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    15 Moments You Completely Missed In 'The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' Latest Episode

    In the crowded TV landscape, one thing is for sure: you can't get enough of the Real Housewives. There's literally no better show when you want to curl up on the couch, relax and forget about your crazy busy life. Sure, sometimes reality television isn't all that realistic, and you're left wondering what is real, what is fake, and what has been manufactured for the sake of the cameras. But when it comes to your Housewives, you don't really care about that. You love these women, you love their friendships, and you're always on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what crazy antics they will get up to. Because you just know it's going to be a super wild ride.

    One of your faves is, of course, The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills and the seventh season is currently airing. Since it's probably freezing AF where you live, it's nice to watch these women in a hot place like California. It's almost like you can feel the warm sun on your face. Okay, not really but a girl can dream.

    You may watch this show pretty much religiously and you may have tuned into the latest episode, but that doesn't mean that you noticed every single little thing that went down. Here are 15 moments that you completely missed in the January 31st episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

    15 Kyle Totally Lusts After Mauricio's New Malibu Listing

    Last episode, we were shown a glimpse of just how rich Kyle and her husband Mauricio are. Her adorable husband has created a serious real estate empire and it's really admirable. Kyle told us (okay, okay, she told the camera but it's the same thing, right?) that she is super proud of her husband because at first, his company only had a handful of employees and one office… and now there are hundreds of employees and several offices. Kyle, Mauricio, their super cute daughter Portia, and Lisa and Ken visited Mauricio's fancy new listing. This mansion is so massive, it needs a new name. You probably completely missed that at the beginning of this episode, Kyle totally was lusting after this house. She definitely wishes she could live there and move in ASAP. She may act like she's simply hosting a party here, but come on. We know the truth.

    14 Kyle Is Having A Party NOT At Her Own House

    It wasn't super obvious from the beginning of the episode since we would assume that if Kyle is throwing a party, she's throwing it at her own house, right? But apparently not. Because if you re-watch the first five minutes of this episode, you will totally realize that Kyle is NOT hosting a party at her house. She's having her annual White Party Except Now It's A Great Gatsby Party at her husband's Malibu listing. Um, what?! Is that even allowed? How can you throw a fabulous bash at a house that you don't even own? Or do they own it since it's her husband's listing and he's going to sell it? Hmmm. Not sure. Maybe if you're that wealthy and beautiful and on The Real Housewives, you can choose to do what you feel like it. Yeah, that's probably it. Side note: Kyle's friends are going to kill her because she's not having her usual white party, don't you think? Or do they not really care that much?

    13 Lisa Vanderpump Throws Kyle Some Serious Shade

    Sure, it makes sense that if Lisa Vanderpump is away on vacation, she wouldn't be free and wouldn't be able to come to Kyle's party. But… you completely missed that Lisa throws Kyle some serious shade. She says, "I need a few days' reprieve with my husband so I'm not coming back for any party, even Kyle's." OMG BURN! Kyle and Lisa are BFFS and even seem like sisters, they are that close. How can Lisa not want to come to her party? Also, if this is an annual party, then wouldn't it be held around the same time every single year? So on that note, wouldn't Lisa know the time frame of the party and plan a trip accordingly? Maybe that means that she really had zero interest in coming and scheduled her vacation at that time on purpose. It's funny and a bit curious that this was just a quick phone call and not a fight or anything like that. Come on people. This is the Housewives! Everything is a fight!

    12 Lisa Rinna Keeps Flour In The Garage

    Yes, really. Maybe you missed this because the focus is on Lisa Rinna's lovely and adorable husband Harry Hamlin making pies. As she says, "Harry Hamlin is a master pie maker." Also, we have to call him by his full name since that's what she does. But there's a moment when Lisa can't find the flour. Again, really. She wonders if they even have flour, which maybe is a Beverly Hills thing? You don't need to keep flour around? Not sure. They eventually find the flour IN THE GARAGE which we just can't wrap our heads around. Who keeps flour in the garage? How was there not enough room in the kitchen? It's a pretty big house and it looks like a pretty big kitchen. We're just not sure what's going on here. But back to Harry: he and model Cindy Crawford apparently used to compete with each other about who made the best pies. Does that mean that they dated?!

