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    15 Kardashian/Jenner Scandals We Can't Believe

    It may be a brand new year and we may have a ton of resolutions that we're hoping we will actually keep, but one thing's for sure: our obsession with the Kardashians and the Jenners isn't going to change. We can't help but want to know everything that's happening in their lives. It's not our fault. These famous figures are so successful and so social media worthy (oh yeah, and so fashionable) that we feel like the decision to follow their every move is totally out of our hands. With all their business moves and Instagram accounts, we often feel like it's the Kardashian's universe and we're simply living in it. But we're okay with that. We have to admit, though, that this famous fam has more than their fair share of scandals. And somehow, there have even been a few that we have missed.

    Here are 15 Kardashian/Jenner scandals that we can't believe.

    15 Blac Chyna And Rob K's Christmas Fight

    Who could forget when Blac Chyna took baby Dream Kardashian and a lot of other strange things from Rob Kardashian's house right before Christmas? This was definitely a fight for the ages and it was hard not to want to know every single thing that we possibly could about it. We were sad to see the seemingly happy couple go through a really tough time. Since the baby was involved, it became a bit of a scandal… but that was nothing compared to what happened when news broke that apparently Rob's Instagram was hacked. We honestly didn't know who or what to believe and we're still not sure what is true and what is false. All we can say is that we're glad that the two of them seem to have gotten back together. We wish the best for their little family and we hope that this is the end of their scandals.

    14 Blac Chyna Wanting The Kardashian Name

    Talk about setting the stage for some super awkward family dinners. When news broke that Blac Chyna wants to take the Kardashian name as her own -- and that Khloe, Kim, and Kourtney apparently don't want that to happen at all -- it was definitely a real scandal. Taking your soon-to-be husband's last name isn't normally a big deal. It's usually pretty expected and traditional and whether you want to do that is up to you. It's a personal thing. But in this case, the Kardashian name is more than just another old last name. It's a massive brand and it's something that the family members definitely want to protect. And honestly, we can't really blame them. We're not sure how this is going to end up, especially since Rob and Blac's relationship has been on the rocks lately, but chances are we haven't seen the last of the drama.

    13 The Kylie Jenner/Tyga/Blac Chyna Love Triangle

    Romantic scandals are always pretty juicy and nothing is more newsworthy than a love triangle. When we learned that Blac Chyna had a baby with Tyga, aka Kylie Jenner's rapper boyfriend, it was hard not to want to read everything that we could about this whole thing. if of course, you were able to keep up with the whole thing! While we're not ones to pick celebrity faves, because we honestly love them all (or at least most of them), we have to admit that we're taking Kylie's side here. It's kind of impossible not to. But seriously, this must make things super awkward and complicated for the Kardashians and the Jenners. We feel for them because it's hard enough to deal with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriends, especially if there are kids involved, and if everything is pretty much staying in the family, that seems even tougher to handle. Fame and fortune definitely don't make family drama happen less.

    12 Kylie Jenner And Her Older Boyfriend Tyga

    So there's a tiny issue with Kylie Jenner dating Tyga: she's 19 and he's 27. Yeah, that's kind of a big age difference. As in a really, really big age difference. It doesn't really matter because at the end of the day, age is really just a number as the popular saying goes and if two people are in love, that's the most important thing. But this is a scandal since they started dating before she was technically legal. If they weren't famous, then, of course, no one would even know about this and it wouldn't feel like such a big deal. Their fame honestly makes it a scandal. We've gotten over this… a bit. We still think it's pretty newsworthy. But it seems like they don't care and that their love story has no end in sight. We're super happy for them since if it's hard to find love when you're a regular old human being, it seems like it's even harder in Hollywood.

    11 Kendall Jenner Wears A Bra

    As in wears a bra like it's a top. If we had to pick one celebrity or even one Kardashian or Jenner that would do this, it would have to be Kendall. She's a super stylish girl and we love following her every fashionable move. We never know if she's going to wear something like a rock star would, teach us a serious lesson about the art of street style, or wear something super retro and awesome. She keeps us guessing, that's for sure. Before the end of 2016, Kendall was photographed hanging out with her sister Kylie wearing an open jacket that revealed a bra that was absolutely see-through. As in we could see her lady lumps. Um, yeah. Talk about a fashion scandal. What's more is that this photo was on Instagram, so it was pretty hard to ignore, and it was definitely something that we're never going to forget.

    10 Khloe K's Pregnancy Comments

    Remember when Khloe had her show called Kocktails With Khloe? She got in a whole lot of hot water for saying that when Kim lost the baby weight after having her second kid, she could be a guest on the show. Everyone that learned about this was super offended and thought it was the worst thing to say ever. After all, no one is supposed to shame pregnant women for gaining weight… and for not losing that baby weight ASAP after having the kid. Khloe kind of shrugged it off but eventually had to make a statement about what she said. Unfortunately for Khloe, her statement proved that she thought it was a funny comment to make: she said: "She's in hiding until she loses a few pounds!" Oops. When a celebrity says something really offensive, it's pretty much the definition of a scandal, and this is one Kardashian scandal that is up there.

    9 Kim K's 72 Day Marriage

    Kim Kardashian was literally married to Kris Humphries for 72 days. 72 days. That number is so random and that's honestly what makes it such a big scandal. No one could stop talking about this when it happened since everyone thought that Kim had a fairy tale wedding (it was even filmed) and that she would have a fairy tale marriage and life, too. The fact that the marriage was so brief really did shatter all those dreams. The scandal didn't end there, though: the divorce proceedings were pretty dramatic and crazy and went on forever. Absolutely forever. We feel for Kim because we honestly have to take her side here. It seems like she wanted to end things as soon as possible but he wasn't having it and he wanted to make her suffer. At least that's what it seems like. We're not friends with her (despite the fact that we wish we were) so we can only speculate.

