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    15 Kardashian Rumours They Need You To Forget

    In a family as famous as the Kardashian-Jenners, there are bound to be rumours that crop up every day, because when you're splashed across magazines, television, fashion shows, social media, and the Internet, it's impossible to be immune from such scrutiny. While the famous family has lived almost the past decade under the glare of the media spotlight and seem to have no issues discussing their most intimate problems, there are still a few things that they'd rather didn't see the light of day.

    From issues of infidelity to paternity to illegality, the rumour mill keeps churning out some of the most shocking and eyebrow-raising stories when it comes to the Kardashians. Not a day goes by without some “insider”, “source”, or "close friend" spilling the beans - for a price - about the newest development in an explosive story about the family. The saying “any press is good press” is something the Kardashians have used for a while, because it keeps their name on everyone's lips and their face on everyone's screens. However, there is a limit - which is why these are 15 rumours the Kardashian-Jenners NEED you to forget.

    15 Kourtney dated Justin Bieber

    Kourtney is well known for her on-off relationship to professional d-bag and baby daddy, Scott Disick, who claims they haven't rekindled things despite recent photos that revealed the two looking comfortable together.

    During one of their “off” periods this past summer, it was rumoured that Kourtney was hooking up with Justin Bieber, which wasn't only scandalous because of the age difference between the two (she's 37, he's 22), but also because Justin may or may not have hooked up with younger sister Kendall! Justin has been friends with the family for years, and gets along well with Kourtney's kids, Mason, Penelope, and Reign - probably because he still acts like a kid himself! Then there were all those rumours that she might be pregnant with Justin's baby because their bedroom time was reported to be some of the best she'd ever had!

    While the family hasn't publicly come out and admitted the fling, Scott did shade his sort-of-ex on an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians during a game of Cards Against Humanity!

    14 Kylie's lips were from clever makeup

    Remember when the Kardashian-Jenners tried to pretend that Kylie's inflated lips were the result of some clever over-lining and makeup artistry? Yeah, they'd rather we all forget that bold-faced lie. Multiple times, Kylie waved off questions about her plumped-up pout, saying that the rumours were “ridiculous”, “not true”, “insulting”, and “not important”. Her family even corroborated her lie, saying that Kylie created her lips using “expertly applied lip liner and a little lip balm”, according to big sis Kim.

    It wasn't until a preview for a KUWTK episode where Khloe is heard telling Kylie to cop to her lip injections that Kylie is able to reveal her choice to have her lips inflated - despite spending the last two years trying to cover the whole thing up. It seems Kylie's lips have done for her what Kim's rear did for her - it launched her career! With Kylie Cosmetics, the littlest Jenner has made a name for herself as a majorly successful entrepreneur.

    13 Kim's butt is fake

    Speaking of Kim's rear, there have been rumours for ages that Kim's derriere is the work of some skilled plastic surgery, because her shape just seems too preposterous to be real! The asset that made this Kardashian famous has been squeezed into leather, denim, silk, and spandex - and made the front cover of magazines as bare as the day she was born! While many of her sisters have a similarly curvy backside, Kim stands head-and-shoulders above them. To prove that it was au naturel and not the work of a scalpel, Kim subjected her rear end to X-rays to show that there was no foreign object behind the curve.

    However, it seems that the reality of her bum is true - to a point. She does get regular injections to prevent psoriasis, a flaking skin disease, wears underwear that lifts her cheeks, and may possibly have had fat injections. So, not technically surgery in the way that Kylie's lips aren't the result of surgery - it's the Kardashian way!

    12 Kris was the force behind Kim's tape

    Kim was getting minor recognition for being Paris Hilton's BFF (aside from Nicole Richie), who also happened to organize her closet and be treated like another one of Paris's puppies. But, once her adult video with rapper Ray J was released, Kim and the Kardashian family shot to stardom - but it wasn't all Kim's doing.

    While the Kardashians would really rather you forget that they got famous off of Kim's back, the tape isn't going away any time soon - and Kris Jenner is kind of okay with that. It turns out, Kris was actually the driving force behind getting Kim's video released. In the new book, Kardashian Dynasty, it is alleged that Kris not only helped produce the film, but that she also was the one responsible for leaking it! It's a rumour the Kardashians have repeatedly been trying to deny, but with momager Kris in charge, you can't help but wonder…

    11 Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie hooked up with Scott

    Remember how I said earlier that Scott was a total d-bag? Yeah, this is just one of those reasons why. While Scott has previously had a fling with a Kendall Jenner lookalike, there are also rumours that he's indulged in the real thing, and a lot of people point to cozy-looking photos of the two as proof.

