Ronan vehemently denies that Sinatra is his father even though he hates Allen for leaving his mother and marrying his adopted sister. You can't deny though that Ronan looks way more like Sinatra than Allen and it's very likely that Ronan is covering up his mother's secret but we'll never know for sure. It is one of the more believable Hollywood rumors though.

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    8 Taylor Swift is a 4chan User

    According to some people on the internet, Taylor Swift is a 4chan user. Not only that but she's a regular on the /b/ forum which is known for its "no rules" policy. Apparently the perpetually heartbroken pop star is very active on the forum and there is some pretty compelling evidence. For starters, in 2011, 4chan users named an anonymous user's cat Meredith on the /b/ forum and Swift debuted her cat on her Instagram a day later… named Meredith. There are a lot of other instances where someone posted a photo on the forum and she then she posted something similar the same day on her Twitter. This may indicate that while she may not be posting on 4chan, she may at least be a frequent lurker. That alone is pretty scandalous. While it may not be true, it keeps the 4chan users up at night connecting the dots on a giant corkboard like an episode of Homeland.

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    7 January Jones' Baby Daddy is Bobby Flay

    January Jones gave birth to her son Xander in 2011 and never revealed who the father is, stating that her son was better of without him. However, it hasn't kept the public from guessing and speculating about who the father might be. Though there are few guys who are possible such as Jason Sudeikis or Michael Fassbender but it's Bobby Flay who is the most suspicious. Though this may seem like an odd pair, it was revealed that she had called Flay after she had crashed her car into several parked cars in 2011. It's a little strange that he was the first person that she called even though they both claimed to not know each other very well. After his messy divorce with actress Stephanie March, his ex-wife claimed that he had cheated on her with January Jones along with other women which makes him a pretty horrible guy and probably not a great dad. Good riddance.

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    6 Khloe Kardashian is Not a Kardashian

    The rumor that Khloe Kardashian is not actually a Kardashian has been around for a long time. The persistence of the rumor lends itself to the fact that Khloe looks so much different than her two sisters since she is so much taller. It didn't help her case that she was also not as petite as Kim and Kourtney. Though there are many people who believe that Khloe's biological father is O.J. Simpson, there is just no way that rumor is true. You can tell by just looking at her complexion. However, two ex-wives of Kardashian patriarch, Robert Kardashian, have claimed that Khloe is not his daughter and that her mother, Kris, had an affair. Jan Ashley, who married Robert Kardashian in 2003, just two months before his death, claimed that he had told her that Khloe wasn't his daughter and the claim is pretty believable. Khloe has all of the fame and fortune associated with the Kardashian name even though it's very possible that she isn't technically a Kardashian.

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    5 Olivia Munn and Aaron Rodgers' Relationship Was Fake

    Here's the thing about celebrity relationships: they're often fake. Sorry to burst your bubble but there are a lot of fake celebrity couples--more than you'd think. According to an expert on the subject, fake celebrity relationships are set up by the respective agents and involve a contract that lasts 2 or 3 years. Usually these relationships are used to either cover up a scandalous secret (often times it's homosexuality) or to advance the career of an up-and-coming actress. Sometimes both. Like the case of actress Olivia Munn and Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers (who were together for exactly 3 years). Fortunately, we live in a time in history where most people don't have to hide their orientation. But for football players it's a little different. Unfortunately, it's common for athletes to hide their orientation since athleticism is generally associated with masculinity which is totally unfair. But there are many rumors swirling around Aaron Rodgers' orientation and the fact that he and Munn never seemed very affectionate though they each played their parts best they could--it would be pretty difficult to pretend to love someone for three years when you were really just contractually obligated to. This relationship was definitely fake but it also definitely helped their respective careers.

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    4 Lena Heady Doesn't Let Her Interns Look at Her

    The rumor that Lena Heady hires interns for the sole purpose of berating and ridiculing them in order to get into character is not at all surprising. Heady who plays Cersei on Game of Thrones is really, really, really good at her job and it is very possible that she uses some unconventional methods in order to get into character. The rumor is that she hires interns in order to verbally abuse them before she films a scene on the show. As cruel as it may sound, there are probably a lot of people out there who would pay to be berated by her so this rumor isn't exactly a stretch. However, there is more to the rumor. The story goes that her interns are only allowed to wear their underwear and are not allowed to look at her unless she tells them to. That's a little extreme but in order to be the badest gal in Westeros, you gotta do what you gotta do.

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    3 Natalie Portman Had a Secret Relationship

    Though Darren Aronofsky is rumored to be dating Jennifer Lawrence, he once had a fling with Natalie Portman while they were filming his movie Black Swan and also while he was married to Rachel Weisz. Though she is now married to dancer Benjamin Millepied with a son named Aleph, there is a rumor that she only married Millepied in order to cover up the fact that her son was actually Aronofsky's. If this is the case, you shouldn't feel too bad for Millepied since he got to marry one of the most famous and talented actresses in the world which also got him a lot more recognition and work. However, though the Closer actress may have had a relationship with Aronofsky, it is also possible that she began a relationship with Millepied in order to make him jealous. Or maybe, just maybe, the two are truly in love. Though we hope that this is the case, it still leaves us wondering.

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    2 Ryan Seacrest is Hiding Something

    Speaking of fake relationships, it would be wrong to not bring up the relationship of Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough. Though Seacrest has dated many beautiful ladies, there has always been a rumor that he is actually gay. Though it would be nice if we lived in a world where people can be open about their orientation, it can also ruin careers. Since the Dancing With the Stars dancer is also an up-and-coming actress (she has been one for awhile), it is possible that the relationship was staged in order to cover up Seacrest's orientation while also propelling Hough into a successful film career. Neither of these things happened since most people still believe Seacrest to be gay and no one takes Hough seriously as an actress. However, the two were definitely a beautiful couple.

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    1 Angelina Jolie and Her Brother Are Gross

    It's weird to kiss your brother on the mouth. There is just no way around that. However, that didn't stop Angelina Jolie from kissing her brother James Haven on the red carpet at the Oscars. Though there is no concrete evidence that the two had an incestuous relationship, the fact that they shared a serious kiss in front of the cameras is evidence enough. At least enough evidence to make you throw up in your mouth. It also didn't help their case that Haven said that he had trouble finding a girlfriend because he already had a "perfect woman" in his life: his sister. Gross. This whole situation gives everyone Cersei and Jaime Lannister vibes which is definitely not a good thing. Of all of the weird rumors in Hollywood history, this one really takes the cake.

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