    8 Scott Allegedly Cheating On Kourtney K

    Back in October of 2015, it was revealed during an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians that Scott Disick had cheated on Kourtney Kardashian. Or at least was about to cheat. Or something like that. Honestly, what exactly happened and what was true or not was kind of fuzzy, and that is what upset us so much. We have always believed in the power of Kourtney and Scott's love. Always. Even when they split up and were acting like they were only hanging out together for the good of their kids, we knew better. We knew that they still held a candle for each other and that eventually they would realize it and get back together. Thankfully, that moment has come sooner rather than later and now the two are back in lovey-dovey land. But the fact that people thought that he had cheated on her was a pretty big scandal.

    7 Khloe K's 2007 DUI

    Think back to 2007. It's hard to remember what happened back then -- after all, so much has happened in our lives and in the lives of celebrities. But in 2007, Khloe Kardashian was actually arrested for a DUI. It might be kind of hard to believe since she's a really healthy and happy person these days and is the go-to sister for advice on working out and eating well. But she had a DUI and even said she would voluntarily go to prison in 2008. That's all scandalous… but the biggest scandal of all? She was only in jail for a total of three hours (yes, three hours) because they said it was overcrowded. Oh man. Talk about celebrities getting special treatment, right? At least that's what everyone said and thought, and there's nothing like celebs being treated like, well, celebs that gets people talking and turns something into a giant scandal.

    6 Kim K's Song "Jam"

    Okay, so Kim Kardashian's venture into the music business was such a scandal that even she admits that it was a total mistake. That's honestly saying something, right? We don't want to judge her or make fun of her but come on. It's not possible to just decide to become a single randomly one day and release a song. It's just not possible. Thankfully, Kim herself even realized it, so that at least has been cleared up for us. We have to admit that when we first heard the name of the song, we weren't sure if we were supposed to laugh. We think that literally everyone had that experience, though, so we don't feel too bad about it. Why would you name a song "Jam"?! We don't think that celebrities need to be everything and anything. We think that if they're famous for one thing, it's totally and completely okay if they want to just do that one thing. They don't need to be a triple threat or anything like that.

    5 Kylie Jenner And That App Scandal

    Let's call this the first Jenner scandal of 2017. Recently, Kylie Jenner got in some trouble for a post that went up on her app where she apparently said that she uses toys and lingerie to make her relationship work. It was removed and apparently the party line is that she never even wrote this in the first place. In fact, her team insists that she never even had anything to do with this. Hmmm. We're not really sure what to believe because we never know what's true and what's not in this kind of situation. So we're going to remain neutral here. But needless to say, this didn't make her look very good and it is definitely a scandal that will be remembered for a long time. It's just never a good thing when this stuff happens, regardless of who was behind it or it really was something that Kylie did.

    4 Kim K And Kanye West's Rumors

    It pains us to say this but lots of rumors are flying around that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are having issues… and that they have been for a long time. They have definitely had a rough time of things lately thanks to her tragic Paris robbery and his breakdown that landed him in the hospital. We are not going to say that those two events automatically mean trouble in paradise because that would be kind of crazy. Of course, couples can go through things and of course these kinds of high-profile tragedies would create some problems. But we do not want to believe that the rumors are true. We really do not. There are children involved. Besides that, though, we just think that Kim and Kanye are meant to be together. They truly seem well-matched and they honestly seem to be totally and magically in love with each other.

    3 Kendall Jenner's Ballet Photos

    Recently, Kendall Jenner posed as a ballerina for Vogue Spain -- and people went kind of crazy. They thought that it was super offensive for a celebrity and reality television star to pose as a dancer instead of an actual one. We're going to stay super neutral on this subject and we're not going to say how we feel about this. But we do kind of see both sides of the issue. One one hand, it shouldn't seem like such a scandal or such a big deal because lots of celebrities or models have done this or something similar. It's just a magazine shoot, right? On the other hand, we totally can side with dancers because they are really amazing and talented and they deserve to be respected for their talent and their art and their craft. Because Kendall is who she is, of course, this became a huge scandal and it's something that was probably a real pain for her. She just thought she was doing a fun photo shoot and look what happened.

    2 Kim K's Butt Photo

    Come on. We have to admit that we were pretty shocked when Kim released her infamous naked butt magazine cover. We're still pretty much in shock, actually, and we're not sure that we're ever going to get over it. When we think about it, it's kind of crazy how much we freaked out. Isn't it obvious that Kim has a huge butt?! Isn't that kind of the whole point of her and her brand? She's definitely showed it off enough times and talked about how she is proud of her body and that she thinks that being curvy is a really good thing. We definitely support her body confidence and think it's super motivating and inspiring. So just because we think that this photo was a scandal doesn't mean that we think it was a bad idea. It was just pretty surprising. One thing is for sure, we never know what Kim is going to do to surprise us next.

    1 Kim K's Tape That Started It All

    We have to top this list with Kim Kardashian's intimate tape that started this whole thing. It was really the scandal to end all scandals and it just proved that the Kardashians are one family that we can never, ever ignore. From that moment on, we never knew what to expect from Kim or her sisters… and we loved that. We couldn't believe that we had never known about these people before and it seemed like they had definitely been missing from our lives. In fact, we relished it and we thought it was super cool. In the grand scheme of things, this tape isn't that scandalous or that surprising since, come on, lots of celebrities have tapes. The thing that made it a scandal is that Kim was not even famous in the least when it was released. This tape literally made her and her family members famous, and that's what makes it such a big deal. And the world was never the same.