    Then, there's the fact that Scott, who has continuously struggled with drug and alcohol abuse (which is part of what led to his most recent split with Kourtney), admitted to sleeping with Khloe - specifically in the shower! And then there's the allegations that he's been with Kylie, who has grown up from a cute little-sister type to a scantily-clad, pouty-lipped adult. In fact, the only Kardashian sister Scott has apparently claimed to have not slept with is Kim! He even said he could have had his way with matriarch Kris Jenner! While the Kardashians have often laughed off these rumours, there's no doubt that Kourtney would rather have these whispers dead and buried.

    10 Khloe Kendall, and Kylie are pregnant with Scott's baby

    Speaking of all those hook-ups, it doesn't look good on the Kardashians to have Scott become a baby daddy to another K-named sister. While these rumours are the work of tabloids, it still must be a pretty big blow to Kourtney, who already shares three children with the troubled pseudo-star.

    While the Kardashian-Jenners are known for being tight-knit (for the sake of reality TV or not), it doesn't give you fuzzy family vibes to have this kind of incestuous relationship where they're swapping baby daddies. And Kourtney hasn't always been a fan of that closeness to her on-off SO. She's berated her mom and sister Khloe for continuing to have a relationship with him when she was trying to move on, but it seems like in this (as in most things), the Kardashians are out to help themselves - and their ratings. This type of boyfriend swapping is a rumour the Kardashians for sure would prefer you ignored.

    9 Kim got paid to gain weight

    It's well documented that Kim had a difficult first pregnancy, where her weight gain was mocked by magazines and made the subject of punch-lines on social media. It was cruel for a women going through her first pregnancy, but it would be mean for any woman at any time in her life. Apparently, if rumours are to be believed, Kim was actually getting more than a weight gain and a baby - she was also getting a big, fat pay check!

    Tabloids alleged that Kim was packing on more pounds than was necessary in order to score a lucrative weight loss deal with a major company, which would keep her rolling in dough for a while and add to the famous family's list of endorsements. While this rumour has been debunked multiple times, the Kardashians have still had to fend off similar accusations surrounding Kim's second pregnancy. With all that scrutiny, it's not a surprise that Kim's considering a surrogate for baby number three!

    8 Scott isn't Mason's real father

    Way back in December 2009, Kourtney gave birth to her first child, son Mason, with father Scott Disick.

    But was Scott really the father?

    A former fling of Kourtney's, a model named Michael Girgenti, alleged that he could in fact be the father of Mason, since he and Kourtney had hooked up during one of her off periods with Scott - right around the time Mason would have been conceived. Michael also said that Mason simply didn't look like Scott, and that the youngster took after him more in terms of appearance.

    The rumour got so bad, covering tabloids and popping up all over the Internet, that in an effort to squash the rumours, Kourtney agreed to have a court-ordered DNA test to determine the truth - which ended up being that Scott was in fact Mason's father. That still doesn't sit well with Michael, though, who continues to believe (as recently as 2015) that the results were falsified in order to keep everything in the family.

    7 Kim's 72-day marriage was a sham

    It was the divorce heard round the world when Kim decided to split from NBA player Kris Humphries after a multi-million dollar wedding and a mere 72 days of marriage. That short length of time is what had a lot of people crying foul, saying Kim had used the marriage as another way to rake in extra cash. Plus, when a wedding is filmed for TV, viewers can't help but think that the ceremony is more for publicity than passion.

    Kim allegedly made $2 million for the wedding (with $1 million for the televised ceremony alone), and while the marriage was crazy short, it took over 500 days for the divorce to actually be finalized! The reason? Kris was dragging his feet trying to find proof that Kim's agreement to marriage was more for the dollars than for love. With the history of failed relationships and marriages among the Kardashian family, it's no surprise that the ladies have tried to keep a lid on this rumour.

    6 Kanye is into men

    Kanye West is clearly an eccentric man - and not always in a good way. It may be those eccentricities, plus his close relationships with male fashion designers like Riccardo Tisci and Olivier Rousteing that have led to speculation that Kanye is a closeted gay man who is using Kim as his beard!