    11 Lisa Rinna's BBQ Is Fancier Than She Promised

    Lisa Rinna claims, "When I throw a BBQ, it is a real BBQ." HOWEVER. This is a total lie. You may have completely missed this because when you're watching a Housewives party or event, you don't really get a chance to focus on the details. Nope. You're way too busy watching for digs and insults and fights. You just know there's going to be a massive fight so you're usually waiting for that. But re-watch this episode and you will notice that this is definitely not your average BBQ. Sure, it's in the backyard, that's true, but Harry Hamlin made a blueberry pie so you just know that when you throw a party in the summer, you don't have a famous actor husband baking for you. There's a massive, massive wooden table that has flowers and fancy plates and glasses… and there are bartenders. Yup. Again, not your average BBQ.

    10 Dorit Is Crushing On Harry Hamlin

    When Dorit arrives at Lisa's party, she totally ignores everyone, including Lisa, and rushes over to give Harry Hamlin a hug. Everyone kind of ignores her right back (well, besides Lisa calling Dorrit Eden but that is another story) and no one seems to notice that she seems to be crushing on Harry Hamlin. She calls him "the sexiest man alive" and seriously gave him some googly eyes. Um, Dorit. You are married. Maybe do not hit on another woman's husband when you are married. That might not be the best idea in the world… especially since you are on thin ice with these ladies since you can't seem to stop talking about things that a.) don't even make sense and b.) don't even matter. Just a hint. Of course, she would not listen to us anyway but we think that she should since we are the experts here.

    9 Dorit Doesn't Want To Talk Behind People's Backs

    Of course, you missed this moment because Dorit is the first person in the history of the Housewives franchise to say this. Okay, so we don't have the official stats or anything but that definitely seems to be true. When Dorit and Eden have a sidebar moment sitting on an adorable couch in Lisa Rinna's backyard, Dorit makes the comment that she doesn't want to talk behind Kyle's back because they are good friends. She's right. She's totally right. But there's almost no point for her to say this because reality television, in general, is all about talking behind peoples' backs. And literally, no Housewife can stop talking behind someone else's back. That happens in every single episode, no matter what season, no matter what city. It's just a thing. We think that Dorit has good intentions but she will probably end up chatting about someone behind their backs because it's just not possible not to do that on this show.

    8 Dorit Leaves The BBQ EARLY

    Dorit says, "Believe me, I wouldn't dash, I never do, but I have to do it." Um, what?! Why would you even show up at someone's party if you can only stay for about five minutes? Okay, maybe she was there for ten minutes, let's be more fair here. If our friend did this, we would be super annoyed. We would probably think they were lying or making an excuse because they were bored or just didn't want to hang out with us or something. Also, if you can't stay for an entire party, then why not just tell the host that you can't come because you have a conflict and you are very sorry? It's kind of weird to do this. Did she just show up to stir up some drama? Or did she not realize that she had something else planned and had to leave early? Since apparently, it had something to do with her son, it doesn't really make any sense. Sigh.

    7 Kyle Can't Stand Eden

    Sometimes it can be hard to tell who hates who on this show (or any reality show really) but if you watch this episode closely, you will realize that Kyle really can't stand Eden Sassoon. She just can't. In her moment when she speaks to the camera, she says that Eden is a really weird hugger and comes in way too close. Hope you can defend yourself, Kyle, because that kind of smack talk might come back to haunt you. Okay, it will absolutely come back to haunt you. Of course, Kyle has a good reason for not loving Eden and wanting to be BFFS right away: Eden won't stop talking badly about Kyle's sister Kim and saying that she's still struggling with alcoholism and being really mean to her. It doesn't matter if you're a reality TV star or not, you definitely hate when people say awful things about your family members, right?

    6 Eileen Is A Bit Nervous About Erika's Acting

    Halfway through the episode, we finally get to see Erika act on Eileen's show, but before she starts rehearsing, Eileen says something that is a throw-away comment and maybe not meant to be super mean… but it does sound kind of harsh. She says that you never know what someone will do when you see them act because they might "choke." Sure, as Housewives comments go, this is not insanely rude or anything. It is not like she says it to Erika's face and of course, she is being really sweet and supportive by having her own show. But come on, Eileen. Maybe do not even say something like this at all because of course people get nervous about doing all kind of things, and if you are not used to acting professionally, then, of course, you would be anxious about it. It would be weird if you were not, right?