    If you remember that crazy Twitter war between Kanye and Wiz Khalifa, in which ex Amber Rose jumped in with a particularly memorable hashtag, many people - including talk show host Wendy Williams - took that to mean that Kanye was in fact gay. While Kanye's sexuality is no one's business, it hasn't stopped media outlets from speculating on the true nature of Kim and Kanye's relationship. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that Kanye has never directly addressed these rumours and continues to maintain close relationships with the previously-mentioned designers. No wonder the Kardashian fam has tried to brush off this rumour as more fiction than fact.

    5 Kris knew about Caitlyn's transition

    There had been rumours for years regarding Caitlyn Jenner's transition, which the Kardashian family fended off until Caitlyn finally admitted that she was transgender and decided to reclaim her true self and live the rest of her life as the woman she had always felt she was.

    However, this decision was not without its share of controversy, especially since her ex-wife, Kris, claimed to have had no knowledge of Caitlyn's decision previously. While Kris said that she had no idea about Caitlyn's intentions, which began in the '80s with hormone therapy, Caitlyn has stated that Kris knew and was fine with it, as long as she wasn't walking around the house in women's clothes for the children to see. Even as recently as August 2016, Kendall declared to Vogue that Kris knew about Caitlyn's true gender since their third date. All the evidence has piled up, but for Kris' pride, she's tried to sweep the truth under the rug.

    4 Kylie & Tyga were involved before she was legal

    The littlest Kardashian-Jenner, Kylie, has been in an on-off relationship with rapper Tyga for a while now, and while the seven year age difference has raised eyebrows, it's the fact that the two may have gotten together before Kylie was legal that really has people saying, "WTF". The two were first spotted out together when Kylie was only 16, but reports have said that the couple were involved when she was as young as 14! His 2015 song, 'Pleazer', is allegedly all about Kylie, with graphic, NSFW lyrics when she was still underage!

    The two came out in public as a couple once Kylie turned 18, but the ick factor is due to Kylie's younger age when they were first allegedly involved, and the fact that Tyga apparently has an interest in much-younger women! Not too long ago, he was accused of chatting up a 14-year-old on Instagram! It doesn't look like Kris Jenner would win any 'Mom of the Year' awards for letting this relationship fly!

    3 Khloe isn't a real Kardashian

    This is one rumour that hasn't been put to rest for years, no matter how hard the Kardashians have tried. Since Kris has a history of infidelity in her relationships, and since Khloe doesn't quite resemble her petite sisters, it's been suggested that Khloe isn't a real Kardashian. Instead, fingers have been pointed at multiple men who could be her biological daddy, including Alex Roldan, Kris' longtime hairdresser; Lionel Richie, the famous singer who allegedly hooked up with Kris while she was still married to Robert Kardashian; and even O.J. Simpson, Robert's close friend who was acquitted of murder in 1995.

    In fact, the rumours have gotten so out of control that O.J. even stated that he would submit to a DNA test - if his potential daughter visited him and “showed him a little respect” first. This is a pretty brutal rumour to have in circulation, and one that's contributed to Khloe feeling like an outsider for most of her life, so it's no surprise that the fam would prefer if it was finally buried.

    2 Kris' behavior

    Kris Jenner is known for being a pretty awful mom, in terms of putting her family's fame and fortune above their wellbeing, and her willingness to sacrifice their health for the sake of higher ratings. While this could qualify as mental and emotional abuse to a degree, there are also rumours that Kris has used more than words to keep her kids in line.

    Back in 2013, portions of the late Robert Kardashian's alleged diaries were released, which described instances in which Kris would beat the children, pull their hair, twist their arms, and leave them home alone without a guardian. Kris was quick to react, sending out the Kardashian clan to put these rumours on mute, which were first dredged up by an ex of Robert's. While there seems little basis in fact beyond hearsay, they still don't paint a very happy picture of the famous family - which is why they need you to forget them ASAP.

    1 Kim & Kanye are getting a divorce

    The most recent rumour on our list may also be the most explosive. Since Kim and Kanye married, they have become a powerhouse couple, master manipulators of the media, and fashion icons for many. With Kanye's recent admission into the hospital and Kim's Paris robbery, plus the addition of two young children, the stress the couple has endured would be a major burden on anyone. While the couple aren't exactly known for being all smiles in public, they certainly don't want their fans to think that they're on the brink of divorce. People have pointed to the recent absence of Kim's wedding ring to rumours that she's been cheating on Kanye while he rests up as proof of their impending divorce. Kim seems like a woman who really wants her happily ever after, and Kris can probably see that having her daughter with Kanye is better than having her without, which is why this rumour is the #1 they'd want you to forget.