    5 No One Cares That It's Not A White Party

    Near the end of the episode, we figure out the truth: nobody cares that it's not a white party. Kyle may say that her white party is an annual Beverly Hills staple and maybe it's an amazing night. But come on. No one cares. Because it's just a party. Also, let's be honest here: everyone fights at Kyle's white party and no one seems to have much fun. Plus she spends an absolute fortune on it. Of course, she probably shelled out an insane amount of cash for this party too so it's not like she saved any money. But it's not possible to throw a Beverly Hills party without spending an absolute ton. That's basically a rule. Maybe Kyle is expecting people to sob and scream that it's not a white party but no one seems to be all that upset, let alone even notice. Interesting. But the ladies are definitely shocked by how beautiful the property is, so there's that.

    4 Kyle HATES Walmart

    Okay, so this is not exactly a plot point or even a big deal, but Kyle makes a throwaway comment about Walmart when talking to her party planner. He suggests buying heaters somewhere since it is freezing apparently (really how cold can it possibly be in California?) and he suggests Walmart. Kyle makes a face and says sarcastically, "There is a Walmart near here?" She seems to think that he is lying and joking and he shrugs and smirks. So we are unclear about whether there really is a Walmart in Malibu or if he thought that was funny. Either way, it is totally clear from this tiny moment that Kyle hates Walmart and does not want people to even mention it to her. Okay, noted. We wonder if Kyle has ever even been inside a Walmart? Probably not judging by the expression on her face and the tone of her voice.

    3 Eden Is A Huge Judger

    Eden is also possibly delusional. Sorry, Eden but we just don't really know why you can't let a subject go already. The thing is that we have no clue if Kim is still drinking or if she really is healthy. We are hoping for the latter, of course, but since we don't know her, we can't say for sure. The thing is that Eden is STILL talking about how she doesn't think that Kim is really sober. She literally talks about this in every single scene in every single episode. Kim tells Eden that "you're not supposed to judge" or have "expectations" about this kind of thing. So it's good that Kim and Kyle are finally standing up for themselves because it's kind of strange for someone else who's not related to them to be so totally obsessed with this whole situation. Eden keeps acting like Kim is going to wind up like her late sister, and we just think that's going a bit far. Unless there is absolute proof, it seems strange to keep bringing it up.

    2 This Episode Is ALL Eden

    You may have been too focused on Lisa Rinna's non-BBQ BBQ and Kyle's Gatsby party in a house that she doesn't live in to notice. But Eden really is basically this entire episode… for better and for worse. We're not really sure how to feel about Eden yet. We're definitely on the fence about it because she really just keeps talking about Kim's problems and it's seriously starting to get old. No one seems to like her all that much either. Well, besides Lisa Rinna. Those two are super close already and seem like BFFs/sisters. Kim says that she doesn't think that she and Eden will end up super close friends, Kyle is seriously exhausted and doesn't want to hear Eden talk about her family anymore, and Dorit tells Eden to stop talking about people behind their backs. So maybe you didn't realize but this episode was all about Eden.

    1 There Is Not Enough Lisa Vanderpump

    An entire RHOBH episode without Lisa Vanderpump?! Now that would just be unheard of. And just totally and completely unfair. We work hard, we try to be good people, and we just ask one thing: that we can tune into this show every week and see Lisa Vanderpump. She's just too wonderful and fabulous for words. She's hilarious, she's charming, and she wears the most outrageous clothes (in the best way possible). We pretty much want to cry about the fact that there was no Lisa V. in this episode. A super brief phone call with Kyle and talking to the camera for one second just doesn't count. Sorry but that's not enough for us. Thankfully, our entire lives are saved at the last minute when Lisa V. shows up in a fabulous dress (as always). But sorry, this still isn't enough because we want her to be in every scene of every episode. As drama goes, this episode wasn't crazy full of it, but there's always next week.